blob: ed5bfe70d878b7e826c5a1296576610198cc0db6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# If true, vboot() image builds print out the exact "futility" command line.
vboot_verbose = false
_vboot_dir = "//third_party/vboot_reference"
_kernel_keyblock = "$_vboot_dir/tests/devkeys/kernel.keyblock"
_private_keyblock = "$_vboot_dir/tests/devkeys/kernel_data_key.vbprivk"
_futility_tool = "//prebuilt/tools/futility/${host_platform}/futility"
# These are details specific to the exact boot shim being used. Different
# switches to vbutil_kernel would be used here for a different boot shim.
_vboot_shim = {
# Label for the shim, to be used in deps.
label = "//zircon/kernel/arch/x86/phys/boot-shim:depthcharge-multiboot-shim(//zircon/kernel/arch/x86/phys:kernel.phys32)"
# GN path to the shim binary, to be used in inputs.
path = get_label_info(label, "root_out_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(label, "name") + ".bin"
# Arguments to vbutil_kernel to point to the shim.
# The boot shim is the "kernel" (`--vmlinuz` switch). The CrOS bootloader
# supports Multiboot (with `--flags 0x2` below).
args = [
rebase_path(path, root_build_dir),
# This provides the details of the action to run to do vboot signing.
# The vboot() template uses these details, and they can be used to
# form an external command line to do the signing outside the build.
vboot_action = {
# The action has these additional implicit file inputs (GN paths).
inputs = [
# The action needs these additional GN deps corresponding to inputs.
deps = [ _vboot_shim.label ]
# GN path of the script to invoke.
script = "//build/images/vboot/"
# Arguments to pass to that script. The action will also add the -z (--zbi)
# and -o (--output) switches for the main input and output files.
args = [ "--tool=" + rebase_path(_futility_tool, root_build_dir) ]
if (vboot_verbose) {
args += [ "--verbose" ]
# The remaining arguments are piped through to futility.
# These args should come first.
rebase_path(_kernel_keyblock, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_private_keyblock, root_build_dir),
] + _vboot_shim.args) {
args += [ "--args=$arg" ]
# These args should precede the input file name in the argument list.
# The ZBI file (RAM disk) argument will come after this.
args += [ "--input-args=--bootloader" ]
# These args should precede the output file name in the argument list.
# The output image file argument will come after this.
args += [ "--output-args=--pack" ]
# Build a "kernel partition" target for ChromeOS targets.
# Parameters
# deps (required)
# [list of one label] Must be a `zbi()` target defined earlier in the file.
# output_name (optional, default: `target_name`)
# output_extension (optional, default: `".vboot"`)
# [string] Determines the file name, in `root_out_dir`.
template("vboot") {
assert(current_cpu == "x64")
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
output_file = invoker.output_name
} else {
output_file = target_name
if (defined(invoker.output_extension)) {
if (invoker.output_extension != "") {
output_file += ".${invoker.output_extension}"
} else {
output_file += ".vboot"
output_file = "$root_out_dir/$output_file"
action(target_name) {
script = vboot_action.script
args = vboot_action.args
inputs = vboot_action.inputs
deps = vboot_action.deps
outputs = [ output_file ]
args += [ "--output=" + rebase_path(output_file, root_build_dir) ]
assert(defined(invoker.deps), "vboot() requires deps")
deps += invoker.deps
zbi = []
foreach(label, invoker.deps) {
zbi_outputs = get_target_outputs(label)
zbi += [ zbi_outputs[0] ]
assert(zbi == [ zbi[0] ], "vboot() requires exactly one zbi() in deps")
inputs += zbi
args += [ "--zbi=" + rebase_path(zbi[0], root_build_dir) ]
# Build an "EFI System Partition" target for EFI targets.
# Parameters
# deps (optional)
# [list of labels] Targets that generate the other inputs.
# output_name (optional, default: `target_name`)
# output_extension (optional, default: `".esp.blk"`)
# [string] Determines the file name, in `root_out_dir`.
# bootdata_bin (optional)
# [path] Must be a ramdisk that compliments zircon_bin.
# zircon_bin (optional)
# [path] A zircon kernel.
# zedboot (optional)
# [label] A Zedboot `zbi()` target.
# cmdline (optional)
# [path] A bootloader (Gigaboot) cmdline file to include in the EFI root.
template("esp") {
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
output_file = invoker.output_name
} else {
output_file = target_name
if (defined(invoker.output_extension)) {
if (invoker.output_extension != "") {
output_file += ".${invoker.output_extension}"
} else {
output_file += ".esp.blk"
output_file = "$root_out_dir/$output_file"
ffx_action(target_name) {
outputs = [ output_file ]
inputs = []
args = [
rebase_path(output_file, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.zircon_bin)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.zircon_bin, root_build_dir),
inputs += [ invoker.zircon_bin ]
if (defined(invoker.bootdata_bin)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.bootdata_bin, root_build_dir),
inputs += [ invoker.bootdata_bin ]
if (defined(invoker.zedboot)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.zedboot, root_build_dir),
inputs += [ invoker.zedboot ]
if (defined(invoker.cmdline)) {
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.cmdline, root_build_dir),
inputs += [ invoker.cmdline ]
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
if (target_cpu == "x64") {
gigaboot_target = "//src/firmware/gigaboot:bootloader(//src/firmware/gigaboot:efi_$target_cpu)"
gigaboot_bin =
get_label_info(gigaboot_target, "root_out_dir") + "/bootx64.efi"
args += [
rebase_path(gigaboot_bin, root_build_dir),
inputs += [ gigaboot_bin ]
deps += [ gigaboot_target ]