blob: 1f182b075826759add5e15fe532bbb00510702a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! # Component inspection utilities
//! This module contains standardized entry points to the Fuchsia inspect subsystem. It works based
//! on the assumpton that a top-level static [`Inspector`][Inspector] is desirable.
//! The [`inspector()`][inspector] function can be used to get a top level inspector, which ensures
//! consistent inspect behavior across components.
//! Use the [`health()`][health] function to report the component health state through the
//! component inspector.
//! While using the component inspector is not mandatory, it is probably a good idea from the
//! standpoint of uniform reporting.
//! # Examples
//! ```rust
//! use fuchsia_inspect::component;
//! let inspector = component::inspector();
//! // Add a standardized health node to the default inspector as early as possible in code.
//! // The component will report `STARTING_UP` as the status from here on.
//! let mut health = component::health();
//! // Add a node with a metric to the inspector.
//! inspector.root().create_string("property", "value");
//! // Report the component health as `OK` when ready. Calls to `health` are thread-safe.
//! health.set_ok();
//! ```
use {
super::{health, Inspector},
std::sync::{Arc, Mutex},
lazy_static! {
// The component-level inspector. We probably want to use this inspector across components where
// practical.
static ref INSPECTOR: Inspector = Inspector::new();
// Health node based on the global inspector from `inspector()`.
static ref HEALTH: Arc<Mutex<health::Node>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(health::Node::new(INSPECTOR.root())));
/// A thread-safe handle to a health reporter. See `component::health()` for instructions on how
/// to create one.
pub struct Health {
// The thread-safe component health reporter that reports to the top-level inspector.
health_node: Arc<Mutex<health::Node>>,
// A thread-safe implementation of a global health reporter.
impl health::Reporter for Health {
fn set_starting_up(&mut self) {
let lock = self.health_node.lock();
lock.expect("lock success").set_starting_up();
fn set_ok(&mut self) {
let lock = self.health_node.lock();
lock.expect("lock success").set_ok();
fn set_unhealthy(&mut self, message: &str) {
let lock = self.health_node.lock();
lock.expect("lock success").set_unhealthy(message);
/// Returns the singleton component inspector.
/// It is recommended that all health nodes register with this inspector (as opposed to any other
/// that may have been created).
pub fn inspector() -> &'static Inspector {
return &INSPECTOR;
/// Returns a handle to the standardized singleton top-level health reporter on each call.
/// Calling this function installs a health reporting child node below the default inspector's
/// `root` node. When using it, consider using the default inspector for all health reporting, for
/// uniformity: `fuchsia_inspect::component::inspector()`.
/// # Caveats
/// The health reporting node is created when it is first referenced. It is advisable to reference
/// it as early as possible, so that it could export a `STARTING_UP` health status while the
/// component is initializing.
pub fn health() -> Health {
return Health { health_node: HEALTH.clone() };
mod tests {
use {
crate::{assert_inspect_tree, health::Reporter, testing::AnyProperty},
fn health_checker_lifecycle() {
let inspector = super::inspector();
// In the beginning, the inspector has no stats.
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: contains {});
let mut health = health();
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "STARTING_UP",
start_timestamp_nanos: AnyProperty,
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "OK",
start_timestamp_nanos: AnyProperty,
health.set_unhealthy("Bad state");
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "UNHEALTHY",
message: "Bad state",
start_timestamp_nanos: AnyProperty,
// Verify that the message changes.
health.set_unhealthy("Another bad state");
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "UNHEALTHY",
message: "Another bad state",
start_timestamp_nanos: AnyProperty,
// Also verifies that there is no more message.
root: contains {
"fuchsia.inspect.Health": {
status: "OK",
start_timestamp_nanos: AnyProperty,
fn record_on_inspector() {
let inspector = super::inspector();
inspector.root().record_int("a", 1);
assert_inspect_tree!(inspector, root: contains {
a: 1i64,