blob: 8b64faa45a6f5bb4b9118a86fd29fc1e3d1a30db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package artifacts
import (
// Archive allows interacting with the build artifact repository.
type Archive struct {
// lkg (typically found in $FUCHSIA_DIR/prebuilt/tools/lkg/lkg) is
// used to look up the latest build id for a given builder.
lkgPath string
// artifacts (typically found in $FUCHSIA_DIR/prebuilt/tools/artifacts/artifacts)
// is used to download artifacts for a given build id.
artifactsPath string
// NewArchive creates a new Archive.
func NewArchive(lkgPath string, artifactsPath string) *Archive {
return &Archive{
lkgPath: lkgPath,
artifactsPath: artifactsPath,
// GetBuilder returns a Builder with the given name and Archive.
func (a *Archive) GetBuilder(name string) *Builder {
return &Builder{archive: a, name: name}
// GetBuildByID returns an ArtifactsBuild for fetching artifacts for the build
// with the given id.
func (a *Archive) GetBuildByID(
ctx context.Context,
id string,
dir string,
publicKey ssh.PublicKey,
) (*ArtifactsBuild, error) {
// Make sure the build exists.
srcs, err := a.list(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
srcsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, src := range srcs {
srcsMap[src] = struct{}{}
return &ArtifactsBuild{
id: id,
archive: a,
dir: dir,
sshPublicKey: publicKey,
srcs: srcsMap,
}, nil
// list artifacts that make up a build id `buildID`.
func (a *Archive) list(ctx context.Context, buildID string) ([]string, error) {
args := []string{"ls", "-build", buildID}
stdout, stderr, err := util.RunCommand(ctx, a.artifactsPath, args...)
if err != nil {
if len(stderr) != 0 {
fmt.Printf("artifacts output: \n%s", stdout)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("artifacts failed: %w: %s", err, string(stderr))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("artifacts failed: %w", err)
var lines []string
sc := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(stdout))
for sc.Scan() {
lines = append(lines, sc.Text())
return lines, nil
// Download artifacts from the build id `buildID` and write them to `dst`.
// If `srcs` contains only one source, it will copy the file or directory
// directly to `dst`. Otherwise, `dst` should be the directory under which to
// download the artifacts.
func (a *Archive) download(ctx context.Context, buildID string, fromRoot bool, dst string, srcs []string) error {
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "download")
if err != nil {
return err
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
// Filter out any duplicate sources.
srcs = removeDuplicates(srcs)
var src string
var srcsFile string
if len(srcs) > 1 {
var filesToDownload []string
var filesToSkip []string
for _, src := range srcs {
path := filepath.Join(dst, src)
// We only need to download the file if it doesn't
// exist locally, or the local path is a directory
// (since we don't know what files exist in a directory
// ahead of time).
if st, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil || st.IsDir() {
filesToDownload = append(filesToDownload, src)
} else {
filesToSkip = append(filesToSkip, src)
logger.Infof(ctx, "skipping %d files to download", len(filesToSkip))
if len(filesToDownload) == 0 {
// Skip downloading if the files are already present in the build dir.
logger.Infof(ctx, "no files to download")
return nil
tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(tmpDir, "srcs-file")
if err != nil {
return err
srcsFile = tmpFile.Name()
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(srcsFile, []byte(strings.Join(filesToDownload, "\n")), 0755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write srcs-file: %w", err)
} else {
if st, err := os.Stat(dst); err == nil && !st.IsDir() {
// Skip downloading if the file is already present in the build dir.
return nil
src = srcs[0]
logger.Infof(ctx, "downloading %d artifacts to %s", len(srcs), dst)
// The `artifacts` utility can occasionally run into transient issues. This implements a retry policy
// that attempts to avoid such issues causing flakes.
eb := retry.NewExponentialBackoff(100*time.Millisecond, 10*time.Second, 2)
// ~12 seconds to hit backoff ceiling; 2.5 minutes of slack (given the above EB)
retryCap := uint64(22)
return retry.Retry(ctx, retry.WithMaxAttempts(eb, retryCap), func() error {
// We don't want to leak files if we are interrupted during a download.
// So we'll download all files to a temporary directory before moving
// them to the specified destination, and we'll remove them in the case
// of an error.
tmpDst := filepath.Join(tmpDir, filepath.Base(dst))
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDst)
args := []string{
"-build", buildID,
"-src", src,
"-dst", tmpDst,
if fromRoot {
args = append(args, "-root")
if srcsFile != "" {
args = append(args, "-srcs-file", srcsFile)
stdout, stderr, err := util.RunCommand(ctx, a.artifactsPath, args...)
if len(stdout) != 0 {
logger.Infof(ctx, "artifacts stdout:\n%s", stdout)
if err != nil {
if len(stderr) != 0 {
logger.Infof(ctx, "artifacts stderr:\n%s", stderr)
return fmt.Errorf("artifacts failed: %w: %s", err, string(stderr))
return fmt.Errorf("artifacts failed: %w", err)
return filepath.Walk(tmpDst, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if path == tmpDst && info.IsDir() {
return nil
relPath, err := filepath.Rel(tmpDst, path)
if err != nil {
return err
dstPath := filepath.Join(dst, relPath)
if fi, err := os.Stat(dstPath); err == nil {
if fi.IsDir() {
// If dstPath already exists and is a directory, then return nil so
// we can walk the contents of the directory and move over the
// individual files.
return nil
if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dstPath), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
// Move/replace entire directory and skip walking contents.
err = filepath.SkipDir
if moveErr := os.Rename(path, dstPath); moveErr != nil {
return moveErr
return err
}, nil)
// removeDuplicates removes any duplicated items in the list.
func removeDuplicates(srcs []string) []string {
var srcList []string
seen := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, src := range srcs {
if _, ok := seen[src]; !ok {
srcList = append(srcList, src)
seen[src] = struct{}{}
return srcList