blob: 270ae24fef84793003aaa1ef9d39d065306304cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/index.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/module_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol.h"
namespace zxdb {
// A mock for symbol lookup.
class MockModuleSymbols : public ModuleSymbols {
// Adds a mock mapping from the given name/address to the list of locations. The locations are
// returned exactly as given so should be given in absolute addresses.
// The identifier names here should be non-globally qualified (no leading "::"). This is because
// when the list is queried against, input Identifiers will be looked up as normal and
// non-globally qualified (if different). So to match everything, the underlying data needs to be
// non-qualified.
// The String variant does simple parsing based on "::" and is not template-aware. So anything
// complex should use the Identifier variant.
// The address variant takes absolute addresses. We don't do anything with ranges to find the
// previous symbol, they should match exactly.
void AddSymbolLocations(const Identifier& name, std::vector<Location> locs);
void AddSymbolLocations(const std::string& name, std::vector<Location> locs);
void AddSymbolLocations(uint64_t address, std::vector<Location> locs);
// Adds a mock mapping from address to line details. This matches an exact address only, not a
// range.
void AddLineDetails(uint64_t absolute_address, LineDetails details);
// Injects a response to IndexSymbolRefToSymbol for resolving symbols from the index. See index()
// getter.
void AddSymbolRef(const IndexNode::SymbolRef& die, fxl::RefPtr<Symbol> symbol);
// Adds a name to the list of files considered for FindFileMatches().
void AddFileName(const std::string& file_name);
// Provides writable access to the index for tests to insert data. To hook up symbols, add them to
// the index and call AddSymbolRef() with the same SymbolRef and the symbol you want it to resolve
// to.
Index& index() { return index_; }
void set_modification_time(std::size_t mtime) { modification_time_ = mtime; }
void set_mapped_length(uint64_t len) { mapped_length_ = len; }
void set_build_dir(const std::string& build_dir) { build_dir_ = build_dir; }
// ModuleSymbols implementation.
ModuleSymbolStatus GetStatus() const override;
std::time_t GetModificationTime() const override { return modification_time_; }
std::string GetBuildDir() const override { return build_dir_; }
uint64_t GetMappedLength() const override { return mapped_length_; }
std::vector<Location> ResolveInputLocation(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options) const override;
fxl::RefPtr<DwarfUnit> GetDwarfUnit(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
uint64_t absolute_address) const override;
LineDetails LineDetailsForAddress(const SymbolContext& symbol_context, uint64_t address,
bool greedy) const override;
std::vector<std::string> FindFileMatches(std::string_view name) const override;
std::vector<fxl::RefPtr<Function>> GetMainFunctions() const override;
const Index& GetIndex() const override;
LazySymbol IndexSymbolRefToSymbol(const IndexNode::SymbolRef&) const override;
bool HasBinary() const override;
// This class is derived from so these are protected.
explicit MockModuleSymbols(const std::string& local_file_name);
~MockModuleSymbols() override;
Index index_;
std::string local_file_name_;
std::size_t modification_time_ = 0;
uint64_t mapped_length_ = 0;
std::string build_dir_;
// Maps manually-added symbols to their locations.
std::map<Identifier, std::vector<Location>> named_symbols_;
std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<Location>> addr_symbols_;
// Maps manually-added addresses to line details.
std::map<uint64_t, LineDetails> lines_;
// Maps manually-aded SymbolRefs offsets to symbols.
std::map<uint64_t, fxl::RefPtr<Symbol>> die_refs_;
std::vector<std::string> files_;
} // namespace zxdb