blob: ef425c367f4a7725c320a270c90e0b19da488469 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "devfs.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fuchsia/io/c/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
#include <lib/fidl/coding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/txn_header.h>
#include <lib/memfs/cpp/vnode.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zircon/device/vfs.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <ddk/driver.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <src/storage/deprecated-fs-fidl-handler/fidl-handler.h>
#include "async_loop_owned_rpc_handler.h"
#include "coordinator.h"
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/message_part.h"
#include "src/devices/lib/log/log.h"
namespace {
// On OpenMsg and Describe Msg are hand-rolled structs to mirror the `OnOpen`
// event and `Describe` method from fuchsia-io: see
// zircon/system/fidl/fuchsia-io/io.fidl. We are hand-rolling this because these
// methods contain NodeInfo unions which is not supported by the C FIDL
// bindings, and migrating this code to LLCPP is out-of-scope for now.
struct OnOpenMsg {
// This is the inline, or primary, part of the FIDL message.
struct {
fidl_message_header_t hdr;
int32_t s;
fidl_xunion_t node_info;
} primary;
// This is the out-of-line, or secondary, part of the FIDL message, which may
// or may not be present, depending on the value of .node_info's tag.
// Note that `directory` is the _only_ NodeInfo union member used in this
// file, whereas the actual definition of NodeInfo in io.fidl has many more
// members. Including the other members here would extend the size of the
// union beyond sizeof(fuchsia_io_DirectoryObject), which means that the
// outgoing FIDL message would contain extraneous zero bytes.
// For extra context: Remember that the old-wireformat static unions' payload
// size is the maximum of its union members' size, whereas the v1-wireformat
// extensible unions' payload size depends on the specific union member that's
// present. We are writing the v1 wire format, and this code only ever sets
// NodeInfo's union member to be a Directory, so `directory` is only NodeInfo
// union member needed in this definition.
fuchsia_io_DirectoryObject directory;
// This is a hand-rolled FIDL struct, see OnOpenMsg
struct DescribeMsg {
// This is the inline, or primary, part of the FIDL message.
struct {
fidl_message_header_t hdr;
fidl_xunion_t node_info;
} primary;
fuchsia_io_DirectoryObject directory;
// Sets |node_info| to be a Directory, in the encoded form. It is the caller's
// responsibility to ensure that the directory object is zeroed out.
void SetNodeInfoAsDirectory(fidl_xunion_t* node_info) {
// kNodeInfoTagDirectory below is intentionally hard-coded to the ordinal
// for We could also look this up in the coding
// tables, but doing that is arguably less performant and less safe, since
// we need to search the NodeInfo coding table's fields for the directory
// union member, and there's questions around what to do if the field
// isn't found. Given that a union member ordinal is part of its ABI, it's
// extremely unlikely to ever change, so it's safe enough to hard-code it
// here. See
// <>
// for more context.
constexpr fidl_xunion_tag_t kNodeInfoTagDirectory = 3ul;
node_info->tag = kNodeInfoTagDirectory;
node_info->envelope.num_bytes = FIDL_ALIGN(sizeof(fuchsia_io_DirectoryObject));
node_info->envelope.presence = FIDL_ALLOC_PRESENT;
zx_status_t SendOnOpenEvent(zx_handle_t ch, OnOpenMsg msg, zx_handle_disposition_t* handles,
uint32_t num_handles) {
const bool contains_nodeinfo = msg.primary.node_info.tag != fidl_xunion_tag_t(0);
uint32_t msg_size = contains_nodeinfo ? sizeof(msg) : sizeof(msg.primary);
fidl::HLCPPOutgoingMessage fidl_msg(
fidl::BytePart(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&msg), msg_size, msg_size),
fidl::HandleDispositionPart(handles, num_handles, num_handles));
return fidl_msg.Write(ch, 0);
async_dispatcher_t* g_dispatcher = nullptr;
uint64_t next_ino = 2;
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> root_devnode;
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> class_devnode;
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> devfs_mkdir(Devnode* parent, const fbl::String& name);
// Dummy node to represent dev/diagnostics directory.
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> diagnostics_devnode;
// Connection to diagnostics VFS server. Channel is owned by inspect manager.
zx::unowned_channel diagnostics_channel;
const char kDiagnosticsDirName[] = "diagnostics";
const size_t kDiagnosticsDirLen = strlen(kDiagnosticsDirName);
zx::channel g_devfs_root;
} // namespace
struct Watcher : fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<std::unique_ptr<Watcher>,
fbl::NodeOptions::AllowRemoveFromContainer> {
Watcher(Devnode* dn, zx::channel ch, uint32_t mask);
Watcher(const Watcher&) = delete;
Watcher& operator=(const Watcher&) = delete;
Watcher(Watcher&&) = delete;
Watcher& operator=(Watcher&&) = delete;
void HandleChannelClose(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
Devnode* devnode = nullptr;
zx::channel handle;
uint32_t mask = 0;
async::WaitMethod<Watcher, &Watcher::HandleChannelClose> channel_close_wait{this};
Watcher::Watcher(Devnode* dn, zx::channel ch, uint32_t mask)
: devnode(dn), handle(std::move(ch)), mask(mask) {}
void Watcher::HandleChannelClose(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::WaitBase* wait,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_signal_t* signal) {
if (status == ZX_OK) {
if (signal->observed & ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED) {
class DcIostate : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<DcIostate*>,
public AsyncLoopOwnedRpcHandler<DcIostate> {
explicit DcIostate(Devnode* dn);
// Remove this DcIostate from its devnode
void DetachFromDevnode();
// Claims ownership of |*h| on success
static zx_status_t Create(Devnode* dn, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, zx::channel* h);
static zx_status_t DevfsFidlHandler(fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, fidl_txn_t* txn, void* cookie,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
static void HandleRpc(std::unique_ptr<DcIostate> ios, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
uint64_t readdir_ino_ = 0;
// pointer to our devnode, nullptr if it has been removed
Devnode* devnode_ = nullptr;
struct Devnode : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<Devnode*> {
explicit Devnode(fbl::String name);
Devnode(const Devnode&) = delete;
Devnode& operator=(const Devnode&) = delete;
Devnode(Devnode&&) = delete;
Devnode& operator=(Devnode&&) = delete;
fbl::String name;
uint64_t ino = 0;
// nullptr if we are a pure directory node,
// otherwise the device we are referencing
Device* device = nullptr;
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<Watcher>> watchers;
// list of our child devnodes
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<Devnode*> children;
// Pointer to our parent, for removing ourselves from its list of
// children. Our parent must outlive us.
Devnode* parent = nullptr;
// list of attached iostates
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<DcIostate*> iostate;
// used to assign unique small device numbers
// for class device links
uint32_t seqcount = 0;
namespace {
struct ProtocolInfo {
const char* name;
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> devnode;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t flags;
ProtocolInfo proto_infos[] = {
#define DDK_PROTOCOL_DEF(tag, val, name, flags) {name, nullptr, val, flags},
#include <ddk/protodefs.h>
Devnode* proto_dir(uint32_t id) {
for (const auto& info : proto_infos) {
if ( == id) {
return info.devnode.get();
return nullptr;
void prepopulate_protocol_dirs() {
class_devnode = devfs_mkdir(root_devnode.get(), "class");
for (auto& info : proto_infos) {
if (!(info.flags & PF_NOPUB)) {
info.devnode = devfs_mkdir(class_devnode.get(),;
void describe_error(zx::channel h, zx_status_t status) {
OnOpenMsg msg;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
fidl_init_txn_header(&msg.primary.hdr, 0, fuchsia_io_NodeOnOpenOrdinal);
msg.primary.s = status;
SendOnOpenEvent(h.get(), msg, nullptr, 0);
// A devnode is a directory (from stat's perspective) if
// it has children, or if it doesn't have a device, or if
// its device has no rpc handle
bool devnode_is_dir(const Devnode* dn) {
if (dn->children.is_empty()) {
return (dn->device == nullptr) || (!dn->device->device_controller().channel().is_valid()) ||
return true;
// Local devnodes are ones that we should not hand off OPEN
// RPCs to the underlying driver_host
bool devnode_is_local(Devnode* dn) {
if (dn->device == nullptr) {
return true;
if (!dn->device->device_controller().channel().get()) {
return true;
if (dn->device->flags & DEV_CTX_MUST_ISOLATE) {
return true;
return false;
// Notify a single watcher about the given operation and path. On failure,
// frees the watcher. This can only be called on a watcher that has not yet
// been added to a Devnode's watchers list.
void devfs_notify_single(std::unique_ptr<Watcher>* watcher, const fbl::String& name, unsigned op) {
size_t len = name.length();
if (!*watcher || len > fuchsia_io_MAX_FILENAME) {
uint8_t msg[fuchsia_io_MAX_FILENAME + 2];
const uint32_t msg_len = static_cast<uint32_t>(len + 2);
msg[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(op);
msg[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(len);
memcpy(msg + 2, name.c_str(), len);
// convert to mask
op = (1u << op);
if (!((*watcher)->mask & op)) {
if ((*watcher)->handle.write(0, msg, msg_len, nullptr, 0) != ZX_OK) {
void devfs_notify(Devnode* dn, const fbl::String& name, unsigned op) {
if (dn->watchers.is_empty()) {
size_t len = name.length();
if (len > fuchsia_io_MAX_FILENAME) {
uint8_t msg[fuchsia_io_MAX_FILENAME + 2];
const uint32_t msg_len = static_cast<uint32_t>(len + 2);
msg[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(op);
msg[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(len);
memcpy(msg + 2, name.c_str(), len);
// convert to mask
op = (1u << op);
for (auto itr = dn->watchers.begin(); itr != dn->watchers.end();) {
auto& cur = *itr;
// Advance the iterator now instead of at the end of the loop because we
// may erase the current element from the list.
if (!(cur.mask & op)) {
if (cur.handle.write(0, msg, msg_len, nullptr, 0) != ZX_OK) {
// The Watcher is free'd here
} // namespace
zx_status_t devfs_watch(Devnode* dn, zx::channel h, uint32_t mask) {
auto watcher = std::make_unique<Watcher>(dn, std::move(h), mask);
if (watcher == nullptr) {
// If the watcher has asked for all existing entries, send it all of them
// followed by the end-of-existing marker (IDLE).
if (mask & fuchsia_io_WATCH_MASK_EXISTING) {
for (const auto& child : dn->children) {
if (child.device && (child.device->flags & DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE)) {
// TODO: send multiple per write
devfs_notify_single(&watcher,, fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_EXISTING);
devfs_notify_single(&watcher, "", fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_IDLE);
// Watcher may have been freed by devfs_notify_single, so check before
// adding.
if (watcher) {
Watcher& watcher_ref = dn->watchers.front();
return ZX_OK;
bool devfs_has_watchers(Devnode* dn) { return !dn->watchers.is_empty(); }
namespace {
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> devfs_mknode(const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& dev, const fbl::String& name) {
auto dn = std::make_unique<Devnode>(name);
if (!dn) {
return nullptr;
dn->ino = next_ino++;
// TODO(teisenbe): This should probably be refcounted
dn->device = dev.get();
return dn;
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> devfs_mkdir(Devnode* parent, const fbl::String& name) {
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> dn = devfs_mknode(nullptr, name);
if (dn == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
dn->parent = parent;
return dn;
Devnode* devfs_lookup(Devnode* parent, const fbl::String& name) {
for (auto& child : parent->children) {
if (name == {
return &child;
return nullptr;
zx_status_t fill_dirent(vdirent_t* de, size_t delen, uint64_t ino, const fbl::String& name,
uint8_t type) {
size_t len = name.length();
size_t sz = sizeof(vdirent_t) + len;
if (sz > delen || len > NAME_MAX) {
de->ino = ino;
de->size = static_cast<uint8_t>(len);
de->type = type;
memcpy(de->name, name.c_str(), len);
return static_cast<zx_status_t>(sz);
zx_status_t devfs_readdir(Devnode* dn, uint64_t* ino_inout, void* data, size_t len) {
char* ptr = static_cast<char*>(data);
uint64_t ino = *ino_inout;
for (const auto& child : dn->children) {
if (child.ino <= ino) {
if (child.device == nullptr) {
// "pure" directories (like /dev/class/$NAME) do not show up
// if they have no children, to avoid clutter and confusion.
// They remain openable, so they can be watched.
// An exception being /dev/diagnostics which is served by different VFS and
// should be listed even though it has no DevNode childrens.
if (child.children.is_empty() && child.ino != diagnostics_devnode->ino) {
} else {
// invisible devices also do not show up
if (child.device->flags & DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE) {
ino = child.ino;
auto vdirent = reinterpret_cast<vdirent_t*>(ptr);
zx_status_t r = fill_dirent(vdirent, len, ino,, VTYPE_TO_DTYPE(V_TYPE_DIR));
if (r < 0) {
ptr += r;
len -= r;
*ino_inout = ino;
return static_cast<zx_status_t>(ptr - static_cast<char*>(data));
zx_status_t devfs_walk(Devnode** dn_inout, char* path) {
Devnode* dn = *dn_inout;
if ((path == nullptr) || (path[0] == 0)) {
*dn_inout = dn;
return ZX_OK;
char* name = path;
if ((path = strchr(path, '/')) != nullptr) {
*path++ = 0;
if (name[0] == 0) {
for (auto& child : dn->children) {
if (!strcmp(, name)) {
if (child.device && (child.device->flags & DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE)) {
dn = &child;
goto again;
// The path only partially matched.
void devfs_open(Devnode* dirdn, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, zx_handle_t h, char* path,
uint32_t flags) {
zx::channel ipc(h);
// Filter requests for diagnostics path and pass it on to diagnostics vfs server.
if (!strncmp(path, kDiagnosticsDirName, kDiagnosticsDirLen) &&
(path[kDiagnosticsDirLen] == '\0' || path[kDiagnosticsDirLen] == '/')) {
char* dir_path = path + kDiagnosticsDirLen;
char current_dir[] = ".";
if (dir_path[0] == '/') {
} else {
dir_path = current_dir;
fuchsia_io_DirectoryOpen(diagnostics_channel->get(), flags, 0, dir_path, strlen(dir_path),
if (!strcmp(path, ".")) {
path = nullptr;
Devnode* dn = dirdn;
zx_status_t r = devfs_walk(&dn, path);
bool describe = flags & ZX_FS_FLAG_DESCRIBE;
if (r != ZX_OK) {
if (describe) {
describe_error(std::move(ipc), r);
// If we are a local-only node, or we are asked to not go remote, or we are asked to
// open-as-a-directory, open locally:
if (devnode_is_local(dn) || flags & (ZX_FS_FLAG_NOREMOTE | ZX_FS_FLAG_DIRECTORY)) {
zx::unowned_channel unowned_ipc(ipc);
if ((r = DcIostate::Create(dn, dispatcher, &ipc)) != ZX_OK) {
if (describe) {
describe_error(std::move(ipc), r);
if (describe) {
OnOpenMsg msg;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
fidl_init_txn_header(&msg.primary.hdr, 0, fuchsia_io_NodeOnOpenOrdinal);
msg.primary.s = ZX_OK;
// We don't need to set the union member (i.e. the directory)'s data here,
// because Directory is an empty struct and has no data. The empty struct
// is zeroed out by the memset() earlier in this function.
// Writing to unowned_ipc is safe because this is executing on the same
// thread as the DcAsyncLoop(), so the handle can't be closed underneath us.
SendOnOpenEvent(unowned_ipc->get(), msg, nullptr, 0);
// Otherwise we will pass the request on to the remote.
fuchsia_io_DirectoryOpen(dn->device->device_controller().channel().get(), flags, 0, ".", 1,
void devfs_remove(Devnode* dn) {
if (dn->InContainer()) {
// detach all connected iostates
while (!dn->iostate.is_empty()) {
// notify own file watcher
if ((dn->device == nullptr) || !(dn->device->flags & DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE)) {
devfs_notify(dn, "", fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_DELETED);
// disconnect from device and notify parent/link directory watchers
if (dn->device != nullptr) {
if (dn->device->self == dn) {
dn->device->self = nullptr;
if ((dn->device->parent() != nullptr) && (dn->device->parent()->self != nullptr) &&
!(dn->device->flags & DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE)) {
devfs_notify(dn->device->parent()->self, dn->name, fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_REMOVED);
if (dn->device->link == dn) {
dn->device->link = nullptr;
if (!(dn->device->flags & DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE)) {
Devnode* dir = proto_dir(dn->device->protocol_id());
devfs_notify(dir, dn->name, fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_REMOVED);
dn->device = nullptr;
// destroy all watchers
// detach children
// They will be unpublished when the devices they're associated with are
// eventually destroyed.
} // namespace
Devnode::Devnode(fbl::String name) : name(std::move(name)) {}
Devnode::~Devnode() { devfs_remove(this); }
DcIostate::DcIostate(Devnode* dn) : devnode_(dn) { devnode_->iostate.push_back(this); }
DcIostate::~DcIostate() { DetachFromDevnode(); }
void DcIostate::DetachFromDevnode() {
if (devnode_ != nullptr) {
devnode_ = nullptr;
zx_status_t DcIostate::Create(Devnode* dn, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, zx::channel* ipc) {
auto ios = std::make_unique<DcIostate>(dn);
if (ios == nullptr) {
zx_status_t status = DcIostate::BeginWait(&ios, dispatcher);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// Take the handle back from |ios| so it doesn't close it when it's
// destroyed
*ipc = ios->set_channel(zx::channel());
return status;
void devfs_advertise(const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& dev) {
if (dev->link) {
Devnode* dir = proto_dir(dev->protocol_id());
devfs_notify(dir, dev->link->name, fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_ADDED);
if (dev->self->parent) {
devfs_notify(dev->self->parent, dev->self->name, fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_ADDED);
// TODO: generate a MODIFIED event rather than back to back REMOVED and ADDED
void devfs_advertise_modified(const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& dev) {
if (dev->link) {
Devnode* dir = proto_dir(dev->protocol_id());
devfs_notify(dir, dev->link->name, fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_REMOVED);
devfs_notify(dir, dev->link->name, fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_ADDED);
if (dev->self->parent) {
devfs_notify(dev->self->parent, dev->self->name, fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_REMOVED);
devfs_notify(dev->self->parent, dev->self->name, fuchsia_io_WATCH_EVENT_ADDED);
zx_status_t devfs_publish(const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& parent, const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& dev) {
if ((parent->self == nullptr) || (dev->self != nullptr) || (dev->link != nullptr)) {
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> dnself = devfs_mknode(dev, dev->name());
if (dnself == nullptr) {
if ((dev->protocol_id() == ZX_PROTOCOL_TEST_PARENT) ||
(dev->protocol_id() == ZX_PROTOCOL_MISC_PARENT) || (dev->protocol_id() == ZX_PROTOCOL_MISC)) {
// misc devices are singletons, not a class
// in the sense of other device classes.
// They do not get aliases in /dev/class/misc/...
// instead they exist only under their parent
// device.
goto done;
// Create link in /dev/class/... if this id has a published class
Devnode* dir;
dir = proto_dir(dev->protocol_id());
if (dir != nullptr) {
char tmp[32];
const char* name = dev->name().data();
if (dev->protocol_id() != ZX_PROTOCOL_CONSOLE) {
for (unsigned n = 0; n < 1000; n++) {
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%03u", (dir->seqcount++) % 1000);
if (devfs_lookup(dir, tmp) == nullptr) {
name = tmp;
goto got_name;
std::unique_ptr<Devnode> dnlink = devfs_mknode(dev, name);
if (dnlink == nullptr) {
// add link node to class directory
dnlink->parent = dir;
dev->link = dnlink.release();
// add self node to parent directory
dnself->parent = parent->self;
dev->self = dnself.release();
if (!(dev->flags & DEV_CTX_INVISIBLE)) {
return ZX_OK;
// TODO(teisenbe): Ideally this would take a RefPtr, but currently this is
// invoked in the dtor for Device.
void devfs_unpublish(Device* dev) {
if (dev->self != nullptr) {
delete dev->self;
dev->self = nullptr;
if (dev->link != nullptr) {
delete dev->link;
dev->link = nullptr;
zx_status_t devfs_connect(const Device* dev, zx::channel client_remote) {
if (!client_remote.is_valid()) {
fuchsia_io_DirectoryOpen(dev->device_controller().channel().get(), 0 /* flags */, 0 /* mode */,
".", 1, client_remote.release());
return ZX_OK;
void devfs_connect_diagnostics(zx::unowned_channel h) { diagnostics_channel = h; }
// Helper macros for |DevfsFidlHandler| which make it easier
// avoid typing generated names.
// Decode the incoming request, returning an error and consuming
// all handles on error.
do { \
zx_status_t r; \
if ((r = fidl_decode_msg(&fuchsia_io_##METHOD##RequestTable, msg, nullptr)) != ZX_OK) { \
return r; \
} \
} while (0);
// Define a variable |request| from the incoming method, of
// the requested type.
fuchsia_io_##METHOD##Request* request = (fuchsia_io_##METHOD##Request*)MSG->bytes;
zx_status_t DcIostate::DevfsFidlHandler(fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, fidl_txn_t* txn, void* cookie,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) {
auto ios = static_cast<DcIostate*>(cookie);
Devnode* dn = ios->devnode_;
if (dn == nullptr) {
auto hdr = static_cast<fidl_message_header_t*>(msg->bytes);
zx_status_t r;
uint64_t ordinal = hdr->ordinal;
switch (ordinal) {
case fuchsia_io_NodeCloneOrdinal: {
DECODE_REQUEST(msg, NodeClone);
DEFINE_REQUEST(msg, NodeClone);
zx_handle_t h = request->object;
uint32_t flags = request->flags;
if (request->flags & ZX_FS_FLAG_CLONE_SAME_RIGHTS) {
char path[] = ".";
devfs_open(dn, dispatcher, h, path, flags | ZX_FS_FLAG_NOREMOTE);
return ZX_OK;
case fuchsia_io_NodeDescribeOrdinal: {
DECODE_REQUEST(msg, NodeDescribe);
DescribeMsg msg;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
fidl_init_txn_header(&msg.primary.hdr, 0, fuchsia_io_NodeDescribeOrdinal);
fidl_outgoing_msg_t raw_msg = {
.byte =
.bytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&msg),
.handles = nullptr,
.num_bytes = sizeof(msg),
.num_handles = 0,
return txn->reply(txn, &raw_msg);
case fuchsia_io_DirectoryOpenOrdinal: {
DECODE_REQUEST(msg, DirectoryOpen);
DEFINE_REQUEST(msg, DirectoryOpen);
uint32_t len = static_cast<uint32_t>(request->path.size);
zx_handle_t h = request->object;
uint32_t flags = request->flags;
if (len == 0 || len > fuchsia_io_MAX_PATH) {
} else {
char path[fuchsia_io_MAX_PATH + 1];
memcpy(path, request->, len);
path[len] = 0;
devfs_open(dn, dispatcher, h, path, flags);
return ZX_OK;
case fuchsia_io_NodeGetAttrOrdinal: {
DECODE_REQUEST(msg, NodeGetAttr);
uint32_t mode;
if (devnode_is_dir(dn)) {
} else {
fuchsia_io_NodeAttributes attributes;
memset(&attributes, 0, sizeof(attributes));
attributes.mode = mode;
attributes.content_size = 0;
attributes.link_count = 1; = dn->ino;
return fuchsia_io_NodeGetAttr_reply(txn, ZX_OK, &attributes);
case fuchsia_io_DirectoryRewindOrdinal: {
DECODE_REQUEST(msg, DirectoryRewind);
ios->readdir_ino_ = 0;
return fuchsia_io_DirectoryRewind_reply(txn, ZX_OK);
case fuchsia_io_DirectoryReadDirentsOrdinal: {
DECODE_REQUEST(msg, DirectoryReadDirents);
DEFINE_REQUEST(msg, DirectoryReadDirents);
if (request->max_bytes > fuchsia_io_MAX_BUF) {
return fuchsia_io_DirectoryReadDirents_reply(txn, ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, nullptr, 0);
uint8_t data[fuchsia_io_MAX_BUF];
size_t actual = 0;
r = devfs_readdir(dn, &ios->readdir_ino_, data, request->max_bytes);
if (r >= 0) {
actual = r;
r = ZX_OK;
return fuchsia_io_DirectoryReadDirents_reply(txn, r, data, actual);
case fuchsia_io_DirectoryWatchOrdinal: {
DECODE_REQUEST(msg, DirectoryWatch);
DEFINE_REQUEST(msg, DirectoryWatch);
zx::channel watcher(request->watcher);
request->watcher = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
if (request->mask & (~fuchsia_io_WATCH_MASK_ALL) || request->options != 0) {
return fuchsia_io_DirectoryWatch_reply(txn, ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
r = devfs_watch(dn, std::move(watcher), request->mask);
return fuchsia_io_DirectoryWatch_reply(txn, r);
case fuchsia_io_DirectoryAdminQueryFilesystemOrdinal: {
DECODE_REQUEST(msg, DirectoryAdminQueryFilesystem);
fuchsia_io_FilesystemInfo info;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
strlcpy((char*), "devfs", fuchsia_io_MAX_FS_NAME_BUFFER);
return fuchsia_io_DirectoryAdminQueryFilesystem_reply(txn, ZX_OK, &info);
} // switch
// close inbound handles so they do not leak
FidlHandleInfoCloseMany(msg->handles, msg->num_handles);
void DcIostate::HandleRpc(std::unique_ptr<DcIostate> ios, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal) {
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LOGF(ERROR, "Failed to wait for RPC: %s", zx_status_get_string(status));
if (signal->observed & ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE) {
status = fs::ReadMessage(
wait->object(), [&ios, dispatcher](fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, fs::FidlConnection* txn) {
return DcIostate::DevfsFidlHandler(msg, txn->Txn(), ios.get(), dispatcher);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
ios->BeginWait(std::move(ios), dispatcher);
} else if (signal->observed & ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED) {
fs::CloseMessage([&ios, dispatcher](fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, fs::FidlConnection* txn) {
return DcIostate::DevfsFidlHandler(msg, txn->Txn(), ios.get(), dispatcher);
} else {
LOGF(FATAL, "Unexpected signal state %#08x", signal->observed);
// Do not start waiting again, and destroy |ios|
zx::unowned_channel devfs_root_borrow() { return zx::unowned_channel(g_devfs_root); }
zx::channel devfs_root_clone() { return zx::channel(fdio_service_clone(g_devfs_root.get())); }
void devfs_init(const fbl::RefPtr<Device>& device, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) {
g_dispatcher = dispatcher;
root_devnode = std::make_unique<Devnode>("");
if (!root_devnode) {
root_devnode->ino = 1;
// Create dummy diagnostics devnode, so that the directory is listed.
diagnostics_devnode = devfs_mkdir(root_devnode.get(), "diagnostics");
// TODO(teisenbe): Should this take a reference?
root_devnode->device = device.get();
root_devnode->device->self = root_devnode.get();
zx::channel h0, h1;
if (zx::channel::create(0, &h0, &h1) != ZX_OK) {
} else if (DcIostate::Create(root_devnode.get(), dispatcher, &h0) != ZX_OK) {
g_devfs_root = std::move(h1);
// This is actually owned by |device| and will be freed in unpublish
__UNUSED auto ptr = root_devnode.release();
zx_status_t devfs_walk(Devnode* dn, const char* path, fbl::RefPtr<Device>* dev) {
Devnode* inout = dn;
char path_copy[PATH_MAX];
if (strlen(path) + 1 > sizeof(path_copy)) {
strcpy(path_copy, path);
zx_status_t status = devfs_walk(&inout, path_copy);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*dev = fbl::RefPtr(inout->device);
return ZX_OK;