blob: 89452615b767c26dec4a4f266da53eade7b1060a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package fint;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
// BuildArtifacts contains information about the targets built by `fint build`.
message BuildArtifacts {
// A brief error log populated in case of a recognized failure mode (e.g. a
// Ninja compilation failure).
string failure_summary = 1;
// All targets that were passed to Ninja.
repeated string built_targets = 2;
// Images produced by the build. We use a struct to avoid needing to maintain
// a copy of the images.json schema here.
repeated google.protobuf.Struct built_images = 3;
// Archives produced by the build. We use a struct to avoid needing to
// maintain a copy of the images.json schema here.
repeated google.protobuf.Struct built_archives = 4;
// Zedboot paving images built for ZBI tests. Only populated if ZBI tests were
// built.
repeated google.protobuf.Struct built_zedboot_images = 5;
// Mapping from ZBI test name to QEMU kernel image for the test. Only
// populated if ZBI tests were built.
map<string, google.protobuf.Struct> zbi_test_qemu_kernel_images = 6;
// Absolute path to the Ninja log file.
string ninja_log_path = 7;
// Absolute path to a Ninja graph file.
string ninja_graph_path = 8;
// Absolute path to a Ninja compdb file.
string ninja_compdb_path = 9;
// The duration taken by the ninja build step.
int32 ninja_duration_seconds = 10;
// Mapping from user-friendly title to absolute path for important log files
// that should be presented by the infrastructure for humans to read. We
// reference the logs by path rather than inlining the contents in the
// protobuf because the logs may be very long and inlining them would make it
// very hard for humans to read the output proto.
map<string, string> log_files = 11;
// Whether an analysis of the build graph determined that the changed files do
// not affect the build.
bool build_not_affected = 12;
// Names, as they appear in tests.json, of tests affected by the change under
// tests. This is determined by doing a build graph analysis of the files
// reported in the `changed_files` context spec field.
repeated string affected_tests = 13;