blob: 0f311f1d29df0334316a881eba50fb42291e4f3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// summarize is a library used to produce a FIDL API summary from the FIDL
// intermediate representation (IR) abstract syntax tree. Please refer to the
// file in this repository for usage hints.
package summarize
import (
// Element describes a single platform surface element. Use Summarize to
// convert a FIDL AST into Elements.
type Element interface {
// Stringer produces a string representation of this Element.
// Member returns true if the Element is a member of something.
Member() bool
// Name returns the fully-qualified name of this Element. For example,
// "library/protocol.Method".
Name() Name
// Serialize converts an Element into a serializable representation.
Serialize() ElementStr
// All implementers of Element.
var _ = []Element{
type summarizer struct {
elements elementSlice
symbols symbolTable
// addElement adds an element for summarization.
func (s *summarizer) addElement(e Element) {
s.elements = append(s.elements, e)
// Elements obtains the API elements in this summarizer.
func (s *summarizer) Elements() []Element {
// Ensure predictable ordering of the reported Elements.
return s.elements
// addUnions adds the elements corresponding to the FIDL unions.
func (s *summarizer) addUnions(unions []fidlgen.Union) {
for _, st := range unions {
for _, m := range st.Members {
if m.Reserved {
// Disregard reserved members.
&s.symbols, st.Name, m.Name, m.Type, fidlgen.UnionDeclType, nil))
st.Name, st.Resourceness, fidlgen.UnionDeclType, st.Strictness))
// addTables adds the elements corresponding to the FIDL tables.
func (s *summarizer) addTables(tables []fidlgen.Table) {
for _, st := range tables {
for _, m := range st.Members {
if m.Reserved {
// Disregard reserved members
s.addElement(newMember(&s.symbols, st.Name, m.Name, m.Type, fidlgen.TableDeclType, nil))
s.addElement(newAggregate(st.Name, st.Resourceness, fidlgen.TableDeclType))
// addStructs adds the elements corresponding to the FIDL structs.
func (s *summarizer) addStructs(structs []fidlgen.Struct) {
for _, st := range structs {
if st.IsRequestOrResponse {
// Disregard anonymous payload structs for API summarization.
for _, m := range st.Members {
&s.symbols, st.Name, m.Name, m.Type, fidlgen.StructDeclType, m.MaybeDefaultValue))
s.addElement(newAggregate(st.Name, st.Resourceness, fidlgen.StructDeclType))
// registerStructs registers names of all the structs in the FIDL IR.
func (s *summarizer) registerStructs(structs []fidlgen.Struct) {
for _, st := range structs {
st := st
s.symbols.addStruct(st.Name, &st)
// Write produces an API summary for the FIDL AST from the root into the supplied
// writer.
func Write(root fidlgen.Root, out io.Writer) error {
for _, e := range Elements(root) {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%v\n", e)
return nil
// WriteJSON produces an API summary for the FIDL AST from the root into the
// supplied writer, and formats the data as JSON.
func WriteJSON(root fidlgen.Root, out io.Writer) error {
e := json.NewEncoder(out)
// 4-level indent is chosen to match `fx format-code`.
e.SetIndent("", " ")
return e.Encode(serialize(Elements(root)))
func serialize(e []Element) []ElementStr {
var ret []ElementStr
for _, l := range e {
ret = append(ret, l.Serialize())
return ret
// Elements returns the API elements found in the supplied AST root in a
// canonical ordering.
func Elements(root fidlgen.Root) []Element {
var s summarizer
s.addElement(library{r: root})
return s.Elements()