blob: 0ba33d6d652613897b7badd9f7a10744b167e758 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/module_symbols_impl.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DIContext.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFUnit.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/ipc/protocol.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/largest_less_or_equal.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/logging/logging.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/file_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_binary.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_expr_eval.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_symbol_factory.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/elf_symbol.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/find_line.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/function.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/input_location.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/line_details.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/line_table_impl.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/resolve_options.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_context.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_data_provider.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/variable.h"
#include "src/lib/elflib/elflib.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// When looking for symbol matches, don't consider any symbol further than this from the looked-up
// location to be a match. We don't want this number to be too large as users can be confused by
// seeing a name for a symbol that's unrelated to the address at hand.
// However, when dealing with unsymbolized code, the nearest previous Elf symbol name can be a
// valuable hint about the location of an address.
constexpr uint64_t kMaxElfOffsetForMatch = 4096;
// Implementation of SymbolDataProvider that returns no memory or registers. This is used when
// evaluating global variables' location expressions which normally just declare an address. See
// LocationForVariable().
class GlobalSymbolDataProvider : public SymbolDataProvider {
static Err GetContextError() {
return Err(
"Global variable requires register or memory data to locate. "
"Please file a bug with a repro.");
// SymbolDataProvider implementation.
debug_ipc::Arch GetArch() override { return debug_ipc::Arch::kUnknown; }
void GetRegisterAsync(debug_ipc::RegisterID, GetRegisterCallback callback) override {
FROM_HERE, [cb = std::move(callback)]() mutable { cb(GetContextError(), {}); });
void GetFrameBaseAsync(GetFrameBaseCallback callback) override {
FROM_HERE, [cb = std::move(callback)]() mutable { cb(GetContextError(), 0); });
void GetMemoryAsync(uint64_t address, uint32_t size, GetMemoryCallback callback) override {
debug_ipc::MessageLoop::Current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, [cb = std::move(callback)]() mutable {
cb(GetContextError(), std::vector<uint8_t>());
void WriteMemory(uint64_t address, std::vector<uint8_t> data, WriteCallback cb) override {
FROM_HERE, [cb = std::move(cb)]() mutable { cb(GetContextError()); });
// The order of the parameters matters because "line 0" is handled in "greedy" mode only for the
// candidate line. If the caller is asking about an address that matches line 0, we don't want to
// expand that past line boundaries, but we do want to expand other lines actoss line 0 in greedy
// mode.
bool SameFileLine(const llvm::DWARFDebugLine::Row& reference,
const llvm::DWARFDebugLine::Row& candidate, bool greedy) {
// EndSequence entries don't have files or lines associated with them, it's just a marker. The
// table will report the previous line's file+line as a side-effect fo the way it's encoded, so
// explicitly fail matching for these.
if (reference.EndSequence || candidate.EndSequence)
return false;
if (greedy && candidate.Line == 0)
return true;
return reference.File == candidate.File && reference.Line == candidate.Line;
// Determines if the given input location references a special identifier of the given type. If it
// does, returns the name of that symbol. If it does not, returns a null optional.
std::optional<std::string> GetSpecialInputLocation(const InputLocation& loc, SpecialIdentifier si) {
if (loc.type != InputLocation::Type::kName || != 1)
return std::nullopt;
if ([0].special() == si)
return std::nullopt;
// Returns true if the given input references the special "main" function annotation.
bool ReferencesMainFunction(const InputLocation& loc) {
if (loc.type != InputLocation::Type::kName || != 1)
return false;
return[0].special() == SpecialIdentifier::kMain;
// Returns true if any component of this identifier isn't supported via lookup in the
// ModuleSymbolsImpl.
bool HasOnlySupportedSpecialIdentifierTypes(const Identifier& ident) {
for (const auto& comp : ident.components()) {
switch (comp.special()) {
case SpecialIdentifier::kNone:
case SpecialIdentifier::kElf:
case SpecialIdentifier::kPlt:
case SpecialIdentifier::kAnon:
break; // Normal boring component.
case SpecialIdentifier::kEscaped:
FX_NOTREACHED(); // "Escaped" annotations shouldn't appear in identifiers.
case SpecialIdentifier::kMain:
// "$main" is supported only when it's the only component ("foo::$main" is invalid).
return ident.components().size() == 1;
case SpecialIdentifier::kRegister:
return false; // Can't look up registers in the symbols.
case SpecialIdentifier::kLast:
FX_NOTREACHED(); // Not supposed to be a valid value.
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
ModuleSymbolsImpl::ModuleSymbolsImpl(std::unique_ptr<DwarfBinary> binary,
const std::string& build_dir, bool create_index)
: binary_(std::move(binary)), build_dir_(build_dir), weak_factory_(this) {
symbol_factory_ = fxl::MakeRefCounted<DwarfSymbolFactory>(GetWeakPtr());
if (create_index) {
// We could consider creating a new binary/object file just for indexing. The indexing will page
// all of the binary in, and most of it won't be needed again (it will be paged back in slowly,
// savings may make such a change worth it for large programs as needed).
// Although it will be slightly slower to create, the memory savings may make such a change
// worth it for large programs.
if (llvm::object::ObjectFile* object_file = binary_->GetLLVMObjectFile())
ModuleSymbolsImpl::~ModuleSymbolsImpl() = default;
fxl::WeakPtr<ModuleSymbolsImpl> ModuleSymbolsImpl::GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
ModuleSymbolStatus ModuleSymbolsImpl::GetStatus() const {
ModuleSymbolStatus status;
status.build_id = binary_->GetBuildID();
status.base = 0; // We don't know this, only ProcessSymbols does.
status.symbols_loaded = true; // Since this instance exists at all.
status.functions_indexed = index_.CountSymbolsIndexed();
status.files_indexed = index_.files_indexed();
status.symbol_file = binary_->GetName();
return status;
std::time_t ModuleSymbolsImpl::GetModificationTime() const {
return binary_->GetModificationTime();
std::string ModuleSymbolsImpl::GetBuildDir() const { return build_dir_; }
uint64_t ModuleSymbolsImpl::GetMappedLength() const { return binary_->GetMappedLength(); }
std::vector<Location> ModuleSymbolsImpl::ResolveInputLocation(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options) const {
// Thie skip_function_prologue option requires that symbolize be set.
FX_DCHECK(!options.skip_function_prologue || options.symbolize);
switch (input_location.type) {
case InputLocation::Type::kNone:
return std::vector<Location>();
case InputLocation::Type::kLine:
return ResolveLineInputLocation(symbol_context, input_location, options);
case InputLocation::Type::kName:
return ResolveSymbolInputLocation(symbol_context, input_location, options);
case InputLocation::Type::kAddress:
return ResolveAddressInputLocation(symbol_context, input_location, options);
fxl::RefPtr<DwarfUnit> ModuleSymbolsImpl::GetDwarfUnit(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
uint64_t absolute_address) const {
return binary_->UnitForRelativeAddress(symbol_context.AbsoluteToRelative(absolute_address));
LineDetails ModuleSymbolsImpl::LineDetailsForAddress(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
uint64_t absolute_address, bool greedy) const {
uint64_t relative_address = symbol_context.AbsoluteToRelative(absolute_address);
auto unit = binary_->UnitForRelativeAddress(relative_address);
if (!unit)
return LineDetails();
// TODO(brettw) this should use our LineTable wrapper instead of LLVM's so it can be mocked.
const llvm::DWARFDebugLine::LineTable* line_table = unit->GetLLVMLineTable();
if (!line_table && line_table->Rows.empty())
return LineDetails();
const auto& rows = line_table->Rows;
uint32_t found_row_index = line_table->lookupAddress({relative_address});
// The row could be not found or it could be in a "nop" range indicated by an "end sequence"
// marker. For padding between functions, the compiler will insert a row with this marker to
// indicate everything until the next address isn't an instruction. With this flag, the other
// information on the line will be irrelevant (in practice it will be the same as for the previous
// entry).
if (found_row_index == line_table->UnknownRowIndex || rows[found_row_index].EndSequence)
return LineDetails();
// Adjust the beginning and end ranges to include all matching entries of the same line.
// Note that this code must not try to hide "line 0" entries (corresponding to compiler-generated
// code). This function is used by the stepping code which has its own handling for these ranges.
// Trying to put "line 0" code in with the previous or next entry (what some other code does that
// tries to hide this from the user) will confuse the stepping code which will always step through
// these instructions.
uint32_t first_row_index = found_row_index;
while (first_row_index > 0 &&
SameFileLine(rows[found_row_index], rows[first_row_index - 1], greedy)) {
uint32_t last_row_index = found_row_index; // Inclusive.
while (last_row_index < rows.size() - 1 &&
SameFileLine(rows[found_row_index], rows[last_row_index + 1], greedy)) {
// Resolve the file name. Skip for "line 0" entries which are compiled-generated code not
// associated with a line entry, leaving the file name and compilation directory empty. Typically
// there will be a file if we ask, but that's leftover from the previous row in the table by the
// state machine and is not relevant.
std::string file_name;
std::string compilation_dir;
if (rows[first_row_index].Line) {
line_table->getFileNameByIndex(rows[first_row_index].File, "",
compilation_dir = unit->GetCompilationDir();
if (!build_dir_.empty()) {
compilation_dir = build_dir_;
if (rows[first_row_index].Line == 0) {
// Line 0 entries get no file name nor compilation dir to avoid a FileLine assert.
LineDetails result(FileLine(file_name, compilation_dir, rows[first_row_index].Line));
// Add entries for each row. The last row doesn't count because it should be
// an end_sequence marker to provide the ending size of the previous entry.
// So never include that.
for (uint32_t i = first_row_index; i <= last_row_index && i < rows.size() - 1; i++) {
// With loop bounds we can always dereference @ i + 1.
if (rows[i + 1].Address < rows[i].Address)
break; // Going backwards, corrupted so give up.
LineDetails::LineEntry entry;
entry.column = rows[i].Column;
entry.range = AddressRange(symbol_context.RelativeToAbsolute(rows[i].Address.Address),
symbol_context.RelativeToAbsolute(rows[i + 1].Address.Address));
return result;
std::vector<std::string> ModuleSymbolsImpl::FindFileMatches(std::string_view name) const {
return index_.FindFileMatches(name);
std::vector<fxl::RefPtr<Function>> ModuleSymbolsImpl::GetMainFunctions() const {
std::vector<fxl::RefPtr<Function>> result;
for (const auto& ref : index_.main_functions()) {
auto symbol_ref = IndexSymbolRefToSymbol(ref);
const Function* func = symbol_ref.Get()->AsFunction();
if (func)
return result;
const Index& ModuleSymbolsImpl::GetIndex() const { return index_; }
LazySymbol ModuleSymbolsImpl::IndexSymbolRefToSymbol(const IndexNode::SymbolRef& ref) const {
// TODO(bug 53091) in the future we may want to add ELF symbol support here.
switch (ref.kind()) {
case IndexNode::SymbolRef::kNull:
case IndexNode::SymbolRef::kDwarf:
case IndexNode::SymbolRef::kDwarfDeclaration:
// Handled by the DWARF symbol factory.
return symbol_factory_->MakeLazy(ref.offset());
return LazySymbol();
bool ModuleSymbolsImpl::HasBinary() const { return binary_->HasBinary(); }
void ModuleSymbolsImpl::AppendLocationForFunction(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const ResolveOptions& options,
const Function* func,
std::vector<Location>* result) const {
if (func->code_ranges().empty())
return; // No code associated with this.
// Compute the full file/line information if requested. This recomputes function DIE which is
// unnecessary but makes the code structure simpler and ensures the results are always the same
// with regard to how things like inlined functions are handled (if the location maps to both a
// function and an inlined function inside of it).
uint64_t abs_addr = symbol_context.RelativeToAbsolute(func->code_ranges()[0].begin());
if (options.symbolize)
result->push_back(LocationForAddress(symbol_context, abs_addr, options, func));
result->emplace_back(Location::State::kAddress, abs_addr);
std::vector<Location> ModuleSymbolsImpl::ResolveLineInputLocation(
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options) const {
std::vector<Location> result;
for (const std::string& file : FindFileMatches(input_location.line.file())) {
ResolveLineInputLocationForFile(symbol_context, file, input_location.line.line(), options,
return result;
std::vector<Location> ModuleSymbolsImpl::ResolveSymbolInputLocation(
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options) const {
FX_DCHECK(input_location.type == InputLocation::Type::kName);
if (!HasOnlySupportedSpecialIdentifierTypes(
return {}; // Unsupported symbol type.
// Special-case for ELF/PLT functions.
// Note that this only checks the ELF index when explicitly requested. This is because for a given
// function, say "pthread_key_create", it will have a .so with the implementation, and each module
// that references it will have a PLT thunk (a type of ELF symbol). Matching all the ELF symbols
// is not what the user wants when they ask for information or a breakpoint on this function (the
// breakpoint will end up meaning 2 breaks per call).
// At the same time, it would be nice to use ELF symbols when debugging non-symbolized binaries.
// We can't just ask if the index is empty to detech this case since "unsymbolized" binaries can
// sometimes have a few trivial DWARF symbols.
// Just falling back to ELF symbols here when the main lookup matches nothing doesn't work because
// the calling modules in the pthread example above will have only the PLT match. To make it work,
// every caller of this function that combines results from more than one module (including
// FindName and ProcessSymbols) needs to have some filtering or prioritizing and how this should
// work is non-obvious.
if (auto plt_name = GetSpecialInputLocation(input_location, SpecialIdentifier::kPlt))
return ResolvePltName(symbol_context, *plt_name);
if (auto elf_name = GetSpecialInputLocation(input_location, SpecialIdentifier::kElf))
return ResolveElfName(symbol_context, *elf_name);
std::vector<Location> result;
auto symbol_to_find =;
// Special-case for main functions.
if (ReferencesMainFunction(input_location)) {
auto main_functions = GetMainFunctions();
if (!main_functions.empty()) {
for (const auto& func : GetMainFunctions())
AppendLocationForFunction(symbol_context, options, func.get(), &result);
return result;
} else {
// Nothing explicitly marked as the main function, fall back on anything in the toplevel
// namespace named "main".
symbol_to_find = Identifier(IdentifierQualification::kGlobal, IdentifierComponent("main"));
// Fall through to symbol finding on the new name.
// TODO(bug 37654) it would be nice if this could be deleted and all code go through
// expr/find_name.h to query the index. As-is this duplicates some of FindName's logic in a less
// flexible way.
for (const auto& ref : index_.FindExact(symbol_to_find)) {
LazySymbol lazy_symbol = IndexSymbolRefToSymbol(ref);
const Symbol* symbol = lazy_symbol.Get();
if (const Function* function = symbol->AsFunction()) {
// Symbol is a function.
AppendLocationForFunction(symbol_context, options, function, &result);
} else if (const Variable* variable = symbol->AsVariable()) {
// Symbol is a variable. This will be the case for global variables and file- and class-level
// statics. This always symbolizes since we already computed the symbol.
result.push_back(LocationForVariable(symbol_context, RefPtrTo(variable)));
} else {
// Unknown type of symbol.
return result;
std::vector<Location> ModuleSymbolsImpl::ResolveAddressInputLocation(
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options) const {
std::vector<Location> result;
if (options.symbolize) {
result.push_back(LocationForAddress(symbol_context, input_location.address, options, nullptr));
} else {
result.emplace_back(Location::State::kAddress, input_location.address);
return result;
Location ModuleSymbolsImpl::LocationForAddress(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
uint64_t absolute_address,
const ResolveOptions& options,
const Function* optional_func) const {
if (auto dwarf_loc =
DwarfLocationForAddress(symbol_context, absolute_address, options, optional_func))
return std::move(*dwarf_loc);
if (auto elf_locs = ElfLocationForAddress(symbol_context, absolute_address, options))
return std::move(*elf_locs);
// Not symbolizable, return an "address" with no symbol information. Mark it symbolized to record
// that we tried and failed.
return Location(Location::State::kSymbolized, absolute_address);
// This function is similar to llvm::DWARFContext::getLineInfoForAddress.
std::optional<Location> ModuleSymbolsImpl::DwarfLocationForAddress(
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, uint64_t absolute_address, const ResolveOptions& options,
const Function* optional_func) const {
// TODO(bug 5544) handle addresses that aren't code like global variables.
uint64_t relative_address = symbol_context.AbsoluteToRelative(absolute_address);
fxl::RefPtr<DwarfUnit> unit = binary_->UnitForRelativeAddress(relative_address);
if (!unit) // No DWARF symbol.
return std::nullopt;
FileLine file_line;
int column = 0;
// Get the innermost subroutine or inlined function for the address. This may be empty, but still
// lookup the line info below in case its present. This computes both a LazySymbol which we
// pass to the result, and a possibly-null containing Function* (not an inlined subroutine) to do
// later computations on.
fxl::RefPtr<Function> function; // For prologue computations.
LazySymbol lazy_function;
if (optional_func) {
// The function was passed in and we want to return that exact one. This will happen if the
// caller has asked for the location of a named function.
function = RefPtrTo(optional_func);
lazy_function = LazySymbol(optional_func);
} else {
// Resolve the function for this address.
if (llvm::DWARFDie subroutine = unit->FunctionForRelativeAddress(relative_address)) {
// getSubroutineForAddress() will return the most specific inlined function for the address.
lazy_function = symbol_factory_->MakeLazy(subroutine);
function = RefPtrTo(lazy_function.Get()->AsFunction());
// The is_inline() check is strictly unnecessary since ambiguous inline computations will
// work either way. This check allows us to skip the ambiguous inline computations in the
// common case that we're not in an inline.
if (function && function->is_inline() &&
options.ambiguous_inline == ResolveOptions::AmbiguousInline::kOuter) {
// Adjust the function to be the outermost frame (should be the non-inlined function)
// for ambiguous locations (at the beginning of one or more inlined functions).
std::vector<fxl::RefPtr<Function>> inline_chain =
function->GetAmbiguousInlineChain(symbol_context, absolute_address);
if (inline_chain.size() > 1) {
lazy_function = inline_chain.back();
// Since we picked a non-topmost inline subroutine, we know the file/line because
// it's the call location of the inline subroutine we skipped. DWARF doesn't encode
// column information for this type of call.
const auto& calling_func = inline_chain[inline_chain.size() - 2];
file_line = calling_func->call_line();
// Get the file/line location (may fail). Don't overwrite one computed above if already set above
// using the ambigous inline call site.
if (!file_line.is_valid()) {
const LineTable& line_table = unit->GetLineTable();
// Use the line table to move the address to after the function prologue. Assume if the function
// is inline there's no prologue. Inlines themselves will have no prologues, and we assume
// inlines won't appear in the prologue of other functions.
if (function && !function->is_inline() && options.skip_function_prologue) {
if (size_t prologue_size = GetFunctionPrologueSize(line_table, function.get())) {
// The function has a prologue. When it does, we know it has code ranges so don't need to
// validate it's nonempty before using.
uint64_t function_begin = function->code_ranges().front().begin();
if (relative_address >= function_begin &&
relative_address < function_begin + prologue_size) {
// Adjust address to the first real instruction.
relative_address = function_begin + prologue_size;
absolute_address = symbol_context.RelativeToAbsolute(relative_address);
// Look up the line info for this address.
// This re-computes some of what GetFunctionPrologueSize() may have done above. This could be
// enhanced in the future by having LineTable::GetRowForAddress that include the prologue
// adjustment as part of one computation.
LineTable::FoundRow found_row = line_table.GetRowForAddress(symbol_context, absolute_address);
if (!found_row.empty()) {
// Line info present. Only set the file name if there's a nonzero line number. "Line 0"
// entries which are compiled-generated code not associated with a line entry. Typically there
// will be a file if we ask, but that's leftover from the previous row in the table by the
// state machine and is not relevant.
const LineTable::Row& row = found_row.get();
std::optional<std::string> file_name;
if (row.Line)
file_name = line_table.GetFileNameForRow(row); // Could still return nullopt.
if (file_name) {
// It's important this only gets called when row.Line > 0. FileLine will assert for line 0
// if a file name or build directory is given to ensure that all "no code" locations compare
// identically. This is guaranteed here because file_name will only be set when the line is
// nonzero.
if (build_dir_.empty())
file_line = FileLine(std::move(*file_name), unit->GetCompilationDir(), row.Line);
file_line = FileLine(std::move(*file_name), build_dir_, row.Line);
column = row.Column;
return Location(absolute_address, file_line, column, symbol_context, std::move(lazy_function));
std::optional<Location> ModuleSymbolsImpl::ElfLocationForAddress(
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, uint64_t absolute_address,
const ResolveOptions& options) const {
if (elf_addresses_.empty())
return std::nullopt;
uint64_t relative_addr = symbol_context.AbsoluteToRelative(absolute_address);
auto found = debug_ipc::LargestLessOrEqual(
elf_addresses_.begin(), elf_addresses_.end(), relative_addr,
[](const ElfSymbolRecord* r, uint64_t addr) { return r->relative_address < addr; },
[](const ElfSymbolRecord* r, uint64_t addr) { return r->relative_address == addr; });
if (found == elf_addresses_.end())
return std::nullopt;
// There could theoretically be multiple matches for this address, but we return only the first.
const ElfSymbolRecord* record = *found;
if (relative_addr - record->relative_address > kMaxElfOffsetForMatch)
return std::nullopt; // Too far away.
return Location(
absolute_address, FileLine(), 0, symbol_context,
fxl::MakeRefCounted<ElfSymbol>(const_cast<ModuleSymbolsImpl*>(this)->GetWeakPtr(), *record));
Location ModuleSymbolsImpl::LocationForVariable(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
fxl::RefPtr<Variable> variable) const {
// Evaluate the DWARF expression for the variable. Global and static variables' locations aren't
// based on CPU state. In some cases like TLS the location may require CPU state or may result in
// a constant instead of an address. In these cases give up and return an "unlocated variable."
// These can easily be evaluated by the expression system so we can still print their values.
// Need one unique location.
if (variable->location().locations().size() != 1)
return Location(symbol_context, std::move(variable));
auto global_data_provider = fxl::MakeRefCounted<GlobalSymbolDataProvider>();
DwarfExprEval eval;
eval.Eval(global_data_provider, symbol_context, variable->location().locations()[0].expression,
[](DwarfExprEval* eval, const Err& err) {});
// Only evaluate synchronous outputs that result in a pointer.
if (!eval.is_complete() || !eval.is_success() ||
eval.GetResultType() != DwarfExprEval::ResultType::kPointer)
return Location(symbol_context, std::move(variable));
// TODO(brettw) in all of the return cases we could in the future fill in the file/line of the
// definition of the variable. Currently Variables don't provide that (even though it's usually in
// the DWARF symbols).
return Location(eval.GetResult(), FileLine(), 0, symbol_context, std::move(variable));
std::vector<Location> ModuleSymbolsImpl::ResolvePltName(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const std::string& mangled_name) const {
// There can theoretically be multiple symbols with the given name, some might be PLT symbols,
// some might not be. Check all name matches for a PLT one.
auto cur = mangled_elf_symbols_.lower_bound(mangled_name);
while (cur != mangled_elf_symbols_.end() && cur->first == mangled_name) {
if (cur->second.type == ElfSymbolType::kPlt)
return {MakeElfSymbolLocation(symbol_context, std::nullopt, cur->second)};
// No PLT locations found for this name.
return {};
std::vector<Location> ModuleSymbolsImpl::ResolveElfName(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const std::string& mangled_name) const {
std::vector<Location> result;
// There can theoretically be multiple symbols with the given name.
auto cur = mangled_elf_symbols_.lower_bound(mangled_name);
while (cur != mangled_elf_symbols_.end() && cur->first == mangled_name) {
result.push_back(MakeElfSymbolLocation(symbol_context, std::nullopt, cur->second));
return result;
// To a first approximation we just look up the line in the line table for each compilation unit
// that references the file. Complications:
// 1. The line might not be an exact match (the user can specify a blank line or something optimized
// out). In this case, find the next valid line.
// 2. The above step can find many different locations. Maybe some code from the file in question is
// inlined into the compilation unit, but not the function with the line in it. Or different
// template instantiations can mean that a line of code is in some instantiations but don't apply
// to others.
// To solve this duplication problem, get the resolved line of each of the addresses found above
// and find the best one. Keep only those locations matching the best one (there can still be
// multiple).
// 3. Inlining and templates can mean there can be multiple matches of the exact same line. Only
// keep the first match per function or inlined function to catch the case where a line is spread
// across multiple line table entries.
void ModuleSymbolsImpl::ResolveLineInputLocationForFile(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const std::string& canonical_file,
int line_number,
const ResolveOptions& options,
std::vector<Location>* output) const {
const std::vector<unsigned>* units = index_.FindFileUnitIndices(canonical_file);
if (!units)
std::vector<LineMatch> matches;
for (unsigned index : *units) {
fxl::RefPtr<DwarfUnit> unit = binary_->GetUnitAtIndex(index);
const LineTable& line_table = unit->GetLineTable();
// Complication 1 above: find all matches for this line in the unit.
std::vector<LineMatch> unit_matches =
GetAllLineTableMatchesInUnit(line_table, canonical_file, line_number);
matches.insert(matches.end(), unit_matches.begin(), unit_matches.end());
if (matches.empty())
// Complications 2 & 3 above: Get all instances of the best match only with a max of one per
// function. The best match is the one with the lowest line number (found matches should all be
// bigger than the input line, so this will be the closest).
for (const LineMatch& match : GetBestLineMatches(matches)) {
uint64_t abs_addr = symbol_context.RelativeToAbsolute(match.address);
if (options.symbolize)
output->push_back(LocationForAddress(symbol_context, abs_addr, options, nullptr));
output->push_back(Location(Location::State::kAddress, abs_addr));
Location ModuleSymbolsImpl::MakeElfSymbolLocation(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
std::optional<uint64_t> relative_address,
const ElfSymbolRecord& record) const {
uint64_t absolute_address;
if (relative_address) {
// Caller specified a more specific address (normally inside the ELF symbol).
absolute_address = symbol_context.RelativeToAbsolute(*relative_address);
} else {
// Take address from the ELF symbol.
absolute_address = symbol_context.RelativeToAbsolute(record.relative_address);
return Location(
absolute_address, FileLine(), 0, symbol_context,
fxl::MakeRefCounted<ElfSymbol>(const_cast<ModuleSymbolsImpl*>(this)->GetWeakPtr(), record));
void ModuleSymbolsImpl::FillElfSymbols() {
const std::map<std::string, llvm::ELF::Elf64_Sym>& elf_syms = binary_->GetELFSymbols();
const std::map<std::string, uint64_t>& plt_syms = binary_->GetPLTSymbols();
// Insert the regular symbols.
// The |st_value| is the relative virtual address we want to index. Potentially we might want to
// save more flags and expose them in the ElfSymbol class.
for (const auto& [name, sym] : elf_syms) {
// The symbol type is the low 4 bits. The higher bits encode the visibility which we don't
// care about. We only need to index objects and code, and a couple of special symbols left
// specifically for Zxdb's usage.
int symbol_type = sym.st_info & 0xf;
if (symbol_type != elflib::STT_OBJECT && symbol_type != elflib::STT_FUNC &&
symbol_type != elflib::STT_TLS && name.substr(0, 5) != "zxdb.")
if (sym.st_value == 0)
continue; // No address for this symbol. Probably imported.
auto inserted = mangled_elf_symbols_.emplace(
std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(name),
std::forward_as_tuple(ElfSymbolType::kNormal, sym.st_value, sym.st_size, name));
// Append all addresses for now, this will be sorted at the bottom.
// Insert PLT symbols.
for (const auto& [name, addr] : plt_syms) {
// TODO(sadmac): Set the symbol size to the size of a PLT entry on this architecture.
auto inserted =
mangled_elf_symbols_.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(name),
std::forward_as_tuple(ElfSymbolType::kPlt, addr, 0, name));
// Append all addresses for now, this will be sorted at the bottom.
std::sort(elf_addresses_.begin(), elf_addresses_.end(),
[](const ElfSymbolRecord* left, const ElfSymbolRecord* right) {
return left->relative_address < right->relative_address;
} // namespace zxdb