blob: c7736f36639bfb3f2647a1757c3ea57a113de37e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sys2;
/// A component declaration.
/// This information is typically encoded in the component manifest (.cm file)
/// if it has one or may be generated at runtime by a component resolver for
/// those that don't.
table ComponentDecl {
/// Information about the program to run when the component is executed.
/// Omitted for non-executable components.
1: ProgramDecl program;
/// List of capabilities used by the component. These consist of
/// capabilities offered to the component that are installed in its incoming
/// namespace.
/// The used capabilities must be unique and non-overlapping.
2: vector<UseDecl> uses;
/// List of capabilities exposed by the component. These consist of
/// capabilities that are made visible to the containing realm. The parent
/// may `offer` these capabilities to its children, but not `use` them.
/// The exposed capabilities must be unique and non-overlapping.
3: vector<ExposeDecl> exposes;
/// List of capabilities offered to the component’s children. These consist
/// of capabilities that the given children may `use`, which may come from a
/// child, the containing realm, or the component's own outgoing namespace.
/// The offered capabilities must be unique and non-overlapping.
4: vector<OfferDecl> offers;
/// List of capabilities defined by the component.
5: vector<CapabilityDecl> capabilities;
/// The component's statically instantiated children. The children must have
/// unique names.
6: vector<ChildDecl> children;
/// The component's collections. The collections must have unique names.
7: vector<CollectionDecl> collections;
/// List of environments created by this component.
/// Environments are assigned to children and control aspects of a child component's
/// runtime.
8: vector<EnvironmentDecl> environments;
/// Additional metadata about the component.
9: Object facets;