blob: d1b133aeef46961bd888faebbbe992140d8566ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/breakpoint_observer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/download_observer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/pretty_stack_manager.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/process_observer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/session_observer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/system_observer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/target_observer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/thread_observer.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/command.h"
namespace zxdb {
class Breakpoint;
class Command;
class Filter;
class Frame;
class OutputBuffer;
class Session;
// The context for console commands. In a model-view-controller UI, this would
// represent the state associated with the view and controller (depending on
// how one splits things up). It keeps track of the currently selected
// objects and watches for changes.
// This class maintains the mapping between objects and IDs.
class ConsoleContext : public ProcessObserver,
public SessionObserver,
public SystemObserver,
public TargetObserver,
public ThreadObserver,
public BreakpointObserver,
public DownloadObserver {
explicit ConsoleContext(Session* session);
Session* session() { return session_; }
// Returns the ID for the object. Asserts and returns 0 if not found.
int IdForTarget(const Target* target) const;
int IdForJob(const Job* job) const;
int IdForThread(const Thread* thread) const;
int IdForFrame(const Frame* frame) const;
int IdForBreakpoint(const Breakpoint* breakpoint) const;
int IdForFilter(const Filter* filter) const;
int IdForSymbolServer(const SymbolServer* symbol_server) const;
// The active target will always exist except during setup and teardown.
void SetActiveTarget(const Target* target);
int GetActiveTargetId() const;
Target* GetActiveTarget() const;
// The active symbol server may or may not exist.
void SetActiveSymbolServer(const SymbolServer* target);
int GetActiveSymbolServerId() const;
SymbolServer* GetActiveSymbolServer() const;
// The active job will always exist except during setup and teardown.
void SetActiveJob(const Job* job);
int GetActiveJobId() const;
Job* GetActiveJob() const;
// The active thread for its target. The active target is not affected. The
// active thread ID for a target not running will be 0.
void SetActiveThreadForTarget(const Thread* thread);
int GetActiveThreadIdForTarget(const Target* target);
Thread* GetActiveThreadForTarget(const Target* target);
// Frames are a little bit different than threads and targets since they
// have an intrinsic numbering supplied by the Thread object (the index into
// the backtrace). If there are no frames on the thread, the return value
// will be 0 (so the return value can't be blindly indexed into the frames
// list).
void SetActiveFrameForThread(const Frame* frame);
void SetActiveFrameIdForThread(const Thread* thread, int id);
int GetActiveFrameIdForThread(const Thread* thread) const;
// Sets the active breakpoint. Can be null/0 if there is no active breakpoint
// (set to null to clear).
void SetActiveBreakpoint(const Breakpoint* breakpoint);
int GetActiveBreakpointId() const;
Breakpoint* GetActiveBreakpoint() const;
// Sets the active filter. Can be null/0 if there is no active filter (set to
// null to clear).
void SetActiveFilter(const Filter* filter);
int GetActiveFilterId() const;
Filter* GetActiveFilter() const;
// Each thread maintains a source affinity which was the last command that
// implies either source code or disassembly viewing. This is used to control
// what gets displayed by default for the next stop of that thread. Defaults
// to kSource for new and unknown threads. Setting SourceAffinity::kNone does
// nothing so calling code can unconditionally call for all commands.
SourceAffinity GetSourceAffinityForThread(const Thread* thread) const;
void SetSourceAffinityForThread(const Thread* thread, SourceAffinity source_affinity);
// Outputs to the console information on the given stopped thread with the
// given reasons for stopping.
void OutputThreadContext(const Thread* thread, const StopInfo& info) const;
// Schedules evaluation and subsequent display of the "display" expressions. These are the things
// printed out for every thread stop.
void ScheduleDisplayExpressions(Thread* thread) const;
// Fills the current effective process, thread, etc. into the given Command
// structure based on what the command specifies and the current context.
// Returns an error if any of the referenced IDs are invalid.
Err FillOutCommand(Command* cmd) const;
// Returns the PrettyStackManager for this session.
// This object is currently sitting on the ConsoleContext as a convenient place to hold the
// singleton for the console frontend. Depending on how this evolve, it might be better to have
// the client layer manage this object.
const fxl::RefPtr<PrettyStackManager>& pretty_stack_manager() { return pretty_stack_manager_; }
struct ThreadRecord {
Thread* thread = nullptr;
// This isn't necessarily valid since the frames could have been changed
// out from under us. Be sure to range check before use.
int active_frame_id = 0;
// Default to showing source code for thread stops.
SourceAffinity source_affinity = SourceAffinity::kSource;
struct TargetRecord {
int target_id = 0;
Target* target = nullptr;
int next_thread_id = 1;
// The active ID will be 0 when there is no active thread (the case when
// the process is not running).
int active_thread_id = 0;
std::map<int, ThreadRecord> id_to_thread;
std::map<const Thread*, int> thread_to_id;
struct JobRecord {
int job_id = 0;
Job* job = nullptr;
// SessionObserver implementation:
void HandleNotification(NotificationType, const std::string&) override;
void HandlePreviousConnectedProcesses(const std::vector<debug_ipc::ProcessRecord>&) override;
void HandleProcessesInLimbo(const std::vector<debug_ipc::ProcessRecord>&) override;
// SystemObserver implementation:
void DidCreateJob(Job* job) override;
void WillDestroyJob(Job* job) override;
void DidCreateBreakpoint(Breakpoint* breakpoint) override;
void WillDestroyBreakpoint(Breakpoint* breakpoint) override;
void DidCreateFilter(Filter* filter) override;
void WillDestroyFilter(Filter* filter) override;
void DidCreateSymbolServer(SymbolServer* symbol_server) override;
void OnSymbolIndexingInformation(const std::string& msg) override;
// TargetObserver implementation:
void DidCreateTarget(Target* target) override;
void WillDestroyTarget(Target* target) override;
// ProcessObserver implementation:
void DidCreateProcess(Process* process, bool autoattached_to_new_process) override;
void WillDestroyProcess(Process* process, DestroyReason reason, int exit_code) override;
void OnSymbolLoadFailure(Process* process, const Err& err) override;
// ThreadObserver implementation:
void DidCreateThread(Thread* thread) override;
void WillDestroyThread(Thread* thread) override;
void OnThreadStopped(Thread* thread, const StopInfo& info) override;
void OnThreadFramesInvalidated(Thread* thread) override;
// DownloadObserver implementation:
void OnDownloadsStarted() override;
void OnDownloadsStopped(size_t success, size_t fail) override;
// BreakpointObserver implementation.
void OnBreakpointMatched(Breakpoint* breakpoint, bool user_requested) override;
void OnBreakpointUpdateFailure(Breakpoint* breakpoint, const Err& err) override;
// Returns the record for the given target, or null (+ assertion) if not
// found. These pointers are not stable across target list changes.
TargetRecord* GetTargetRecord(int target_id);
const TargetRecord* GetTargetRecord(int target_id) const;
TargetRecord* GetTargetRecord(const Target* target);
const TargetRecord* GetTargetRecord(const Target* target) const;
ThreadRecord* GetThreadRecord(const Thread* thread);
const ThreadRecord* GetThreadRecord(const Thread* thread) const;
// Backends for parts of FillOutCommand.
// For the variants that take an input pointer, the pointer may be null if
// there is nothing of that type.
// For the variants that take an output pointer, the pointer will be stored
// if the corresponding item (target/thread) is found, otherwise it will be
// unchanged.
Err FillOutTarget(Command* cmd, TargetRecord const** out_target_record) const;
Err FillOutJob(Command* cmd) const;
Err FillOutThread(Command* cmd, const TargetRecord* target_record,
ThreadRecord const** out_thread_record) const;
Err FillOutFrame(Command* cmd, const ThreadRecord* thread_record) const;
Err FillOutBreakpoint(Command* cmd) const;
Err FillOutFilter(Command* cmd) const;
Err FillOutSymbolServer(Command* cmd) const;
// Generates a string describing the breakpoints that were hit.
OutputBuffer DescribeHitBreakpoints(const std::vector<fxl::WeakPtr<Breakpoint>>& hits) const;
// When a thread stops on a breakpoint, sets that breakpoint to be the default.
void SetActiveBreakpointForStop(const StopInfo& info);
Session* const session_;
// The ID from a user perspective maps to a Target/Process pair.
std::map<int, TargetRecord> id_to_target_;
std::map<const Target*, int> target_to_id_;
int next_target_id_ = 1;
std::map<int, JobRecord> id_to_job_;
std::map<const Job*, int> job_to_id_;
int next_job_id_ = 1;
std::map<int, Breakpoint*> id_to_breakpoint_;
std::map<const Breakpoint*, int> breakpoint_to_id_;
int next_breakpoint_id_ = 1;
std::map<int, Filter*> id_to_filter_;
std::map<const Filter*, int> filter_to_id_;
int next_filter_id_ = 1;
std::map<int, SymbolServer*> id_to_symbol_server_;
std::map<const SymbolServer*, int> symbol_server_to_id_;
int next_symbol_server_id_ = 1;
int active_target_id_ = 0;
int active_job_id_ = 0;
int active_breakpoint_id_ = 0;
int active_filter_id_ = 0;
int active_symbol_server_id_ = 0;
fxl::RefPtr<PrettyStackManager> pretty_stack_manager_;
} // namespace zxdb