blob: b6538e43b38635b2a75e4e7bee2a52339c64e2c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
font_info::{FontAssetSource, FontInfo, FontInfoLoader},
std::{collections::BTreeSet, convert::TryInto},
/// An implementation of [`FakeFontInfoLoader`] that doesn't read the font file, but instead claims
/// that the font file contains exactly the code points that appear in the file name, plus the
/// `index`.
pub(crate) struct FakeFontInfoLoaderImpl {}
impl FakeFontInfoLoaderImpl {
pub fn new() -> Self {
FakeFontInfoLoaderImpl {}
impl FontInfoLoader for FakeFontInfoLoaderImpl {
fn load_font_info<S, E>(&self, source: S, index: u32) -> Result<FontInfo, Error>
S: TryInto<FontAssetSource, Error = E>,
E: Sync + Send + Into<Error>,
let source: FontAssetSource = source.try_into().map_err(|e| e.into())?;
let path = match source {
FontAssetSource::Stream(_) => {
return Err(format_err!("FakeFontInfoLoaderImpl only supports file paths"));
FontAssetSource::FilePath(path) => path,
let file_name = path.split('/').last().unwrap();
let mut chars: BTreeSet<u32> = file_name.chars().map(|c| c as u32).collect();
let chars: Vec<u32> = chars.into_iter().collect();
let char_set = CharSet::new(chars);
Ok(FontInfo { char_set })
mod tests {
use {super::*, char_collection::char_collect, pretty_assertions::assert_eq};
fn test_load_font_info() -> Result<(), Error> {
let loader = FakeFontInfoLoaderImpl::new();
let source = FontAssetSource::FilePath(
let actual = loader.load_font_info(source, 0x999)?;
let expected =
FontInfo { char_set: char_collect!('a'..='z', '0'..='9', '-', '.', '\u{999}').into() };
assert_eq!(actual, expected);