blob: 55fc64c5eeaa8a98f4c32c5329afb5dbcd154d8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "gtest/gtest_prod.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFUnit.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/err.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/elf_symbol_record.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/index.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/location.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/module_symbols.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace llvm {
class DWARFCompileUnit;
class DWARFContext;
class MemoryBuffer;
namespace object {
class Binary;
} // namespace object
} // namespace llvm
namespace zxdb {
class DwarfBinary;
class DwarfSymbolFactory;
class Variable;
// Represents the symbol interface for a module (executable or shared library). See ModuleSymbols.
// This provides a high-level interface on top of the DwarfBinary file (low-level stuff), the Index,
// and the SymbolFactory.
class ModuleSymbolsImpl final : public ModuleSymbols {
DwarfBinary* binary() { return binary_.get(); }
DwarfSymbolFactory* symbol_factory() { return symbol_factory_.get(); }
fxl::WeakPtr<ModuleSymbolsImpl> GetWeakPtr();
// ModuleSymbols implementation.
ModuleSymbolStatus GetStatus() const override;
std::time_t GetModificationTime() const override;
std::string GetBuildDir() const override;
uint64_t GetMappedLength() const override;
std::vector<Location> ResolveInputLocation(
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options = ResolveOptions()) const override;
fxl::RefPtr<DwarfUnit> GetDwarfUnit(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
uint64_t absolute_address) const override;
LineDetails LineDetailsForAddress(const SymbolContext& symbol_context, uint64_t absolute_address,
bool greedy) const override;
std::vector<std::string> FindFileMatches(std::string_view name) const override;
std::vector<fxl::RefPtr<Function>> GetMainFunctions() const override;
const Index& GetIndex() const override;
LazySymbol IndexSymbolRefToSymbol(const IndexNode::SymbolRef&) const override;
bool HasBinary() const override;
FRIEND_TEST(ModuleSymbols, ResolveMainFunction);
// The input binary must be successfully initialized already.
// The build_dir, if not empty, will be used to override the compilation_dir of FileLine objects,
// which is useful because in Fuchsia checkout, the compilation_dir will always be ".".
// If create_index is true, an index will be created for fast symbol lookup.
// Normal callers will always want to create the index, unless you don't need to query a symbol
// from its name, e.g., in some test scenarios or in symbolizer.
explicit ModuleSymbolsImpl(std::unique_ptr<DwarfBinary> binary, const std::string& build_dir,
bool create_index = true);
~ModuleSymbolsImpl() override;
// Helpers for ResolveInputLocation() for the different types of inputs.
std::vector<Location> ResolveLineInputLocation(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options) const;
std::vector<Location> ResolveSymbolInputLocation(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options) const;
std::vector<Location> ResolveAddressInputLocation(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options) const;
// Symbolizes the given address if possible. The function can be specified if it's already known
// (some code paths have to compute that before calling). Otherwise, the address will be looked up
// and the function computed if necessary.
// The DWARF and ELF versions can fail to match a symbol for that category. The general version
// will try both and will return a raw address if nothing matches.
Location LocationForAddress(const SymbolContext& symbol_context, uint64_t absolute_address,
const ResolveOptions& options, const Function* optional_func) const;
std::optional<Location> DwarfLocationForAddress(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
uint64_t absolute_address,
const ResolveOptions& options,
const Function* optional_func) const;
std::optional<Location> ElfLocationForAddress(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
uint64_t absolute_address,
const ResolveOptions& options) const;
// Converts the given global or static variable to a Location. This doesn't work for local
// variables which are dynamic and based on the current CPU state and stack.
Location LocationForVariable(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
fxl::RefPtr<Variable> variable) const;
// Converts a Function object to a found location according to the options and adds it to the
// list. May append nothing if there is no code for the function.
void AppendLocationForFunction(const SymbolContext& symbol_context, const ResolveOptions& options,
const Function* func, std::vector<Location>* result) const;
// Looks up an ELF or PLT symbol. The symbol name only matches the mangled names and must not
// include the "$elf(...)" or "$plt(...)" annotation. Returns a vector of one entry if found, an
// empty vector if not.
std::vector<Location> ResolvePltName(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const std::string& mangled_name) const;
std::vector<Location> ResolveElfName(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const std::string& mangled_name) const;
// Resolves the line number information for the given file, which must be an exact match. This is
// a helper function for ResolveLineInputLocation().
// This appends to the given output.
void ResolveLineInputLocationForFile(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const std::string& canonical_file, int line_number,
const ResolveOptions& options,
std::vector<Location>* output) const;
// Constructs an ElfSymbol object for the given record.
// Lookup for an address wants to return a Location identifying that exact location, even if
// the address in question isn't at the beginning of the symbol. Such callers can specify the
// relative address that the returned Location should have. If nullopt, the address for the
// location will be the beginning of the ELF symbol.
Location MakeElfSymbolLocation(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
std::optional<uint64_t> relative_address,
const ElfSymbolRecord& record) const;
// Fills the forward and backward indices for ELF symbols.
void FillElfSymbols();
std::unique_ptr<DwarfBinary> binary_;
std::string build_dir_;
Index index_;
// Maps the mangled symbol name to the elf symbol record. There can technically be more than
// one entry for a name.
// This structure is also the canonical storage for ElfSymbolRecords used by elf_addresses_.
// We could potentially store this in the Index instead of in this separate location. This will be
// required if we need to support unmangled PLT names. A plan:
// - Declare that PLT symbols are encoded as "ns::ClassName::$plt(name)" since special
// annotations are per-component.
// - Make an "elf" type of IndexNode that the $plt component will match.
// - Rename IndexNode::DieRef to IndexNode::SymbolRef and convert the is_declaration flag to an
// enum. Add an enum value "ELF symbol".
// - Store the ELFSymbolRecords here in a vector that can be indexed into. Use the offset ot the
// IndexNode::SymbolRef to mean this index when it's an ELF type of SymbolRef. Hook this up to
// IndexDieRefToSymbol.
using ElfSymbolMap = std::multimap<std::string, const ElfSymbolRecord>;
ElfSymbolMap mangled_elf_symbols_;
// All symbols in the mangled_elf_symbols_ map (pointers owned by that structure) sorted by the
// relative address. Theoretically there can be more than one symbol for the same address.
std::vector<const ElfSymbolRecord*> elf_addresses_;
fxl::RefPtr<DwarfSymbolFactory> symbol_factory_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<ModuleSymbolsImpl> weak_factory_;
} // namespace zxdb