blob: bad3bc4d2ce05ba453d6676cc801891eb2993db8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Tools for starting or connecting to existing Fuchsia applications and services.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
self, DiscoverableService, MemberOpener, Proxy, ServerEnd, ServiceMarker,
UnifiedServiceMarker, UnifiedServiceProxy,
ComponentControllerEvent, ComponentControllerEventStream, ComponentControllerProxy,
FileDescriptor, FlatNamespace, LaunchInfo, LauncherMarker, LauncherProxy, ServiceList,
fidl_fuchsia_sys2::{ChildDecl, ChildRef, CollectionRef, RealmMarker, RealmProxy, StartupMode},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, Socket, SocketOpts},
future::{self, BoxFuture, FutureExt, TryFutureExt},
stream::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt},
std::{borrow::Borrow, fmt, fs::File, marker::PhantomData, path::PathBuf, pin::Pin, sync::Arc},
/// Path to the service directory in an application's root namespace.
const SVC_DIR: &'static str = "/svc";
/// A service connection request that allows checking if the service exists.
pub struct ServiceConnector<D: Borrow<DirectoryProxy>, S: DiscoverableService> {
svc_dir: D,
_svc_marker: PhantomData<S>,
impl<D: Borrow<DirectoryProxy>, S: DiscoverableService> ServiceConnector<D, S> {
/// Returns a new `ServiceConnector` to `S` in the specified service directory.
fn new(svc_dir: D) -> ServiceConnector<D, S> {
ServiceConnector { svc_dir, _svc_marker: PhantomData }
/// Returns `true` if the service exists in the service directory.
/// This method requires a round trip to the service directory to check for
/// existence.
pub async fn exists(&self) -> Result<bool, Error> {
match files_async::dir_contains(self.svc_dir.borrow(), S::NAME).await {
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
// If the service directory is unavailable, then mask the error as if
// the service does not exist.
fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed { status, service_name: _ },
)) if status == zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED => Ok(false),
Err(e) => Err(Error::new(e).context("error checking for service entry in directory")),
/// Connect to the FIDL service using the provided server-end.
/// Note, this method does not check if the service exists. It is up to the
/// caller to call `exists` to check for existence.
pub fn connect_with(self, server_end: zx::Channel) -> Result<(), Error> {
0, /* mode */
.context("error connecting to service")
/// Connect to the FIDL service.
/// Note, this method does not check if the service exists. It is up to the
/// caller to call `exists` to check for existence.
pub fn connect(self) -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
let (proxy, server) = zx::Channel::create().context("error creating zx channels")?;
let () = self.connect_with(server).context("error connecting with server channel")?;
let proxy =
fasync::Channel::from_channel(proxy).context("error creating proxy from channel")?;
/// Clone the handle to the service directory in the application's root namespace.
pub fn clone_namespace_svc() -> Result<fidl_fuchsia_io::DirectoryProxy, Error> {
io_util::directory::open_in_namespace(SVC_DIR, fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE)
.context("error opening svc directory")
/// Return a FIDL service connector at the default service directory in the
/// application's root namespace.
pub fn new_service_connector<S: DiscoverableService>(
) -> Result<ServiceConnector<DirectoryProxy, S>, Error> {
/// Return a FIDL service connector at the specified service directory in the
/// application's root namespace.
/// The service directory path must be an absolute path.
pub fn new_service_connector_at<S: DiscoverableService>(
service_directory_path: &str,
) -> Result<ServiceConnector<DirectoryProxy, S>, Error> {
let dir = io_util::directory::open_in_namespace(
.context("error opening service directory")?;
/// Return a FIDL service connector at the specified service directory.
pub fn new_service_connector_in_dir<S: DiscoverableService>(
dir: &DirectoryProxy,
) -> ServiceConnector<&DirectoryProxy, S> {
/// Connect to a FIDL service using the provided channel.
pub fn connect_channel_to_service<S: DiscoverableService>(
server_end: zx::Channel,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
connect_channel_to_service_at::<S>(server_end, SVC_DIR)
/// Connect to a FIDL service using the provided channel and namespace prefix.
pub fn connect_channel_to_service_at<S: DiscoverableService>(
server_end: zx::Channel,
service_directory_path: &str,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let service_path = format!("{}/{}", service_directory_path, S::SERVICE_NAME);
connect_channel_to_service_at_path(server_end, &service_path)
/// Connect to a FIDL service using the provided channel and namespace path.
pub fn connect_channel_to_service_at_path(
server_end: zx::Channel,
service_path: &str,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
fdio::service_connect(&service_path, server_end)
.with_context(|| format!("Error connecting to service path: {}", service_path))
/// Connect to a FIDL service using the application root namespace.
pub fn connect_to_service<S: DiscoverableService>() -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
/// Connect to a FIDL service using the provided namespace prefix.
pub fn connect_to_service_at<S: DiscoverableService>(
service_prefix: &str,
) -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
let (proxy, server) = zx::Channel::create()?;
connect_channel_to_service_at::<S>(server, service_prefix)?;
let proxy = fasync::Channel::from_channel(proxy)?;
/// Connect to a FIDL service using the provided path.
pub fn connect_to_service_at_path<S: ServiceMarker>(service_path: &str) -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
let (proxy, server) = zx::Channel::create()?;
connect_channel_to_service_at_path(server, service_path)?;
let proxy = fasync::Channel::from_channel(proxy)?;
struct DirectoryProtocolImpl(DirectoryProxy);
impl MemberOpener for DirectoryProtocolImpl {
fn open_member(&self, member: &str, server_end: zx::Channel) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
let flags = fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE | fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_WRITABLE;
/// Connect to an instance of a FIDL Unified Service using the provided namespace prefix.
pub fn connect_to_unified_service_instance_at<US: UnifiedServiceMarker>(
service_prefix: &str,
instance: &str,
) -> Result<US::Proxy, Error> {
let service_path = format!("{}/{}/{}", service_prefix, US::SERVICE_NAME, instance);
let directory_proxy = io_util::open_directory_in_namespace(
/// Connect to an instance of a FIDL Unified Service in the service directory of
/// the application's root namespace.
pub fn connect_to_unified_service_instance<US: UnifiedServiceMarker>(
instance: &str,
) -> Result<US::Proxy, Error> {
connect_to_unified_service_instance_at::<US>(SVC_DIR, instance)
/// Connect to the "default" instance of a FIDL Unified Service in the service
/// directory of the application's root namespace.
pub fn connect_to_unified_service<US: UnifiedServiceMarker>() -> Result<US::Proxy, Error> {
/// Connect to an instance of a FIDL protocol hosted in `directory`.
pub fn connect_to_protocol_at_dir_root<S: DiscoverableService>(
directory: &DirectoryProxy,
) -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
let proxy = io_util::open_node(
fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE | fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_WRITABLE,
.context("Failed to open protocol in directory")?;
let proxy = S::Proxy::from_channel(proxy.into_channel().unwrap());
/// Connect to an instance of a FIDL protocol hosted in `directory`, in the `svc/` subdir.
pub fn connect_to_protocol_at_dir_svc<S: DiscoverableService>(
directory: &DirectoryProxy,
) -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
let proxy = io_util::open_node(
&PathBuf::from(format!("svc/{}", S::SERVICE_NAME)),
fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE | fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_WRITABLE,
.context("Failed to open protocol in directory")?;
let proxy = S::Proxy::from_channel(proxy.into_channel().unwrap());
/// Connect to the "default" instance of a FIDL Unified Service hosted on the directory protocol channel `directory`.
pub fn connect_to_unified_service_at_dir<US: UnifiedServiceMarker>(
directory: &zx::Channel,
) -> Result<US::Proxy, Error> {
connect_to_unified_service_instance_at_dir::<US>(directory, DEFAULT_SERVICE_INSTANCE)
/// Connect to an instance of a FIDL Unified Service hosted on the directory protocol channel `directory`.
pub fn connect_to_unified_service_instance_at_dir<US: UnifiedServiceMarker>(
directory: &zx::Channel,
instance: &str,
) -> Result<US::Proxy, Error> {
let service_path = format!("{}/{}", US::SERVICE_NAME, instance);
let (directory_proxy, server_end) =
let flags = fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_FLAG_DIRECTORY
| fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE
| fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_WRITABLE;
fdio::open_at(directory, &service_path, flags, server_end.into_channel())?;
/// Adds a new directory handle to the namespace for the new process.
pub fn add_handle_to_namespace(namespace: &mut FlatNamespace, path: String, dir: zx::Handle) {
/// Adds a new directory to the namespace for the new process.
pub fn add_dir_to_namespace(
namespace: &mut FlatNamespace,
path: String,
dir: File,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let handle = fdio::transfer_fd(dir)?;
Ok(add_handle_to_namespace(namespace, path, handle))
/// Returns a connection to the application launcher service. Components v1 only.
pub fn launcher() -> Result<LauncherProxy, Error> {
/// Launch an application at the specified URL. Components v1 only.
pub fn launch(
launcher: &LauncherProxy,
url: String,
arguments: Option<Vec<String>>,
) -> Result<App, Error> {
launch_with_options(launcher, url, arguments, LaunchOptions::new())
/// Options for the launcher when starting an applications.
pub struct LaunchOptions {
namespace: Option<Box<FlatNamespace>>,
out: Option<Box<FileDescriptor>>,
additional_services: Option<Box<ServiceList>>,
impl LaunchOptions {
/// Creates default launch options.
pub fn new() -> LaunchOptions {
LaunchOptions { namespace: None, out: None, additional_services: None }
/// Adds a new directory handle to the namespace for the new process.
pub fn add_handle_to_namespace(&mut self, path: String, dir: zx::Handle) -> &mut Self {
let namespace = self
.get_or_insert_with(|| Box::new(FlatNamespace { paths: vec![], directories: vec![] }));
add_handle_to_namespace(namespace, path, dir);
/// Adds a new directory to the namespace for the new process.
pub fn add_dir_to_namespace(&mut self, path: String, dir: File) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> {
let handle = fdio::transfer_fd(dir)?;
Ok(self.add_handle_to_namespace(path, handle))
/// Sets the out handle.
pub fn set_out(&mut self, f: FileDescriptor) -> &mut Self {
self.out = Some(Box::new(f));
/// Set additional services to add the new component's namespace under /svc, in addition to
/// those coming from the environment. 'host_directory' should be a channel to the directory
/// hosting the services in 'names'. Subsequent calls will override previous calls.
pub fn set_additional_services(
&mut self,
names: Vec<String>,
host_directory: zx::Channel,
) -> &mut Self {
let list = ServiceList { names, host_directory: Some(host_directory), provider: None };
self.additional_services = Some(Box::new(list));
/// Launch an application at the specified URL. Components v1 only.
pub fn launch_with_options(
launcher: &LauncherProxy,
url: String,
arguments: Option<Vec<String>>,
options: LaunchOptions,
) -> Result<App, Error> {
let (controller, controller_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let (directory_request, directory_server_chan) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let directory_request = Arc::new(directory_request);
let mut launch_info = LaunchInfo {
out: options.out,
err: None,
directory_request: Some(directory_server_chan),
flat_namespace: options.namespace,
additional_services: options.additional_services,
.create_component(&mut launch_info, Some(controller_server_end.into()))
.context("Failed to start a new Fuchsia application.")?;
Ok(App { directory_request, controller, stdout: None, stderr: None })
/// Returns a connection to the Realm service. Components v2 only.
pub fn realm() -> Result<RealmProxy, Error> {
/// RAII object that keeps a component instance alive until it's dropped, and provides convenience
/// functions for using the instance. Components v2 only.
#[must_use = "Dropping `ScopedInstance` will cause the component instance to be stopped and destroyed."]
pub struct ScopedInstance {
child_name: String,
exposed_dir: DirectoryProxy,
destroy_future: Option<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync + 'static>>>,
destroy_waiter: Option<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Option<Error>> + Send + Sync + 'static>>>,
impl ScopedInstance {
/// Creates and binds to a component in a collection `coll` with `url`, giving it an autogenerated
/// instance name, and returning an object that represents the component's lifetime and can be used
/// to access the component's exposed directory. When the object is dropped, it will be
/// asynchronously stopped _and_ destroyed. This is useful for tests that wish to create components
/// that should be torn down at the end of the test. Components v2 only.
pub async fn new(coll: String, url: String) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let realm = realm().context("Failed to connect to Realm service")?;
let id: u64 = rand::thread_rng().gen();
let child_name = format!("auto-{}", id);
let mut collection_ref = CollectionRef { name: coll.clone() };
let child_decl = ChildDecl {
name: Some(child_name.clone()),
url: Some(url),
startup: Some(StartupMode::Lazy),
environment: None,
.create_child(&mut collection_ref, child_decl)
.context("CreateChild FIDL failed.")?
.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to create child: {:?}", e))?;
let mut child_ref = ChildRef { name: child_name.clone(), collection: Some(coll.clone()) };
let (exposed_dir, server) = endpoints::create_proxy::<fidl_fuchsia_io::DirectoryMarker>()
.context("Failed to create directory proxy")?;
.bind_child(&mut child_ref, server)
.context("BindChild FIDL failed.")?
.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to bind to child: {:?}", e))?;
let (mut destroy_result_sender, mut destroy_result_receiver) = mpsc::channel(1);
let destroy_future = {
let coll = coll.clone();
let child_name = child_name.clone();
async move {
let res = Self::destroy_child(coll, child_name).await;
if let Err(e) = res {
if let Err(e) = destroy_result_sender.try_send(e) {
warn!("Failed to send error result for destroy scoped instance: {:?}", e);
let destroy_waiter = async move { };
Ok(Self {
destroy_future: Some(Box::pin(destroy_future)),
destroy_waiter: Some(Box::pin(destroy_waiter)),
/// Connect to an instance of a FIDL protocol hosted in the component's exposed directory`,
pub fn connect_to_protocol_at_exposed_dir<S: DiscoverableService>(
) -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
/// Connects to an instance of a FIDL protocol hosted in the component's exposed directory
/// using the given `server_end`.
pub fn connect_request_to_protocol_at_exposed_dir<S: DiscoverableService>(
server_end: ServerEnd<S>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE | fidl_fuchsia_io::OPEN_RIGHT_WRITABLE,
.context("Failed to open protocol in directory")
/// Returns a reference to the component's read-only exposed directory.
pub fn get_exposed_dir(&self) -> &DirectoryProxy {
/// Returns a future which can be awaited on for destruction to complete after the
/// `ScopedInstance` is dropped.
pub fn take_destroy_waiter(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'static, Option<Error>> {
self.destroy_waiter.take().expect("destroy waiter already taken")
async fn destroy_child(coll: String, child_name: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
let realm = realm().context("Failed to connect to Realm service")?;
let mut child_ref = ChildRef { name: child_name, collection: Some(coll) };
// DestroyChild also stops the component.
.destroy_child(&mut child_ref)
.context("DestroyChild FIDL failed.")?
.map_err(|e| format_err!("Failed to destroy child: {:?}", e))?;
/// Return the name of this instance.
pub fn child_name(&self) -> String {
return self.child_name.clone();
impl Drop for ScopedInstance {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// `App` represents a launched application.
/// When `App` is dropped, launched application will be terminated.
#[must_use = "Dropping `App` will cause the application to be terminated."]
pub struct App {
// directory_request is a directory protocol channel
directory_request: Arc<zx::Channel>,
// Keeps the component alive until `App` is dropped.
controller: ComponentControllerProxy,
//TODO pub accessors to take stdout/stderr in wrapper types that implement AsyncRead.
stdout: Option<fasync::Socket>,
stderr: Option<fasync::Socket>,
impl App {
/// Returns a reference to the directory protocol channel of the application.
pub fn directory_channel(&self) -> &zx::Channel {
/// Returns reference of directory request which can be passed to `ServiceFs::add_proxy_service_to`.
pub fn directory_request(&self) -> &Arc<zx::Channel> {
/// Returns a reference to the component controller.
pub fn controller(&self) -> &ComponentControllerProxy {
/// Connect to a service provided by the `App`.
pub fn connect_to_service<S: DiscoverableService>(&self) -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
let (client_channel, server_channel) = zx::Channel::create()?;
/// Connect to a service provided by the `App`.
pub fn connect_to_named_service<S: DiscoverableService>(
service_name: &str,
) -> Result<S::Proxy, Error> {
let (client_channel, server_channel) = zx::Channel::create()?;
self.pass_to_named_service(service_name, server_channel)?;
/// Connect to a FIDL Unified Service provided by the `App`.
pub fn connect_to_unified_service<US: UnifiedServiceMarker>(&self) -> Result<US::Proxy, Error> {
/// Connect to a service by passing a channel for the server.
pub fn pass_to_service<S: DiscoverableService>(
server_channel: zx::Channel,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.pass_to_named_service(S::SERVICE_NAME, server_channel)
/// Connect to a service by name.
pub fn pass_to_named_service(
service_name: &str,
server_channel: zx::Channel,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
fdio::service_connect_at(&self.directory_request, service_name, server_channel)?;
/// Forces the component to exit.
pub fn kill(&mut self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
/// Wait for the component to terminate and return its exit status.
pub fn wait(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<ExitStatus, Error>> {
/// Wait for the component to terminate and return its exit status, stdout, and stderr.
pub fn wait_with_output(mut self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Output, Error>> {
let drain = |pipe: Option<fasync::Socket>| match pipe {
None => future::ready(Ok(vec![])).left_future(),
Some(pipe) => pipe.into_datagram_stream().try_concat().err_into().right_future(),
future::try_join3(self.wait(), drain(self.stdout), drain(self.stderr))
.map_ok(|(exit_status, stdout, stderr)| Output { exit_status, stdout, stderr })
/// A component builder, providing a simpler interface to
/// [`fidl_fuchsia_sys::LauncherProxy::create_component`].
/// `AppBuilder`s interface matches
/// [`std:process:Command`]( as
/// closely as possible, except where the semantics of spawning a process differ from the
/// semantics of spawning a Fuchsia component:
/// * Fuchsia components do not support stdin, a current working directory, or environment
/// variables.
/// * `AppBuilder` will move certain handles into the spawned component (see
/// [`AppBuilder::add_dir_to_namespace`]), so a single instance of `AppBuilder` can only be
/// used to create a single component.
pub struct AppBuilder {
launch_info: LaunchInfo,
directory_request: Option<Arc<zx::Channel>>,
stdout: Option<Stdio>,
stderr: Option<Stdio>,
impl AppBuilder {
/// Creates a new `AppBuilder` for the component referenced by the given `url`.
pub fn new(url: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
Self {
launch_info: LaunchInfo {
url: url.into(),
arguments: None,
out: None,
err: None,
directory_request: None,
flat_namespace: None,
additional_services: None,
directory_request: None,
stdout: None,
stderr: None,
/// Returns a reference to the local end of the component's directory_request channel,
/// creating it if necessary.
pub fn directory_request(&mut self) -> Result<&Arc<zx::Channel>, Error> {
Ok(match self.directory_request {
Some(ref channel) => channel,
None => {
let (directory_request, directory_server_chan) = zx::Channel::create()?;
let directory_request = Arc::new(directory_request);
self.launch_info.directory_request = Some(directory_server_chan);
self.directory_request = Some(directory_request);
/// Configures stdout for the new process.
pub fn stdout(mut self, cfg: impl Into<Stdio>) -> Self {
self.stdout = Some(cfg.into());
/// Configures stderr for the new process.
pub fn stderr(mut self, cfg: impl Into<Stdio>) -> Self {
self.stderr = Some(cfg.into());
/// Mounts a handle to a directory in the namespace of the component.
pub fn add_handle_to_namespace(mut self, path: String, handle: zx::Handle) -> Self {
let namespace = self
.get_or_insert_with(|| Box::new(FlatNamespace { paths: vec![], directories: vec![] }));
add_handle_to_namespace(namespace, path, handle);
/// Mounts an opened directory in the namespace of the component.
pub fn add_dir_to_namespace(self, path: String, dir: File) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let handle = fdio::transfer_fd(dir)?;
Ok(self.add_handle_to_namespace(path, handle))
/// Append the given `arg` to the sequence of arguments passed to the new process.
pub fn arg(mut self, arg: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
/// Append all the given `args` to the sequence of arguments passed to the new process.
pub fn args(mut self, args: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<String>>) -> Self {
.extend(args.into_iter().map(|arg| arg.into()));
/// Launch the component using the provided `launcher` proxy, returning the launched
/// application or the error encountered while launching it.
/// By default:
/// * when the returned [`App`] is dropped, the launched application will be terminated.
/// * stdout and stderr will use the the default stdout and stderr for the environment.
pub fn spawn(self, launcher: &LauncherProxy) -> Result<App, Error> {
/// Launches the component using the provided `launcher` proxy, waits for it to finish, and
/// collects all of its output.
/// By default, stdout and stderr are captured (and used to provide the resulting output).
pub fn output(
mut self,
launcher: &LauncherProxy,
) -> Result<impl Future<Output = Result<Output, Error>>, Error> {
self.stdout = self.stdout.or(Some(Stdio::MakePipe));
self.stderr = self.stderr.or(Some(Stdio::MakePipe));
/// Launches the component using the provided `launcher` proxy, waits for it to finish, and
/// collects its exit status.
/// By default, stdout and stderr will use the default stdout and stderr for the
/// environment.
pub fn status(
launcher: &LauncherProxy,
) -> Result<impl Future<Output = Result<ExitStatus, Error>>, Error> {
fn launch(mut self, launcher: &LauncherProxy) -> Result<App, Error> {
let (controller, controller_server_end) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let directory_request = if let Some(directory_request) = self.directory_request.take() {
} else {
let (directory_request, directory_server_chan) = zx::Channel::create()?;
self.launch_info.directory_request = Some(directory_server_chan);
let (stdout, remote_stdout) =
if let Some(fd) = remote_stdout {
self.launch_info.out = Some(Box::new(fd));
let (stderr, remote_stderr) =
if let Some(fd) = remote_stderr {
self.launch_info.err = Some(Box::new(fd));
.create_component(&mut self.launch_info, Some(controller_server_end.into()))
.context("Failed to start a new Fuchsia application.")?;
Ok(App { directory_request, controller, stdout, stderr })
/// Describes what to do with a standard I/O stream for a child component.
pub enum Stdio {
/// Use the default output sink for the environment.
/// Capture the component's output in a new socket.
/// Provide a handle (that is valid in a `fidl_fuchsia_sys::FileDescriptor`) to the component to
/// write output to.
impl Stdio {
fn to_local_and_remote(
) -> Result<(Option<fasync::Socket>, Option<FileDescriptor>), Error> {
match self {
Stdio::Inherit => Ok((None, None)),
Stdio::MakePipe => {
let (local, remote) = Socket::create(SocketOpts::STREAM)?;
// local end is read-only
let local = fasync::Socket::from_socket(local)?;
let remote = FileDescriptor {
type0: HandleType::FileDescriptor as i32,
type1: 0,
type2: 0,
handle0: Some(remote.into()),
handle1: None,
handle2: None,
Ok((Some(local), Some(remote)))
Stdio::Handle(handle) => Ok((
Some(FileDescriptor {
type0: HandleType::FileDescriptor as i32,
type1: 0,
type2: 0,
handle0: Some(handle),
handle1: None,
handle2: None,
impl<T: Into<zx::Handle>> From<T> for Stdio {
fn from(t: T) -> Self {
/// Describes the result of a component after it has terminated.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Error)]
pub struct ExitStatus {
return_code: i64,
termination_reason: TerminationReason,
impl ExitStatus {
/// Consumes an `event_stream`, returning the `ExitStatus` of the component when it exits, or
/// the error encountered while waiting for the component to terminate.
pub fn from_event_stream(
event_stream: ComponentControllerEventStream,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Self, Error>> {
.try_filter_map(|event| {
future::ready(match event {
ComponentControllerEvent::OnTerminated { return_code, termination_reason } => {
Ok(Some(ExitStatus { return_code, termination_reason }))
_ => Ok(None),
.map(|(next, _rest)| match next {
Some(result) => result.map_err(|err| err.into()),
_ => Ok(ExitStatus {
return_code: -1,
termination_reason: TerminationReason::Unknown,
/// Did the component exit without an error? Success is defined as a reason of exited and
/// a code of 0.
pub fn success(&self) -> bool {
self.exited() && self.return_code == 0
/// Returns true if the component exited, as opposed to not starting at all due to some
/// error or terminating with any reason other than `EXITED`.
pub fn exited(&self) -> bool {
self.termination_reason == TerminationReason::Exited
/// The reason the component was terminated.
pub fn reason(&self) -> TerminationReason {
/// The return code from the component. Guaranteed to be non-zero if termination reason is
/// not `EXITED`.
pub fn code(&self) -> i64 {
/// Converts the `ExitStatus` to a `Result<(), ExitStatus>`, mapping to `Ok(())` if the
/// component exited with status code 0, or to `Err(ExitStatus)` otherwise.
pub fn ok(&self) -> Result<(), Self> {
if self.success() {
} else {
impl fmt::Display for ExitStatus {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if self.exited() {
write!(f, "Exited with {}", self.code())
} else {
write!(f, "Terminated with reason {:?}", self.reason())
/// The output of a finished component.
pub struct Output {
/// The exit status of the component.
pub exit_status: ExitStatus,
/// The data that the component wrote to stdout.
pub stdout: Vec<u8>,
/// The data that the component wrote to stderr.
pub stderr: Vec<u8>,
/// The output of a component that terminated with a failure.
#[derive(Clone, Error)]
#[error("{}", exit_status)]
pub struct OutputError {
exit_status: ExitStatus,
stdout: String,
stderr: String,
impl Output {
/// Converts the `Output` to a `Result<(), OutputError>`, mapping to `Ok(())` if the component
/// exited with status code 0, or to `Err(OutputError)` otherwise.
pub fn ok(&self) -> Result<(), OutputError> {
if self.exit_status.success() {
} else {
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.stdout).into_owned();
let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.stderr).into_owned();
Err(OutputError { exit_status: self.exit_status.clone(), stdout, stderr })
impl fmt::Debug for OutputError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
struct RawMultilineString<'a>(&'a str);
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for RawMultilineString<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if self.0.is_empty() {
} else {
.field("exit_status", &self.exit_status)
.field("stdout", &RawMultilineString(&self.stdout))
.field("stderr", &RawMultilineString(&self.stderr))
mod tests {
use fidl::endpoints::DiscoverableService as _;
use fidl_fuchsia_component_client_test::{
ServiceAMarker, ServiceAProxy, ServiceBMarker, ServiceBProxy,
use vfs::{
directory::entry::DirectoryEntry, execution_scope::ExecutionScope,
file::pcb::read_only_static, pseudo_directory,
use super::*;
async fn test_svc_connector_svc_does_not_exist() -> Result<(), Error> {
let req = new_service_connector::<ServiceAMarker>().context("error probing service")?;
matches::assert_matches!(req.exists().await.context("error checking service"), Ok(false));
let _: ServiceAProxy = req.connect().context("error connecting to service")?;
let req = new_service_connector_at::<ServiceAMarker>(SVC_DIR)
.context("error probing service at svc dir")?;
req.exists().await.context("error checking service at svc dir"),
let _: ServiceAProxy = req.connect().context("error connecting to service at svc dir")?;
async fn test_svc_connector_connect_with_dir() -> Result<(), Error> {
let dir = pseudo_directory! {
ServiceBMarker::SERVICE_NAME => read_only_static("read_only"),
let (dir_proxy, dir_server) =
let scope = ExecutionScope::new();
let req = new_service_connector_in_dir::<ServiceAMarker>(&dir_proxy);
req.exists().await.context("error probing invalid service"),
let _: ServiceAProxy = req.connect().context("error connecting to invalid service")?;
let req = new_service_connector_in_dir::<ServiceBMarker>(&dir_proxy);
matches::assert_matches!(req.exists().await.context("error probing service"), Ok(true));
let _: ServiceBProxy = req.connect().context("error connecting to service")?;