blob: 36dbf4b79c630cdc5b2e6d535bd569317df99ff6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# [START imports]
# [END imports]
# [START canonical_targets]
group("example") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":pkg" ]
# [END canonical_targets]
# [START exec]
executable("src_intl_example_bin") {
sources = [ "" ]
# [START deps]
deps = [
# This is the underlying generated FIDL code, must be included so that
# its settings make it to the -I flag for compiler invocation.
# Generate all needed intermediate resources.
# [END deps]
# [START exec]
# [START pkg]
package("pkg") {
package_name = "src-intl-example"
# [START pkg_deps]
deps = [
# The binary to bundle in the package
# For the localized resources.
# [END pkg_deps]
binaries = [
name = "src_intl_example_bin"
dest = "src_intl_example"
meta = [
path = "meta/src-intl-example.cmx"
dest = "src-intl-example.cmx"
# [START resources]
resources = [
# These declaration works, but need to be maintained manually. Work is
# underway to make the "package" target collect and apply the locale files
# automatically.
path = rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/en/l10n.json")
dest = "assets/locales/en/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/fr/l10n.json")
dest = "assets/locales/fr/l10n.json"
path = rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/es/l10n.json")
dest = "assets/locales/es/l10n.json"
# Contains the necessary ICU data.
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
# [END resources]
# [END pkg]
# [START strings]
intl_strings("l10n") {
source = "strings.xml"
source_locale = "en"
output_locales = [
library = "fuchsia.intl.l10n"
# [END strings]