blob: 9d00b73135fe092d7de9cb473a51451889e128e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fidl_fuchsia_ui_views::{ViewRef, ViewRefControl},
fuchsia_zircon::{AsHandleRef, EventPair, HandleBased, Rights},
pub struct ViewRefPair {
pub control_ref: ViewRefControl,
pub view_ref: ViewRef,
impl ViewRefPair {
pub fn new() -> Result<ViewRefPair, Error> {
let (raw_control_ref, raw_view_ref) = EventPair::create()?;
// Remove duplication from the control ref. This is the same
let new_rights = (Rights::BASIC | Rights::SIGNAL | Rights::SIGNAL_PEER) - Rights::DUPLICATE;
let control_ref = raw_control_ref.into_handle().replace(new_rights)?;
// Remove signaling from the view_ref
let view_ref = raw_view_ref.into_handle().replace(Rights::BASIC)?;
Ok(ViewRefPair {
control_ref: ViewRefControl { reference: control_ref.into() },
view_ref: ViewRef { reference: view_ref.into() },
/// Given a ViewRef, returns a new version which has been duplicated.
pub fn duplicate_view_ref(view_ref: &ViewRef) -> Result<ViewRef, Error> {
let handle = view_ref.reference.as_handle_ref().duplicate(Rights::SAME_RIGHTS)?;
Ok(ViewRef { reference: handle.into() })
mod tests {
use super::*;
macro_rules! assert_not_contains_rights {
($handle:expr, $test_rights:expr) => {
let basic_info = $handle.reference.as_handle_ref().basic_info().unwrap();
assert_eq!(basic_info.rights & $test_rights, Rights::NONE);
macro_rules! assert_contains_rights {
($handle:expr, $test_rights:expr) => {
let basic_info = $handle.reference.as_handle_ref().basic_info().unwrap();
assert_eq!(basic_info.rights & $test_rights, $test_rights);
fn removes_duplication_from_control_ref() {
let ViewRefPair { control_ref, view_ref: _ } = ViewRefPair::new().unwrap();
assert_not_contains_rights!(control_ref, Rights::DUPLICATE);
fn control_ref_can_signal() {
let ViewRefPair { control_ref, view_ref: _ } = ViewRefPair::new().unwrap();
assert_contains_rights!(control_ref, Rights::SIGNAL);
fn control_ref_can_signal_peer() {
let ViewRefPair { control_ref, view_ref: _ } = ViewRefPair::new().unwrap();
assert_contains_rights!(control_ref, Rights::SIGNAL_PEER);
fn view_ref_can_duplicate() {
let ViewRefPair { control_ref: _, view_ref } = ViewRefPair::new().unwrap();
assert_contains_rights!(view_ref, Rights::DUPLICATE);
fn view_ref_duplicate() {
let ViewRefPair { control_ref: _, view_ref } = ViewRefPair::new().unwrap();
assert!(duplicate_view_ref(&view_ref).is_ok(), "failed to duplicate view_ref");