blob: 99c0d7c5c7a0adaed8d40b9c4b28aaf311061c7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include <zircon/process.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <gfx/gfx.h>
#include "vc.h"
void vc_gfx_draw_char(vc_gfx_t* gfx, vc_t* vc, vc_char_t ch, unsigned x, unsigned y, bool invert) {
uint8_t fg_color = vc_char_get_fg_color(ch);
uint8_t bg_color = vc_char_get_bg_color(ch);
if (invert) {
// Swap the colors.
uint8_t temp = fg_color;
fg_color = bg_color;
bg_color = temp;
gfx_putchar(gfx->vc_gfx, vc->font, vc_char_get_char(ch), x * vc->charw, y * vc->charh,
palette_to_color(vc, fg_color), palette_to_color(vc, bg_color));
void vc_free_gfx(vc_gfx_t* gfx) {
if (gfx->vc_gfx) {
gfx->vc_gfx = NULL;
if (gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx) {
gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx = NULL;
if (gfx->vc_test_gfx) {
gfx->vc_test_gfx = NULL;
if (gfx->vc_gfx_mem) {
zx_vmar_unmap(zx_vmar_root_self(), gfx->vc_gfx_mem, gfx->vc_gfx_size);
gfx->vc_gfx_mem = 0;
if (gfx->vc_gfx_vmo) {
gfx->vc_gfx_vmo = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
if (gfx->vc_hw_gfx_mem) {
zx_vmar_unmap(zx_vmar_root_self(), gfx->vc_hw_gfx_mem, gfx->vc_gfx_size);
gfx->vc_hw_gfx_mem = 0;
zx_status_t vc_init_gfx(vc_gfx_t* gfx, gfx_surface* test) {
const gfx_font* font = vc_get_font();
gfx->vc_font = font;
gfx->vc_test_gfx = test;
// Initialize the status bar.
gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx =
gfx_create_surface(NULL, test->width, font->height, test->stride, test->format, 0);
if (!gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx) {
// Initialize the main surface.
gfx->vc_gfx = gfx_create_surface(NULL, test->width, test->height, test->stride, test->format, 0);
if (!gfx->vc_gfx) {
gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx = NULL;
g_status_width = gfx->vc_gfx->width / font->width;
return ZX_OK;
void vc_gfx_invalidate_all(vc_gfx_t* gfx, vc_t* vc) {
gfx_copylines(gfx->vc_test_gfx, gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx, 0, 0, gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx->height);
gfx_copylines(gfx->vc_test_gfx, gfx->vc_gfx, 0, gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx->height,
gfx->vc_gfx->height - gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx->height);
void vc_gfx_invalidate_status(vc_gfx_t* gfx) {
gfx_copylines(gfx->vc_test_gfx, gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx, 0, 0, gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx->height);
void vc_gfx_invalidate(vc_gfx_t* gfx, vc_t* vc, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
unsigned desty = gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx->height + y * vc->charh;
if ((x == 0) && (w == vc->columns)) {
gfx_copylines(gfx->vc_test_gfx, gfx->vc_gfx, y * vc->charh, desty, h * vc->charh);
} else {
gfx_blend(gfx->vc_test_gfx, gfx->vc_gfx, x * vc->charw, y * vc->charh, w * vc->charw,
h * vc->charh, x * vc->charw, desty);
void vc_gfx_invalidate_region(vc_gfx_t* gfx, vc_t* vc, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w,
unsigned h) {
unsigned desty = gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx->height + y;
if ((x == 0) && (w == vc->columns)) {
gfx_copylines(gfx->vc_test_gfx, gfx->vc_gfx, y, desty, h);
} else {
gfx_blend(gfx->vc_test_gfx, gfx->vc_gfx, x, y, w, h, x, desty);
zx_status_t vc_init_gfx(vc_gfx_t* gfx, zx_handle_t fb_vmo, int32_t width, int32_t height,
zx_pixel_format_t format, int32_t stride) {
const gfx_font* font = vc_get_font();
gfx->vc_font = font;
gfx->vc_gfx_size = stride * ZX_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYTES(format) * height;
zx_status_t r;
// If we can't efficiently read from the framebuffer VMO, create a secondary
// surface using a regular VMO and blit contents between the two.
if ((r = zx_vmo_set_cache_policy(fb_vmo, ZX_CACHE_POLICY_CACHED)) == ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE) {
if ((r = zx_vmar_map(zx_vmar_root_self(), ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, fb_vmo, 0,
gfx->vc_gfx_size, &gfx->vc_hw_gfx_mem)) < 0) {
goto fail;
if ((gfx->vc_hw_gfx = gfx_create_surface((void*)gfx->vc_hw_gfx_mem, width, height, stride,
format, 0)) == NULL) {
goto fail;
if ((r = zx_vmo_create(gfx->vc_gfx_size, 0, &fb_vmo)) < 0) {
goto fail;
} else if (r != ZX_OK) {
goto fail;
uintptr_t ptr;
gfx->vc_gfx_vmo = fb_vmo;
if ((r = zx_vmar_map(zx_vmar_root_self(), ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, gfx->vc_gfx_vmo,
0, gfx->vc_gfx_size, &gfx->vc_gfx_mem)) < 0) {
goto fail;
// Initialize the status bar.
if ((gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx = gfx_create_surface((void*)gfx->vc_gfx_mem, width, font->height,
stride, format, 0)) == NULL) {
goto fail;
// Initialize the main surface.
ptr = gfx->vc_gfx_mem + stride * font->height * ZX_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYTES(format);
if ((gfx->vc_gfx = gfx_create_surface((void*)ptr, width, height - font->height, stride, format,
0)) == NULL) {
goto fail;
g_status_width = gfx->vc_gfx->width / font->width;
return ZX_OK;
return r;
void vc_gfx_invalidate_mem(vc_gfx_t* gfx, size_t offset, size_t size) {
void* ptr;
if (gfx->vc_hw_gfx_mem) {
void* data_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(gfx->vc_gfx_mem + offset);
ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(gfx->vc_hw_gfx_mem + offset);
memcpy(ptr, data_ptr, size);
} else {
ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(gfx->vc_gfx_mem + offset);
zx_cache_flush(ptr, size, ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA);
void vc_gfx_invalidate_all(vc_gfx_t* gfx, vc_t* vc) {
if (g_vc_owns_display || vc->active) {
vc_gfx_invalidate_mem(gfx, 0, gfx->vc_gfx_size);
void vc_gfx_invalidate_status(vc_gfx_t* gfx) {
vc_gfx_invalidate_mem(gfx, 0,
gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx->stride * gfx->vc_status_bar_gfx->height *
// pixel coords
void vc_gfx_invalidate_region(vc_gfx_t* gfx, vc_t* vc, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w,
unsigned h) {
if (!g_vc_owns_display || !vc->active) {
uint32_t flush_size = w * gfx->vc_gfx->pixelsize;
size_t offset = gfx->vc_gfx->stride * (vc->charh + y) * gfx->vc_gfx->pixelsize;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < h; i++, offset += (gfx->vc_gfx->stride * gfx->vc_gfx->pixelsize)) {
vc_gfx_invalidate_mem(gfx, offset, flush_size);
// text coords
void vc_gfx_invalidate(vc_gfx_t* gfx, vc_t* vc, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
vc_gfx_invalidate_region(gfx, vc, x * vc->charw, y * vc->charh, w * vc->charw, h * vc->charh);