blob: ef2dff1d51c5efeb0d90006b25415d0ca772633c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
botanistconstants ""
// Fuchsia-specific environment variables possibly exposed to the testrunner.
const (
testTimeoutGracePeriod = 30 * time.Second
type testrunnerFlags struct {
// Whether to show Usage and exit.
help bool
// The path where a directory containing test results should be created.
outDir string
// Working directory of the local testing subprocesses.
localWD string
// Whether to use runtests when executing tests on fuchsia. If false, the
// default will be run_test_component.
useRuntests bool
// The output filename for the snapshot. This will be created in the outDir.
snapshotFile string
// Logger level.
logLevel logger.LogLevel
// The path to the ffx tool.
ffxPath string
func usage() {
fmt.Printf(`testrunner [flags] tests-file
Executes all tests found in the JSON [tests-file]
Fuchsia tests require both the node address of the fuchsia instance and a private
SSH key corresponding to a authorized key to be set in the environment under
%s and %s respectively.
`, botanistconstants.DeviceAddrEnvKey, botanistconstants.SSHKeyEnvKey)
func main() {
var flags testrunnerFlags
flags.logLevel = logger.InfoLevel // Default that may be overridden.
flag.BoolVar(&, "help", false, "Whether to show Usage and exit.")
flag.StringVar(&flags.outDir, "out-dir", "", "Optional path where a directory containing test results should be created.")
flag.StringVar(&flags.localWD, "C", "", "Working directory of local testing subprocesses; if unset the current working directory will be used.")
flag.BoolVar(&flags.useRuntests, "use-runtests", false, "Whether to default to running fuchsia tests with runtests; if false, run_test_component will be used.")
flag.StringVar(&flags.snapshotFile, "snapshot-output", "", "The output filename for the snapshot. This will be created in the output directory.")
flag.Var(&flags.logLevel, "level", "Output verbosity, can be fatal, error, warning, info, debug or trace.")
flag.StringVar(&flags.ffxPath, "ffx", "", "Path to the ffx tool.")
flag.Usage = usage
if || flag.NArg() != 1 {
const logFlags = log.Ltime | log.Lmicroseconds | log.Lshortfile
// Our mDNS library doesn't use the logger library.
log := logger.NewLogger(flags.logLevel, color.NewColor(color.ColorAuto), os.Stdout, os.Stderr, "testrunner ")
ctx := logger.WithLogger(context.Background(), log)
ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(ctx, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT)
defer cancel()
if err := setupAndExecute(ctx, flags); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf(ctx, err.Error())
func setupAndExecute(ctx context.Context, flags testrunnerFlags) error {
testsPath := flag.Arg(0)
tests, err := loadTests(testsPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load tests from %q: %w", testsPath, err)
// Configure a test outputs object, responsible for producing TAP output,
// recording data sinks, and archiving other test outputs.
testOutDir := filepath.Join(os.Getenv(constants.TestOutDirEnvKey), flags.outDir)
if testOutDir == "" {
var err error
testOutDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "testrunner")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create a test output directory")
logger.Debugf(ctx, "test output directory: %s", testOutDir)
var addr net.IPAddr
if deviceAddr, ok := os.LookupEnv(botanistconstants.DeviceAddrEnvKey); ok {
addrPtr, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip", deviceAddr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse device address %s: %w", deviceAddr, err)
addr = *addrPtr
sshKeyFile := os.Getenv(botanistconstants.SSHKeyEnvKey)
cleanUp, err := environment.Ensure()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to setup environment: %w", err)
defer cleanUp()
tapProducer := tap.NewProducer(os.Stdout)
outputs := testrunner.CreateTestOutputs(tapProducer, testOutDir)
serialSocketPath := os.Getenv(botanistconstants.SerialSocketEnvKey)
execErr := execute(ctx, tests, outputs, addr, sshKeyFile, serialSocketPath, testOutDir, flags)
if err := outputs.Close(); err != nil {
if execErr == nil {
return err
logger.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to save test outputs: %s", err)
return execErr
func validateTest(test testsharder.Test) error {
if test.Name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("one or more tests missing `name` field")
if test.OS == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("one or more tests missing `os` field")
if test.Runs <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("one or more tests with invalid `runs` field")
if test.Runs > 1 {
switch test.RunAlgorithm {
case testsharder.KeepGoing, testsharder.StopOnFailure, testsharder.StopOnSuccess:
return fmt.Errorf("one or more tests with invalid `run_algorithm` field")
if test.OS == "fuchsia" && test.PackageURL == "" && test.Path == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("one or more fuchsia tests missing the `path` and `package_url` fields")
if test.OS != "fuchsia" {
if test.PackageURL != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("one or more host tests have a `package_url` field present")
} else if test.Path == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("one or more host tests missing the `path` field")
return nil
func loadTests(path string) ([]testsharder.Test, error) {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read %q: %w", path, err)
var tests []testsharder.Test
if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &tests); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal %q: %w", path, err)
for _, test := range tests {
if err := validateTest(test); err != nil {
return nil, err
return tests, nil
// for testability
var (
sshTester = testrunner.NewFuchsiaSSHTester
serialTester = testrunner.NewFuchsiaSerialTester
var ffxInstance = func(ctx context.Context, ffxPath string, dir string, env []string, target, sshKey string, outputDir string) (testrunner.FFXTester, error) {
ffx, err := func() (testrunner.FFXTester, error) {
ffx, err := ffxutil.NewFFXInstance(ffxPath, dir, env, target, sshKey, outputDir)
if ffx == nil {
// Return nil instead of ffx so that the returned FFXTester
// will be the nil interface instead of an interface holding
// a nil value. In the latter case, checking ffx == nil will
// return false.
return nil, err
if err != nil {
return ffx, err
// Print the list of available targets for debugging purposes.
// TODO(ihuh): Remove when not needed.
if err := ffx.List(ctx); err != nil {
return ffx, err
// Wait for the target to be available to interact with ffx.
if err := ffx.TargetWait(ctx); err != nil {
return ffx, err
// Print the config for debugging purposes.
// TODO(ihuh): Remove when not needed.
if err := ffx.GetConfig(ctx); err != nil {
return ffx, err
return ffx, nil
if err != nil && ffx != nil {
return ffx, err
func execute(
ctx context.Context,
tests []testsharder.Test,
outputs *testrunner.TestOutputs,
addr net.IPAddr,
outDir string,
flags testrunnerFlags,
) error {
var fuchsiaSinks, localSinks []runtests.DataSinkReference
var fuchsiaTester, localTester testrunner.Tester
var ffx testrunner.FFXTester
localEnv := append(os.Environ(),
// Tell tests written in Rust to print stack on failures.
var err error
if sshKeyFile != "" {
ffx, err = ffxInstance(
ctx, flags.ffxPath, flags.localWD, localEnv, os.Getenv(botanistconstants.NodenameEnvKey),
sshKeyFile, outputs.OutDir)
if err != nil {
return err
if ffx != nil {
defer ffx.Stop()
// Function to select the tester to use for a test, along with destination
// for the test to write any data sinks. This logic is not easily testable
// because it requires a lot of network requests and environment inspection,
// so we use dependency injection and pass it as a parameter to
// `runAndOutputTests` to make that function more easily testable.
testerForTest := func(test testsharder.Test) (testrunner.Tester, *[]runtests.DataSinkReference, error) {
switch test.OS {
case "fuchsia":
if fuchsiaTester == nil {
var err error
if sshKeyFile != "" {
fuchsiaTester, err = sshTester(
ctx, addr, sshKeyFile, outputs.OutDir, serialSocketPath, flags.useRuntests, ffx)
} else {
if serialSocketPath == "" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%q must be set if %q is not set", botanistconstants.SerialSocketEnvKey, botanistconstants.SSHKeyEnvKey)
fuchsiaTester, err = serialTester(ctx, serialSocketPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize fuchsia tester: %w", err)
return fuchsiaTester, &fuchsiaSinks, nil
case "linux", "mac":
if test.OS == "linux" && runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot run linux tests when GOOS = %q", runtime.GOOS)
if test.OS == "mac" && runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot run mac tests when GOOS = %q", runtime.GOOS)
// Initialize the fuchsia SSH tester to run the snapshot at the end in case
// we ran any host-target interaction tests.
if fuchsiaTester == nil && sshKeyFile != "" {
fuchsiaTester, err = sshTester(
ctx, addr, sshKeyFile, outputs.OutDir, serialSocketPath, flags.useRuntests, ffx)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "failed to initialize fuchsia tester: %s", err)
if localTester == nil {
localTester = testrunner.NewSubprocessTester(flags.localWD, localEnv, outputs.OutDir)
return localTester, &localSinks, nil
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("test %#v has unsupported OS: %q", test, test.OS)
var finalError error
if err := runAndOutputTests(ctx, tests, testerForTest, outputs, outDir); err != nil {
finalError = err
if fuchsiaTester != nil {
defer fuchsiaTester.Close()
if localTester != nil {
defer localTester.Close()
if ffx != nil {
defer ffx.Stop()
finalize := func(t testrunner.Tester, sinks []runtests.DataSinkReference) error {
if t != nil {
if err := t.RunSnapshot(ctx, flags.snapshotFile); err != nil {
// This error usually has a different root cause that gets masked when we
// return this error. Log it so we can keep track of it, but don't fail.
logger.Errorf(ctx, err.Error())
if err := t.EnsureSinks(ctx, sinks, outputs); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := finalize(localTester, localSinks); err != nil && finalError == nil {
finalError = err
if err := finalize(fuchsiaTester, fuchsiaSinks); err != nil && finalError == nil {
finalError = err
return finalError
// stdioBuffer is a simple thread-safe wrapper around bytes.Buffer. It
// implements the io.Writer interface.
type stdioBuffer struct {
// Used to protect access to `buf`.
mu sync.Mutex
// The underlying buffer.
buf bytes.Buffer
func (b *stdioBuffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return b.buf.Write(p)
// runAndOutputTests runs all the tests, possibly with retries, and records the
// results to `outputs`.
func runAndOutputTests(
ctx context.Context,
tests []testsharder.Test,
testerForTest func(testsharder.Test) (testrunner.Tester, *[]runtests.DataSinkReference, error),
outputs *testrunner.TestOutputs,
globalOutDir string,
) error {
// testToRun represents an entry in the queue of tests to run.
type testToRun struct {
// The number of times the test has already been run.
previousRuns int
// The sum of the durations of all the test's previous runs.
totalDuration time.Duration
// Since only a single goroutine writes to and reads from the queue it would
// be more appropriate to use a true Queue data structure, but we'd need to
// implement that ourselves so it's easier to just use a channel. Make the
// channel double the necessary size just to be safe and avoid potential
// deadlocks.
testQueue := make(chan testToRun, 2*len(tests))
for _, test := range tests {
testQueue <- testToRun{Test: test}
// `for test := range testQueue` might seem simpler, but it would block
// instead of exiting once the queue becomes empty. To exit the loop we
// would need to close the channel when it became empty. That would require
// a length check within the loop body anyway, and it's more robust to put
// the length check in the for loop condition.
for len(testQueue) > 0 {
test := <-testQueue
t, sinks, err := testerForTest(test.Test)
if err != nil {
return err
runIndex := test.previousRuns
outDir := filepath.Join(globalOutDir, url.PathEscape(strings.ReplaceAll(test.Name, ":", "")), strconv.Itoa(runIndex))
result, err := runTestOnce(ctx, test.Test, t, outDir)
if err != nil {
return err
result.RunIndex = runIndex
if err := outputs.Record(*result); err != nil {
return err
test.totalDuration += result.Duration()
// Schedule another run of the test if we haven't yet exceeded the
// time limit for reruns, or if the most recent test run didn't meet
// the stop condition for this test.
stopRepeatingDuration := time.Duration(test.StopRepeatingAfterSecs) * time.Second
keepGoing := true
if stopRepeatingDuration > 0 && test.totalDuration >= stopRepeatingDuration {
keepGoing = false
} else if test.Runs > 0 && test.previousRuns >= test.Runs {
keepGoing = false
} else if test.RunAlgorithm == testsharder.StopOnSuccess && result.Passed() {
keepGoing = false
} else if test.RunAlgorithm == testsharder.StopOnFailure && !result.Passed() {
keepGoing = false
if keepGoing {
// Schedule the test to be run again.
testQueue <- test
// TODO(olivernewman): Add a unit test to make sure data sinks are
// recorded correctly.
*sinks = append(*sinks, result.DataSinks)
return nil
// runTestOnce runs the given test once. It will not return an error if the test
// fails, only if an unrecoverable error occurs or testing should otherwise stop.
func runTestOnce(
ctx context.Context,
test testsharder.Test,
t testrunner.Tester,
outDir string,
) (*testrunner.TestResult, error) {
// The test case parser specifically uses stdout, so we need to have a
// dedicated stdout buffer.
stdout := new(bytes.Buffer)
stdio := new(stdioBuffer)
multistdout := io.MultiWriter(streams.Stdout(ctx), stdio, stdout)
multistderr := io.MultiWriter(streams.Stderr(ctx), stdio)
// In the case of running tests on QEMU over serial, we do not wish to
// forward test output to stdout, as QEMU is already redirecting serial
// output there: we do not want to double-print.
// This is a bit of a hack, but is a lesser evil than extending the
// testrunner CLI just to sidecar the information of 'is QEMU'.
againstQEMU := os.Getenv(botanistconstants.NodenameEnvKey) == target.DefaultQEMUNodename
if _, ok := t.(*testrunner.FuchsiaSerialTester); ok && againstQEMU {
multistdout = io.MultiWriter(stdio, stdout)
result := runtests.TestSuccess
startTime := clock.Now(ctx)
// Set the outer timeout to a slightly higher value in order to give the tester
// time to handle the timeout itself. Other steps such as retrying tests over
// serial or fetching data sink references may also cause the Test() method to
// exceed the test's timeout, so we give enough time for the tester to
// complete those steps as well.
outerTestTimeout := test.Timeout + testTimeoutGracePeriod
var timeoutCh <-chan time.Time
if test.Timeout > 0 {
// Intentionally call After(), thereby resolving a completion deadline,
// *before* starting to run the test. This helps avoid race conditions
// in this function's unit tests that advance the fake clock's time
// within the `t.Test()` call.
timeoutCh = clock.After(ctx, outerTestTimeout)
// Else, timeoutCh will be nil. Receiving from a nil channel blocks forever,
// so no timeout will be enforced, which is what we want.
type testResult struct {
dataSinks runtests.DataSinkReference
err error
ch := make(chan testResult, 1)
// We don't use context.WithTimeout() because it uses the real time.Now()
// instead of clock.Now(), which makes it much harder to simulate timeouts
// in this function's unit tests.
testCtx, cancelTest := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancelTest()
// Run the test in a goroutine so that we don't block in case the tester fails
// to respect the timeout.
go func() {
dataSinks, err := t.Test(testCtx, test, multistdout, multistderr, outDir)
ch <- testResult{dataSinks, err}
var dataSinks runtests.DataSinkReference
var err error
select {
case res := <-ch:
dataSinks = res.dataSinks
err = res.err
case <-timeoutCh:
err = &testrunner.TimeoutError{outerTestTimeout}
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// testrunner is shutting down, give up running tests and don't
// report this test result as it may have been impacted by the
// context cancelation.
return nil, err
var errFatal testrunner.FatalError
if errors.As(err, &errFatal) {
// The tester encountered a fatal condition and cannot run any more
// tests.
return nil, err
result = runtests.TestFailure
var timeoutErr *testrunner.TimeoutError
if errors.As(err, &timeoutErr) {
// TODO( Emit a different "Timeout" result if the
// test timed out.
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Test %s timed out after %s", test.Name, timeoutErr.Timeout)
} else {
logger.Errorf(ctx, "Error running test %s: %s", test.Name, err)
endTime := clock.Now(ctx)
// Record the test details in the summary.
return &testrunner.TestResult{
Name: test.Name,
GNLabel: test.Label,
Stdio: stdio.buf.Bytes(),
Result: result,
Cases: testparser.Parse(stdout.Bytes()),
StartTime: startTime,
EndTime: endTime,
DataSinks: dataSinks,
}, nil