blob: b504402f32e08223db15db682d235b4b76c2b094 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Internal template which creates an executable launcher for Vulkan host
# executables / tests.
# switches to the target host executable.
# This is required for vulkan_tests as it's currently the only possible way
# to set environments for a specific executable in host tests without affecting
# other tests, since we cannot specify the test_spec manually.
template("_vulkan_executable_invoker") {
assert(is_host, "This template should be used on host toolchain only!")
source_set(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "executable_path" ])
defines = [
if (use_swiftshader_vulkan_icd_on_host) {
defines += [ "VK_ICD_PATH=\"${vulkan_host_runtime_out_root}/${vulkan_host_runtime_sub_dirs.lib}/vk_swiftshader_icd.json\"" ]
} else if (is_mac) {
defines += [ "VK_ICD_PATH=\"${vulkan_host_runtime_out_root}/${vulkan_host_runtime_sub_dirs.lib}/MoltenVK_icd.json\"" ]
sources = [ "//src/lib/vulkan/bin/vulkan_executable_invoker/" ]
# This template is used to create intermediate executable with Vulkan
# dependency for C++ build targets.
# Note: User should not use this template directly, instead they should
# use template "vulkan_test" and "vulkan_executable".
template("_vulkan_executable_intermediate") {
assert(is_host, "This template should be used on host toolchain only!")
# Executable targets built against prebuilt Vulkan runtime.
executable(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "deps" ])
deps = [ "//src/lib/vulkan" ]
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
host_test_data("${target_name}_test_data") {
if (defined(invoker.output_dir)) {
_data_dir = invoker.output_dir
} else {
_data_dir =
get_label_info(":${target_name}($host_toolchain)", "root_out_dir")
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
_output_name = invoker.output_name
} else {
_output_name = invoker.target_name
sources = [ "${_data_dir}/${_output_name}" ]
deps = [ ":${invoker.target_name}" ]
# This template is used to create targets that have Vulkan dependency for
# C++ build targets. It does the following work:
# - For executables / tests on Fuchsia, it adds necessary build dependencies,
# including include directories, Vulkan loaders and Vulkan layers linkage.
# - For executables / tests running on Linux/macOS hosts,
# * It creates an executable named "{output_name}_host_executable"
# (output_name is set to target_name, unless specifically defined) which
# contains the compiled binary results, compiled against prebuilt Vulkan
# runtime libraries.
# * It also creates an executable named "{output_name}", which sets up all
# required environment variables for Vulkan runtime (library lookup path,
# Vulkan layer and ICD descriptors), and then executes the
# "{output_name}_host_executable" file above.
# * The file "{output_name}" (test invoker) will be executed in host tests.
# Note: User should not use this template directly, instead they should
# use template "vulkan_test" and "vulkan_executable".
template("_target_with_vulkan") {
# This template only works for C++ build targets ("executable" and "test").
# Other build targets (e.g. "dart_test") are not supported.
assert(defined(invoker.target_type), "target_type argument is required!")
target_type = invoker.target_type
assert(target_type == "executable" || target_type == "test",
"Unsupported target_type value: $target_type!")
if (is_host && has_prebuilt_vulkan_runtime) {
if (!defined(invoker.output_name)) {
_output_name = target_name
} else {
_output_name = invoker.output_name
_vulkan_executable_intermediate("${target_name}_host_executable") {
output_name = "${_output_name}_host_executable"
testonly = defined(invoker.testonly) && invoker.testonly
_vulkan_executable_invoker("${target_name}_invoker") {
executable_path = "./${_output_name}_host_executable"
target(target_type, target_name) {
deps = [
if (target_type == "test") {
deps += [
} else {
target(target_type, target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ "//src/lib/vulkan" ]
# Build a C/C++ executable to run on the host/target system with Vulkan
# compile-time and run-time dependency.
# For Fuchsia targets, it is equivalent to executable().
# For Linux/macOS hosts, it generates two intermediate executables:
# - {output_name}_host_executable,
# which built from the sources and dependencies specified in the
# build target, with Vulkan runtime libraries copied with tests.
# - {output_name},
# which is the invoker() executable which sets up environment variables
# (library lookup path, Vulkan layer and ICD descriptors) and executes the
# "{output_name}_host_executable" above.
# Users should always execute this executable to use correct Vulkan runtime.
# Parameters
# Same as executable().
template("vulkan_executable") {
_target_with_vulkan(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
if (!defined(target_type)) {
target_type = "executable"
# Build a C/C++ test executable to run on the host/target system with Vulkan
# compile-time and run-time dependency.
# For Fuchsia targets, it is equivalent to test().
# For Linux/macOS hosts, it generates two intermediate executables:
# - {output_name}_host_executable,
# which built from the sources and dependencies specified in the
# build target, with Vulkan runtime libraries copied with tests.
# - {output_name},
# which is the "invoker" executable which sets up environment variables
# (library lookup path, Vulkan layer and ICD descriptors) and executes the
# "{output_name}_host_executable" above.
# Users should always execute this executable to use correct Vulkan runtime.
# Parameters
# Same as test().
template("vulkan_test") {
_target_with_vulkan(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
if (!defined(target_type)) {
target_type = "test"
if (!defined(testonly)) {
testonly = true
# "vulkan_executable" should have the same default configurations as
# "executable" targets, which is defined in "//build/config/".
set_defaults("vulkan_executable") {
configs = default_executable_configs
# "vulkan_test" should have the same default configurations as "test" targets,
# which is defined in "//build/test.gni".
set_defaults("vulkan_test") {
configs = default_executable_configs