blob: 6e915444add55c8c02f69920ae2d7d734abad8e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::display_metrics::{DisplayMetrics, ViewingDistance},
crate::graphics_utils::{ScreenCoordinates, ScreenSize},
crate::scene_manager::{self, SceneManager},
fidl, fidl_fuchsia_ui_app as ui_app, fidl_fuchsia_ui_gfx as ui_gfx,
fidl_fuchsia_ui_scenic as ui_scenic, fidl_fuchsia_ui_views as ui_views,
fuchsia_scenic as scenic, fuchsia_scenic,
pub type FocuserPtr = Arc<ui_views::FocuserProxy>;
/// The [`FlatSceneManager`] constructs an empty scene with a single white ambient light.
/// Each added view is positioned at (x, y, z) = 0, and sized to match the size of the display.
/// The display dimensions are computed at the time the [`FlatSceneManager`] is constructed.
pub struct FlatSceneManager {
/// The Scenic session associated with this [`FlatSceneManager`].
pub session: scenic::SessionPtr,
/// The view focuser associated with the [`session`].
pub focuser: FocuserPtr,
/// The id of the compositor used for the scene's layer stack.
pub compositor_id: u32,
/// The size of the display, as determined when [`FlatSceneManager::new()`] was called.
pub display_size: ScreenSize,
/// The root node of the scene. Views are added as children of this node.
pub root_node: scenic::EntityNode,
/// The metrics for the display presenting the scene.
pub display_metrics: DisplayMetrics,
/// The [`scenic::ViewHolder`], and their associated [`scenic::EntityNodes`], which have been
/// added to the Scene.
views: Vec<scenic::ViewHolder>,
/// The node for the cursor. It is optional in case a scene doesn't render a cursor.
cursor_node: Option<scenic::EntityNode>,
/// The shapenode for the cursor. It is optional in case a scene doesn't render a cursor.
cursor_shape: Option<scenic::ShapeNode>,
/// The resources used to construct the scene. If these are dropped, they will be removed
/// from Scenic, so they must be kept alive for the lifetime of `FlatSceneManager`.
_resources: ScenicResources,
/// A struct containing all the Scenic resources which are unused but still need to be kept alive.
/// If the resources are dropped, they are automatically removed from the Scenic session.
struct ScenicResources {
_ambient_light: scenic::AmbientLight,
_camera: scenic::Camera,
_compositor: scenic::DisplayCompositor,
_layer: scenic::Layer,
_layer_stack: scenic::LayerStack,
_renderer: scenic::Renderer,
_scene: scenic::Scene,
impl SceneManager for FlatSceneManager {
async fn new(
scenic: ui_scenic::ScenicProxy,
display_pixel_density: Option<f32>,
viewing_distance: Option<ViewingDistance>,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let (session, focuser) = FlatSceneManager::create_session(&scenic)?;
let ambient_light = FlatSceneManager::create_ambient_light(&session);
let scene = FlatSceneManager::create_ambiently_lit_scene(&session, &ambient_light);
let camera = scenic::Camera::new(session.clone(), &scene);
let renderer = FlatSceneManager::create_renderer(&session, &camera);
// Size the layer to fit the size of the display.
let display_info = scenic.get_display_info().await?;
let size_in_pixels = Size {
width: display_info.width_in_px as f32,
height: display_info.height_in_px as f32,
let display_metrics =
DisplayMetrics::new(size_in_pixels, display_pixel_density, viewing_distance, None);
scene.set_scale(display_metrics.pixels_per_pip(), display_metrics.pixels_per_pip(), 1.0);
let layer = FlatSceneManager::create_layer(&session, &renderer, size_in_pixels);
let layer_stack = FlatSceneManager::create_layer_stack(&session, &layer);
let compositor = FlatSceneManager::create_compositor(&session, &layer_stack);
// Add the root node to the scene immediately.
let root_node = scenic::EntityNode::new(session.clone());
let compositor_id =;
let resources = ScenicResources {
_ambient_light: ambient_light,
_camera: camera,
_compositor: compositor,
_layer: layer,
_layer_stack: layer_stack,
_renderer: renderer,
_scene: scene,
Ok(FlatSceneManager {
display_size: ScreenSize::from_size(&size_in_pixels, display_metrics),
_resources: resources,
views: vec![],
cursor_node: None,
cursor_shape: None,
async fn add_view_to_scene(
&mut self,
view_provider: ui_app::ViewProviderProxy,
name: Option<String>,
) -> Result<ui_views::ViewRef, Error> {
let token_pair = scenic::ViewTokenPair::new()?;
let mut viewref_pair = scenic::ViewRefPair::new()?;
let viewref_dup = fuchsia_scenic::duplicate_view_ref(&viewref_pair.view_ref)?;
&mut viewref_pair.control_ref,
&mut viewref_pair.view_ref,
let view_holder_node = self.create_view_holder_node(token_pair.view_holder_token, name);
fn session(&self) -> scenic::SessionPtr {
return self.session.clone();
fn display_metrics(&self) -> DisplayMetrics {
fn set_cursor_location(&mut self, location: ScreenCoordinates) {
if self.cursor_node.is_none() {
// We don't already have a cursor node so let's make one with the default cursor
let (x, y) = location.pips();
self.cursor_node().set_translation(x, y, FlatSceneManager::CURSOR_DEPTH);
fn set_cursor_shape(&mut self, shape: scenic::ShapeNode) {
if !self.cursor_shape.is_none() {
let current_shape = self.cursor_shape.as_ref().unwrap();
let node = self.cursor_node.as_ref().unwrap();
self.cursor_shape = Some(shape);
impl FlatSceneManager {
/// The depth of the bounds of any added views. This can be used to compute where a view
/// should be placed to render "in front of" another view.
const VIEW_BOUNDS_DEPTH: f32 = -800.0;
/// The depth at which to draw the cursor in order to ensure it's on top of everything else
const CURSOR_DEPTH: f32 = FlatSceneManager::VIEW_BOUNDS_DEPTH - 1.0;
/// Creates a new Scenic session.
/// # Parameters
/// - `scenic`: The [`ScenicProxy`] which is used to create the session.
/// # Errors
/// If the [`scenic::SessionPtr`] could not be created.
fn create_session(
scenic: &ui_scenic::ScenicProxy,
) -> Result<(scenic::SessionPtr, FocuserPtr), Error> {
let (session_proxy, session_request_stream) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let (focuser_proxy, focuser_request_stream) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
scenic.create_session2(session_request_stream, None, Some(focuser_request_stream))?;
Ok((scenic::Session::new(session_proxy), Arc::new(focuser_proxy)))
/// Creates a scene with the given ambient light.
/// # Parameters
/// - `session`: The Scenic session to create the scene in.
/// - `light`: The [`scenic::AmbientLight`] which is added to the created [`scenic::Scene`].
fn create_ambiently_lit_scene(
session: &scenic::SessionPtr,
light: &scenic::AmbientLight,
) -> scenic::Scene {
let scene = scenic::Scene::new(session.clone());
/// Creates a new ambient light for the [`FlatSceneManager`]'s scene.
/// # Parameters
/// - `session`: The Scenic session to create the light in.
fn create_ambient_light(session: &scenic::SessionPtr) -> scenic::AmbientLight {
let ambient_light = scenic::AmbientLight::new(session.clone());
ambient_light.set_color(ui_gfx::ColorRgb { red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0 });
/// Creates a renderer in the given session.
/// # Parameters
/// - `session`: The Scenic session to create the renderer in.
/// - `camera`: The camera to use for the renderer.
fn create_renderer(session: &scenic::SessionPtr, camera: &scenic::Camera) -> scenic::Renderer {
let renderer = scenic::Renderer::new(session.clone());
/// Creates a new layer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `session`: The Scenic session to create the layer in.
/// - `renderer`: The renderer for the layer.
/// - `display_size`: The size of the display in pixels.
fn create_layer(
session: &scenic::SessionPtr,
renderer: &scenic::Renderer,
display_size: Size,
) -> scenic::Layer {
let layer = scenic::Layer::new(session.clone());
layer.set_size(display_size.width, display_size.height);
/// Creates a new layer stack with one layer.
/// # Parameters
/// - `session`: The Scenic session to create the layer stack in.
/// - `layer`: The layer to add to the layer stack.
fn create_layer_stack(
session: &scenic::SessionPtr,
layer: &scenic::Layer,
) -> scenic::LayerStack {
let layer_stack = scenic::LayerStack::new(session.clone());
/// Creates a new compositor.
/// # Parameters
/// - `session`: The Scenic session to create the compositor in.
/// - `layer_stack`: The layer stack to composite.
fn create_compositor(
session: &scenic::SessionPtr,
layer_stack: &scenic::LayerStack,
) -> scenic::DisplayCompositor {
let compositor = scenic::DisplayCompositor::new(session.clone());
/// Creates a view holder, stores it in [`self.views`], then wraps it in a view holder node.
/// # Parameters
/// - `view_holder_token`: The view holder token used to create the view holder.
/// - `name`: The debugging name for the created view.
fn create_view_holder_node(
&mut self,
view_holder_token: ui_views::ViewHolderToken,
name: Option<String>,
) -> scenic::EntityNode {
let view_holder = scenic::ViewHolder::new(self.session.clone(), view_holder_token, name);
let view_properties = ui_gfx::ViewProperties {
bounding_box: ui_gfx::BoundingBox {
min: ui_gfx::Vec3 { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: FlatSceneManager::VIEW_BOUNDS_DEPTH },
max: ui_gfx::Vec3 {
x: self.display_metrics.width_in_pips(),
y: self.display_metrics.height_in_pips(),
z: 0.0,
downward_input: true,
focus_change: true,
inset_from_min: ui_gfx::Vec3 { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 },
inset_from_max: ui_gfx::Vec3 { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 },
let view_holder_node = scenic::EntityNode::new(self.session.clone());
view_holder_node.set_translation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
/// Gets the `EntityNode` for the cursor or creates one if it doesn't exist yet.
/// # Returns
/// The [`scenic::EntityNode`] that contains the cursor.
fn cursor_node(&mut self) -> &scenic::EntityNode {
if self.cursor_node.is_none() {
self.cursor_node = Some(scenic::EntityNode::new(self.session.clone()));