blob: 84cc2e6da4a7bf752cd638b319aab52d53287cd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/type.h"
namespace zxdb {
// Represents an array. An array is similar to a pointer but we specifically know that it is an
// array and often know its length. Not much can be done with arrays with unknown lengths.
// DWARF says an array *may* have a length. Clang and GCC define int[] as a pointer so we expect
// all "real" arrays to have a length.
// The case that may not have lengths are extern definitions that refer to arrays. For example:
// extern const char kFoo[];
// will be marked as an "external" variable with an array type with no length. Resolving the
// extern to getting the real variable definition will give an array type with a real length.
class ArrayType final : public Type {
const ArrayType* AsArrayType() const override;
const Type* value_type() const { return value_type_.get(); }
std::optional<size_t> num_elts() const { return num_elts_; }
// The actual type (rather than a LazySymbol) is passed to this constructor because all Types
// expect to have their size set as a member, and we can't compute the size of an array without
// knowing the size of the contained elements.
ArrayType(fxl::RefPtr<Type> value_type, std::optional<size_t> num_elts);
~ArrayType() override;
std::string ComputeFullName() const override;
// Normally array names are the contained type with a "[...]" on the end, but nested array
// dimensions work in the other direction, so it will look like "array[outer][inner]". This
// function takes a previously computed substring for what should be "[outer]" and creates the
// final type name.
std::string ComputeFullNameOfNestedArray(const std::string& outer_dims) const;
const fxl::RefPtr<Type> value_type_;
const std::optional<size_t> num_elts_;
} // namespace zxdb