blob: 09eac625b99c3be2755d716410b66e15fb64d7c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
mod directory;
mod volume;
pub use directory::InsecureKeyDirectoryStorageManager;
pub use volume::EncryptedVolumeStorageManager;
use account_common::AccountManagerError;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use fidl_fuchsia_io::DirectoryProxy;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// An enumeration of the possible key configurations for securing the
/// data contained in a `StorageManager`.
#[derive(PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Key {
/// No caller specified key.
/// Caller specified key provided.
/// An implementation of `StorageManager` provides access to a directory,
/// optionally protected with a key specified by the caller. A `StorageManager`
/// transitions between three internal states - uninitialized, locked, and
/// available. Handles to the directory may only be retrieved while the
/// `StorageManager` is in the available state. Similarly, handles to the
/// directory provided by a `StorageManager` and any subdirectories should be
/// closed prior to locking the `StorageManager`.
/// Note: The ?Send is necessary to allow implementations to make FIDL calls as
/// the FIDL bindings don't require threadsafe inputs.
pub trait StorageManager: Sized {
/// Provisions a new storage instance. The same `Key` must be supplied
/// during a call to `unlock`. Moves the `StorageManager` from the
/// uninitialized to the unlocked state.
async fn provision(&self, key: &Key) -> Result<(), AccountManagerError>;
/// Unlocks a locked storage resource. Moves the `StorageManager` from
/// the locked or uninitialized state to the available state. Fails if
/// the key does not match the key originally given through `provision`.
async fn unlock(&self, key: &Key) -> Result<(), AccountManagerError>;
/// Locks the storage resource. All connections to the directory should be
/// closed prior to calling this method. Moves the `StorageManager` from
/// the available state to the locked state.
async fn lock(&self) -> Result<(), AccountManagerError>;
/// Removes the underlying storage resources, permanently destroying the
/// directory managed by the `StorageManager`. All connections to the
/// directory should be closed prior to calling this method. Moves the
/// `StorageManager` to the uninitialized state.
async fn destroy(&self) -> Result<(), AccountManagerError>;
/// Returns a proxy to the root directory managed by the `StorageManager`.
/// The `StorageManager` must be in the available state.
async fn get_root_dir(&self) -> Result<DirectoryProxy, AccountManagerError>;