blob: 39c0330cb0de8815dcf3fa8baca8abfd6a4335b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/paper/paper_drawable_flags.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/paper/paper_readme.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/renderer/render_funcs.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
namespace escher {
struct RenderQueueContext;
struct RenderQueueItem;
// Helper functions and structs used by e.g. PaperRenderQueue to produce
// RenderQueueItems for the RenderQueues that it encapsulates.
class PaperRenderFuncs : public RenderFuncs {
// Matches signature of |RenderQueueItem::RenderFunc|. Expects the items'
// |object_data| and |instance_data| to be of type |MeshData| and
// |MeshDrawData|, respectively; these types are defined below.
static void RenderMesh(CommandBuffer* cb, const RenderQueueContext* context,
const RenderQueueItem* items, uint32_t instance_count);
// Struct intended to be used as the |instance_data| of a |RenderQueueItem|.
struct MeshDrawData {
UniformBinding object_properties;
PaperDrawableFlags flags;
// Struct intended to be used as the |object_data| of a |RenderQueueItem|.
// Typically populated via the helper function NewMeshData(); see below.
struct MeshData {
IndexBinding index_binding;
uint32_t num_indices;
uint32_t num_shadow_volume_indices;
uint32_t vertex_binding_count;
VertexBinding* vertex_bindings;
uint32_t vertex_attribute_count;
VertexAttributeBinding* vertex_attributes;
uint32_t uniform_binding_count;
UniformBinding* uniform_bindings;
// TODO(ES-159): Texture bindings, not just one texture hardcoded to (1,1).
Texture* texture;
void Bind(CommandBuffer* cb) const;
// Helper function for allocating/populating a |MeshData|. Both CPU and
// uniform GPU memory is allocated using per-Frame allocators.
static PaperRenderFuncs::MeshData* NewMeshData(const FramePtr& frame, Mesh* mesh,
const TexturePtr& texture, uint32_t num_indices,
uint32_t num_shadow_volume_indices);
// Helper function for allocating/populating a |MeshDrawData|. Both CPU and
// uniform GPU memory is allocated using per-Frame allocators.
static PaperRenderFuncs::MeshDrawData* NewMeshDrawData(const FramePtr& frame,
const mat4& transform, const vec4& color,
PaperDrawableFlags flags);
} // namespace escher