blob: 32e96ccd59a4fa9c39a80508e5729d27216f7c8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/index.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFDebugInfoEntry.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFUnit.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/adapters.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/file_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_die_decoder.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_die_scanner.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/dwarf_tag.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// Don't index more than this number of levels to prevent infinite recursion.
constexpr size_t kMaxParentPath = 16;
// Stores a name with a SymbolRef for later indexing.
class NamedSymbolRef : public IndexNode::SymbolRef {
NamedSymbolRef() = default;
// Creates a SymbolRef we should index. The pointed-to string must outlive this class.
NamedSymbolRef(SymbolRef::Kind kind, uint64_t offset, IndexNode::Kind k, const char* name,
uint64_t decl_offset, bool has_abstract_origin)
: SymbolRef(kind, offset),
has_abstract_origin_(has_abstract_origin) {}
bool should_index() const { return kind_ != IndexNode::Kind::kNone; }
IndexNode::Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
// The name associated with the DIE. Could be null.
// It's also possible for this to be valid for an otherwise !should_index() SymbolRef. In the case
// of a function with a specification, the implementation will have should_index set, but we'll
// traverse the specification to fill in the name. This will generate a valid but not indexable
// item for the specification.
const char* name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(const char* n) { name_ = n; }
// If this DIE has a declaration associated with it (a DW_AT_declaration tag), this indicates the
// absolute offset of the declaration DIE. Will be 0 if none. It may or may not be inside the
// current unit (it normally will be though).
uint64_t decl_offset() const { return decl_offset_; }
// The indexing layer uses this to cache the node found for a given thing. This allows us to
// bypass lookup for the common case of things that are all in the same scope.
IndexNode* index_node() const { return index_node_; }
void set_index_node(IndexNode* n) { index_node_ = n; }
// Sometimes we need to know whether an abstract origin is present for parent computations.
// When walking the dependency path, the abstract origin (if any) encodes the lexical scope.
// As an example, DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine DIEs are inside of the function they're inlined into
// (the calling function will be die.getParent()). These will then have an abstract origin of a
// DIE outside of the function containing the common info for all inlined instances.
// When there's no separate declaration, this abstract origin will be the scope that the function
// was declared in where we index from. For:
// namespace ns {
// inline void InlinedFunction() { ... }
// }
// void CallingFunction() {
// ns::InlinedFunction();
// }
// The DWARF would look like:
// 1: DW_TAG_namespace (name = "ns")
// 2: DW_TAG_subprogram (name = "InlinedFunction")
// 2: DW_TAG_subprogram (name = "CallingFunction")
// 3: DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine (abstract_origin = 2)
// When there is a declaration, that declaration will encode the scope:
// 1: DW_TAG_namespace (name = "ns")
// 2: DW_TAG_subprogram (name = "InlinedFunction", is_declaration = true)
// 3: DW_TAG_subprogram (declaration = 2)
// 2: DW_TAG_subprogram (name = "CallingFunction")
// 3: DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine (abstract_origin = 3)
bool has_abstract_origin() const { return has_abstract_origin_; }
void set_has_abstract_origin(bool b) { has_abstract_origin_ = b; }
IndexNode::Kind kind_ = IndexNode::Kind::kNone;
const char* name_ = nullptr;
uint64_t decl_offset_ = 0;
IndexNode* index_node_ = nullptr;
bool has_abstract_origin_ = false;
// Returns true if the given abbreviation defines a PC range.
bool AbbrevHasCode(const llvm::DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration* abbrev) {
for (const auto spec : abbrev->attributes()) {
if (spec.Attr == llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_low_pc || spec.Attr == llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_high_pc ||
spec.Attr == llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_ranges)
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if the given abbreviation defines a "location".
bool AbbrevHasLocation(const llvm::DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration* abbrev) {
for (const auto spec : abbrev->attributes()) {
if (spec.Attr == llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_location)
return true;
return false;
size_t RecursiveCountDies(const IndexNode& node) {
size_t result = node.dies().size();
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(IndexNode::Kind::kEndPhysical); i++) {
for (const auto& pair : node.MapForKind(static_cast<IndexNode::Kind>(i)))
result += RecursiveCountDies(pair.second);
return result;
// This helper class is used to index the symbols of one unit. It keeps some state to avoid
// reallocating for each call.
// Indexing is two passes. In the first pass we scan the DIEs in the unit. We identify which ones
// will need indexing and save information on the nesting. The parent chain information (stored in
// the DwarfDieScanner) is important because we need to go from a DIE to its parent chain, and
// normally walking up the parent chain is a linear search in the LLVM library.
// In the second pass we actually index the items identified, using the saved parent and name
// information from the scan pass.
// In the second pass we can encounter some DIEs in the hierarchy chain that were not decoded in
// the first pass. An example is when going to a function declaration. We only identify the
// implementations in the first pass, but need to take the name from the declaration. These missing
// ones are filled in by FillDieInfo().
class UnitIndexer {
// All passed-in objects must outlive this class.
explicit UnitIndexer(llvm::DWARFContext* context, llvm::DWARFUnit* unit)
: context_(context), unit_(unit), scanner_(unit), name_decoder_(context) {
// The indexable array is 1:1 with the scanner entries.
path_.reserve(8); // Don't want to reallocate.
// Set up the name decoder to extract to this local.
name_decoder_.AddCString(llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_name, &name_decoder_name_);
// Forces indexing to go through the slow path (AddStandaloneEntryToIndex() instead of
// AddEntryToIndex()) which can handle cross-unit references. This allows us to test the slow path
// on the same data as the fast path and make sure they match.
void set_force_slow_path(bool force) { force_slow_path_ = force; }
// To use, first call Scan() to populate the indexable_ array, then call Index() to add the
// items to the given index node root. The Scan pass will additionally add any entrypoint
// functions it finds to the main_functions vector.
void Scan(std::vector<IndexNode::SymbolRef>* main_functions);
void Index(IndexNode* root);
// Returns kNone for non-indexable items.
// The kVar case is also returned for collection members. These need to be treated as variables
// when they have const data, but not otherwise, and this function does not decode the attributes.
IndexNode::Kind GetKindForDie(const llvm::DWARFDebugInfoEntry* die) const;
// Computes in the name and type for a DIE entry that wasn't filled in in the first pass (see
// class-level comment). Returns empty string if there is no name (this is important for the
// caller, see that code for more).
// This requires that the DIE be in the current unit_ (the decoder references the unit).
const char* GetDieName(uint32_t index);
// Adds the entry at the given index. If the entry is not in the current compilation unit, this
// will fall back to the slow path: AddStandaloneEntryToIndex().
void AddEntryToIndex(uint32_t index_me, IndexNode* root);
// Slow path for adding an entry.
// This takes the index of a SymbolRef we want to index and adds it to the index without using
// anything that references the compilation unit, notably the scanner_ which computes parent
// information.
// This is used for the uncommon case of cross-unit references, where the declaration might be
// in a different unit from the implementation. This means that the scanner's parent tree
// doesn't cover the object we want. This walks the tree using DWARFDie.getParent() which is
// conceptually simpler but requires a binary search at each step.
void AddStandaloneEntryToIndex(uint32_t index_me, IndexNode* root);
// Given the index of a NamedSymbolRef known to have an abstract origin, fills in the index of the
// abstract origin to the given output variable if it exists in the same unit and returns true.
// If it doesn't exist or is in a different unit, returns false. Being in the same unit is
// required to stay in the index fast path.
bool GetAbstractOriginIndex(uint32_t source, uint32_t* abstract_origin_index) const;
llvm::DWARFContext* context_;
llvm::DWARFUnit* unit_;
bool force_slow_path_ = false; // See setter above.
DwarfDieScanner2 scanner_;
std::vector<NamedSymbolRef> indexable_;
// Variable used for collecting the path of parents in AddDIE. This would make more sense as a
// local variable but having it here prevents reallocating each time.
std::vector<NamedSymbolRef*> path_;
// Used to decode names for DIEs in the second pass when we find one we need that wasn't extracted
// in the first.
DwarfDieDecoder name_decoder_;
llvm::Optional<const char*> name_decoder_name_;
// The symbol storage will be filled with the indexable entries.
void UnitIndexer::Scan(std::vector<IndexNode::SymbolRef>* main_functions) {
DwarfDieDecoder decoder(context_);
// The offset of the declaration. This can be unit-relative or .debug_info-relative (global).
llvm::DWARFDie decl_die;
decoder.AddReference(llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_specification, &decl_die);
llvm::Optional<bool> is_declaration;
decoder.AddBool(llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_declaration, &is_declaration);
bool has_const_value = false;
decoder.AddPresenceCheck(llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_const_value, &has_const_value);
llvm::Optional<bool> is_main_subprogram;
decoder.AddBool(llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_main_subprogram, &is_main_subprogram);
llvm::Optional<const char*> name;
decoder.AddCString(llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_name, &name);
bool has_abstract_origin = false;
decoder.AddPresenceCheck(llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_abstract_origin, &has_abstract_origin);
// IF YOU ADD MORE ATTRIBUTES HERE don't forget to reset() them before Decode().
for (; !scanner_.done(); scanner_.Advance()) {
const llvm::DWARFDebugInfoEntry* die = scanner_.Prepare();
// Check whether we should consider this before decoding since decoding is slow.
IndexNode::Kind kind = GetKindForDie(die);
if (kind == IndexNode::Kind::kNone)
// This DIE is of the type we want to index so decode. Must reset all output vars first.
has_const_value = false;
decl_die = llvm::DWARFDie();
has_abstract_origin = false;
if (!decoder.Decode(llvm::DWARFDie(unit_, die)))
// Compute the offset of a separate declaration if this DIE has one.
uint64_t decl_offset = 0;
if (decl_die)
decl_offset = decl_die.getOffset();
if (kind == IndexNode::Kind::kVar && die->getTag() == llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_member &&
!has_const_value) {
// Don't need to index structure members that don't have const values. This needs to be
// disambiguated because GetKindForDie doesn't have access to the attributes and we don't
// want to decode twice.
// In C++ everything with a const_value will generally also be external (i.e. "static") which
// are things we want to index. Theoretically the compiler could generated a const_value
// member if it notices the member is never modified and optimize it. In that case, the user
// would never expect to reference it outside of a known Collection object and it doesn't need
// to be in the index. But that requires some extra work checking for the external flag in
// this time-critical indexing step, and the worse thing is that "print MyClass::kMyConstant"
// evaluates to a correct value where it might not be allowed in the actual language.
// As a result, we don't also check DW_AT_external.
FX_DCHECK(scanner_.die_index() < indexable_.size());
auto ref_kind = is_declaration && *is_declaration ? IndexNode::SymbolRef::kDwarfDeclaration
: IndexNode::SymbolRef::kDwarf;
indexable_[scanner_.die_index()] = NamedSymbolRef(
ref_kind, die->getOffset(), kind, name ? *name : nullptr, decl_offset, has_abstract_origin);
// Check for "main" function annotation.
if (kind == IndexNode::Kind::kFunction && is_main_subprogram && *is_main_subprogram)
main_functions->emplace_back(IndexNode::SymbolRef::kDwarf, die->getOffset());
void UnitIndexer::Index(IndexNode* root) {
if (force_slow_path_) {
// Index everything with the slow path for testing purposes.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < indexable_.size(); i++) {
if (indexable_[i].should_index())
AddStandaloneEntryToIndex(i, root);
} else {
// Normal fast-path. This is about 6x faster than the slow path for large programs.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < indexable_.size(); i++) {
if (indexable_[i].should_index())
AddEntryToIndex(i, root);
IndexNode::Kind UnitIndexer::GetKindForDie(const llvm::DWARFDebugInfoEntry* die) const {
const llvm::DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration* abbrev = die->getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr();
if (!abbrev)
return IndexNode::Kind::kNone; // Corrupt.
switch (static_cast<DwarfTag>(abbrev->getTag())) {
case DwarfTag::kSubprogram:
case DwarfTag::kInlinedSubroutine:
if (AbbrevHasCode(abbrev))
return IndexNode::Kind::kFunction;
return IndexNode::Kind::kNone; // Skip functions with no code.
case DwarfTag::kNamespace:
return IndexNode::Kind::kNamespace;
case DwarfTag::kBaseType:
case DwarfTag::kClassType:
case DwarfTag::kEnumerationType:
case DwarfTag::kPtrToMemberType:
case DwarfTag::kStringType:
case DwarfTag::kStructureType:
case DwarfTag::kSubroutineType:
case DwarfTag::kTypedef:
case DwarfTag::kUnionType:
return IndexNode::Kind::kType;
case DwarfTag::kVariable:
if (!scanner_.is_inside_function() && AbbrevHasLocation(abbrev)) {
// Found variable storage outside of a function (variables inside functions are local so
// don't get added to the global index).
// TODO(bug 36671): index function-static variables.
return IndexNode::Kind::kVar;
return IndexNode::Kind::kNone; // Variable with no location.
case DwarfTag::kMember:
// Caller needs to check this case (see declaration comment).
return IndexNode::Kind::kVar;
// Don't index anything else.
return IndexNode::Kind::kNone;
const char* UnitIndexer::GetDieName(uint32_t index) {
if (name_decoder_.Decode(unit_->getDIEAtIndex(index)) && name_decoder_name_)
return *name_decoder_name_;
return "";
// NOTE: Changes in this function may require updates in the slow path: AddStandaloneEntryToIndex().
void UnitIndexer::AddEntryToIndex(uint32_t index_me, IndexNode* root) {
// The path to index always ends with the last thing being indexed (the path_ is in reverse).
uint32_t cur = index_me;
if (indexable_[index_me].decl_offset()) {
// When the entry has a decl_offset, that means it's the implementation for e.g. a function.
// The actual name comes from the declaration so start from that index.
// 99% of all declarations are within the same unit so look up in the current unit first. If
// the current unit doesn't cover the offset, getDIEForOffset will return a null DIE.
llvm::DWARFDie die = unit_->getDIEForOffset(indexable_[index_me].decl_offset());
if (!die) {
// DIE not found in this unit, try adding it to the index using the slow path which allows
// cross-unit references.
AddStandaloneEntryToIndex(index_me, root);
cur = unit_->getDIEIndex(die);
if (!indexable_[index_me].name()) {
// When there's no name, take the name from the declaration.
if (!indexable_[cur].name()) {
// The declaration has no name because the first pass didn't need to index it. Compute
// the name now. Caching it on both the declaration and the implementation is useful because
// many implementation can share the same declaration and this saves multiple name
// retrievals.
// Here GetDieName() returns the empty string if there's no name which allows us to cache
// the lack of a name and not recompute.
// If at this point we still don't have a name for the thing being indexed, give up trying to
// index it.
if (!indexable_[cur].name() || !indexable_[cur].name()[0])
// Move to the abstract origin if present to start walking the scopes. The abstract origin (if
// any) encodes the lexical scope (see has_abstract_origin() declaration above).
if (indexable_[cur].has_abstract_origin()) {
if (!GetAbstractOriginIndex(cur, &cur)) {
// Fall back to the slow path. This will be all error cases as well as when the abstract
// origin is in a different complication unit (I have not seen this in practice).
AddStandaloneEntryToIndex(index_me, root);
// Goes to the parent. The first item was added above, the loop below will add going up the
// parent chain from there.
cur = scanner_.GetParentIndex(cur);
// Start indexing from here. We may find a cached one that will prevent us from having to
// go to the root.
IndexNode* index_from = root;
// Collect the path from the current item (path_[0]) to its ultimate parent (path_.back()).
while (cur != DwarfDieScanner2::kNoParent && indexable_[cur].should_index()) {
if (path_.size() > kMaxParentPath)
return; // Too many components, consider this item corrupt and don't index.
if (indexable_[cur].index_node()) {
// Already indexed this node (for example, this is a namespace that was already referenced).
// so we can start inserting the path from this node.
index_from = indexable_[cur].index_node();
cur = scanner_.GetParentIndex(cur);
// Add the path to the index (walk in reverse to start from the root).
for (int path_i = static_cast<int>(path_.size()) - 1; path_i >= 0; path_i--) {
NamedSymbolRef* named_ref = path_[path_i];
const char* name = named_ref->name() ? named_ref->name() : "";
// Only save the DIE reference for the thing we're attempting to index (the leaf node at
// path_[0]). Intermediate things like the namespaces and classes along the path don't need DIE
// references unless Scan() independently decided those need indexing (should_index()). Not only
// is adding these DIEs unnecessary, it can create unnamed type entries for things like
// anonymous enums which we don't want.
if (path_i == 0)
index_from = index_from->AddChild(named_ref->kind(), name, *named_ref);
index_from = index_from->AddChild(named_ref->kind(), name);
// NOTE: Changes in this function may require updates in the fast path: AddEntryToIndex().
void UnitIndexer::AddStandaloneEntryToIndex(uint32_t index_me, IndexNode* index_root) {
// This function can not use the unit_, scanner_, or name_decoder_ (and hence GetDieName())
// because those all reference the current compilation unit. This code path must be able to handle
// cross-unit references.
// Thing to add to the index.
const NamedSymbolRef& named_ref = indexable_[index_me];
// Compute the name (avoiding GetDieName()) and the DIE to start indexing from.
const char* name =;
llvm::DWARFDie die;
if (named_ref.decl_offset()) {
// When there's a separate declaration, its parent encodes the scope information.
die = context_->getDIEForOffset(named_ref.decl_offset());
if (!die)
return; // Invalid decl offset, skip indexing.
if (!name) {
// The declaration can fill in the name if the name is not present on the implementation
// (normally it's not there).
name = die.getName(llvm::DINameKind::ShortName);
} else {
// When there's no declaration, the name will already have been filled in (if present) to the
// named_ref.
die = context_->getDIEForOffset(named_ref.offset());
if (!name)
return; // This item has no name, can't index it.
// When walking the dependency path, the abstract origin (if any) encodes the lexical scope
// (see has_abstract_origin() declaration above).
if (llvm::DWARFDie ao = die.getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_abstract_origin))
die = ao;
// Stores the reverse path to the node we're inserting. This includes all scopes like namespaces
// and classes in reverse order, but does not include the thing we're inserting itself.
// So when insertng std::vector::vector this will be { "vector" (type), "std" (namespace) }.
struct NameKind {
NameKind(const char* n, IndexNode::Kind k) : name(n), kind(k) {}
const char* name = nullptr;
IndexNode::Kind kind = IndexNode::Kind::kNone;
std::vector<NameKind> path;
// Walk the path upward saving the path. Don't include the leaf DIE.
while ((die = die.getParent())) {
if (path.size() > kMaxParentPath)
return; // Too deep nesting, give up.
auto kind = GetKindForDie(die.getDebugInfoEntry());
if (kind == IndexNode::Kind::kNone)
break; // Hit the top of what we want to index (like the unit).
path.emplace_back(die.getName(llvm::DINameKind::ShortName), kind);
// Insert the containing elements (in reverse order to start from the top level and work inwards).
IndexNode* cur_index = index_root;
for (const auto& name_kind : Reversed(path))
cur_index = cur_index->AddChild(name_kind.kind, ? : "");
// Add the leaf item (holding the DIE reference) to the index.
cur_index->AddChild(named_ref.kind(), name, named_ref);
bool UnitIndexer::GetAbstractOriginIndex(uint32_t source, uint32_t* abstract_origin_index) const {
llvm::DWARFDie die = unit_->getDIEForOffset(indexable_[source].offset());
if (!die)
return false; // Internal error, maybe symbols corrupt.
llvm::DWARFDie ao = die.getAttributeValueAsReferencedDie(llvm::dwarf::DW_AT_abstract_origin);
if (!ao)
return false; // Symbols corrupt.
if (ao.getDwarfUnit() != unit_)
return false; // Different compilation unit.
*abstract_origin_index = unit_->getDIEIndex(ao);
return true;
void RecursiveFindExact(const IndexNode* node, const Identifier& input, size_t input_index,
std::vector<IndexNode::SymbolRef>* result) {
if (input_index == input.components().size()) {
result->insert(result->end(), node->dies().begin(), node->dies().end());
// Recursively search each category in this node.
for (auto* map : {&node->namespaces(), &node->types(), &node->functions(), &node->vars()}) {
auto found = map->find(input.components()[input_index].GetName(false));
if (found != map->end()) // Got a match for this category.
RecursiveFindExact(&found->second, input, input_index + 1, result);
// Also implicitly search anonymous namespaces (without advancing the input index).
auto found = node->namespaces().find(std::string());
if (found != node->namespaces().end())
RecursiveFindExact(&found->second, input, input_index, result);
} // namespace
void Index::CreateIndex(llvm::object::ObjectFile* object_file, bool force_slow_path) {
std::unique_ptr<llvm::DWARFContext> context = llvm::DWARFContext::create(*object_file);
// Extracts the units to a place where we can destroy them after indexing is complete. This
// construction order matches that of LLVM's DWARFContext so the indexes into this vector will
// match the indices into DWARFContext's.
llvm::DWARFUnitVector compile_units;
context->getDWARFObj().forEachInfoSections([&](const llvm::DWARFSection& s) {
compile_units.addUnitsForSection(*context, s, llvm::DW_SECT_INFO);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < compile_units.size(); i++)
IndexCompileUnit(context.get(), compile_units[i].get(), i, force_slow_path);
// Free compilation units after we process them. They will hold all of the parsed DIE data that we
// don't need any more which can be multiple GB's for large programs.
// This must be done after indexing since some internal LLVM functions assume the units exist.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < compile_units.size(); i++)
void Index::DumpFileIndex(std::ostream& out) const {
for (const auto& [filename, file_index_entry] : file_name_index_) {
const auto& [filepath, compilation_units] = *file_index_entry;
out << filename << " -> " << filepath << " -> " << compilation_units.size() << " units\n";
std::vector<IndexNode::SymbolRef> Index::FindExact(const Identifier& input) const {
std::vector<IndexNode::SymbolRef> result;
RecursiveFindExact(&root_, input, 0, &result);
return result;
std::vector<std::string> Index::FindFileMatches(std::string_view name) const {
std::string_view name_last_comp = ExtractLastFileComponent(name);
std::vector<std::string> result;
// Search all files whose last component matches (the input may contain more than one component).
FileNameIndex::const_iterator iter = file_name_index_.lower_bound(name_last_comp);
while (iter != file_name_index_.end() && iter->first == name_last_comp) {
const auto& pair = *iter->second;
if (PathContainsFromRight(pair.first, name))
return result;
std::vector<std::string> Index::FindFilePrefixes(const std::string& prefix) const {
std::vector<std::string> result;
auto found = file_name_index_.lower_bound(prefix);
while (found != file_name_index_.end() && StringBeginsWith(found->first, prefix)) {
return result;
const std::vector<unsigned>* Index::FindFileUnitIndices(const std::string& name) const {
auto found = files_.find(name);
if (found == files_.end())
return nullptr;
return &found->second;
size_t Index::CountSymbolsIndexed() const { return RecursiveCountDies(root_); }
void Index::IndexCompileUnit(llvm::DWARFContext* context, llvm::DWARFUnit* unit,
unsigned unit_index, bool force_slow_path) {
UnitIndexer indexer(context, unit);
IndexCompileUnitSourceFiles(context, unit, unit_index);
void Index::IndexCompileUnitSourceFiles(llvm::DWARFContext* context, llvm::DWARFUnit* unit,
unsigned unit_index) {
const llvm::DWARFDebugLine::LineTable* line_table = context->getLineTableForUnit(unit);
if (!line_table)
return; // No line table for this unit.
// This table is the size of the file name table. Entries are set to 1 when we've added them to
// the index already.
std::vector<int> added_file;
added_file.resize(line_table->Prologue.FileNames.size(), 0);
// We don't want to just add all the files from the line table to the index. The line table will
// contain entries for every file referenced by the compilation unit, which includes declarations.
// We want only files that contribute code, which in practice is a tiny fraction of the total.
// To get this, iterate through the unit's row table and collect all referenced file names.
std::string file_name;
for (size_t i = 0; i < line_table->Rows.size(); i++) {
auto file_id = line_table->Rows[i].File; // 1-based!
if (file_id < 1 || file_id > added_file.size())
auto file_index = file_id - 1;
if (!added_file[file_index]) {
added_file[file_index] = 1;
if (line_table->getFileNameByIndex(
file_id, "", llvm::DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfoKind::AbsoluteFilePath,
file_name)) {
// The files here can contain relative components like "/foo/bar/../baz". This is OK because
// we want it to match other places in the symbol code that do a similar computation to get
// a file name.
void Index::IndexFileNames() {
for (FileIndex::const_iterator iter = files_.begin(); iter != files_.end(); ++iter)
file_name_index_.insert(std::make_pair(ExtractLastFileComponent(iter->first), iter));
} // namespace zxdb