blob: 5f83d62027aa7ea87b9195a3e4aa5f23e99fd60c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The reachability monitor monitors reachability state and generates an event to signal
//! changes.
extern crate fuchsia_syslog as syslog;
extern crate log;
use anyhow::Context as _;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use reachability_core::{ping_fut, IcmpPinger, Monitor};
mod eventloop;
mod worker;
use crate::eventloop::EventLoop;
fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
// TODO(dpradilla): use a `StructOpt` to pass in a log level option where the user can control
// how verbose logs should be.
syslog::init_with_tags(&["reachability"]).expect("failed to initialize logger");
info!("Starting reachability monitor!");
let mut executor = fuchsia_async::Executor::new()?;
let (request_tx, request_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
let (response_tx, response_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded();
let ping_task = fasync::Task::blocking(ping_fut(request_rx, response_tx));
info!("collecting initial state.");
let mut eventloop =
EventLoop::new(Monitor::new(Box::new(IcmpPinger::new(request_tx, response_rx)))?);
let () = executor
.context("failed to populate initial reachability states")?;
let eventloop_fut =;
match executor.run_singlethreaded(futures::future::select(eventloop_fut, ping_task)) {
futures::future::Either::Left(((), _)) => {
panic!("event loop ended unexpectedly");
futures::future::Either::Right((ping_res, _)) => {
panic!("ping backend ended unexpectedly with: {:?}", ping_res);