blob: 3cc1b0ecf9fa9ae76e67f87ab50f0978bb834bcd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::{ConfigFile, TestData};
const INSPECT: &str = r#"
"data_source": "Inspect",
"metadata": {
"errors": null,
"filename": "namespace/whatever",
"component_url": "some-component:///#meta/",
"timestamp": 1233474285373
"moniker": "foo/bar",
"payload": {
"root": {
"widgets": 3
"version": 1
// Ensure that the "repeat" lines here are consistent with CHECK_PERIOD_SECONDS.
const CONFIG: &str = r#"
select: {
widgets: "INSPECT:foo/bar:root:widgets",
act: {
messy_signature: {
trigger: "widgets > 2",
type: "Snapshot",
repeat: "Seconds(1)",
signature: "This_is $illy!, BᗷB♥B"
sentence_signature: {
trigger: "widgets > 2",
type: "Snapshot",
repeat: "Seconds(1)",
signature: "There was an error"
pub fn test() -> TestData {
let config = ConfigFile { name: "file.triage".to_string(), contents: CONFIG.to_string() };
let enable = ConfigFile {
name: "config.json".to_string(),
contents: "{enable_filing: true}".to_string(),
TestData {
name: "Snapshot sanitizing".to_string(),
inspect_data: vec![INSPECT.to_string()],
config_files: vec![config, enable],
snapshots: vec![vec![
bails: false,