blob: d7b25626454bd0f232ef6ee41feebd100c2a43dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !build_with_native_toolchain
package netstack
import (
syslog ""
fidlio "fidl/fuchsia/io"
fidlnet "fidl/fuchsia/net"
// TODO( We shouldn't need any of this includes after we remove
// C structs from the wire.
#cgo CFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/../../../../zircon/system/ulib/zxs/include
#cgo CFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/../../../../zircon/third_party/ulib/musl/include
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
import "C"
var _ io.Writer = (*socketWriter)(nil)
type socketWriter struct {
socket zx.Socket
lastError error
func (w *socketWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := w.socket.Write(p, 0)
if err == nil && n != len(p) {
err = &zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrShouldWait}
w.lastError = err
return n, err
var _ tcpip.Payloader = (*socketReader)(nil)
type socketReader struct {
socket zx.Socket
lastError error
lastRead int
func (r *socketReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.socket.Read(p, 0)
if err == nil && n != len(p) {
err = &zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrShouldWait}
r.lastError = err
r.lastRead = n
return n, err
func (r *socketReader) Len() int {
n, err := func() (int, error) {
var info zx.InfoSocket
if err := r.socket.Handle().GetInfo(zx.ObjectInfoSocket, unsafe.Pointer(&info), uint(unsafe.Sizeof(info))); err != nil {
return 0, err
return info.RXBufAvailable, nil
if err == nil && n == 0 {
err = &zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrShouldWait}
r.lastError = err
r.lastRead = n
return n
type hardError struct {
mu struct {
err tcpip.Error
// endpoint is the base structure that models all network sockets.
type endpoint struct {
// TODO( Remove TransitionalBase after methods landed.
wq *waiter.Queue
ep tcpip.Endpoint
mu struct {
refcount uint32
sockOptTimestamp bool
transProto tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber
netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber
key uint64
ns *Netstack
// gVisor stack clears the hard error on the endpoint on a read, so,
// save the error when returned by gVisor endpoint calls.
hardError hardError
func (ep *endpoint) incRef() {
func (ep *endpoint) decRef() bool {
doubleClose := == 0
doClose := == 0
if doubleClose {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%p: double close", ep))
return doClose
// storeAndRetrieveLocked evaluates if the input error is a "hard
// error" (one which puts the endpoint in an unrecoverable error state) and
// stores it. Returns the pre-existing hard error if it was already set or the
// new value if changed.
// Must be called with held.
func (he *hardError) storeAndRetrieveLocked(err tcpip.Error) tcpip.Error {
if == nil {
switch err.(type) {
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionAborted, *tcpip.ErrConnectionReset,
*tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable, *tcpip.ErrNoRoute, *tcpip.ErrTimeout,
*tcpip.ErrConnectionRefused: = err
func (he *hardError) get() tcpip.Error {
err :=
return err
func (ep *endpoint) Sync(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("Sync", "%p", ep)
return 0, &zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrNotSupported, Text: fmt.Sprintf("%T", ep)}
func (ep *endpoint) GetAttr(fidl.Context) (int32, fidlio.NodeAttributes, error) {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("GetAttr", "%p", ep)
return 0, fidlio.NodeAttributes{}, &zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrNotSupported, Text: fmt.Sprintf("%T", ep)}
func (ep *endpoint) SetAttr(fidl.Context, uint32, fidlio.NodeAttributes) (int32, error) {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("SetAttr", "%p", ep)
return 0, &zx.Error{Status: zx.ErrNotSupported, Text: fmt.Sprintf("%T", ep)}
func (ep *endpoint) Bind(_ fidl.Context, sockaddr fidlnet.SocketAddress) (socket.BaseSocketBindResult, error) {
addr, err := toTCPIPFullAddress(sockaddr)
if err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketBindResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(&tcpip.ErrBadAddress{})), nil
if err := ep.ep.Bind(addr); err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketBindResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
localAddr, err := ep.ep.GetLocalAddress()
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("bind", "%p: local=%+v", ep, localAddr)
return socket.BaseSocketBindResultWithResponse(socket.BaseSocketBindResponse{}), nil
func (ep *endpoint) Connect(_ fidl.Context, address fidlnet.SocketAddress) (socket.BaseSocketConnectResult, error) {
addr, err := toTCPIPFullAddress(address)
if err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketConnectResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(&tcpip.ErrBadAddress{})), nil
// NB: We can't just compare the length to zero because that would
// mishandle the IPv6-mapped IPv4 unspecified address.
disconnect := addr.Port == 0 && (len(addr.Addr) == 0 || net.IP(addr.Addr).IsUnspecified())
if disconnect {
if err := ep.ep.Disconnect(); err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketConnectResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
} else {
if l := len(addr.Addr); l > 0 {
if ep.netProto == ipv4.ProtocolNumber && l != header.IPv4AddressSize {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("connect", "%p: unsupported address %s", ep, addr.Addr)
return socket.BaseSocketConnectResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(&tcpip.ErrAddressFamilyNotSupported{})), nil
// Acquire hard error lock across ep calls to avoid races and store the
// hard error deterministically.
err := ep.ep.Connect(addr)
hardError := ep.hardError.storeAndRetrieveLocked(err)
if err != nil {
switch err.(type) {
case *tcpip.ErrConnectStarted:
localAddr, err := ep.ep.GetLocalAddress()
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("connect", "%p: started, local=%+v, addr=%+v", ep, localAddr, addr)
// For TCP endpoints, gVisor Connect() returns this error when the endpoint
// is in an error state and the hard error state has already been read from the
// endpoint via other APIs. Apply the saved hard error state here.
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionAborted:
if hardError != nil {
err = hardError
return socket.BaseSocketConnectResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
localAddr, err := ep.ep.GetLocalAddress()
if err != nil {
if disconnect {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("connect", "%p: local=%+v, remote=disconnected", ep, localAddr)
} else {
remoteAddr, err := ep.ep.GetRemoteAddress()
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("connect", "%p: local=%+v, remote=%+v", ep, localAddr, remoteAddr)
return socket.BaseSocketConnectResultWithResponse(socket.BaseSocketConnectResponse{}), nil
func (ep *endpoint) Disconnect(_ fidl.Context) (socket.BaseSocketDisconnectResult, error) {
if err := ep.ep.Disconnect(); err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketDisconnectResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
return socket.BaseSocketDisconnectResultWithResponse(socket.BaseSocketDisconnectResponse{}), nil
func (ep *endpoint) GetSockName(fidl.Context) (socket.BaseSocketGetSockNameResult, error) {
addr, err := ep.ep.GetLocalAddress()
if err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketGetSockNameResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
return socket.BaseSocketGetSockNameResultWithResponse(socket.BaseSocketGetSockNameResponse{
Addr: toNetSocketAddress(ep.netProto, addr),
}), nil
func (ep *endpoint) GetPeerName(fidl.Context) (socket.BaseSocketGetPeerNameResult, error) {
addr, err := ep.ep.GetRemoteAddress()
if err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketGetPeerNameResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
return socket.BaseSocketGetPeerNameResultWithResponse(socket.BaseSocketGetPeerNameResponse{
Addr: toNetSocketAddress(ep.netProto, addr),
}), nil
func (ep *endpoint) SetSockOpt(_ fidl.Context, level, optName int16, optVal []uint8) (socket.BaseSocketSetSockOptResult, error) {
if level == C.SOL_SOCKET && optName == C.SO_TIMESTAMP {
if len(optVal) < sizeOfInt32 {
return socket.BaseSocketSetSockOptResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(&tcpip.ErrInvalidOptionValue{})), nil
v := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(optVal) = v != 0
} else {
if err := SetSockOpt(ep.ep, ep.ns, level, optName, optVal); err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketSetSockOptResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
_ = syslog.DebugTf("setsockopt", "%p: level=%d, optName=%d, optVal[%d]=%v", ep, level, optName, len(optVal), optVal)
return socket.BaseSocketSetSockOptResultWithResponse(socket.BaseSocketSetSockOptResponse{}), nil
func (ep *endpoint) GetSockOpt(_ fidl.Context, level, optName int16) (socket.BaseSocketGetSockOptResult, error) {
var val interface{}
if level == C.SOL_SOCKET && optName == C.SO_TIMESTAMP {
if {
val = int32(1)
} else {
val = int32(0)
} else {
var err tcpip.Error
val, err = GetSockOpt(ep.ep, ep.ns, ep.netProto, ep.transProto, level, optName)
if err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketGetSockOptResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
if val, ok := val.([]byte); ok {
return socket.BaseSocketGetSockOptResultWithResponse(socket.BaseSocketGetSockOptResponse{
Optval: val,
}), nil
b := make([]byte, reflect.TypeOf(val).Size())
n := copyAsBytes(b, val)
if n < len(b) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("short %T: %d/%d", val, n, len(b)))
_ = syslog.DebugTf("getsockopt", "%p: level=%d, optName=%d, optVal[%d]=%v", ep, level, optName, len(b), b)
return socket.BaseSocketGetSockOptResultWithResponse(socket.BaseSocketGetSockOptResponse{
Optval: b,
}), nil
type boolWithMutex struct {
mu struct {
asserted bool
// endpointWithSocket implements a network socket that uses a zircon socket for
// its data plane. This structure creates a pair of goroutines which are
// responsible for moving data and signals between the underlying
// tcpip.Endpoint and the zircon socket.
type endpointWithSocket struct {
local, peer zx.Socket
incoming boolWithMutex
// These channels enable coordination of orderly shutdown of loops, handles,
// and endpoints. See the comment on `close` for more information.
mu struct {
// loop{Read,Write,Poll}Done are signaled iff loop{Read,Write,Poll} have
// exited, respectively.
loopReadDone, loopWriteDone, loopPollDone <-chan struct{}
// closing is signaled iff close has been called.
closing chan struct{}
// This is used to make sure that endpoint.close only cleans up its
// resources once - the first time it was closed.
closeOnce sync.Once
// Used to unblock waiting to write when SO_LINGER is enabled.
linger chan struct{}
onHUpOnce sync.Once
// onHUp is used to register callback for closing events.
onHUp waiter.Entry
// onListen is used to register callbacks for listening sockets.
onListen sync.Once
// onConnect is used to register callbacks for connected sockets.
onConnect sync.Once
func newEndpointWithSocket(ep tcpip.Endpoint, wq *waiter.Queue, transProto tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber, netProto tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber, ns *Netstack) (*endpointWithSocket, error) {
localS, peerS, err := zx.NewSocket(zx.SocketStream)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
eps := &endpointWithSocket{
endpoint: endpoint{
ep: ep,
wq: wq,
transProto: transProto,
netProto: netProto,
ns: ns,
local: localS,
peer: peerS,
closing: make(chan struct{}),
linger: make(chan struct{}),
onHUp := func() {
eps.onHUpOnce.Do(func() {
if !eps.endpoint.ns.onRemoveEndpoint(eps.endpoint.key) {
_ = syslog.Errorf("endpoint map delete error, endpoint with key %d does not exist", eps.endpoint.key)
// Run this in a separate goroutine to avoid deadlock.
// The waiter.Queue lock is held by the caller of this callback.
// close() blocks on completions of `loop*`, which
// depend on acquiring waiter.Queue lock to unregister events.
go func() {
eps.onHUp.Callback = callback(func(*waiter.Entry, waiter.EventMask) {
eps.wq.EventRegister(&eps.onHUp, waiter.EventHUp)
// Accepted endpoints which are already reset would not notify hangup event.
// Check for the hard error state and handle any cleanup.
// Note that we register a callback for hangup event and add the endpoint
// to the internal map before checking for the error state. This is to avoid
// losing notification of hangup event with a race between checking for hard
// error state in gVisor endpoint and the same endpoint's error state being
// updated because of processing of an incoming RST.
// Acquire hard error lock across ep calls to avoid races and store the
// hard error deterministically.
hardError := eps.endpoint.hardError.storeAndRetrieveLocked(eps.ep.LastError())
if hardError != nil {
return eps, nil
func (eps *endpointWithSocket) loopPoll(ch chan<- struct{}) {
defer close(ch)
sigs := zx.Signals(zx.SignalSocketWriteDisabled | localSignalClosing)
for {
obs, err := zxwait.Wait(zx.Handle(eps.local), sigs, zx.TimensecInfinite)
if err != nil {
if obs&sigs&zx.SignalSocketWriteDisabled != 0 {
sigs ^= zx.SignalSocketWriteDisabled
switch err := eps.ep.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownRead); err.(type) {
case nil, *tcpip.ErrNotConnected:
// Shutdown can return ErrNotConnected if the endpoint was connected
// but no longer is.
if obs&localSignalClosing != 0 {
// We're shutting down.
type endpointWithEvent struct {
local, peer zx.Handle
incoming boolWithMutex
entry waiter.Entry
func (epe *endpointWithEvent) Describe(fidl.Context) (fidlio.NodeInfo, error) {
var info fidlio.NodeInfo
event, err := epe.peer.Duplicate(zx.RightsBasic)
_ = syslog.DebugTf("Describe", "%p: err=%v", epe, err)
if err != nil {
return info, err
info.SetDatagramSocket(fidlio.DatagramSocket{Event: event})
return info, nil
func (epe *endpointWithEvent) Shutdown(_ fidl.Context, how socket.ShutdownMode) (socket.DatagramSocketShutdownResult, error) {
var signals zx.Signals
var flags tcpip.ShutdownFlags
if how&socket.ShutdownModeRead != 0 {
signals |= zxsocket.SignalShutdownRead
flags |= tcpip.ShutdownRead
if how&socket.ShutdownModeWrite != 0 {
signals |= zxsocket.SignalShutdownWrite
flags |= tcpip.ShutdownWrite
if flags == 0 {
return socket.DatagramSocketShutdownResultWithErr(C.EINVAL), nil
if err := epe.ep.Shutdown(flags); err != nil {
return socket.DatagramSocketShutdownResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
if flags&tcpip.ShutdownRead != 0 {
if err := epe.local.SignalPeer(0, signals); err != nil {
return socket.DatagramSocketShutdownResult{}, err
return socket.DatagramSocketShutdownResultWithResponse(socket.DatagramSocketShutdownResponse{}), nil
const localSignalClosing = zx.SignalUser1
// close destroys the endpoint and releases associated resources.
// When called, close signals loopRead and loopWrite (via closing and
// local) to exit, and then blocks until its arguments are signaled. close
// is typically called with loop{Read,Write}Done.
// Note, calling close on an endpoint that has already been closed is safe as
// the cleanup work will only be done once.
func (eps *endpointWithSocket) close() {
eps.closeOnce.Do(func() {
// Interrupt waits on notification channels. Notification reads
// are always combined with closing in a select statement.
// Interrupt waits on endpoint.local. Handle waits always
// include localSignalClosing.
if err := eps.local.Handle().Signal(0, localSignalClosing); err != nil {
// Grab the loop channels _after_ having closed `eps.closing` to avoid a
// race in which the loops are allowed to start without guaranteeing that
// this routine will wait for them to return.
channels := []<-chan struct{}{,,,
// The interruptions above cause our loops to exit. Wait until
// they do before releasing resources they may be using.
for _, ch := range channels {
if ch != nil {
// Signal the client about hard errors that require special errno
// handling by the client for read/write calls.
err := eps.endpoint.hardError.get()
if err == nil {
// The gVisor endpoint could have got a hard error after the
// read/write loops have ended, check for that here.
err = eps.ep.LastError()
switch err.(type) {
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionRefused:
if err := eps.local.Handle().SignalPeer(0, zxsocket.SignalConnectionRefused); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Handle().SignalPeer(0, zxsocket.SignalConnectionRefused) = %s", err))
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionReset:
if err := eps.local.Handle().SignalPeer(0, zxsocket.SignalConnectionReset); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Handle().SignalPeer(0, zxsocket.SignalConnectionReset) = %s", err))
if err := eps.local.Close(); err != nil {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("close", "%p", eps)
func (eps *endpointWithSocket) Listen(_ fidl.Context, backlog int16) (socket.StreamSocketListenResult, error) {
if backlog < 0 {
backlog = 0
if err := eps.ep.Listen(int(backlog)); err != nil {
return socket.StreamSocketListenResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
// It is possible to call `listen` on a connected socket - such a call would
// fail above, so we register the callback only in the success case to avoid
// incorrectly handling events on connected sockets.
eps.onListen.Do(func() {
// Start polling for any shutdown events from the client as shutdown is
// allowed on a listening stream socket.
var entry waiter.Entry
cb := func() {
var err error
if ! && eps.endpoint.ep.Readiness(waiter.EventIn) != 0 {
err = eps.local.Handle().SignalPeer(0, zxsocket.SignalIncoming) = true
if err != nil {
if err, ok := err.(*zx.Error); ok && err.Status == zx.ErrBadHandle {
// The endpoint is closing -- this is possible when an incoming
// connection races with the listening endpoint being closed.
go eps.wq.EventUnregister(&entry)
} else {
entry.Callback = callback(func(_ *waiter.Entry, m waiter.EventMask) {
if m&waiter.EventErr == 0 {
eps.wq.EventRegister(&entry, waiter.EventIn|waiter.EventErr)
// We're registering after calling Listen, so we might've missed an event.
// Call the callback once to check for already-present incoming
// connections.
_ = syslog.DebugTf("listen", "%p: backlog=%d", eps, backlog)
return socket.StreamSocketListenResultWithResponse(socket.StreamSocketListenResponse{}), nil
func (eps *endpointWithSocket) startPollLoop() {
select {
case <-eps.closing:
ch := make(chan struct{}) = ch
go eps.loopPoll(ch)
func (eps *endpointWithSocket) startReadWriteLoops(signals zx.Signals) {
select {
case <-eps.closing:
if err := eps.local.Handle().SignalPeer(0, signals); err != nil {
for _, m := range []struct {
done *<-chan struct{}
fn func(chan<- struct{})
{&, eps.loopRead},
{&, eps.loopWrite},
} {
ch := make(chan struct{})
*m.done = ch
go m.fn(ch)
func (eps *endpointWithSocket) Connect(ctx fidl.Context, address fidlnet.SocketAddress) (socket.BaseSocketConnectResult, error) {
result, err := eps.endpoint.Connect(ctx, address)
if err != nil {
return socket.BaseSocketConnectResult{}, err
switch result.Which() {
case socket.BaseSocketConnectResultErr:
if result.Err != posix.ErrnoEinprogress {
case socket.BaseSocketConnectResultResponse:
// It is possible to call `connect` on a listening socket - such a call
// would fail above, so we register the callback only in the success case
// to avoid incorrectly handling events on connected sockets.
eps.onConnect.Do(func() {
var (
once sync.Once
entry waiter.Entry
cb := func(m waiter.EventMask) {
once.Do(func() {
var signals zx.Signals = zxsocket.SignalOutgoing
if m&waiter.EventErr == 0 {
signals |= zxsocket.SignalConnected
go eps.wq.EventUnregister(&entry)
entry.Callback = callback(func(_ *waiter.Entry, m waiter.EventMask) {
eps.wq.EventRegister(&entry, waiter.EventOut|waiter.EventErr)
// We're registering after calling Connect, so we might've missed an
// event. Call the callback once to check for an already-complete (even
// with error) handshake.
if m := eps.ep.Readiness(waiter.EventOut | waiter.EventErr); m != 0 {
return result, nil
func (eps *endpointWithSocket) Accept(wantAddr bool) (posix.Errno, *tcpip.FullAddress, *endpointWithSocket, error) {
var addr *tcpip.FullAddress
if wantAddr {
addr = new(tcpip.FullAddress)
ep, wq, err := eps.endpoint.ep.Accept(addr)
if err != nil {
return tcpipErrorToCode(err), nil, nil, nil
var err error
// We lock here to ensure that no incoming connection changes readiness
// while we clear the signal.
if && eps.endpoint.ep.Readiness(waiter.EventIn) == 0 {
err = eps.local.Handle().SignalPeer(zxsocket.SignalIncoming, 0) = false
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
switch localAddr, err := ep.GetLocalAddress(); err.(type) {
case *tcpip.ErrNotConnected:
// This should never happen as of writing as GetLocalAddress does not
// actually return any errors. However, we handle the tcpip.ErrNotConnected
// case now for the same reasons as mentioned below for the
// ep.GetRemoteAddress case.
_ = syslog.DebugTf("accept", "%p: disconnected", eps)
case nil:
switch remoteAddr, err := ep.GetRemoteAddress(); err.(type) {
case *tcpip.ErrNotConnected:
// GetRemoteAddress returns a tcpip.ErrNotConnected error if ep is no
// longer connected. This can happen if the endpoint was closed after the
// call to Accept returned, but before this point. A scenario this was
// actually witnessed was when a TCP RST was received after the call to
// Accept returned, but before this point. If GetRemoteAddress returns
// other (unexpected) errors, panic.
_ = syslog.DebugTf("accept", "%p: local=%+v, disconnected", eps, localAddr)
case nil:
_ = syslog.DebugTf("accept", "%p: local=%+v, remote=%+v", eps, localAddr, remoteAddr)
eps, err := newEndpointWithSocket(ep, wq, eps.transProto, eps.netProto, eps.endpoint.ns)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
eps.onConnect.Do(func() { eps.startReadWriteLoops(zxsocket.SignalOutgoing | zxsocket.SignalConnected) })
return 0, addr, eps, nil
// loopWrite shuttles signals and data from the zircon socket to the tcpip.Endpoint.
func (eps *endpointWithSocket) loopWrite(ch chan<- struct{}) {
defer close(ch)
const sigs = zx.SignalSocketReadable | zx.SignalSocketPeerWriteDisabled | localSignalClosing
waitEntry, notifyCh := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
eps.wq.EventRegister(&waitEntry, waiter.EventOut)
defer eps.wq.EventUnregister(&waitEntry)
reader := socketReader{
socket: eps.local,
for {
reader.lastError = nil
reader.lastRead = 0
// Acquire hard error lock across ep calls to avoid races and store the
// hard error deterministically.
n, err := eps.ep.Write(&reader, tcpip.WriteOptions{
// We must write atomically in order to guarantee all the data fetched
// from the zircon socket is consumed by the endpoint.
Atomic: true,
hardError := eps.hardError.storeAndRetrieveLocked(err)
if n != int64(reader.lastRead) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("partial write into endpoint (%s); got %d, want %d", err, n, reader.lastRead))
// TODO( Handle all transport write errors.
switch err.(type) {
case nil, *tcpip.ErrBadBuffer:
switch err := reader.lastError.(type) {
case nil:
case *zx.Error:
switch err.Status {
case zx.ErrShouldWait:
obs, err := zxwait.Wait(zx.Handle(eps.local), sigs, zx.TimensecInfinite)
if err != nil {
switch {
case obs&zx.SignalSocketReadable != 0:
// The client might have written some data into the socket. Always
// continue to the loop below and try to read even if the signals
// show the client has closed the socket.
case obs&localSignalClosing != 0:
// We're shutting down.
case obs&zx.SignalSocketPeerWriteDisabled != 0:
// Fallthrough.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("impossible signals observed: %b/%b", obs, sigs))
case zx.ErrBadState:
// Reading has been disabled for this socket endpoint.
switch err := eps.ep.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownWrite); err.(type) {
case nil, *tcpip.ErrNotConnected:
// Shutdown can return ErrNotConnected if the endpoint was
// connected but no longer is.
case *tcpip.ErrNotConnected:
// Write never returns ErrNotConnected except for endpoints that were
// never connected. Such endpoints should never reach this loop.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("connected endpoint returned %s", err))
case *tcpip.ErrWouldBlock:
// NB: we can't select on closing here because the client may have
// written some data into the buffer and then immediately closed the
// socket.
// We must wait until the linger timeout.
select {
case <-eps.linger:
case <-notifyCh:
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionRefused:
// Connection refused is a "hard error" that may be observed on either the
// read or write loops.
// TODO( Allow the socket to be reused for
// another connection attempt to match Linux.
case *tcpip.ErrClosedForSend:
// Closed for send can be issued when the endpoint is in an error state,
// which is encoded by the presence of a hard error having been
// observed.
// To avoid racing signals with the closing caused by a hard error,
// we won't signal here if a hard error is already observed.
if hardError == nil {
if err := eps.local.Shutdown(zx.SocketShutdownRead); err != nil {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("zx_socket_shutdown", "%p: ZX_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_READ", eps)
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionAborted, *tcpip.ErrConnectionReset, *tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable, *tcpip.ErrNoRoute:
case *tcpip.ErrTimeout:
// The maximum duration of missing ACKs was reached, or the maximum
// number of unacknowledged keepalives was reached.
_ = syslog.Errorf("TCP Endpoint.Write(): %s", err)
// loopRead shuttles signals and data from the tcpip.Endpoint to the zircon socket.
func (eps *endpointWithSocket) loopRead(ch chan<- struct{}) {
defer close(ch)
inEntry, inCh := waiter.NewChannelEntry(nil)
eps.wq.EventRegister(&inEntry, waiter.EventIn)
defer eps.wq.EventUnregister(&inEntry)
const sigs = zx.SignalSocketWritable | zx.SignalSocketWriteDisabled | localSignalClosing
writer := socketWriter{
socket: eps.local,
for {
// Acquire hard error lock across ep calls to avoid races and store the
// hard error deterministically.
res, err := eps.ep.Read(&writer, tcpip.ReadOptions{})
hardError := eps.hardError.storeAndRetrieveLocked(err)
// TODO( Handle all transport read errors.
switch err.(type) {
case *tcpip.ErrNotConnected:
// Read never returns ErrNotConnected except for endpoints that were
// never connected. Such endpoints should never reach this loop.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("connected endpoint returned %s", err))
case *tcpip.ErrTimeout:
// At the time of writing, this error indicates that a TCP connection
// has failed. This can occur during the TCP handshake if the peer
// fails to respond to a SYN within 60 seconds, or if the retransmit
// logic gives up after 60 seconds of missing ACKs from the peer, or if
// the maximum number of unacknowledged keepalives is reached.
// The connection was alive but now is dead - this is equivalent to
// having received a TCP RST.
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionRefused:
// Connection refused is a "hard error" that may be observed on either the
// read or write loops.
// TODO( Allow the socket to be reused for
// another connection attempt to match Linux.
case *tcpip.ErrWouldBlock:
select {
case <-inCh:
case <-eps.closing:
// We're shutting down.
case *tcpip.ErrClosedForReceive:
// Closed for receive can be issued when the endpoint is in an error
// state, which is encoded by the presence of a hard error having been
// observed.
// To avoid racing signals with the closing caused by a hard error,
// we won't signal here if a hard error is already observed.
if hardError == nil {
if err := eps.local.Shutdown(zx.SocketShutdownWrite); err != nil {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("zx_socket_shutdown", "%p: ZX_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN_WRITE", eps)
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionAborted, *tcpip.ErrConnectionReset, *tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable, *tcpip.ErrNoRoute:
case nil, *tcpip.ErrBadBuffer:
if err == nil {
// `tcpip.Endpoint.Read` returns a nil error if _anything_ was written -
// even if the writer returned an error - we always want to handle those
// errors.
switch err := writer.lastError.(type) {
case nil:
case *zx.Error:
switch err.Status {
case zx.ErrShouldWait:
obs, err := zxwait.Wait(zx.Handle(eps.local), sigs, zx.TimensecInfinite)
if err != nil {
switch {
case obs&zx.SignalSocketWritable != 0:
case obs&localSignalClosing != 0:
// We're shutting down.
case obs&zx.SignalSocketWriteDisabled != 0:
// Fallthrough.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("impossible signals observed: %b/%b", obs, sigs))
case zx.ErrBadState:
// Writing has been disabled for this socket endpoint.
switch err := eps.ep.Shutdown(tcpip.ShutdownRead); err.(type) {
case nil:
case *tcpip.ErrNotConnected:
// An ErrNotConnected while connected is expected if there
// is pending data to be read and the connection has been
// reset by the other end of the endpoint. The endpoint will
// allow the pending data to be read without error but will
// return ErrNotConnected if Shutdown is called. Otherwise
// this is unexpected, panic.
_ = syslog.InfoTf("loopRead", "%p: client shutdown a closed endpoint; ep info: %#v", eps, eps.endpoint.ep.Info())
_ = syslog.Errorf("Endpoint.Read(): %s", err)
type datagramSocketImpl struct {
cancel context.CancelFunc
var _ socket.DatagramSocketWithCtx = (*datagramSocketImpl)(nil)
func (s *datagramSocketImpl) close() {
if s.endpoint.decRef() {
if err := s.local.Close(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("local.Close() = %s", err))
if err := s.peer.Close(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("peer.Close() = %s", err))
if !s.ns.onRemoveEndpoint(s.endpoint.key) {
_ = syslog.Errorf("endpoint map delete error, endpoint with key %d does not exist", s.endpoint.key)
_ = syslog.DebugTf("close", "%p", s.endpointWithEvent)
func (s *datagramSocketImpl) Close(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("Close", "%p", s.endpointWithEvent)
return int32(zx.ErrOk), nil
func (s *datagramSocketImpl) addConnection(_ fidl.Context, object fidlio.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) {
sCopy := *s
s := &sCopy
go func() {
defer s.ns.stats.SocketCount.Decrement()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s.cancel = cancel
defer func() {
// Avoid double close when the peer calls Close and then hangs up.
if ctx.Err() == nil {
stub := socket.DatagramSocketWithCtxStub{Impl: s}
component.ServeExclusive(ctx, &stub, object.Channel, func(err error) {
// NB: this protocol is not discoverable, so the bindings do not include its name.
_ = syslog.WarnTf("fuchsia.posix.socket.DatagramSocket", "%s", err)
func (s *datagramSocketImpl) Clone(ctx fidl.Context, flags uint32, object fidlio.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
s.addConnection(ctx, object)
_ = syslog.DebugTf("Clone", "%p: flags=%b", s.endpointWithEvent, flags)
return nil
func (s *datagramSocketImpl) RecvMsg(_ fidl.Context, wantAddr bool, dataLen uint32, wantControl bool, flags socket.RecvMsgFlags) (socket.DatagramSocketRecvMsgResult, error) {
var b bytes.Buffer
dst := tcpip.LimitedWriter{
W: &b,
N: int64(dataLen),
// TODO( do something with control messages.
_ = wantControl
res, err := s.ep.Read(&dst, tcpip.ReadOptions{
Peek: flags&socket.RecvMsgFlagsPeek != 0,
NeedRemoteAddr: wantAddr,
if _, ok := err.(*tcpip.ErrBadBuffer); ok && dataLen == 0 {
err = nil
if err != nil {
return socket.DatagramSocketRecvMsgResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
var err error
// We lock here to ensure that no incoming data changes readiness while we
// clear the signal.
if && s.endpoint.ep.Readiness(waiter.EventIn) == 0 {
err = s.endpointWithEvent.local.SignalPeer(zxsocket.SignalIncoming, 0) = false
if err != nil {
var addr *fidlnet.SocketAddress
if wantAddr {
sockaddr := toNetSocketAddress(s.netProto, res.RemoteAddr)
addr = &sockaddr
return socket.DatagramSocketRecvMsgResultWithResponse(socket.DatagramSocketRecvMsgResponse{
Addr: addr,
Data: b.Bytes(),
Truncated: uint32(res.Total - res.Count),
}), nil
// NB: Due to another soft transition that happened, SendMsg is the "final
// state" we want to get at, while SendMsg2 is the "old" one.
func (s *datagramSocketImpl) SendMsg(_ fidl.Context, addr *fidlnet.SocketAddress, data []uint8, control socket.SendControlData, _ socket.SendMsgFlags) (socket.DatagramSocketSendMsgResult, error) {
var writeOpts tcpip.WriteOptions
if addr != nil {
addr, err := toTCPIPFullAddress(*addr)
if err != nil {
return socket.DatagramSocketSendMsgResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(&tcpip.ErrBadAddress{})), nil
if s.endpoint.netProto == ipv4.ProtocolNumber && len(addr.Addr) == header.IPv6AddressSize {
return socket.DatagramSocketSendMsgResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(&tcpip.ErrAddressFamilyNotSupported{})), nil
writeOpts.To = &addr
// TODO( do something with control.
_ = control
var r bytes.Reader
n, err := s.ep.Write(&r, writeOpts)
if err != nil {
return socket.DatagramSocketSendMsgResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(err)), nil
return socket.DatagramSocketSendMsgResultWithResponse(socket.DatagramSocketSendMsgResponse{Len: n}), nil
type streamSocketImpl struct {
cancel context.CancelFunc
var _ socket.StreamSocketWithCtx = (*streamSocketImpl)(nil)
func newStreamSocket(eps *endpointWithSocket) (socket.StreamSocketWithCtxInterface, error) {
localC, peerC, err := zx.NewChannel(0)
if err != nil {
return socket.StreamSocketWithCtxInterface{}, err
s := &streamSocketImpl{
endpointWithSocket: eps,
s.addConnection(context.Background(), fidlio.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest{Channel: localC})
_ = syslog.DebugTf("NewStream", "%p", s.endpointWithSocket)
return socket.StreamSocketWithCtxInterface{Channel: peerC}, nil
func (s *streamSocketImpl) close() {
if s.endpoint.decRef() {
linger := s.ep.SocketOptions().GetLinger()
doClose := func() {
if err := s.peer.Close(); err != nil {
if linger.Enabled {
// `man 7 socket`:
// When enabled, a close(2) or shutdown(2) will not return until all
// queued messages for the socket have been successfully sent or the
// linger timeout has been reached. Otherwise, the call returns
// immediately and the closing is done in the background. When the
// socket is closed as part of exit(2), it always lingers in the
// background.
// Thus we must allow linger-amount-of-time for pending writes to flush,
// and do so synchronously if linger is enabled.
time.AfterFunc(linger.Timeout, func() { close(s.linger) })
} else {
// Here be dragons.
// Normally, with linger disabled, the socket is immediately closed to
// the application (accepting no more writes) and lingers for TCP_LINGER2
// duration. However, because of the use of a zircon socket in front of
// the netstack endpoint, we can't be sure that all writes have flushed
// from the zircon socket to the netstack endpoint when we observe
// `close(3)`. This in turn means we can't close the netstack endpoint
// (which would start the TCP_LINGER2 timer), because there may still be
// data pending in the zircon socket (e.g. when the netstack endpoint's
// send buffer is full). We need *some* condition to break us out of this
// deadlock.
// We pick TCP_LINGER2 somewhat arbitrarily. In the worst case, this
// means that our true TCP linger time will be twice the configured
// value, but this is the best we can do without rethinking the
// interfaces.
var linger tcpip.TCPLingerTimeoutOption
if err := s.ep.GetSockOpt(&linger); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("GetSockOpt(%T): %s", linger, err))
time.AfterFunc(time.Duration(linger), func() { close(s.linger) })
go doClose()
func (s *streamSocketImpl) Close(fidl.Context) (int32, error) {
_ = syslog.DebugTf("Close", "%p", s.endpointWithSocket)
return int32(zx.ErrOk), nil
func (s *streamSocketImpl) addConnection(_ fidl.Context, object fidlio.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) {
sCopy := *s
s := &sCopy
go func() {
defer s.ns.stats.SocketCount.Decrement()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
s.cancel = cancel
defer func() {
// Avoid double close when the peer calls Close and then hangs up.
if ctx.Err() == nil {
stub := socket.StreamSocketWithCtxStub{Impl: s}
component.ServeExclusive(ctx, &stub, object.Channel, func(err error) {
// NB: this protocol is not discoverable, so the bindings do not include its name.
_ = syslog.WarnTf("fuchsia.posix.socket.StreamSocket", "%s", err)
func (s *streamSocketImpl) Clone(ctx fidl.Context, flags uint32, object fidlio.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
s.addConnection(ctx, object)
_ = syslog.DebugTf("Clone", "%p: flags=%b", s.endpointWithSocket, flags)
return nil
func (s *streamSocketImpl) Describe(fidl.Context) (fidlio.NodeInfo, error) {
var info fidlio.NodeInfo
h, err := s.endpointWithSocket.peer.Handle().Duplicate(zx.RightsBasic | zx.RightRead | zx.RightWrite)
_ = syslog.DebugTf("Describe", "%p: err=%v", s.endpointWithSocket, err)
if err != nil {
return info, err
info.SetStreamSocket(fidlio.StreamSocket{Socket: zx.Socket(h)})
return info, nil
func (s *streamSocketImpl) Accept(_ fidl.Context, wantAddr bool) (socket.StreamSocketAcceptResult, error) {
code, addr, eps, err := s.endpointWithSocket.Accept(wantAddr)
if err != nil {
return socket.StreamSocketAcceptResult{}, err
if code != 0 {
return socket.StreamSocketAcceptResultWithErr(code), nil
streamSocketInterface, err := newStreamSocket(eps)
if err != nil {
return socket.StreamSocketAcceptResult{}, err
// TODO( this copies a lock; avoid this when FIDL bindings are better.
response := socket.StreamSocketAcceptResponse{
S: streamSocketInterface,
if addr != nil {
sockaddr := toNetSocketAddress(s.netProto, *addr)
response.Addr = &sockaddr
return socket.StreamSocketAcceptResultWithResponse(response), nil
func (ns *Netstack) onAddEndpoint(e *endpoint) {
var key uint64
// Reserve key value 0 to indicate that the endpoint was never
// added to the endpoints map.
for key == 0 {
key = atomic.AddUint64(&ns.endpoints.nextKey, 1)
// Check if the key exists in the map already. The key is a uint64 value
// and we skip adding the endpoint to the map in the unlikely wrap around
// case for now.
if ep, loaded := ns.endpoints.LoadOrStore(key, e.ep); loaded {
var info stack.TransportEndpointInfo
switch t := ep.Info().(type) {
case *tcp.EndpointInfo:
info = t.TransportEndpointInfo
case *stack.TransportEndpointInfo:
info = *t
_ = syslog.Errorf("endpoint map store error, key %d exists for endpoint %+v", key, info)
} else {
e.key = key
func (ns *Netstack) onRemoveEndpoint(key uint64) bool {
// Key value 0 would indicate that the endpoint was never
// added to the endpoints map.
if key == 0 {
return false
_, deleted := ns.endpoints.LoadAndDelete(key)
return deleted
type providerImpl struct {
ns *Netstack
var _ socket.ProviderWithCtx = (*providerImpl)(nil)
func toTransProtoStream(_ socket.Domain, proto socket.StreamSocketProtocol) (posix.Errno, tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber) {
switch proto {
case socket.StreamSocketProtocolTcp:
return 0, tcp.ProtocolNumber
return posix.ErrnoEprotonosupport, 0
func toTransProtoDatagram(domain socket.Domain, proto socket.DatagramSocketProtocol) (posix.Errno, tcpip.TransportProtocolNumber) {
switch proto {
case socket.DatagramSocketProtocolUdp:
return 0, udp.ProtocolNumber
case socket.DatagramSocketProtocolIcmpEcho:
switch domain {
case socket.DomainIpv4:
return 0, icmp.ProtocolNumber4
case socket.DomainIpv6:
return 0, icmp.ProtocolNumber6
return posix.ErrnoEprotonosupport, 0
func toNetProto(domain socket.Domain) (posix.Errno, tcpip.NetworkProtocolNumber) {
switch domain {
case socket.DomainIpv4:
return 0, ipv4.ProtocolNumber
case socket.DomainIpv6:
return 0, ipv6.ProtocolNumber
return posix.ErrnoEpfnosupport, 0
type callback func(*waiter.Entry, waiter.EventMask)
func (cb callback) Callback(e *waiter.Entry, m waiter.EventMask) {
cb(e, m)
func (sp *providerImpl) DatagramSocket(ctx fidl.Context, domain socket.Domain, proto socket.DatagramSocketProtocol) (socket.ProviderDatagramSocketResult, error) {
code, netProto := toNetProto(domain)
if code != 0 {
return socket.ProviderDatagramSocketResultWithErr(code), nil
code, transProto := toTransProtoDatagram(domain, proto)
if code != 0 {
return socket.ProviderDatagramSocketResultWithErr(code), nil
wq := new(waiter.Queue)
ep, tcpErr := sp.ns.stack.NewEndpoint(transProto, netProto, wq)
if tcpErr != nil {
return socket.ProviderDatagramSocketResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(tcpErr)), nil
var localE, peerE zx.Handle
if status := zx.Sys_eventpair_create(0, &localE, &peerE); status != zx.ErrOk {
return socket.ProviderDatagramSocketResult{}, &zx.Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.EventPair"}
localC, peerC, err := zx.NewChannel(0)
if err != nil {
return socket.ProviderDatagramSocketResult{}, err
s := &datagramSocketImpl{
endpointWithEvent: &endpointWithEvent{
endpoint: endpoint{
ep: ep,
wq: wq,
transProto: transProto,
netProto: netProto,
ns: sp.ns,
local: localE,
peer: peerE,
s.entry.Callback = callback(func(*waiter.Entry, waiter.EventMask) {
var err error
if ! && s.endpoint.ep.Readiness(waiter.EventIn) != 0 {
err = s.endpointWithEvent.local.SignalPeer(0, zxsocket.SignalIncoming) = true
if err != nil {
s.wq.EventRegister(&s.entry, waiter.EventIn)
s.addConnection(ctx, fidlio.NodeWithCtxInterfaceRequest{Channel: localC})
_ = syslog.DebugTf("NewDatagram", "%p", s.endpointWithEvent)
datagramSocketInterface := socket.DatagramSocketWithCtxInterface{Channel: peerC}
if err := s.endpointWithEvent.local.SignalPeer(0, zxsocket.SignalOutgoing); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("local.SignalPeer(0, zxsocket.SignalOutgoing) = %s", err))
return socket.ProviderDatagramSocketResultWithResponse(socket.ProviderDatagramSocketResponse{
S: socket.DatagramSocketWithCtxInterface{Channel: datagramSocketInterface.Channel},
}), nil
func (sp *providerImpl) StreamSocket(_ fidl.Context, domain socket.Domain, proto socket.StreamSocketProtocol) (socket.ProviderStreamSocketResult, error) {
code, netProto := toNetProto(domain)
if code != 0 {
return socket.ProviderStreamSocketResultWithErr(code), nil
code, transProto := toTransProtoStream(domain, proto)
if code != 0 {
return socket.ProviderStreamSocketResultWithErr(code), nil
wq := new(waiter.Queue)
ep, tcpErr := sp.ns.stack.NewEndpoint(transProto, netProto, wq)
if tcpErr != nil {
return socket.ProviderStreamSocketResultWithErr(tcpipErrorToCode(tcpErr)), nil
socketEp, err := newEndpointWithSocket(ep, wq, transProto, netProto, sp.ns)
if err != nil {
return socket.ProviderStreamSocketResult{}, err
streamSocketInterface, err := newStreamSocket(socketEp)
if err != nil {
return socket.ProviderStreamSocketResult{}, err
return socket.ProviderStreamSocketResultWithResponse(socket.ProviderStreamSocketResponse{
S: socket.StreamSocketWithCtxInterface{Channel: streamSocketInterface.Channel},
}), nil
func (sp *providerImpl) InterfaceIndexToName(_ fidl.Context, index uint64) (socket.ProviderInterfaceIndexToNameResult, error) {
if info, ok := sp.ns.stack.NICInfo()[tcpip.NICID(index)]; ok {
return socket.ProviderInterfaceIndexToNameResultWithResponse(socket.ProviderInterfaceIndexToNameResponse{
Name: info.Name,
}), nil
return socket.ProviderInterfaceIndexToNameResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotFound)), nil
func (sp *providerImpl) InterfaceNameToIndex(_ fidl.Context, name string) (socket.ProviderInterfaceNameToIndexResult, error) {
for id, info := range sp.ns.stack.NICInfo() {
if info.Name == name {
return socket.ProviderInterfaceNameToIndexResultWithResponse(socket.ProviderInterfaceNameToIndexResponse{
Index: uint64(id),
}), nil
return socket.ProviderInterfaceNameToIndexResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotFound)), nil
// Adapted from helper function `nicStateFlagsToLinux` in gvisor's
// sentry/socket/netstack package.
func nicInfoFlagsToFIDL(info stack.NICInfo) socket.InterfaceFlags {
ifs := info.Context.(*ifState)
var bits socket.InterfaceFlags
flags := info.Flags
if flags.Loopback {
bits |= socket.InterfaceFlagsLoopback
if flags.Running {
bits |= socket.InterfaceFlagsRunning
if flags.Promiscuous {
bits |= socket.InterfaceFlagsPromisc
// Check `IsUpLocked` because netstack interfaces are always defined to be
// `Up` in gVisor.
if ifs.IsUpLocked() {
bits |= socket.InterfaceFlagsUp
// Approximate that all interfaces support multicasting.
bits |= socket.InterfaceFlagsMulticast
return bits
func (sp *providerImpl) InterfaceNameToFlags(_ fidl.Context, name string) (socket.ProviderInterfaceNameToFlagsResult, error) {
for _, info := range sp.ns.stack.NICInfo() {
if info.Name == name {
return socket.ProviderInterfaceNameToFlagsResultWithResponse(socket.ProviderInterfaceNameToFlagsResponse{
Flags: nicInfoFlagsToFIDL(info),
}), nil
return socket.ProviderInterfaceNameToFlagsResultWithErr(int32(zx.ErrNotFound)), nil
func (sp *providerImpl) GetInterfaceAddresses(fidl.Context) ([]socket.InterfaceAddresses, error) {
nicInfos := sp.ns.stack.NICInfo()
resultInfos := make([]socket.InterfaceAddresses, 0, len(nicInfos))
for id, info := range nicInfos {
// Ensure deterministic API response.
sort.Slice(info.ProtocolAddresses, func(i, j int) bool {
x, y := info.ProtocolAddresses[i], info.ProtocolAddresses[j]
if x.Protocol != y.Protocol {
return x.Protocol < y.Protocol
ax, ay := x.AddressWithPrefix, y.AddressWithPrefix
if ax.Address != ay.Address {
return ax.Address < ay.Address
return ax.PrefixLen < ay.PrefixLen
addrs := make([]fidlnet.Subnet, 0, len(info.ProtocolAddresses))
for _, a := range info.ProtocolAddresses {
if a.Protocol != ipv4.ProtocolNumber && a.Protocol != ipv6.ProtocolNumber {
addrs = append(addrs, fidlnet.Subnet{
Addr: fidlconv.ToNetIpAddress(a.AddressWithPrefix.Address),
PrefixLen: uint8(a.AddressWithPrefix.PrefixLen),
var resultInfo socket.InterfaceAddresses
// gVisor assumes interfaces are always up, which is not the case on Fuchsia,
// so overwrite it with Fuchsia's interface state.
bits := nicInfoFlagsToFIDL(info)
// TODO( don't `SetFlags` once all clients are
// transitioned to use `interface_flags`.
resultInfos = append(resultInfos, resultInfo)
// Ensure deterministic API response.
sort.Slice(resultInfos, func(i, j int) bool {
return resultInfos[i].Id < resultInfos[j].Id
return resultInfos, nil
func tcpipErrorToCode(err tcpip.Error) posix.Errno {
if _, ok := err.(*tcpip.ErrConnectStarted); !ok {
if pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1); ok {
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(file, '/'); i != -1 {
file = file[i+1:]
_ = syslog.Debugf("%s: %s:%d: %s", runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name(), file, line, err)
} else {
_ = syslog.Debugf("%s", err)
switch err.(type) {
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocol:
return posix.ErrnoEinval
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID:
return posix.ErrnoEinval
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownDevice:
return posix.ErrnoEnodev
case *tcpip.ErrUnknownProtocolOption:
return posix.ErrnoEnoprotoopt
case *tcpip.ErrDuplicateNICID:
return posix.ErrnoEexist
case *tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress:
return posix.ErrnoEexist
case *tcpip.ErrNoRoute:
return posix.ErrnoEhostunreach
case *tcpip.ErrAlreadyBound:
return posix.ErrnoEinval
case *tcpip.ErrInvalidEndpointState:
return posix.ErrnoEinval
case *tcpip.ErrAlreadyConnecting:
return posix.ErrnoEalready
case *tcpip.ErrAlreadyConnected:
return posix.ErrnoEisconn
case *tcpip.ErrNoPortAvailable:
return posix.ErrnoEagain
case *tcpip.ErrPortInUse:
return posix.ErrnoEaddrinuse
case *tcpip.ErrBadLocalAddress:
return posix.ErrnoEaddrnotavail
case *tcpip.ErrClosedForSend:
return posix.ErrnoEpipe
case *tcpip.ErrClosedForReceive:
return posix.ErrnoEagain
case *tcpip.ErrWouldBlock:
return posix.Ewouldblock
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionRefused:
return posix.ErrnoEconnrefused
case *tcpip.ErrTimeout:
return posix.ErrnoEtimedout
case *tcpip.ErrAborted:
return posix.ErrnoEpipe
case *tcpip.ErrConnectStarted:
return posix.ErrnoEinprogress
case *tcpip.ErrDestinationRequired:
return posix.ErrnoEdestaddrreq
case *tcpip.ErrNotSupported:
return posix.ErrnoEopnotsupp
case *tcpip.ErrQueueSizeNotSupported:
return posix.ErrnoEnotty
case *tcpip.ErrNotConnected:
return posix.ErrnoEnotconn
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionReset:
return posix.ErrnoEconnreset
case *tcpip.ErrConnectionAborted:
return posix.ErrnoEconnaborted
case *tcpip.ErrNoSuchFile:
return posix.ErrnoEnoent
case *tcpip.ErrInvalidOptionValue:
return posix.ErrnoEinval
case *tcpip.ErrBadAddress:
return posix.ErrnoEfault
case *tcpip.ErrNetworkUnreachable:
return posix.ErrnoEnetunreach
case *tcpip.ErrMessageTooLong:
return posix.ErrnoEmsgsize
case *tcpip.ErrNoBufferSpace:
return posix.ErrnoEnobufs
case *tcpip.ErrBroadcastDisabled, *tcpip.ErrNotPermitted:
return posix.ErrnoEacces
case *tcpip.ErrAddressFamilyNotSupported:
return posix.ErrnoEafnosupport
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown error %v", err))