blob: ae16e24bbb13bec9e813df6e54f9eb998afd7eed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include <acpica/acpi.h>
#include "object.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace acpi {
enum WalkDirection {
// Wrapper class used to interface with ACPICA (in the real system),
// or a mock ACPI implementation (in tests).
class Acpi {
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxNamespaceDepth = 100;
virtual ~Acpi() = default;
// A utility function which can be used to invoke the ACPICA library's
// AcpiWalkNamespace function, but with an arbitrary Callable instead of needing
// to use C-style callbacks with context pointers.
using NamespaceCallable =
std::function<acpi::status<>(ACPI_HANDLE object, uint32_t level, WalkDirection dir)>;
virtual acpi::status<> WalkNamespace(ACPI_OBJECT_TYPE type, ACPI_HANDLE start_object,
uint32_t max_depth, NamespaceCallable cbk) = 0;
// A utility function which can be used to invoke the ACPICA library's
// AcpiWalkResources function, but with an arbitrary Callable instead of needing
// to use C-style callbacks with context pointers.
using ResourcesCallable = std::function<acpi::status<>(ACPI_RESOURCE* res)>;
virtual acpi::status<> WalkResources(ACPI_HANDLE object, const char* resource_name,
ResourcesCallable cbk) = 0;
using DeviceCallable = std::function<acpi::status<>(ACPI_HANDLE device, uint32_t depth)>;
virtual acpi::status<> GetDevices(const char* hid, DeviceCallable cbk) = 0;
virtual acpi::status<acpi::UniquePtr<ACPI_OBJECT>> EvaluateObject(
ACPI_HANDLE object, const char* pathname, std::optional<std::vector<ACPI_OBJECT>> args) = 0;
// Get the ACPI_DEVICE_INFO for the given object.
virtual acpi::status<acpi::UniquePtr<ACPI_DEVICE_INFO>> GetObjectInfo(ACPI_HANDLE obj) = 0;
// Get the parent of the given child.
virtual acpi::status<ACPI_HANDLE> GetParent(ACPI_HANDLE child) = 0;
// Get the handle retrieved by resolving the given pathname from |parent|.
virtual acpi::status<ACPI_HANDLE> GetHandle(ACPI_HANDLE parent, const char* pathname) = 0;
// Get the absolute path to the given object.
virtual acpi::status<std::string> GetPath(ACPI_HANDLE object) = 0;
acpi::status<uint8_t> CallBbn(ACPI_HANDLE obj);
acpi::status<uint16_t> CallSeg(ACPI_HANDLE obj);
} // namespace acpi