blob: 593e5b909f78b0c400436c06c401425ea94ca5f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::test::*, anyhow::*, ffx_core::ffx_plugin, ffx_selftest_args::SelftestCommand,
std::process::Stdio, std::time::Duration,
mod test;
pub async fn selftest(cmd: SelftestCommand) -> Result<()> {
let default_tests =
tests![test_isolated, test_daemon_echo, test_daemon_config_flag, test_daemon_stop,];
let mut target_tests = tests![test_target_list,];
let mut tests = default_tests;
if cmd.include_target {
tests.append(&mut target_tests);
run(tests, Duration::from_secs(cmd.timeout), Duration::from_secs(cmd.case_timeout)).await
async fn test_isolated() -> Result<()> {
let isolate = Isolate::new("isolated")?;
let out = isolate.ffx(&["config", "get", ""]).output()?;
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(out.stdout)?, "true\n");
async fn test_daemon_echo() -> Result<()> {
let isolate = Isolate::new("daemon-echo")?;
let out = isolate.ffx(&["daemon", "echo"]).output().context("failed to execute")?;
let got = String::from_utf8(out.stdout)?;
let want = "SUCCESS: received \"Ffx\"\n";
assert_eq!(got, want);
async fn test_daemon_config_flag() -> Result<()> {
let isolate = Isolate::new("daemon-config-flag")?;
let mut daemon =
isolate.ffx(&["daemon", "start"]).stdout(Stdio::null()).stderr(Stdio::null()).spawn()?;
// This should not terminate the daemon just started, as it won't
// share an overnet socket with it.
let mut ascendd_path2 = isolate.ascendd_path.clone();
let _out = isolate
&format!("overnet.socket={}", ascendd_path2.to_string_lossy()),
assert_eq!(None, daemon.try_wait()?);
let _out = isolate.ffx(&["daemon", "stop"]).output()?;
async fn test_daemon_stop() -> Result<()> {
let isolate = Isolate::new("daemon-stop")?;
let out = isolate.ffx(&["daemon", "stop"]).output().context("failed to execute")?;
let got = String::from_utf8(out.stdout)?;
let want = "Stopped daemon.\n";
assert_eq!(got, want);
async fn test_target_list() -> Result<()> {
let isolate = Isolate::new("target-list")?;
let mut lines = Vec::<String>::new();
// It takes a few moments to discover devices on the local network over
// mdns, so we retry until timeout or a useful value.
while lines.len() < 2 {
let mut cmd = isolate.ffx(&["target", "list"]);
// Use blocking so that if we get stuck waiting on the subcommand, we
// don't block the test case timeout.
// TODO( cover this issue in all cases by replacing
// ffx() return type with a value that handles these semantics.
let stdout: Result<String> = fuchsia_async::Task::blocking(async move {
let out = cmd.output().context("failed to execute")?;
String::from_utf8(out.stdout).context("convert from utf8")
lines = stdout?.lines().map(|s| s.to_owned()).collect();
ensure!(lines.len() >= 2, format!("expected more than one line of output, got:\n{:?}", lines));
let headers = vec!["NAME", "TYPE", "STATE", "ADDRS/IP", "AGE", "RCS"];
let headerline = &lines[0];
for (got, want) in headerline.split_whitespace().zip(headers) {
ensure!(got == want, format!("assertion failed:\nLEFT: {:?}\nRIGHT: {:?}", got, want));