blob: fba4eb2b89488f24fd2b9d22828041a8462bf6a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! # fuchsia-inspect
//! Components in Fuchsia may expose structured information about themselves conforming to the
//! [Inspect API][inspect]. This crate is the core library for writing inspect data in Rust
//! components.
//! For a comprehensive guide on how to start using inspect, please refer to the
//! [codelab].
//! ## Library concepts
//! There's two types of inspect values: nodes and properties. These have the following
//! characteristics:
//! - A Node may have any number of key/value pairs called Properties.
//! - A Node may have any number of children, which are also Nodes.
//! - Properties and nodes are created under a parent node. Inspect is already initialized with a
//! root node.
//! - The key for a value in a Node is always a UTF-8 string, the value may be one of the
//! supported types (a node or a property of any type).
//! - Nodes and properties have strict ownership semantics. Whenever a node or property is
//! created, it is written to the backing [VMO][inspect-vmo] and whenever it is dropped it is
//! removed from the VMO.
//! - Inspection is best effort, if an error occurs, no panic will happen and nodes and properties
//! might become No-Ops. For example, when the VMO becomes full, any further creation of a
//! property or a node will result in no changes in the VMO and a silent failure. However,
//! mutation of existing properties in the VMO will continue to work.
//! - All nodes and properties are thread safe.
//! ### Creating vs Recording
//! There are two functions each for initializing nodes and properties:
//! - `create_*`: returns the created node/property and it's up to the caller to handle its
//! lifetime.
//! - `record_*`: creates the node/property but doesn't return it and ties its lifetime to
//! the node where the function was called.
//! ### Lazy value support
//! Lazy (or dynamic) values are values that are created on demand, this is, whenever they are read.
//! Unlike regular nodes, they don't take any space on the VMO until a reader comes and requests
//! its data.
//! There's two ways of creating lazy values:
//! - **Lazy node**: creates a child node of root with the given name. The callback returns a
//! future for an [`Inspector`][inspector] whose root node is spliced into the parent node when
//! read.
//! - **Lazy values**: works like the previous one, except that all properties and nodes under the
//! future root node node are added directly as children of the parent node.
//! ## Quickstart
//! Add the following to your component main:
//! ```rust
//! use fuchsia_inspect::component;
//! use fuchsia_component::server::ServiceFs;
//! let mut fs = ServiceFs::new();
//! component::inspector().root().serve(&mut fs)?;
//! // Now you can create nodes and properties anywhere!
//! let child = component::inspector().root().create_child("foo");
//! child.record_uint("bar", 42);
//! ```
//! [inspect]:
//! [codelab]:
//! [inspect-vmo]:
//! [inspector]: Inspector
use {
block::{ArrayFormat, LinkNodeDisposition, PropertyFormat},
fidl_fuchsia_io::{DirectoryMarker, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE, OPEN_RIGHT_WRITABLE},
fuchsia_component::server::{ServiceFs, ServiceObjTrait},
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, HandleBased},
futures::{future::BoxFuture, prelude::*},
atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
Arc, Weak,
directory::entry::DirectoryEntry, execution_scope::ExecutionScope, path::Path,
pseudo_directory, service as pseudo_fs_service,
use crate::format::block::Block;
pub use diagnostics_hierarchy::{
DiagnosticsHierarchy, ExponentialHistogramParams, LinearHistogramParams,
pub use testing::{assert_inspect_tree, tree_assertion};
pub use {crate::error::Error, crate::state::Stats};
pub mod component;
mod error;
pub mod format;
pub mod health;
pub mod heap;
pub mod reader;
pub mod service;
mod state;
mod utils;
pub mod testing {
pub use diagnostics_hierarchy::{
assert_data_tree as assert_inspect_tree,
AnyProperty, DiagnosticsHierarchyGetter, HistogramAssertion, NonZeroUintProperty,
PropertyAssertion, TreeAssertion,
/// Directiory within the outgoing directory of a component where the diagnostics service should be
/// added.
pub const DIAGNOSTICS_DIR: &str = "diagnostics";
lazy_static! {
// Suffix used for unique names.
static ref UNIQUE_NAME_SUFFIX: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
/// Root of the Inspect API. Through this API, further nodes can be created and inspect can be
/// served.
pub struct Inspector {
/// The root node.
root_node: Arc<Node>,
/// The VMO backing the inspector
pub(in crate) vmo: Option<Arc<zx::Vmo>>,
impl DiagnosticsHierarchyGetter<String> for Inspector {
fn get_diagnostics_hierarchy(&self) -> Cow<'_, DiagnosticsHierarchy> {
let hierarchy = futures::executor::block_on(async move { reader::read(self).await })
.expect("failed to get hierarchy");
/// Holds a list of inspect types that won't change.
#[derivative(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct ValueList {
#[derivative(PartialEq = "ignore")]
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
values: Mutex<Option<InspectTypeList>>,
impl Default for ValueList {
fn default() -> Self {
type InspectTypeList = Vec<Box<dyn InspectType>>;
impl ValueList {
/// Creates a new empty value list.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { values: Mutex::new(None) }
/// Stores an inspect type that won't change.
pub fn record(&self, value: impl InspectType + 'static) {
let boxed_value = Box::new(value);
let mut values_lock = self.values.lock();
if let Some(ref mut values) = *values_lock {
} else {
*values_lock = Some(vec![boxed_value]);
impl Inspector {
/// Initializes a new Inspect VMO object with the
/// [`defalt maximum size`][constants::DEFAULT_VMO_SIZE_BYTES].
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Returns statistics about the current inspect state.
pub fn stats(&self) -> Option<Stats> {
.and_then(|inner_ref| inner_ref.state.try_lock().ok().map(|state| state.stats()))
/// True if the Inspector was created successfully (it's not No-Op)
pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
self.vmo.is_some() && self.root_node.is_valid()
/// Initializes a new Inspect VMO object with the given maximum size. If the
/// given size is less than 4K, it will be made 4K which is the minimum size
/// the VMO should have.
pub fn new_with_size(max_size: usize) -> Self {
match Inspector::new_root(max_size) {
Ok((vmo, root_node)) => {
Inspector { vmo: Some(Arc::new(vmo)), root_node: Arc::new(root_node) }
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to create root node. Error: {:?}", e);
/// Returns a duplicate of the underlying VMO for this Inspector.
/// The duplicated VMO will be read-only, and is suitable to send to clients over FIDL.
pub fn duplicate_vmo(&self) -> Option<zx::Vmo> {
.map(|vmo| {
vmo.duplicate_handle(zx::Rights::BASIC | zx::Rights::READ | zx::Rights::MAP).ok()
/// Returns a VMO holding a copy of the data in this inspector.
/// The copied VMO will be read-only.
pub fn copy_vmo(&self) -> Option<zx::Vmo> {
self.copy_vmo_data().and_then(|data| {
if let Ok(vmo) = zx::Vmo::create(data.len() as u64) {
vmo.write(&data, 0).ok().map(|_| vmo)
} else {
/// Returns a copy of the bytes stored in the VMO for this inspector.
/// The output will be truncated to only those bytes that are needed to accurately read the
/// stored data.
pub fn copy_vmo_data(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
self.root_node.inner.inner_ref().map(|inner_ref| inner_ref.state.copy_vmo_bytes())
/// Spawns a server for handling `fuchsia.inspect.Tree` requests in the outgoing diagnostics
/// directory.
pub fn serve<'a, ServiceObjTy: ServiceObjTrait>(
service_fs: &mut ServiceFs<ServiceObjTy>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (proxy, server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<DirectoryMarker>()
.map_err(|e| Error::Fidl(e.into()))?;
let inspector_clone = self.clone();
let dir = pseudo_directory! {
TreeMarker::SERVICE_NAME => pseudo_fs_service::host(move |stream| {
let inspector_clone_clone = inspector_clone.clone();
async move {
inspector_clone_clone, service::TreeServerSettings::default(), stream
.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("failed to run server: {:?}", e));
let server_end = server.into_channel().into();
let scope = ExecutionScope::new();, OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE | OPEN_RIGHT_WRITABLE, 0, Path::empty(), server_end);
service_fs.add_remote(DIAGNOSTICS_DIR, proxy);
/// Returns the root node of the inspect hierarchy.
pub fn root(&self) -> &Node {
fn state(&self) -> Option<State> {
self.root().inner.inner_ref().map(|inner_ref| inner_ref.state.clone())
/// Creates a new No-Op inspector
fn new_no_op() -> Self {
Inspector { vmo: None, root_node: Arc::new(Node::new_no_op()) }
/// Allocates a new VMO and initializes it.
fn new_root(max_size: usize) -> Result<(zx::Vmo, Node), Error> {
let mut size = max(constants::MINIMUM_VMO_SIZE_BYTES, max_size);
// If the size is not a multiple of 4096, round up.
if size % constants::MINIMUM_VMO_SIZE_BYTES != 0 {
size =
(1 + size / constants::MINIMUM_VMO_SIZE_BYTES) * constants::MINIMUM_VMO_SIZE_BYTES;
let (mapping, vmo) = Mapping::allocate_with_name(size, "InspectHeap")
.map_err(|status| Error::AllocateVmo(status))?;
let heap = Heap::new(Arc::new(mapping)).map_err(|e| Error::CreateHeap(Box::new(e)))?;
let state = State::create(heap).map_err(|e| Error::CreateState(Box::new(e)))?;
Ok((vmo, Node::new_root(state)))
/// Creates an no-op inspector from the given Vmo. If the VMO is corrupted, reading can fail.
fn no_op_from_vmo(vmo: Arc<zx::Vmo>) -> Inspector {
Inspector { vmo: Some(vmo), root_node: Arc::new(Node::new_no_op()) }
/// Trait implemented by all inspect types.
pub trait InspectType: Send + Sync {}
/// Trait implemented by all inspect types. It provides constructor functions that are not
/// intended for use outside the crate.
trait InspectTypeInternal {
fn new(state: State, block_index: u32) -> Self;
fn new_no_op() -> Self;
fn is_valid(&self) -> bool;
/// An inner type of all inspect nodes and properties. Each variant implies a
/// different relationship with the underlying inspect VMO.
#[derive(Debug, Derivative)]
enum Inner<T: InnerType> {
/// The node or property is not attached to the inspect VMO.
/// The node or property is attached to the inspect VMO, iff its strong
/// reference is still alive.
/// The node or property is attached to the inspect VMO.
impl<T: InnerType> Inner<T> {
/// Creates a new Inner with the desired block index within the inspect VMO
fn new(state: State, block_index: u32) -> Self {
Self::Strong(Arc::new(InnerRef { state, block_index, data: T::Data::default() }))
/// Returns true if the number of strong references to this node or property
/// is greater than 0.
fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::None => false,
Self::Weak(weak_ref) => weak_ref.strong_count() > 0,
Self::Strong(_) => true,
/// Returns a `Some(Arc<InnerRef>)` iff the node or property is currently
/// attached to inspect, or `None` otherwise. Weak pointers are upgraded
/// if possible, but their lifetime as strong references are expected to be
/// short.
fn inner_ref(&self) -> Option<Arc<InnerRef<T>>> {
match self {
Self::None => None,
Self::Weak(weak_ref) => weak_ref.upgrade(),
Self::Strong(inner_ref) => Some(Arc::clone(inner_ref)),
/// Make a weak reference.
fn clone_weak(&self) -> Self {
match self {
Self::None => Self::None,
Self::Weak(weak_ref) => Self::Weak(weak_ref.clone()),
Self::Strong(inner_ref) => Self::Weak(Arc::downgrade(inner_ref)),
/// Inspect API types implement Eq,PartialEq returning true all the time so that
/// structs embedding inspect types can derive these traits as well.
/// IMPORTANT: Do not rely on these traits implementations for real comparisons
/// or validation tests, instead leverage the reader.
impl<T: InnerType> PartialEq for Inner<T> {
fn eq(&self, _other: &Self) -> bool {
impl<T: InnerType> Eq for Inner<T> {}
/// A type that is owned by inspect nodes and properties, sharing ownership of
/// the inspect VMO heap, and with numerical pointers to the location in the
/// heap in which it resides.
struct InnerRef<T: InnerType> {
/// Index of the block in the VMO.
block_index: u32,
/// Reference to the VMO heap.
state: State,
/// Associated data for this type.
data: T::Data,
impl<T: InnerType> Drop for InnerRef<T> {
/// InnerRef has a manual drop impl, to guarantee a single deallocation in
/// the case of multiple strong references.
fn drop(&mut self) {
T::free(&self.state, self.block_index).unwrap();
/// De-allocation behavior and associated data for an inner type.
trait InnerType {
/// Associated data stored on the InnerRef
type Data: Default + Debug;
/// De-allocation behavior for when the InnerRef gets dropped
fn free(state: &State, block_index: u32) -> Result<(), Error>;
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct InnerNodeType;
impl InnerType for InnerNodeType {
// Each node has a list of recorded values.
type Data = ValueList;
fn free(state: &State, block_index: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
if block_index == 0 {
return Ok(());
let mut state_lock = state.try_lock()?;
state_lock.free_value(block_index).map_err(|err| Error::free("node", block_index, err))
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct InnerValueType;
impl InnerType for InnerValueType {
type Data = ();
fn free(state: &State, block_index: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut state_lock = state.try_lock()?;
state_lock.free_value(block_index).map_err(|err| Error::free("value", block_index, err))
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct InnerPropertyType;
impl InnerType for InnerPropertyType {
type Data = ();
fn free(state: &State, block_index: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut state_lock = state.try_lock()?;
.map_err(|err| Error::free("property", block_index, err))
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct InnerLazyNodeType;
impl InnerType for InnerLazyNodeType {
type Data = ();
fn free(state: &State, block_index: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut state_lock = state.try_lock()?;
.map_err(|err| Error::free("lazy node", block_index, err))
// Utility for generating the implementation of all inspect types (including the struct):
// - All Inspect Types (*Property, Node) can be No-Op. This macro generates the
// appropiate internal constructors.
// - All Inspect Types derive PartialEq, Eq. This generates the dummy implementation
// for the wrapped type.
macro_rules! inspect_type_impl {
($(#[$attr:meta])* struct $name:ident, $type:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
/// NOTE: do not rely on PartialEq implementation for true comparison.
/// Instead leverage the reader.
/// NOTE: Operations on a Default value are no-ops.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
pub struct $name {
inner: Inner<$type>,
impl $name {
/// Returns the [`Block`][Block] associated with this value.
pub fn get_block(&self) -> Option<Block<Arc<Mapping>>> {
self.inner.inner_ref().and_then(|inner_ref| {
.and_then(|state| state.heap().get_block(inner_ref.block_index)).ok()
/// Returns the index of the value's block in the VMO.
pub fn block_index(&self) -> u32 {
impl InspectType for $name {}
impl InspectTypeInternal for $name {
fn new(state: State, block_index: u32) -> Self {
Self {
inner: Inner::new(state, block_index),
fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
fn new_no_op() -> Self {
Self { inner: Inner::None }
// Utility for generating functions to create a numeric property.
// `name`: identifier for the name (example: double)
// `name_cap`: identifier for the name capitalized (example: Double)
// `type`: the type of the numeric property (example: f64)
macro_rules! create_numeric_property_fn {
($name:ident, $name_cap:ident, $type:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
#[doc = "Creates a new `" $name_cap "` with the given `name` and `value`."]
pub fn [<create_ $name >](&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, value: $type)
-> [<$name_cap Property>] {
self.inner.inner_ref().and_then(|inner_ref| {
.and_then(|mut state| {
state.[<create_ $name _metric>](
name.as_ref(), value, inner_ref.block_index)
.map(|block| {
[<$name_cap Property>]::new(inner_ref.state.clone(), block.index())
.unwrap_or([<$name_cap Property>]::new_no_op())
#[doc = "Records a new `" $name_cap "` with the given `name` and `value`."]
pub fn [<record_ $name >](&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, value: $type) {
let property = self.[<create_ $name>](name, value);
// Utility for generating functions to create an array property.
// `name`: identifier for the name (example: double)
// `name_cap`: identifier for the name capitalized (example: Double)
// `type`: the type of the numeric property (example: f64)
macro_rules! create_array_property_fn {
($name:ident, $name_cap:ident, $type:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
#[doc = "Creates a new `" $name_cap "ArrayProperty` with the given `name` and `slots`."]
pub fn [<create_ $name _array>](&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, slots: usize)
-> [<$name_cap ArrayProperty>] {
self.[<create_ $name _array_internal>](name, slots, ArrayFormat::Default)
fn [<create_ $name _array_internal>](
&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, slots: usize, format: ArrayFormat)
-> [<$name_cap ArrayProperty>] {
self.inner.inner_ref().and_then(|inner_ref| {
.and_then(|mut state| {
state.[<create_ $name _array>](
name.as_ref(), slots, format, inner_ref.block_index)
.map(|block| {
[<$name_cap ArrayProperty>]::new(inner_ref.state.clone(), block.index())
.unwrap_or([<$name_cap ArrayProperty>]::new_no_op())
// Utility for generating functions to create a linear histogram property.
// `name`: identifier for the name (example: double)
// `name_cap`: identifier for the name capitalized (example: Double)
// `type`: the type of the numeric property (example: f64)
macro_rules! create_linear_histogram_property_fn {
($name:ident, $name_cap:ident, $type:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
#[doc = "Creates a new `" $name_cap
"LinearHistogramProperty` with the given `name` and `params`."]
pub fn [<create_ $name _linear_histogram>](
&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, params: LinearHistogramParams<$type>)
-> [<$name_cap LinearHistogramProperty>] {
let slots = params.buckets + constants::LINEAR_HISTOGRAM_EXTRA_SLOTS;
let array = self.[<create_ $name _array_internal>](
name, slots, ArrayFormat::LinearHistogram);
array.set(0, params.floor);
array.set(1, params.step_size);
[<$name_cap LinearHistogramProperty>] {
floor: params.floor,
step_size: params.step_size,
// Utility for generating functions to create an exponential histogram property.
// `name`: identifier for the name (example: double)
// `name_cap`: identifier for the name capitalized (example: Double)
// `type`: the type of the numeric property (example: f64)
macro_rules! create_exponential_histogram_property_fn {
($name:ident, $name_cap:ident, $type:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
#[doc = "Creates a new `" $name_cap
"ExponentialHistogramProperty` with the given `name` and `params`."]
pub fn [<create_ $name _exponential_histogram>](
&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, params: ExponentialHistogramParams<$type>)
-> [<$name_cap ExponentialHistogramProperty>] {
let slots = params.buckets + constants::EXPONENTIAL_HISTOGRAM_EXTRA_SLOTS;
let array = self.[<create_ $name _array_internal>](
name, slots, ArrayFormat::ExponentialHistogram);
array.set(0, params.floor);
array.set(1, params.initial_step);
array.set(2, params.step_multiplier);
[<$name_cap ExponentialHistogramProperty>] {
floor: params.floor,
initial_step: params.initial_step,
step_multiplier: params.step_multiplier,
/// Utility for generating functions to create lazy nodes.
/// `fn_suffix`: identifier for the fn name.
/// `disposition`: identifier for the type of LinkNodeDisposition.
macro_rules! create_lazy_property_fn {
($fn_suffix:ident, $disposition:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
#[doc = "Creates a new lazy " $fn_suffix " link with the given `name` and `callback`."]
pub fn [<create_lazy_ $fn_suffix>]<F>(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, callback: F) -> LazyNode
where F: Fn() -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<Inspector, anyhow::Error>> + Sync + Send + 'static {
self.inner.inner_ref().and_then(|inner_ref| {
.and_then(|mut state| state.create_lazy_node(
.map(|block| LazyNode::new(inner_ref.state.clone(), block.index()))
#[doc = "Records a new lazy " $fn_suffix " link with the given `name` and `callback`."]
pub fn [<record_lazy_ $fn_suffix>]<F>(
&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, callback: F)
where F: Fn() -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<Inspector, anyhow::Error>> + Sync + Send + 'static {
let property = self.[<create_lazy_ $fn_suffix>](name, callback);
/// Inspect Node data type.
struct Node,
/// Inspect Lazy Node data type.
struct LazyNode,
impl Node {
/// Creates a new root node.
pub(in crate) fn new_root(state: State) -> Node {
Node::new(state, 0)
/// Create a weak reference to the original node. All operations on a weak
/// reference have identical semantics to the original node for as long
/// as the original node is live. After that, all operations are no-ops.
pub fn clone_weak(&self) -> Node {
Self { inner: self.inner.clone_weak() }
/// Creates and keeps track of a child with the given `name`.
pub fn record_child<F>(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, initialize: F)
F: FnOnce(&mut Node),
let mut child = self.create_child(name);
initialize(&mut child);
/// Add a child to this node.
pub fn create_child(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> Node {
.and_then(|inner_ref| {
.and_then(|mut state| state.create_node(name.as_ref(), inner_ref.block_index))
.map(|block| Node::new(inner_ref.state.clone(), block.index()))
/// Keeps track of the given property for the lifetime of the node.
pub fn record(&self, property: impl InspectType + 'static) {
// Add a lazy node property to this node:
// - create_lazy_node: adds a lazy child to this node. This node will be
// populated by the given callback on demand.
// - create_lazy_values: adds a lazy child to this node. The lazy node
// children and properties are added to this node on demand. Name is only
// used in the event that a reader does not obtain the values.
create_lazy_property_fn!(child, Child);
create_lazy_property_fn!(values, Inline);
// Add a numeric property to this node: create_int, create_double,
// create_uint.
create_numeric_property_fn!(int, Int, i64);
create_numeric_property_fn!(uint, Uint, u64);
create_numeric_property_fn!(double, Double, f64);
// Add an array property to this node: create_int_array, create_double_array,
// create_uint_array.
create_array_property_fn!(int, Int, i64);
create_array_property_fn!(uint, Uint, u64);
create_array_property_fn!(double, Double, f64);
// Add a linear histogram property to this node: create_int_linear_histogram,
// create_uint_linear_histogram, create_double_linear_histogram.
create_linear_histogram_property_fn!(int, Int, i64);
create_linear_histogram_property_fn!(uint, Uint, u64);
create_linear_histogram_property_fn!(double, Double, f64);
// Add an exponential histogram property to this node: create_int_exponential_histogram,
// create_uint_exponential_histogram, create_double_exponential_histogram.
create_exponential_histogram_property_fn!(int, Int, i64);
create_exponential_histogram_property_fn!(uint, Uint, u64);
create_exponential_histogram_property_fn!(double, Double, f64);
/// Creates a lazy node from the given VMO.
pub fn create_lazy_child_from_vmo(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, vmo: Arc<zx::Vmo>) -> LazyNode {
self.create_lazy_child(name.as_ref(), move || {
let vmo_clone = vmo.clone();
async move { Ok(Inspector::no_op_from_vmo(vmo_clone)) }.boxed()
/// Records a lazy node from the given VMO.
pub fn record_lazy_child_from_vmo(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, vmo: Arc<zx::Vmo>) {
self.record_lazy_child(name.as_ref(), move || {
let vmo_clone = vmo.clone();
async move { Ok(Inspector::no_op_from_vmo(vmo_clone)) }.boxed()
/// Add a string property to this node.
pub fn create_string(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, value: impl AsRef<str>) -> StringProperty {
.and_then(|inner_ref| {
.and_then(|mut state| {
.map(|block| StringProperty::new(inner_ref.state.clone(), block.index()))
/// Creates and saves a string property for the lifetime of the node.
pub fn record_string(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, value: impl AsRef<str>) {
let property = self.create_string(name, value);
/// Add a byte vector property to this node.
pub fn create_bytes(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, value: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> BytesProperty {
.and_then(|inner_ref| {
.and_then(|mut state| {
.map(|block| BytesProperty::new(inner_ref.state.clone(), block.index()))
/// Creates and saves a bytes property for the lifetime of the node.
pub fn record_bytes(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, value: impl AsRef<[u8]>) {
let property = self.create_bytes(name, value);
/// Add a bool property to this node.
pub fn create_bool(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, value: bool) -> BoolProperty {
.and_then(|inner_ref| {
.and_then(|mut state| {
state.create_bool(name.as_ref(), value, inner_ref.block_index)
.map(|block| BoolProperty::new(inner_ref.state.clone(), block.index()))
/// Creates and saves a bool property for the lifetime of the node.
pub fn record_bool(&self, name: impl AsRef<str>, value: bool) {
let property = self.create_bool(name, value);
/// Trait implemented by properties.
pub trait Property<'t> {
/// The type of the property.
type Type;
/// Set the property value to |value|.
fn set(&'t self, value: Self::Type);
/// Trait implemented by numeric properties providing common operations.
pub trait NumericProperty {
/// The type the property is handling.
type Type;
/// Add the given |value| to the property current value.
fn add(&self, value: Self::Type);
/// Subtract the given |value| from the property current value.
fn subtract(&self, value: Self::Type);
/// Return the current value of the property for testing.
/// NOTE: This is a temporary feature to aid unit test of Inspect clients.
/// It will be replaced by a more comprehensive Read API implementation.
fn get(&self) -> Result<Self::Type, Error>;
// Utility for generating numeric property functions (example: set, add, subtract)
// `fn_name`: the name of the function to generate (example: set)
// `type`: the type of the argument of the function to generate (example: f64)
// `name`: the readble name of the type of the function (example: double)
macro_rules! numeric_property_fn {
($fn_name:ident, $type:ident, $name:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
// Docs here come from the trait docs.
fn $fn_name(&self, value: $type) {
if let Some(ref inner_ref) = self.inner.inner_ref() {
.and_then(|state| {
state.[<$fn_name _ $name _metric>](inner_ref.block_index, value)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
error!("Failed to {} property. Error: {:?}", stringify!($fn_name), e);
// Utility for generating a numeric property datatype impl
// `name`: the readble name of the type of the function (example: double)
// `name_cap`: the capitalized readble name of the type of the function (example: Double)
// `type`: the type of the argument of the function to generate (example: f64)
macro_rules! numeric_property {
($name:ident, $name_cap:ident, $type:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
/// Inspect API Numeric Property data type.
struct [<$name_cap Property>],
impl<'t> Property<'t> for [<$name_cap Property>] {
type Type = $type;
numeric_property_fn!(set, $type, $name);
impl NumericProperty for [<$name_cap Property>] {
type Type = $type;
numeric_property_fn!(add, $type, $name);
numeric_property_fn!(subtract, $type, $name);
fn get(&self) -> Result<$type, Error> {
if let Some(ref inner_ref) = self.inner.inner_ref() {
.and_then(|state| state.[<get_ $name _metric>](inner_ref.block_index))
} else {
numeric_property!(int, Int, i64);
numeric_property!(uint, Uint, u64);
numeric_property!(double, Double, f64);
// Utility for generating a byte/string property datatype impl
// `name`: the readable name of the type of the function (example: String)
// `type`: the type of the argument of the function to generate (example: str)
// `bytes`: an optional method to get the bytes of the property
macro_rules! property {
($name:ident, $type:ty $(, $bytes:ident)?) => {
paste::paste! {
/// Inspect API Property data type.
struct [<$name Property>],
impl<'t> Property<'t> for [<$name Property>] {
type Type = &'t $type;
fn set(&'t self, value: &'t $type) {
if let Some(ref inner_ref) = self.inner.inner_ref() {
.and_then(|mut state| {
state.set_property(inner_ref.block_index, value$(.$bytes())?)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("Failed to set property. Error: {:?}", e));
property!(String, str, as_bytes);
property!(Bytes, [u8]);
/// Inspect API Bool Property data type.
struct BoolProperty,
impl<'t> Property<'t> for BoolProperty {
type Type = bool;
fn set(&self, value: bool) {
if let Some(ref inner_ref) = self.inner.inner_ref() {
.and_then(|state| state.set_bool(inner_ref.block_index, value))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
error!("Failed to set property. Error: {:?}", e);
/// Trait implemented by all array properties providing common operations on arrays.
pub trait ArrayProperty {
/// The type of the array entries.
type Type;
/// Sets the array value to `value` at the given `index`.
fn set(&self, index: usize, value: Self::Type);
/// Adds the given `value` to the property current value at the given `index`.
fn add(&self, index: usize, value: Self::Type);
/// Subtracts the given `value` to the property current value at the given `index`.
fn subtract(&self, index: usize, value: Self::Type);
/// Sets all slots of the array to 0.
fn clear(&self);
// Utility for generating array property functions (example: set, add, subtract)
// `fn_name`: the name of the function to generate (example: set)
// `type`: the type of the argument of the function to generate (example: f64)
// `name`: the readble name of the type of the function (example: double)
macro_rules! array_property_fn {
($fn_name:ident, $type:ident, $name:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
// Docs here come from the trait docs.
fn $fn_name(&self, index: usize, value: $type) {
if let Some(ref inner_ref) = self.inner.inner_ref() {
.and_then(|mut state| {
state.[<$fn_name _array_ $name _slot>](
inner_ref.block_index, index, value)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
error!("Failed to {} property. Error: {:?}", stringify!($fn_name), e);
// Utility for generating a numeric array datatype impl
// `name`: the readble name of the type of the function (example: double)
// `type`: the type of the argument of the function to generate (example: f64)
macro_rules! array_property {
($name:ident, $name_cap:ident, $type:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
/// Inspect API Array Property data type.
struct [<$name_cap ArrayProperty>],
impl [<$name_cap ArrayProperty>] {
impl ArrayProperty for [<$name_cap ArrayProperty>] {
type Type = $type;
array_property_fn!(set, $type, $name);
array_property_fn!(add, $type, $name);
array_property_fn!(subtract, $type, $name);
fn clear(&self) {
if let Some(ref inner_ref) = self.inner.inner_ref() {
.and_then(|mut state| state.clear_array(inner_ref.block_index, 0))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
error!("Failed to clear property. Error: {:?}", e);
array_property!(int, Int, i64);
array_property!(uint, Uint, u64);
array_property!(double, Double, f64);
/// Trait implemented by all hitogram properties providing common operations.
pub trait HistogramProperty {
/// The type of each value added to the histogram.
type Type;
/// Inserts the given `value` in the histogram.
fn insert(&self, value: Self::Type);
/// Inserts the given `value` in the histogram `count` times.
fn insert_multiple(&self, value: Self::Type, count: usize);
/// Clears all buckets of the histogram.
fn clear(&self);
macro_rules! histogram_property {
($histogram_type:ident, $name_cap:ident, $type:ident, $clear_start_index:expr) => {
paste::paste! {
impl HistogramProperty for [<$name_cap $histogram_type HistogramProperty>] {
type Type = $type;
fn insert(&self, value: $type) {
self.insert_multiple(value, 1);
fn insert_multiple(&self, value: $type, count: usize) {
self.array.add(self.get_index(value), count as $type);
fn clear(&self) {
if let Some(ref inner_ref) = self.array.inner.inner_ref() {
// Ensure we don't delete the array slots that contain histogram metadata.
.and_then(|mut state| {
state.clear_array(inner_ref.block_index, $clear_start_index)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
error!("Failed to {} property. Error: {:?}", stringify!($fn_name), e);
macro_rules! linear_histogram_property {
($name_cap:ident, $type:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
#[doc = "A linear histogram property for " $type " values."]
pub struct [<$name_cap LinearHistogramProperty>] {
array: [<$name_cap ArrayProperty>],
floor: $type,
slots: usize,
step_size: $type,
impl [<$name_cap LinearHistogramProperty>] {
fn get_index(&self, value: $type) -> usize {
let mut current_floor = self.floor;
// Start in the underflow index.
let mut index = constants::LINEAR_HISTOGRAM_EXTRA_SLOTS - 2;
while value >= current_floor && index < self.slots - 1 {
current_floor += self.step_size;
index += 1;
index as usize
fn get_block(&self) -> Option<Block<Arc<Mapping>>> {
Linear, $name_cap, $type,
// -2 = the overflow and underflow slots which still need to be cleared.
macro_rules! exponential_histogram_property {
($name_cap:ident, $type:ident) => {
paste::paste! {
#[doc = "An exponential histogram property for " $type " values."]
pub struct [<$name_cap ExponentialHistogramProperty>] {
array: [<$name_cap ArrayProperty>],
floor: $type,
initial_step: $type,
step_multiplier: $type,
slots: usize,
impl [<$name_cap ExponentialHistogramProperty>] {
fn get_index(&self, value: $type) -> usize {
let mut current_floor = self.floor;
let mut offset = self.initial_step;
// Start in the underflow index.
let mut index = constants::EXPONENTIAL_HISTOGRAM_EXTRA_SLOTS - 2;
while value >= current_floor && index < self.slots - 1 {
current_floor = self.floor + offset;
offset *= self.step_multiplier;
index += 1;
index as usize
fn get_block(&self) -> Option<Block<Arc<Mapping>>> {
Exponential, $name_cap, $type,
// -2 = the overflow and underflow slots which still need to be cleared.
linear_histogram_property!(Double, f64);
linear_histogram_property!(Int, i64);
linear_histogram_property!(Uint, u64);
exponential_histogram_property!(Double, f64);
exponential_histogram_property!(Int, i64);
exponential_histogram_property!(Uint, u64);
/// Generates a unique name that can be used in inspect nodes and properties that will be prefixed
/// by the given `prefix`.
pub fn unique_name(prefix: &str) -> String {
let suffix = UNIQUE_NAME_SUFFIX.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
format!("{}{}", prefix, suffix)
mod tests {
use {
format::{block::LinkNodeDisposition, block_type::BlockType, constants},
anyhow::{bail, format_err},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
const TEST_COMPONENT_CMX: &str = "inspect_test_component.cmx";
const TEST_COMPONENT_URL: &str =
fn inspector_new() {
let test_object = Inspector::new();
constants::DEFAULT_VMO_SIZE_BYTES as u64
fn inspector_duplicate_vmo() {
let test_object = Inspector::new();
constants::DEFAULT_VMO_SIZE_BYTES as u64
constants::DEFAULT_VMO_SIZE_BYTES as u64
fn inspector_copy_data() {
let test_object = Inspector::new();
constants::DEFAULT_VMO_SIZE_BYTES as u64
// The copy will be a single page, since that is all that is used.
assert_eq!(test_object.copy_vmo_data().unwrap().len(), 4096);
fn no_op() {
let inspector = Inspector::new_with_size(4096);
// Make the VMO full.
let nodes = (0..127).map(|_| inspector.root().create_child("test")).collect::<Vec<Node>>();
assert!(nodes.iter().all(|node| node.is_valid()));
let no_op_node = inspector.root().create_child("no-op-child");
async fn new_no_op() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut fs: ServiceFs<ServiceObj<'_, ()>> = ServiceFs::new();
let inspector = Inspector::new_no_op();
// Ensure serve doesn't crash on a No-Op inspector
inspector.serve(&mut fs)
fn inspector_new_with_size() {
let test_object = Inspector::new_with_size(8192);
assert_eq!(test_object.vmo.as_ref().unwrap().get_size().unwrap(), 8192);
test_object.vmo.as_ref().unwrap().get_name().expect("Has name")
// If size is not a multiple of 4096, it'll be rounded up.
let test_object = Inspector::new_with_size(10000);
assert_eq!(test_object.vmo.unwrap().get_size().unwrap(), 12288);
// If size is less than the minimum size, the minimum will be set.
let test_object = Inspector::new_with_size(2000);
assert_eq!(test_object.vmo.unwrap().get_size().unwrap(), 4096);
fn inspector_new_root() {
// Note, the small size we request should be rounded up to a full 4kB page.
let (vmo, root_node) = Inspector::new_root(100).unwrap();
assert_eq!(vmo.get_size().unwrap(), 4096);
let inner = root_node.inner.inner_ref().unwrap();
assert_eq!(inner.block_index, 0);
assert_eq!(CString::new("InspectHeap").unwrap(), vmo.get_name().expect("Has name"));
fn node() {
// Create and use a default value.
let default = Node::default();
default.record_int("a", 0);
let mapping = Arc::new(Mapping::allocate(4096).unwrap().0);
let state = get_state(mapping.clone());
let root = Node::new_root(state);
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(node_block.block_type(), BlockType::NodeValue);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
let child = node.create_child("child");
let child_block = child.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(child_block.block_type(), BlockType::NodeValue);
assert_eq!(child_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn node_no_op_clone_weak() {
let default = Node::default();
let weak = default.clone_weak();
let _ = weak.create_child("child");
let _ = weak.create_uint("age", 1337);
fn node_clone_weak() {
let mapping = Arc::new(Mapping::allocate(4096).unwrap().0);
let state = get_state(mapping.clone());
let root = Node::new_root(state);
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_weak = node.clone_weak();
let node_weak_2 = node_weak.clone_weak(); // Weak from another weak
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(node_block.block_type(), BlockType::NodeValue);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
let node_weak_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(node_weak_block.block_type(), BlockType::NodeValue);
assert_eq!(node_weak_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
let node_weak_2_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(node_weak_2_block.block_type(), BlockType::NodeValue);
assert_eq!(node_weak_2_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
let child_from_strong = node.create_child("child");
let child = node_weak.create_child("child_1");
let child_2 = node_weak_2.create_child("child_2");
assert_eq!(node_weak_block.child_count().unwrap(), 3);
assert_eq!(node_weak_block.child_count().unwrap(), 2);
assert_eq!(node_weak_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
let _ = node_weak.create_child("orphan");
let _ = child_2.create_child("orphan");
fn double_property() {
// Create and use a default value.
let default = DoubleProperty::default();
let mapping = Arc::new(Mapping::allocate(4096).unwrap().0);
let state = get_state(mapping.clone());
let root = Node::new_root(state);
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let property = node.create_double("property", 1.0);
let property_block = property.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(property_block.block_type(), BlockType::DoubleValue);
assert_eq!(property_block.double_value().unwrap(), 1.0);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(property_block.double_value().unwrap(), 2.0);
assert_eq!(property.get().unwrap(), 2.0);
assert_eq!(property_block.double_value().unwrap(), -3.5);
assert_eq!(property_block.double_value().unwrap(), 4.6);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn int_property() {
// Create and use a default value.
let default = IntProperty::default();
let mapping = Arc::new(Mapping::allocate(4096).unwrap().0);
let state = get_state(mapping.clone());
let root = Node::new_root(state);
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let property = node.create_int("property", 1);
let property_block = property.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(property_block.block_type(), BlockType::IntValue);
assert_eq!(property_block.int_value().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(property_block.int_value().unwrap(), 2);
assert_eq!(property.get().unwrap(), 2);
assert_eq!(property_block.int_value().unwrap(), -3);
assert_eq!(property_block.int_value().unwrap(), 5);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn uint_property() {
// Create and use a default value.
let default = UintProperty::default();
let mapping = Arc::new(Mapping::allocate(4096).unwrap().0);
let state = get_state(mapping.clone());
let root = Node::new_root(state);
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let property = node.create_uint("property", 1);
let property_block = property.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(property_block.block_type(), BlockType::UintValue);
assert_eq!(property_block.uint_value().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(property_block.uint_value().unwrap(), 5);
assert_eq!(property.get().unwrap(), 5);
assert_eq!(property_block.uint_value().unwrap(), 2);
assert_eq!(property_block.uint_value().unwrap(), 10);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn bool_property() {
// Create and use a default value.
let default = BoolProperty::default();
let mapping = Arc::new(Mapping::allocate(4096).unwrap().0);
let state = get_state(mapping.clone());
let root = Node::new_root(state);
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let property = node.create_bool("property", true);
let property_block = property.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(property_block.block_type(), BlockType::BoolValue);
assert_eq!(property_block.bool_value().unwrap(), true);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(property_block.bool_value().unwrap(), false);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn string_property() {
// Create and use a default value.
let default = StringProperty::default();
let mapping = Arc::new(Mapping::allocate(4096).unwrap().0);
let state = get_state(mapping.clone());
let root = Node::new_root(state);
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let property = node.create_string("property", "test");
let property_block = property.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(property_block.block_type(), BlockType::BufferValue);
assert_eq!(property_block.property_total_length().unwrap(), 4);
assert_eq!(property_block.property_format().unwrap(), PropertyFormat::String);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(property_block.property_total_length().unwrap(), 8);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn bytes_property() {
// Create and use a default value.
let default = BytesProperty::default();
default.set(&[0u8, 3u8]);
let mapping = Arc::new(Mapping::allocate(4096).unwrap().0);
let state = get_state(mapping.clone());
let root = Node::new_root(state);
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let property = node.create_bytes("property", b"test");
let property_block = property.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(property_block.block_type(), BlockType::BufferValue);
assert_eq!(property_block.property_total_length().unwrap(), 4);
assert_eq!(property_block.property_format().unwrap(), PropertyFormat::Bytes);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(property_block.property_total_length().unwrap(), 8);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn test_array() {
// Create and use a default value.
let default = DoubleArrayProperty::default();
default.add(1, 1.0);
let default = IntArrayProperty::default();
default.add(1, 1);
let default = UintArrayProperty::default();
default.add(1, 1);
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let root = inspector.root();
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let array = node.create_double_array("array_property", 5);
let array_block = array.get_block().unwrap();
array.set(0, 5.0);
assert_eq!(array_block.array_get_double_slot(0).unwrap(), 5.0);
array.add(0, 5.3);
assert_eq!(array_block.array_get_double_slot(0).unwrap(), 10.3);
array.subtract(0, 3.4);
assert_eq!(array_block.array_get_double_slot(0).unwrap(), 6.9);
array.set(1, 2.5);
array.set(3, -3.1);
for (i, value) in [6.9, 2.5, 0.0, -3.1, 0.0].iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(array_block.array_get_double_slot(i).unwrap(), *value);
for i in 0..5 {
assert_eq!(0.0, array_block.array_get_double_slot(i).unwrap());
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn linear_histograms() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let root = inspector.root();
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let int_histogram = node.create_int_linear_histogram(
LinearHistogramParams { floor: 10, step_size: 5, buckets: 5 },
int_histogram.insert_multiple(-1, 2); // underflow
int_histogram.insert(500); // overflow
let block = int_histogram.get_block().unwrap();
for (i, value) in [10, 5, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1].iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(i).unwrap(), *value);
let uint_histogram = node.create_uint_linear_histogram(
LinearHistogramParams { floor: 10, step_size: 5, buckets: 5 },
uint_histogram.insert_multiple(0, 2); // underflow
uint_histogram.insert(500); // overflow
let block = uint_histogram.get_block().unwrap();
for (i, value) in [10, 5, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1].iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(block.array_get_uint_slot(i).unwrap(), *value);
for (i, value) in [10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(*value, block.array_get_uint_slot(i).unwrap());
let double_histogram = node.create_double_linear_histogram(
LinearHistogramParams { floor: 10.0, step_size: 5.0, buckets: 5 },
double_histogram.insert_multiple(0.0, 2); // underflow
double_histogram.insert(500.0); // overflow
let block = double_histogram.get_block().unwrap();
for (i, value) in [10.0, 5.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0].iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(block.array_get_double_slot(i).unwrap(), *value);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 3);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn exponential_histograms() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let root = inspector.root();
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let int_histogram = node.create_int_exponential_histogram(
ExponentialHistogramParams {
floor: 1,
initial_step: 1,
step_multiplier: 2,
buckets: 4,
int_histogram.insert_multiple(-1, 2); // underflow
int_histogram.insert(500); // overflow
let block = int_histogram.get_block().unwrap();
for (i, value) in [1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1].iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(i).unwrap(), *value);
let uint_histogram = node.create_uint_exponential_histogram(
ExponentialHistogramParams {
floor: 1,
initial_step: 1,
step_multiplier: 2,
buckets: 4,
uint_histogram.insert_multiple(0, 2); // underflow
uint_histogram.insert(500); // overflow
let block = uint_histogram.get_block().unwrap();
for (i, value) in [1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1].iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(block.array_get_uint_slot(i).unwrap(), *value);
for (i, value) in [1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(*value, block.array_get_uint_slot(i).unwrap());
let double_histogram = node.create_double_exponential_histogram(
ExponentialHistogramParams {
floor: 1.0,
initial_step: 1.0,
step_multiplier: 2.0,
buckets: 4,
double_histogram.insert_multiple(0.0, 2); // underflow
double_histogram.insert(500.0); // overflow
let block = double_histogram.get_block().unwrap();
for (i, value) in [1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0].iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(block.array_get_double_slot(i).unwrap(), *value);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 3);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn owned_method_argument_properties() {
let mapping = Arc::new(Mapping::allocate(4096).unwrap().0);
let state = get_state(mapping.clone());
let root = Node::new_root(state);
let node = root.create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let _string_property =
node.create_string(String::from("string_property"), String::from("test"));
let _bytes_property =
node.create_bytes(String::from("bytes_property"), vec![0, 1, 2, 3]);
let _double_property = node.create_double(String::from("double_property"), 1.0);
let _int_property = node.create_int(String::from("int_property"), 1);
let _uint_property = node.create_uint(String::from("uint_property"), 1);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 5);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn dummy_partialeq() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let root = inspector.root();
// Types should all be equal to another type. This is to enable clients
// with inspect types in their structs be able to derive PartialEq and
// Eq smoothly.
assert_eq!(root, &root.create_child("child1"));
assert_eq!(root.create_int("property1", 1), root.create_int("property2", 2));
assert_eq!(root.create_double("property1", 1.0), root.create_double("property2", 2.0));
assert_eq!(root.create_uint("property1", 1), root.create_uint("property2", 2));
root.create_string("property1", "value1"),
root.create_string("property2", "value2")
root.create_bytes("property1", b"value1"),
root.create_bytes("property2", b"value2")
fn get_state(mapping: Arc<Mapping>) -> State {
let heap = Heap::new(mapping).unwrap();
State::create(heap).expect("create state")
fn exp_histogram_insert() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let root = inspector.root();
let hist = root.create_int_exponential_histogram(
ExponentialHistogramParams {
floor: 0,
initial_step: 2,
step_multiplier: 4,
buckets: 4,
for i in -200..200 {
let block = hist.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(0).unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(1).unwrap(), 2);
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(2).unwrap(), 4);
// Buckets
let i = 3;
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(i).unwrap(), 200);
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(i + 1).unwrap(), 2);
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(i + 2).unwrap(), 6);
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(i + 3).unwrap(), 24);
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(i + 4).unwrap(), 96);
assert_eq!(block.array_get_int_slot(i + 5).unwrap(), 72);
fn lazy_values() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let node = inspector.root().create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let lazy_node =
node.create_lazy_values("lazy", || async move { Ok(Inspector::new()) }.boxed());
let lazy_node_block = lazy_node.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lazy_node_block.block_type(), BlockType::LinkValue);
assert_eq!(lazy_node_block.link_content_index().unwrap(), 5);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn lazy_node() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let node = inspector.root().create_child("node");
let node_block = node.get_block().unwrap();
let lazy_node =
node.create_lazy_child("lazy", || async move { Ok(Inspector::new()) }.boxed());
let lazy_node_block = lazy_node.get_block().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lazy_node_block.block_type(), BlockType::LinkValue);
assert_eq!(lazy_node_block.link_content_index().unwrap(), 5);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 1);
assert_eq!(node_block.child_count().unwrap(), 0);
fn inspector_lazy_from_vmo() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
inspector.root().record_uint("test", 3);
let embedded_inspector = Inspector::new();
embedded_inspector.root().record_uint("test2", 4);
let vmo = embedded_inspector.duplicate_vmo().unwrap();
inspector.root().record_lazy_child_from_vmo("lazy", Arc::new(vmo));
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
test: 3u64,
lazy: {
test2: 4u64,
fn value_list_record() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let child = inspector.root().create_child("test");
let value_list = ValueList::new();
assert_eq!(value_list.values.lock().as_ref().unwrap().len(), 1);
fn record() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let property = inspector.root().create_uint("a", 1);
inspector.root().record_uint("b", 2);
let child = inspector.root().create_child("child");
child.record_double("c", 3.14);
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
a: 1u64,
b: 2u64,
child: {
c: 3.14,
// `child` went out of scope, meaning it was deleted.
// Property `a` should be gone as well, given that it was being tracked by `child`.
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
b: 2u64,
fn record_child() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
inspector.root().record_child("test", |node| {
node.record_int("a", 1);
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
test: {
a: 1i64,
fn record_weak() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let main = inspector.root().create_child("main");
let main_weak = main.clone_weak();
let property = main_weak.create_uint("a", 1);
// Ensure either the weak or strong reference can be used for recording
main_weak.record_uint("b", 2);
main.record_uint("c", 3);
let child = main_weak.create_child("child");
child.record_double("c", 3.14);
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: { main: {
a: 1u64,
b: 2u64,
c: 3u64,
child: {
c: 3.14,
// `child` went out of scope, meaning it was deleted.
// Property `a` should be gone as well, given that it was being tracked by `child`.
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: { main: {
b: 2u64,
c: 3u64
// Recording after dropping a strong reference is a no-op
main_weak.record_double("d", 1.0);
// Verify that dropping a strong reference cleans up the state
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: { });
async fn connect_to_service() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let mut service_fs = ServiceFs::new();
let env = service_fs.create_nested_environment("test")?;
let mut app = client::launch(&env.launcher(), TEST_COMPONENT_URL.to_string(), None)?;
let mut component_stream = app.controller().take_event_stream();
match component_stream
.expect("component event stream ended before termination event")?
ComponentControllerEvent::OnTerminated { return_code, termination_reason } => {
"Component terminated unexpectedly. Code: {}. Reason: {:?}",
ComponentControllerEvent::OnDirectoryReady {} => {
let pattern = format!(
let path = glob(&pattern)?.next().unwrap().expect("failed to parse glob");
let (tree, server_end) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<TreeMarker>().expect("failed to create proxy");
.expect("failed to connect to service");
let hierarchy = reader::read(&tree).await?;
assert_inspect_tree!(hierarchy, root: {
int: 3i64,
"lazy-node": {
a: "test",
child: {
double: 3.14,
app.kill().map_err(|e| format_err!("failed to kill component: {}", e))
fn unique_name() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let name_1 = super::unique_name("a");
assert_eq!(name_1, "a0");
inspector.root().record_uint(name_1, 1);
let name_2 = super::unique_name("a");
assert_eq!(name_2, "a1");
inspector.root().record_uint(name_2, 1);
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: {
a0: 1u64,
a1: 1u64,