blob: d506dd7ad6918e608d0b7f36fb88e59e4796813e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class DWARFUnit;
namespace zxdb {
class Function;
class LineTable;
class Location;
struct ResolveOptions;
class SymbolContext;
struct LineMatch {
LineMatch() = default;
LineMatch(uint64_t addr, int ln, uint64_t func)
: address(addr), line(ln), function_die_offset(func) {}
bool operator==(const LineMatch& other) const {
return std::tie(address, line, function_die_offset) ==
std::tie(other.address, other.line, other.function_die_offset);
uint64_t address = 0;
int line = 0;
// Absolute offset of the DIE containing the most specified inlined subroutine for this address or
// 0 if there is no function for it. This is used so we don't accidentally treat duplicate line
// entries in different functions as the same.
uint64_t function_die_offset = 0;
// Searches the given line table for the given file/line. Finds the smallest line greater than or
// equal to the input line and returns all instances of that line.
std::vector<LineMatch> GetAllLineTableMatchesInUnit(const LineTable& line_table,
const std::string& full_path, int line);
// Filters the set of matches to get all instances of the closest match for the line, with a maximum
// of one per function. It's assumed that the LineMatches are all for the same file.
// LineMatches are only generated for lines that cross the line in question, so the closest
// LineMatch for this function is the one with the smallest line number.
// The "one per function" rule is because a line can often get broken into multiple line table
// entries (sometimes disjoint, sometimes not), and when asking for a line we want the one with the
// lowest address.
std::vector<LineMatch> GetBestLineMatches(const std::vector<LineMatch>& matches);
// Computes the size in bytes of the given function's prologue. The line table corresponding to
// that address should be passed.
// A function prologue is the boilerplate at the beginning that sets up the stack frame. Generally
// one will want to skip over this automatically because the local variables and function parameters
// won't be readable from inside the prologue. On ARM since a call sets the link register rather
// than modifying the stack, the stack pointer won't always be consistent either.
// The size is measured from the function's code_ranges().begin(). If a prologue is not found, this
// returns 0.
size_t GetFunctionPrologueSize(const LineTable& line_table, const Function* function);
} // namespace zxdb