blob: 79507b408003edbd2acdcd40a5ada8a8e2c5cf83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/stream_buffer.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
namespace debug_ipc {
StreamBuffer::StreamBuffer() = default;
StreamBuffer::~StreamBuffer() = default;
void StreamBuffer::AddReadData(std::vector<char> data) { read_buffer_.push_back(std::move(data)); }
void StreamBuffer::SetWritable() {
can_write_ = true;
bool StreamBuffer::IsAvailable(size_t count) const {
if (count == 0)
return true;
size_t current_node_offset = first_read_buffer_offset_;
for (const auto& cur : read_buffer_) {
size_t in_current = cur.size() - current_node_offset;
if (count <= in_current)
return true;
count -= in_current;
current_node_offset = 0;
return false;
size_t StreamBuffer::Read(char* buffer, size_t buffer_len) {
return ReadOrPeek(buffer, buffer_len, true);
size_t StreamBuffer::Peek(char* buffer, size_t buffer_len) const {
return const_cast<StreamBuffer*>(this)->ReadOrPeek(buffer, buffer_len, false);
void StreamBuffer::Write(std::vector<char> data) {
if (can_write_)
size_t StreamBuffer::ReadOrPeek(char* buffer, size_t buffer_len, bool erase_consumed) {
size_t buffer_pos = 0;
auto cur = read_buffer_.begin();
size_t current_node_offset = first_read_buffer_offset_;
while (cur != read_buffer_.end() && buffer_pos < buffer_len) {
size_t in_current_block = cur->size() - current_node_offset;
size_t to_copy = std::min(buffer_len - buffer_pos, in_current_block);
memcpy(&buffer[buffer_pos], &(*cur)[current_node_offset], to_copy);
buffer_pos += to_copy;
current_node_offset += to_copy;
if (to_copy == in_current_block) {
// Consumed the last of this block, move to the next one.
current_node_offset = 0;
if (erase_consumed) {
// Update the state to reflect these read bytes.
while (read_buffer_.begin() != cur)
first_read_buffer_offset_ = current_node_offset;
return buffer_pos;
void StreamBuffer::FlushWriteBuffer() {
while (!write_buffer_.empty()) {
const std::vector<char>& cur = write_buffer_.front();
size_t written = writer_->ConsumeStreamBufferData(&cur[first_write_buffer_offset_],
cur.size() - first_write_buffer_offset_);
first_write_buffer_offset_ += written;
if (first_write_buffer_offset_ < cur.size()) {
// Partial write, block until notified about more.
can_write_ = false;
// Consumed all the data, advance to the next buffer.
first_write_buffer_offset_ = 0;
} // namespace debug_ipc