blob: 827171858325e2839674bb47a8b3eb2d7d4c2306 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
tests = [
foreach(test, tests) {
name = "netstack_${test}_integration_test"
fuchsia_component(name) {
testonly = true
manifest = "meta/${name}.cmx"
deps = [ test ]
fuchsia_test_package("netstack-integration-tests") {
package_name = "netstack-integration-tests"
# TODO( avoid these error logs:
# [netstack,@set_interface_status] ERROR: netstack_service.go(345): (NIC 2).setState(enabled=false): not found
# [netstack,ndp,@test_down_close_race_eth] ERROR: ndp.go(544): DAD for fe80::2644:e5a7:b11a:bf9e on nicID (7) encountered error = endpoint is closed for send, sending interface changed event...
# [netstack,ndp,@test_down_close_race_eth] ERROR: ndp.go(544): DAD for fe80::c25:a6ff:fe82:5059 on nicID (7) encountered error = endpoint is closed for send, sending interface changed event...
test_specs = {
log_settings = {
max_severity = "ERROR"
test_components = []
foreach(test, tests) {
test_components += [ ":netstack_${test}_integration_test" ]
deps = [
# device_name_provider provides fuchsia.device.NameProvider.
# mock_cobalt provides fuchsia.cobalt.LoggerFactory and fuchsia.cobalt.test.LoggerQuerier.
# stash_secure is used by dhcpd and netstack.
# dhcpd is used to test DHCP address acquisition.
# DHCPv6 client is under test.
# dns_resolver integration with netstack is tested.
# netcfg integration with netstack is tested.
# netstack3 is under test.
# netstack is under test.
# network_manager integration with netstack is tested.
# reachability monitor is tested.
# netemul-sandbox is used to create hermetic environments.
config_data("netcfg-netemul-config") {
testonly = true
for_pkg = "netstack-integration-tests"
sources = [ "//src/connectivity/network/netcfg/config/empty.json" ]
outputs = [ "netcfg/empty.json" ]
config_data("network-manager-config") {
testonly = true
for_pkg = "netstack-integration-tests"
sources =
[ "//src/connectivity/management/network-manager/config/default.json" ]
outputs = [ "factory_config.json" ]