blob: 2e2d8fe946e70d2a468397f76efac0edc0888c43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ddk/device.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
// This implements zx_driver_ops.bind, creating a WlanPhy to manage the Realtek instance. This is
// declared with C linkage to interface with the DDK.
zx_status_t rtl88xx_bind_wlan_phy(void* ctx, zx_device_t* device);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
// The declarations below are only relevant to the C++ driver implementation.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/wlanphyimpl/c/banjo.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include "device.h"
#include "wlan_mac.h"
namespace wlan {
namespace rtl88xx {
// This class provides a zx_device_t implementing the ZX_PROTOCOL_WLANPHY_IMPL protocol for the
// Realtek driver. It owns the Device that implements chipset-specific logic, as well as managing
// the WlanMac instances that present the MAC interface.
class WlanPhy {
// Factory function for WlanPhy instances. This factory returns an error code, rather than the
// instance itself, since the instance is owned by the zx_device_t it creates and thus its
// lifetime is managed by the devhost.
static zx_status_t Create(zx_device_t* bus_device);
WlanPhy(const WlanPhy& other) = delete;
WlanPhy(WlanPhy&& other) = delete;
WlanPhy& operator=(WlanPhy other) = delete;
// zx_protocol_device_t implementation.
void Unbind();
void Release();
// wlanphy_impl_protocol_ops implementation.
zx_status_t Query(wlanphy_impl_info_t* info);
zx_status_t CreateIface(const wlanphy_impl_create_iface_req_t* req, uint16_t* out_iface_id);
zx_status_t DestroyIface(uint16_t id);
zx_status_t SetCountry(const wlanphy_country_t* country);
zx_status_t GetCountry(wlanphy_country_t* out_country);
std::unique_ptr<Device> device_;
// `zx_device_` owns this WlanPhy instance; thus this pointer is unowned.
zx_device_t* zx_device_;
// The lifetime of `wlan_mac_` is managed by the devhost; thus this pointer is unowned.
WlanMac* wlan_mac_;
} // namespace rtl88xx
} // namespace wlan
#endif // __cplusplus