blob: aece91d7ffb2b675c6f54bb867d81effacf93b9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using fuchsia.mem;
using zx;
// TODO( Implement full testing framework. For now, we are
// hard-coding the desired directory layout manually in separate "Get"
// functions. In the next step, we would want to have a protocol to describe
// the intended directory layout setup, and integrate io2 connections.
/// Conformance test harnesses will implement this protocol to setup its
/// associated filesystem servers with the described directory layout,
/// allowing their implementation of `` and `fuchsia.io2` protocols
/// to be verified by a common test suite.
/// Different test cases will not interact with one another during the
/// conformance test, and only one test case will be active at a time per
/// tested filesystem. So it is possible to host all cases as different
/// sub-directories under a common filesystem instance, to simplify the
/// lifecycle and implementation.
/// If a test case has mutable bits, each method call should be implemented
/// to obtain the directory in its original state. In other words, repeated
/// test case set up should "as-if" yield new directories.
/// See `src/storage/conformance/` for an overview of io conformance
/// testing.
/// `Io1Config` lets the test harness modulate the set of expected outcomes and
/// behaviors validated by the test suite, by declaring specific properties
/// about the filesystem implementation. For example, setting [`ImmutableFile`]
/// to true informs the test suites that files hosted by this harness do not
/// support mutation.
table Io1Config {
/// Files are read-only.
1: bool immutable_file;
/// Directories are read-only.
2: bool immutable_dir;
/// The exec right is not supported.
3: bool no_exec;
/// Vmofiles are not supported.
4: bool no_vmofile;
/// Remote directories are not supported.
5: bool no_remote_dir;
/// The admin right is not supported.
6: bool no_admin;
/// The GetBuffer method is not supported.
7: bool no_get_buffer;
/// The Rename method is not supported.
8: bool no_rename;
/// The Link and Unlink methods are not supported.
9: bool no_link;
/// The SetAttr method is not supported.
10: bool no_set_attr;
resource table Directory {
/// Name not required for root directory.
1: string name;
/// Nullable to sidestep recursion rules. Don't actually supply nulls.
2: vector<DirectoryEntry?> entries;
table File {
1: string name;
2: bytes contents;
resource table VmoFile {
1: string name;
2: fuchsia.mem.Range buffer;
resource union DirectoryEntry {
1: Directory directory;
2: File file;
3: VmoFile vmo_file;
protocol Io1Harness {
/// Returns the list of properties of the filesystem.
GetConfig() -> (Io1Config config);
/// Serves a directory with the given contents.
/// `root` describes the initial layout of the filesystem that will be
/// used for the test case. The root directory that is served (returned via
/// `directory_request`) will have the equivalent contents, served with the
/// given `flags`.
GetDirectory(Directory root,
uint32 flags,
request<> directory_request);
/// Serves a directory with a single vmofile inside.
/// + `name` the name of the vmofile in the root directory.
/// + `flags` the flags the served directory connection has.
/// + `directory_request` the server end of the root directory connection.
/// TODO( Add suppport for VMO files to GetDirectory and
/// then delete this method.
GetDirectoryWithVmoFile(fuchsia.mem.Range file,
string name,
uint32 flags,
request<> directory_request);
/// Serves a directory that holds a child `remote_directory` with name
/// `dir_name`. The `directory_request` connection to the root directory
/// has rights defined by `flags`.
/// Note: This might not actually be needed for the defined io1 tests, but
/// still might be useful for future testing if a fs forwards the correct
/// request to the remote.
/// + `remote_directory` the client end of the child remote directory.
/// + `name` the name of the child remote directory in the root directory.
/// + `flags` the flags the served directory connection has.
/// + `directory_request` the server end of the root directory connection.
/// TODO( Add suppport for remote directories to
/// GetDirectory and then delete this method.
GetDirectoryWithRemoteDirectory( remote_directory,
string name,
uint32 flags,
request<> directory_request);
/// Stub harness api for the io2.fidl protocol.
/// TODO( Add separate io2 test harness api once we come up with a
/// good enough set of functions that we have enough flexibility to create
/// variable directory structures to with explicit permission settings for tests.
protocol Io2Harness {
/// Prepares a test case with an empty directory. The directory metadata
/// and directory entires should be read-only.
/// + `directory_request` the server end of the root directory connection.
/// This connection should have the following rights:
/// * [`fuchsia.io2/Rights.CONNECT`].
/// * [`fuchsia.io2/Rights.ENUMERATE`].
/// * [`fuchsia.io2/Rights.TRAVERSE`].
/// * [`fuchsia.io2/Rights.READ_BYTES`].
/// * [`fuchsia.io2/Rights.WRITE_BYTES`].
/// * [`fuchsia.io2/Rights.GET_ATTRIBUTES`].
/// * [`fuchsia.io2/Rights.UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES`].
GetEmptyDirectory(zx.handle:CHANNEL directory_request);