blob: 33557e7778405905e30f409939fc169d290374a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "test_suite_helpers.h"
#if defined(__x86_64__)
#include <zircon/hw/debug/x86.h>
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
#include <zircon/hw/debug/arm64.h>
#include <lib/fdio/spawn.h>
#include <lib/zx/eventpair.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/exception.h>
#include <zircon/processargs.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/port.h>
#include <vector>
constexpr uint64_t kPortKey = 0x11232141234;
ThreadSetup::~ThreadSetup() {
int res = -1;
/* FX_DCHECK(thrd_join(c_thread, &res) == thrd_success); */
/* FX_DCHECK(res == 0) << res; */
thrd_join(c_thread, &res);
std::unique_ptr<ThreadSetup> CreateTestSetup(ThreadSetup::Function func, void* user) {
auto setup = std::make_unique<ThreadSetup>();
setup->test_running = true;
setup->user = user;
CHECK_OK(zx::event::create(0, &setup->event));
thrd_create(&setup->c_thread, func, setup.get());
// We wait until the thread has indicated us we can continue.
CHECK_OK(setup->event.wait_one(kThreadToHarness, zx::time::infinite(), nullptr));
return setup;
std::pair<zx::port, zx::channel> CreateExceptionChannel(const zx::thread& thread, bool debugger) {
zx::port port;
CHECK_OK(zx::port::create(0, &port));
zx::channel exception_channel;
uint32_t flags = debugger ? ZX_EXCEPTION_CHANNEL_DEBUGGER : 0;
CHECK_OK(thread.create_exception_channel(flags, &exception_channel));
return std::make_pair<zx::port, zx::channel>(std::move(port), std::move(exception_channel));
zx_thread_state_general_regs_t ReadGeneralRegs(const zx::thread& thread) {
zx_thread_state_general_regs_t regs = {};
CHECK_OK(thread.read_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_GENERAL_REGS, &regs, sizeof(regs)));
return regs;
void WriteGeneralRegs(const zx::thread& thread, const zx_thread_state_general_regs_t& regs) {
CHECK_OK(thread.write_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_GENERAL_REGS, &regs, sizeof(regs)));
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t ReadDebugRegs(const zx::thread& thread) {
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t regs = {};
CHECK_OK(thread.read_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_DEBUG_REGS, &regs, sizeof(regs)));
return regs;
std::optional<zx_port_packet_t> WaitOnPort(const zx::port& port, zx_signals_t signals,
zx::time deadline) {
// Wait till we get the HW exception.
zx_port_packet_t packet;
zx_status_t status = port.wait(deadline, &packet);
if (status == ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT)
return std::nullopt;
FX_DCHECK(packet.key == kPortKey);
FX_DCHECK((packet.signal.observed & signals) != 0);
return packet;
Exception GetException(const zx::channel& exception_channel) {
Exception exception = {};
// Obtain the exception.
CHECK_OK(, &, exception.handle.reset_and_get_address(),
sizeof(, 1, nullptr, nullptr));
/* exception.handle.get_process(&exception.process); */
exception.regs = ReadGeneralRegs(exception.thread);
#if defined(__x86_64__)
exception.pc =;
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
exception.pc = exception.regs.pc;
#error Undefined arch.
return exception;
std::optional<Exception> WaitForException(const zx::port& port,
const zx::channel& exception_channel, zx::time deadline) {
auto packet = WaitOnPort(port, ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE, deadline);
if (!packet)
return std::nullopt;
return GetException(exception_channel);
void ResumeException(const zx::thread& thread, Exception&& exception, bool handled) {
if (handled) {
CHECK_OK(exception.handle.set_property(ZX_PROP_EXCEPTION_STATE, &state, sizeof(state)));
void WaitAsyncOnExceptionChannel(const zx::port& port, const zx::channel& exception_channel) {
// Listen on the exception channel for the thread.
// Wait on the exception channel.
CHECK_OK(exception_channel.wait_async(port, kPortKey, ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE, 0));
bool IsOnException(const zx::thread& thread) {
// Get the thread info.
zx_info_thread_t thread_info;
CHECK_OK(thread.get_info(ZX_INFO_THREAD, &thread_info, sizeof(thread_info), nullptr, nullptr));
return thread_info.state == ZX_THREAD_STATE_BLOCKED_EXCEPTION;
HWExceptionType DecodeHWException(const zx::thread& thread, const Exception& exception) {
return HWExceptionType::kNone;
#if defined(__x86_64__)
// TODO: Implement x64 side logic for this.
return HWExceptionType::kNone;
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
auto debug_regs = ReadDebugRegs(thread);
// The ESR register holds information about the last exception in the form of:
// |31 26|25|24 0|
// | EC |IL| ISS |
// Where:
// - EC: Exception class field (what exception occurred).
// - IL: Instruction length (whether the trap was 16-bit of 32-bit instruction).
// - ISS: Instruction Specific Syndrome. The value is specific to each EC.
uint32_t ec = debug_regs.esr >> 26;
switch (ec) {
case 0b110000: /* HW breakpoint from a lower level */
case 0b110001: /* HW breakpoint from same level */
return HWExceptionType::kHardware;
case 0b110010: /* software step from lower level */
case 0b110011: /* software step from same level */
return HWExceptionType::kSingleStep;
case 0b110100: /* HW watchpoint from a lower level */
case 0b110101: /* HW watchpoint from same level */
return HWExceptionType::kWatchpoint;
return HWExceptionType::kNone;
#error Undefined arch.
return HWExceptionType::kNone;
zx::suspend_token Suspend(const zx::thread& thread) {
// Check if the thread is on an exception.
if (IsOnException(thread))
return {};
// Suspend the thread.
zx::suspend_token suspend_token;
CHECK_OK(thread.wait_one(ZX_THREAD_SUSPENDED, zx::time::infinite(), nullptr));
return suspend_token;
// Install HW Breakpoint ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
#if defined(__x86_64__)
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t HWBreakpointRegs(uint64_t address) {
if (address == 0)
return {};
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t debug_regs = {};
debug_regs.dr7 = 0b1;
debug_regs.dr[0] = address;
return debug_regs;
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t HWBreakpointRegs(uint64_t address) {
if (address == 0)
return {};
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t debug_regs = {};
auto& hw_bp = debug_regs.hw_bps[0];
hw_bp.dbgbcr = 1; // Activate it.
hw_bp.dbgbvr = address;
return debug_regs;
#error Unsupported arch.
void SetHWBreakpoint(const zx::thread& thread, uint64_t address) {
zx::suspend_token suspend_token = Suspend(thread);
// Install the HW breakpoint.
auto debug_regs = HWBreakpointRegs(address);
CHECK_OK(thread.write_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_DEBUG_REGS, &debug_regs, sizeof(debug_regs)));
// Resume the thread.
} // namespace
void InstallHWBreakpoint(const zx::thread& thread, uint64_t address) {
SetHWBreakpoint(thread, address);
void RemoveHWBreakpoint(const zx::thread& thread) { SetHWBreakpoint(thread, 0); }
// Watchpoint --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
#if defined(__x86_64__)
#define SET_REG(num, reg, len, address, type) \
{ \
X86_DBG_CONTROL_L##num##_SET((reg), 1); \
X86_DBG_CONTROL_RW##num##_SET((reg), (type)); \
X86_DBG_CONTROL_LEN##num##_SET((reg), (len)); \
regs.dr[(num)] = (address); \
#define BYTES_1 0
#define BYTES_2 1
#define BYTES_4 3
#define BYTES_8 2
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t WatchpointRegs(uint64_t address, uint32_t length,
WatchpointType type) {
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t regs = {};
if (address == 0)
return {};
uint64_t align_mask = 0;
switch (length) {
case 1:
case 2:
align_mask = static_cast<uint64_t>(~0b1);
case 4:
align_mask = static_cast<uint64_t>(~0b11);
case 8:
align_mask = static_cast<uint64_t>(~0b111);
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Invalid length: " << length;
uint32_t type_val = (type == WatchpointType::kWrite) ? 0b01 : 0b11;
if (length == 1) {
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_1, address, type_val);
} else if (length == 2) {
uint64_t aligned_address = address & static_cast<uint64_t>(~0b1);
uint64_t diff = address - aligned_address;
if (!diff) {
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_2, address, type_val);
} else {
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_1, address, type_val);
SET_REG(1, &regs.dr7, BYTES_1, address + 1, type_val);
} else if (length == 4) {
uint64_t aligned_address = address & static_cast<uint64_t>(~0b11);
uint64_t diff = address - aligned_address;
switch (diff) {
case 0:
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_4, address, type_val);
case 1:
case 3:
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_1, address, type_val);
SET_REG(1, &regs.dr7, BYTES_2, address + 1, type_val);
SET_REG(2, &regs.dr7, BYTES_1, address + 3, type_val);
case 2:
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_2, address, type_val);
SET_REG(1, &regs.dr7, BYTES_2, address + 2, type_val);
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Invalid diff: " << diff;
} else if (length == 8) {
uint64_t aligned_address = address & static_cast<uint64_t>(~0b111);
uint64_t diff = address - aligned_address;
/* FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Diff: " << diff; */
switch (diff) {
case 0:
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_8, address, type_val);
case 1:
case 5:
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_1, address, type_val);
SET_REG(1, &regs.dr7, BYTES_2, address + 1, type_val);
SET_REG(2, &regs.dr7, BYTES_4, address + 3, type_val);
SET_REG(3, &regs.dr7, BYTES_1, address + 7, type_val);
case 2:
case 6:
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_2, address, type_val);
SET_REG(1, &regs.dr7, BYTES_4, address + 2, type_val);
SET_REG(2, &regs.dr7, BYTES_2, address + 6, type_val);
case 3:
case 7:
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_1, address, type_val);
SET_REG(1, &regs.dr7, BYTES_4, address + 1, type_val);
SET_REG(2, &regs.dr7, BYTES_2, address + 5, type_val);
SET_REG(3, &regs.dr7, BYTES_1, address + 7, type_val);
case 4:
SET_REG(0, &regs.dr7, BYTES_4, address, type_val);
SET_REG(1, &regs.dr7, BYTES_4, address + 4, type_val);
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Invalid diff: " << diff;
} else {
FX_NOTREACHED() << "Invalid length: " << length;
return regs;
void PrintDebugRegs(const zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t& debug_state) {
// DR6
printf("DR6: 0x%lx -> B0=%lu, B1=%lu, B2=%lu, B3=%lu, BD=%lu, BS=%lu, BT=%lu\n", debug_state.dr6,
X86_DBG_STATUS_B0_GET(debug_state.dr6), X86_DBG_STATUS_B1_GET(debug_state.dr6),
X86_DBG_STATUS_B2_GET(debug_state.dr6), X86_DBG_STATUS_B3_GET(debug_state.dr6),
X86_DBG_STATUS_BD_GET(debug_state.dr6), X86_DBG_STATUS_BS_GET(debug_state.dr6),
// DR7
"DR7: 0x%lx -> L0=%lu, G0=%lu, L1=%lu, G1=%lu, L2=%lu, G2=%lu, L3=%lu, G4=%lu, LE=%lu, "
"GE=%lu, GD=%lu\n",
debug_state.dr7, X86_DBG_CONTROL_L0_GET(debug_state.dr7),
X86_DBG_CONTROL_G0_GET(debug_state.dr7), X86_DBG_CONTROL_L1_GET(debug_state.dr7),
X86_DBG_CONTROL_G1_GET(debug_state.dr7), X86_DBG_CONTROL_L2_GET(debug_state.dr7),
X86_DBG_CONTROL_G2_GET(debug_state.dr7), X86_DBG_CONTROL_L3_GET(debug_state.dr7),
X86_DBG_CONTROL_G3_GET(debug_state.dr7), X86_DBG_CONTROL_LE_GET(debug_state.dr7),
X86_DBG_CONTROL_GE_GET(debug_state.dr7), X86_DBG_CONTROL_GD_GET(debug_state.dr7));
printf("R/W0=%lu, LEN0=%lu, R/W1=%lu, LEN1=%lu, R/W2=%lu, LEN2=%lu, R/W3=%lu, LEN3=%lu\n",
X86_DBG_CONTROL_RW0_GET(debug_state.dr7), X86_DBG_CONTROL_LEN0_GET(debug_state.dr7),
X86_DBG_CONTROL_RW1_GET(debug_state.dr7), X86_DBG_CONTROL_LEN1_GET(debug_state.dr7),
X86_DBG_CONTROL_RW2_GET(debug_state.dr7), X86_DBG_CONTROL_LEN2_GET(debug_state.dr7),
X86_DBG_CONTROL_RW3_GET(debug_state.dr7), X86_DBG_CONTROL_LEN3_GET(debug_state.dr7));
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t WatchpointRegs(uint64_t address, uint32_t length,
WatchpointType type) {
if (address == 0)
return {};
zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t debug_regs = {};
auto* wp = debug_regs.hw_wps + 0;
// The instruction has to be 4 byte aligned.
uint64_t aligned_address = address & static_cast<uint64_t>(~0b111);
uint64_t diff = address - aligned_address;
FX_DCHECK(diff <= 7);
// Set the BAS value.
uint8_t bas = 0;
uint8_t extra_bas = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uint64_t index = i + diff;
// We cannot go the beyond the BAS boundary.
if (index > 7) {
extra_bas |= (1 << (index - 8));
bas |= (1 << index);
wp->dbgwvr = aligned_address;
uint32_t lsc = (type == WatchpointType::kWrite) ? 0b10 : 0b11;
ARM64_DBGWCR_E_SET(&wp->dbgwcr, 1);
ARM64_DBGWCR_LSC_SET(&wp->dbgwcr, lsc);
ARM64_DBGWCR_BAS_SET(&wp->dbgwcr, bas);
if (extra_bas) {
wp = debug_regs.hw_wps + 1;
uint64_t extra_address = aligned_address + 8;
wp->dbgwvr = extra_address;
ARM64_DBGWCR_E_SET(&wp->dbgwcr, 1);
ARM64_DBGWCR_LSC_SET(&wp->dbgwcr, lsc);
ARM64_DBGWCR_BAS_SET(&wp->dbgwcr, extra_bas);
return debug_regs;
void PrintDebugRegs(const zx_thread_state_debug_regs_t& debug_state) {
printf("HW breakpoints:\n");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ARM64_MAX_HW_BREAKPOINTS; i++) {
uint32_t dbgbcr = debug_state.hw_bps[i].dbgbcr;
uint64_t dbgbvr = debug_state.hw_bps[i].dbgbvr;
if (!ARM64_DBGBCR_E_GET(dbgbcr))
"%02u. DBGBVR: 0x%lx, "
"DBGBCR: E=%d, PMC=%d, BAS=%d, HMC=%d, SSC=%d, LBN=%d, BT=%d\n",
i, dbgbvr, (int)(dbgbcr & ARM64_DBGBCR_E),
(int)((dbgbcr & ARM64_DBGBCR_PMC_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGBCR_PMC_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgbcr & ARM64_DBGBCR_BAS_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGBCR_BAS_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgbcr & ARM64_DBGBCR_HMC_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGBCR_HMC_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgbcr & ARM64_DBGBCR_SSC_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGBCR_SSC_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgbcr & ARM64_DBGBCR_LBN_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGBCR_LBN_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgbcr & ARM64_DBGBCR_BT_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGBCR_BT_SHIFT));
printf("HW watchpoints:\n");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ARM64_MAX_HW_WATCHPOINTS; i++) {
uint32_t dbgwcr = debug_state.hw_wps[i].dbgwcr;
uint64_t dbgwvr = debug_state.hw_wps[i].dbgwvr;
if (!ARM64_DBGWCR_E_GET(dbgwcr))
"%02u. DBGWVR: 0x%lx, DBGWCR: "
"E=%d, PAC=%d, LSC=%d, BAS=0x%x, HMC=%d, SSC=%d, LBN=%d, WT=%d, MASK=0x%x\n",
i, dbgwvr, (int)(dbgwcr & ARM64_DBGWCR_E_MASK),
(int)((dbgwcr & ARM64_DBGWCR_PAC_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGWCR_PAC_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgwcr & ARM64_DBGWCR_LSC_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGWCR_LSC_SHIFT),
(unsigned int)((dbgwcr & ARM64_DBGWCR_BAS_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGWCR_BAS_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgwcr & ARM64_DBGWCR_HMC_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGWCR_HMC_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgwcr & ARM64_DBGWCR_SSC_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGWCR_SSC_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgwcr & ARM64_DBGWCR_LBN_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGWCR_LBN_SHIFT),
(int)((dbgwcr & ARM64_DBGWCR_WT_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGWCR_WT_SHIFT),
(unsigned int)((dbgwcr & ARM64_DBGWCR_MSK_MASK) >> ARM64_DBGWCR_MSK_SHIFT));
#error Unsupported arch.
void SetWatchpoint(const zx::thread& thread, uint64_t address, uint32_t length,
WatchpointType type) {
zx::suspend_token suspend_token = Suspend(thread);
// Install the HW breakpoint.
auto debug_regs = WatchpointRegs(address, length, type);
static bool a = false;
if (a) {
CHECK_OK(thread.write_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_DEBUG_REGS, &debug_regs, sizeof(debug_regs)));
// Resume the thread.
} // namespace
void InstallWatchpoint(const zx::thread& thread, uint64_t address, uint32_t length,
WatchpointType type) {
SetWatchpoint(thread, address, length, type);
void RemoveWatchpoint(const zx::thread& thread) {
SetWatchpoint(thread, 0, 0, WatchpointType::kWrite);
std::optional<Exception> SingleStep(const zx::thread& thread, const zx::port& port,
const zx::channel& exception_channel,
std::optional<Exception> exception) {
zx_thread_state_single_step_t value = 1;
zx::suspend_token suspend_token = Suspend(thread);
CHECK_OK(thread.write_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_SINGLE_STEP, &value, sizeof(value)));
WaitAsyncOnExceptionChannel(port, exception_channel);
ResumeException(thread, std::move(*exception));
exception = WaitForException(port, exception_channel,
FX_DCHECK(exception.has_value()) << "No exception!";
FX_DCHECK(exception->info.type == ZX_EXCP_HW_BREAKPOINT)
<< "Got: " << zx_exception_get_string(exception->info.type);
FX_DCHECK(DecodeHWException(thread, exception.value()) == HWExceptionType::kSingleStep);
zx_thread_state_single_step_t value = 0;
zx::suspend_token suspend_token = Suspend(thread);
CHECK_OK(thread.write_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_SINGLE_STEP, &value, sizeof(value)));
return exception;
// Process Spawning --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
zx_status_t LaunchProcess(const zx::job& job, const std::string& name,
const std::vector<std::string>& argv, Process* out) {
// fdio_spawn_etc expects argv to be a nullptr-terminated array.
std::vector<const char*> normalized_argv;
normalized_argv.reserve(argv.size() + 1);
for (const std::string& arg : argv) {
zx::channel mine, theirs;
CHECK_OK(zx::channel::create(0, &mine, &theirs));
// clang-format off
fdio_spawn_action_t actions[] = {
// Set the process name.
{.action = FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_SET_NAME, .name = {.data = name.c_str()}},
// Pass in a special channel handle that they can obtain via |zx_take_startup_handle|.
// See |InitSubProcess|.
{.action = FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_ADD_HANDLE, .h = {.id = PA_HND(PA_USER0, 0), .handle = theirs.release()}},
// Clone stdout/err/in.
{.action = FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_CLONE_FD, .fd = {.local_fd = STDOUT_FILENO, .target_fd = STDOUT_FILENO}},
{.action = FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_CLONE_FD, .fd = {.local_fd = STDIN_FILENO, .target_fd = STDIN_FILENO}},
{.action = FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_CLONE_FD, .fd = {.local_fd = STDERR_FILENO, .target_fd = STDERR_FILENO}},
// clang-format on
zx::process process;
zx_status_t status = fdio_spawn_etc(job.get(), FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_ALL, normalized_argv.front(),, nullptr, std::size(actions), actions,
process.reset_and_get_address(), err_msg);
if (status != ZX_OK)
return status;
*out = {};
out->name = name;
out->handle = std::move(process);
out->comm_channel = std::move(mine);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t InitSubProcess(zx::channel* out) {
zx::channel channel{zx_take_startup_handle(PA_HND(PA_USER0, 0))};
if (!channel.is_valid())
*out = std::move(channel);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t WaitOnChannelReadable(const zx::channel& channel, zx::time deadline) {
return channel.wait_one(ZX_FIFO_READABLE, zx::deadline_after(zx::sec(1)), nullptr);
zx_status_t SignalClient(const zx::eventpair& event) {
CHECK_OK(event.signal(kClientToServer, 0));
return event.signal_peer(0, kServerToClient);
zx_status_t SignalServer(const zx::eventpair& event) {
CHECK_OK(event.signal(kServerToClient, 0));
return event.signal_peer(0, kClientToServer);
zx_status_t WaitForClient(const zx::eventpair& event, zx::time deadline) {
return event.wait_one(kClientToServer, deadline, 0);
zx_status_t WaitForServer(const zx::eventpair& event, zx::time deadline) {
return event.wait_one(kServerToClient, deadline, 0);