blob: d9d9ab7ad33bfa25085cf5068714f5a51518296d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/ethernet/c/banjo.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/ethernet/c/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/ethernet/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <lib/fidl-utils/bind.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/operation/ethernet.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/thread_annotations.h>
#include <lib/zx/fifo.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/device/ethernet.h>
#include <zircon/listnode.h>
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <ddk/debug.h>
#include <ddk/device.h>
#include <ddk/driver.h>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/empty-protocol.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
namespace eth {
class EthDev0;
class EthDev;
struct TransmitInfo {
TransmitInfo() {}
TransmitInfo(fbl::RefPtr<EthDev> ethdev) : edev(std::move(ethdev)) {}
uint64_t fifo_cookie = 0;
fbl::RefPtr<EthDev> edev;
using TransmitBuffer = eth::Operation<TransmitInfo>;
using TransmitBufferPool = eth::OperationPool<TransmitInfo>;
using EthDev0Type = ddk::Device<EthDev0, ddk::Openable, ddk::Unbindable>;
class EthDev0 : public EthDev0Type, public ddk::EmptyProtocol<ZX_PROTOCOL_ETHERNET> {
EthDev0(zx_device_t* parent);
EthDev0(const EthDev0&) = delete;
EthDev0(EthDev0&&) = delete;
EthDev0& operator=(const EthDev0&) = delete;
EthDev0& operator=(EthDev0&&) = delete;
static zx_status_t EthBind(void* ctx, zx_device_t* dev);
zx_status_t DdkOpen(zx_device_t** dev_out, uint32_t flags);
void DdkUnbind(ddk::UnbindTxn txn);
void DdkRelease();
zx_status_t AddDevice();
void SetStatus(uint32_t status);
void Recv(const void* data, size_t len, uint32_t flags);
void CompleteTx(ethernet_netbuf_t* netbuf, zx_status_t status);
void DestroyAllEthDev();
friend class EthDev;
// Resend transmitted packets for loopback.
void TransmitEcho(const void* data, size_t len);
ddk::EthernetImplProtocolClient mac_;
ethernet_info_t info_ = {};
uint32_t status_ = 0;
int32_t promisc_requesters_ = 0;
int32_t multicast_promisc_requesters_ = 0;
fbl::Mutex ethdev_lock_;
// Active and idle instances (EthDev).
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<fbl::RefPtr<EthDev>> list_active_ __TA_GUARDED(ethdev_lock_);
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<fbl::RefPtr<EthDev>> list_idle_ __TA_GUARDED(ethdev_lock_);
using EthDevType = ddk::Device<EthDev, ddk::Openable, ddk::Closable, ddk::Messageable>;
class EthDev : public EthDevType,
public ddk::EmptyProtocol<ZX_PROTOCOL_ETHERNET>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<fbl::RefPtr<EthDev>>,
public fbl::RefCounted<EthDev> {
EthDev(zx_device_t* parent, EthDev0* edev0) : EthDevType(parent), edev0_(edev0), open_count_(1) {}
EthDev(const EthDev&) = delete;
EthDev(EthDev&&) = delete;
EthDev& operator=(const EthDev&) = delete;
EthDev& operator=(EthDev&&) = delete;
zx_status_t DdkOpen(zx_device_t** dev_out, uint32_t flags);
zx_status_t DdkClose(uint32_t flags);
void DdkRelease();
zx_status_t DdkMessage(fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg, fidl_txn_t* txn);
zx_status_t AddDevice(zx_device_t** out);
// These methods are guarded by EthDev0's ethdev_lock_.
zx_status_t MsgGetInfoLocked(fidl_txn_t* txn) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t MsgGetFifosLocked(fidl_txn_t* txn) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t MsgSetIOBufferLocked(zx_handle_t h, fidl_txn_t* txn)
zx_status_t MsgStartLocked(fidl_txn_t* txn) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t MsgStopLocked(fidl_txn_t* txn) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t MsgListenStartLocked(fidl_txn_t* txn) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t MsgListenStopLocked(fidl_txn_t* txn) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t MsgSetClientNameLocked(const char* buf, size_t len, fidl_txn_t* txn)
zx_status_t MsgGetStatusLocked(fidl_txn_t* txn) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t MsgSetPromiscLocked(bool enabled, fidl_txn_t* txn)
zx_status_t MsgConfigMulticastAddMacLocked(const fuchsia_hardware_ethernet_MacAddress* mac,
fidl_txn_t* txn) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t MsgConfigMulticastDeleteMacLocked(const fuchsia_hardware_ethernet_MacAddress* mac,
fidl_txn_t* txn)
zx_status_t MsgConfigMulticastSetPromiscuousModeLocked(bool enabled, fidl_txn_t* txn)
zx_status_t MsgConfigMulticastTestFilterLocked(fidl_txn_t* txn)
zx_status_t MsgDumpRegistersLocked(fidl_txn_t* txn) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
friend class EthDev0;
// Transmit thread has been created.
static constexpr uint32_t kStateTransmitThreadCreated = (1 << 0);
// Connected to the ethmac and handling traffic.
static constexpr uint32_t kStateRunning = (1 << 1);
// Being destroyed.
static constexpr uint32_t kStateDead = (1 << 2);
// This client should loopback tx packets to rx path.
static constexpr uint32_t kStateTransmissionLoopback = (1 << 3);
// This client wants to observe loopback tx packets.
static constexpr uint32_t kStateTransmissionListen = (1 << 4);
// This client has requested promisc mode.
static constexpr uint32_t kStatePromiscuous = (1 << 5);
// This client has requested multicast promisc mode.
static constexpr uint32_t kStateMulticastPromiscuous = (1 << 6);
static constexpr uint32_t kFifoDepth = 256;
static constexpr uint32_t kFifoEntrySize = sizeof(eth_fifo_entry_t);
static constexpr uint32_t kPageMask = PAGE_SIZE - 1;
// Ensure that we will not exceed fifo capacity.
// Limited to one page - see
static_assert((kFifoDepth * kFifoEntrySize) <= 4096, "");
// Number of empty fifo entries to read at a time.
static constexpr uint32_t kFifoBatchSize = 32;
// How many multicast addresses to remember before punting and turning on multicast-promiscuous.
// TODO(eventually): enable deleting addresses.
// If this value is changed, change the EthernetMulticastPromiscOnOverflow() test in
// src/connectivity/ethernet/tests/ethernet/ethernet.cpp.
static constexpr uint32_t kMulticastListLimit = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t kFailureReportRate = 50;
int TransmitThread();
zx_status_t PromiscHelperLogicLocked(bool req_on, uint32_t state_bit, uint32_t param_id,
int32_t* requesters_count)
zx_status_t SetPromiscLocked(bool req_on) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t SetMulticastPromiscLocked(bool req_on) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t RebuildMulticastFilterLocked() __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
int MulticastAddressIndex(const uint8_t* mac) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t AddMulticastAddressLocked(const uint8_t* mac) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t DelMulticastAddressLocked(const uint8_t* mac) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t TestClearMulticastPromiscLocked() __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
int TransmitFifoWrite(eth_fifo_entry_t* entries, size_t count);
// Borrows a TX buffer from the pool. Logs and returns std::nullopt if none is available.
std::optional<TransmitBuffer> GetTransmitBuffer();
// Returns a TX buffer to the pool.
void PutTransmitBuffer(TransmitBuffer buffer);
int Send(eth_fifo_entry_t* entries, size_t count);
void StopAndKill();
// These methods are guarded by EthDev0's ethdev_lock_.
void RecvLocked(const void* data, size_t len, uint32_t extra) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
void KillLocked() __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t StopLocked() __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
void ClearFilteringLocked() __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t SetClientNameLocked(const void* in_buf, size_t in_len)
zx_status_t GetStatusLocked(void* out_buf, size_t out_len, size_t* out_actual)
zx_status_t StartLocked() __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t TransmitListenLocked(bool yes) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
zx_status_t GetFifosLocked(struct fuchsia_hardware_ethernet_Fifos* fifos)
zx_status_t SetIObufLocked(zx_handle_t vmo) __TA_REQUIRES(edev0_->ethdev_lock_);
// This is used for signaling that TransmitThread() should exit.
static const zx_signals_t kSignalFifoTerminate = ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0;
EthDev0* edev0_ = nullptr;
uint8_t multicast_[kMulticastListLimit][ETH_MAC_SIZE] = {};
uint32_t num_multicast_ = 0;
uint32_t state_ = 0;
char name_[fuchsia_hardware_ethernet_MAX_CLIENT_NAME_LEN + 1] = "";
// Fifos are named from the perspective of the packet from the client
// to the network interface.
zx::fifo transmit_fifo_;
uint32_t transmit_fifo_depth_ = 0;
zx::fifo receive_fifo_;
uint32_t receive_fifo_depth_ = 0;
eth_fifo_entry_t receive_fifo_entries_[kFifoBatchSize] = {};
size_t receive_fifo_entry_count_ = 0;
// io buffer.
zx::vmo io_vmo_;
fzl::VmoMapper io_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<zx_paddr_t[]> paddr_map_ = nullptr;
zx::pmt pmt_;
TransmitBufferPool free_transmit_buffers_;
fbl::Mutex lock_; // Protects free_tx_bufs.
uint64_t open_count_ __TA_GUARDED(lock_) = 0;
// fifo transmit thread.
thrd_t transmit_thread_ = {};
uint32_t fail_receive_read_ = 0;
uint32_t fail_receive_write_ = 0;
uint32_t ethernet_request_count_ = 0;
uint32_t ethernet_response_count_ = 0;
// sync_completion_t* completion_ = nullptr;
} // namespace eth