blob: 8bfeb0d4dc20c5ebb3e66eab5d8b58ca5add7c0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! IP protocol types.
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use net_types::ip::{Ip, Ipv4, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6, Ipv6Addr};
use never::Never;
use packet::{BufferView, BufferViewMut, PacketBuilder, ParsablePacket, ParseMetadata};
use zerocopy::{ByteSlice, ByteSliceMut};
use crate::error::{IpParseError, IpParseResult};
use crate::ipv4::{Ipv4Header, Ipv4Packet, Ipv4PacketBuilder};
use crate::ipv6::{Ipv6Header, Ipv6Packet, Ipv6PacketBuilder};
mod private {
use super::*;
/// Used as a default type for traits. Not exported.
#[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NeverPacket<I: Ip>(never::Never, PhantomData<I>);
use private::NeverPacket;
impl<B: ByteSlice, I: Ip, ParseArgs> ParsablePacket<B, ParseArgs> for NeverPacket<I> {
type Error = IpParseError<I>;
fn parse<BV: BufferView<B>>(_buffer: BV, _args: ParseArgs) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
fn parse_mut<BV: BufferViewMut<B>>(_buffer: BV, _args: ParseArgs) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>
B: ByteSliceMut,
fn parse_metadata(&self) -> ParseMetadata {
/// An extension trait to the `Ip` trait adding an associated `PacketBuilder`
/// type.
pub trait IpExt: Ip {
/// An IP packet builder type for the IP version.
type PacketBuilder: IpPacketBuilder<Self> + Eq;
// NOTE(joshlf): We know that this is safe because the Ip trait is sealed to
// only be implemented by Ipv4 and Ipv6.
impl<I: Ip> IpExt for I {
default type PacketBuilder = Never;
impl IpExt for Ipv4 {
type PacketBuilder = Ipv4PacketBuilder;
impl IpExt for Ipv6 {
type PacketBuilder = Ipv6PacketBuilder;
/// An extension trait to the `IpExt` trait adding an associated `Packet` type.
/// `IpExtByteSlice` extends the `IpExt` trait, adding an associated `Packet`
/// type. It cannot be part of the `IpExt` trait because it requires a `B:
/// ByteSlice` parameter (due to the requirements of `packet::ParsablePacket`).
pub trait IpExtByteSlice<B: ByteSlice>: IpExt {
/// An IP packet type for the IP version.
// TODO( This previously had the bound `Builder =
// Self::PacketBuilder`, but that cannot be satisfied when writing an
// implementation for NeverPacket<I: Ip>; the only value for
// Self::PacketBuilder we have is a defaulted type, which could be
// overridden for some particular value of I.
type Packet: IpPacket<B, Self>;
/// Reassembles a fragmented packet into a parsed IP packet.
fn reassemble_fragmented_packet<BV: BufferViewMut<B>, IT: Iterator<Item = Vec<u8>>>(
buffer: BV,
header: Vec<u8>,
body_fragments: IT,
) -> IpParseResult<Self, Self::Packet>
B: ByteSliceMut;
// NOTE(joshlf): We know that this is safe because the Ip trait is sealed to
// only be implemented by Ipv4 and Ipv6.
impl<B: ByteSlice, I: Ip> IpExtByteSlice<B> for I {
default type Packet = NeverPacket<I>;
default fn reassemble_fragmented_packet<BV: BufferViewMut<B>, IT: Iterator<Item = Vec<u8>>>(
_buffer: BV,
_header: Vec<u8>,
_body_fragments: IT,
) -> IpParseResult<Self, Self::Packet>
B: ByteSliceMut,
impl<B: ByteSlice> IpExtByteSlice<B> for Ipv4 {
type Packet = Ipv4Packet<B>;
fn reassemble_fragmented_packet<BV: BufferViewMut<B>, IT: Iterator<Item = Vec<u8>>>(
buffer: BV,
header: Vec<u8>,
body_fragments: IT,
) -> IpParseResult<Self, Self::Packet>
B: ByteSliceMut,
crate::ipv4::reassemble_fragmented_packet(buffer, header, body_fragments)
impl<B: ByteSlice> IpExtByteSlice<B> for Ipv6 {
type Packet = Ipv6Packet<B>;
fn reassemble_fragmented_packet<BV: BufferViewMut<B>, IT: Iterator<Item = Vec<u8>>>(
buffer: BV,
header: Vec<u8>,
body_fragments: IT,
) -> IpParseResult<Self, Self::Packet>
B: ByteSliceMut,
crate::ipv6::reassemble_fragmented_packet(buffer, header, body_fragments)
/// An IPv4 or IPv6 packet.
/// `IpPacket` is implemented by `Ipv4Packet` and `Ipv6Packet`.
pub trait IpPacket<B: ByteSlice, I: Ip>:
Sized + Debug + ParsablePacket<B, (), Error = IpParseError<I>>
/// A builder for this packet type.
type Builder: IpPacketBuilder<I>;
/// The source IP address.
fn src_ip(&self) -> I::Addr;
/// The destination IP address.
fn dst_ip(&self) -> I::Addr;
/// The protocol (IPv4) or next header (IPv6) field.
fn proto(&self) -> IpProto;
/// The Time to Live (TTL) (IPv4) or Hop Limit (IPv6) field.
fn ttl(&self) -> u8;
/// Set the Time to Live (TTL) (IPv4) or Hop Limit (IPv6) field.
/// `set_ttl` updates the packet's TTL/Hop Limit in place.
fn set_ttl(&mut self, ttl: u8)
B: ByteSliceMut;
/// Get the body.
fn body(&self) -> &[u8];
/// Consume the packet and return some metadata.
/// Consume the packet and return the source address, destination address,
/// protocol, and `ParseMetadata`.
fn into_metadata(self) -> (I::Addr, I::Addr, IpProto, ParseMetadata) {
let src_ip = self.src_ip();
let dst_ip = self.dst_ip();
let proto = self.proto();
let meta = self.parse_metadata();
(src_ip, dst_ip, proto, meta)
impl<B: ByteSlice> IpPacket<B, Ipv4> for Ipv4Packet<B> {
type Builder = Ipv4PacketBuilder;
fn src_ip(&self) -> Ipv4Addr {
fn dst_ip(&self) -> Ipv4Addr {
fn proto(&self) -> IpProto {
fn ttl(&self) -> u8 {
fn set_ttl(&mut self, ttl: u8)
B: ByteSliceMut,
Ipv4Packet::set_ttl(self, ttl)
fn body(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl<B: ByteSlice> IpPacket<B, Ipv6> for Ipv6Packet<B> {
type Builder = Ipv6PacketBuilder;
fn src_ip(&self) -> Ipv6Addr {
fn dst_ip(&self) -> Ipv6Addr {
fn proto(&self) -> IpProto {
fn ttl(&self) -> u8 {
fn set_ttl(&mut self, ttl: u8)
B: ByteSliceMut,
Ipv6Packet::set_hop_limit(self, ttl)
fn body(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl<B: ByteSlice, I: Ip> IpPacket<B, I> for NeverPacket<I> {
type Builder = Never;
fn src_ip(&self) -> I::Addr {
fn dst_ip(&self) -> I::Addr {
fn proto(&self) -> IpProto {
fn ttl(&self) -> u8 {
fn set_ttl(&mut self, _ttl: u8)
B: ByteSliceMut,
fn body(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// A builder for IP packets.
/// `IpPacketBuilder` is implemented by `Ipv4PacketBuilder` and
/// `Ipv6PacketBuilder`.
pub trait IpPacketBuilder<I: Ip>: PacketBuilder + Clone + Debug {
/// Returns a new packet builder for an associated IP version with the given
/// given source and destination IP addresses, TTL (IPv4)/Hop Limit (IPv4)
/// and Protocol (IPv4)/Next Header (IPv6).
fn new(src_ip: I::Addr, dst_ip: I::Addr, ttl: u8, proto: IpProto) -> Self;
impl IpPacketBuilder<Ipv4> for Ipv4PacketBuilder {
fn new(src_ip: Ipv4Addr, dst_ip: Ipv4Addr, ttl: u8, proto: IpProto) -> Ipv4PacketBuilder {
Ipv4PacketBuilder::new(src_ip, dst_ip, ttl, proto)
impl IpPacketBuilder<Ipv6> for Ipv6PacketBuilder {
fn new(src_ip: Ipv6Addr, dst_ip: Ipv6Addr, ttl: u8, proto: IpProto) -> Ipv6PacketBuilder {
Ipv6PacketBuilder::new(src_ip, dst_ip, ttl, proto)
impl<I: Ip> IpPacketBuilder<I> for Never {
fn new(_src_ip: I::Addr, _dst_ip: I::Addr, _ttl: u8, _proto: IpProto) -> Never {
/// An IP protocol or next header number.
/// For IPv4, this is the protocol number. For IPv6, this is the next
/// header number.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum IpProto: u8 {
Icmp, 1, "ICMP";
Igmp, 2, "IGMP";
Tcp, 6, "TCP";
Udp, 17, "UDP";
Icmpv6, 58, "ICMPv6";
NoNextHeader, 59, "NO NEXT HEADER";
_, "IP protocol {}";
/// An IPv6 Extension Header type.
/// These are valid next header types for an IPv6 Header that relate to
/// extension headers. This enum does not include upper layer protocol
/// numbers even though they may be valid Next Header values.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Ipv6ExtHdrType: u8 {
Routing, 43, "IPv6 ROUTING HEADER";
Fragment, 44, "IPv6 FRAGMENT HEADER";
EncapsulatingSecurityPayload, 50, "ENCAPSULATING SECURITY PAYLOAD";
Authentication, 51, "AUTHENTICATION HEADER";
DestinationOptions, 60, "IPv6 DESTINATION OPTIONS HEADER";