blob: f8c4eedf4d564a3257b0ada84ad13569a33780c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package node
import (
// Lookup finds a dirent with a given name inside a directory node
// Returns the direntry and the index at which the node was found.
func Lookup(n DirectoryNode, name string) (*direntry.Dirent, int, error) {
return direntry.LookupDirent(direntryCallbackGenerator(n), name)
// Read reads the direntry at an index.
// Returns the number of direntry slots used by the direntry. This is meaningful for indexing
// purposes.
func Read(n DirectoryNode, index int) (entry *direntry.Dirent, numSlots int, err error) {
return direntry.LoadDirent(direntryCallbackGenerator(n), index)
// IsEmpty returns true if "n" represents an empty directory.
func IsEmpty(n DirectoryNode) (bool, error) {
entry, _, err := Read(n, firstDirentIndex(n))
if err != nil {
return false, err
return entry.IsLastFree(), nil
// Allocate allocates space for a dirent in the directory, placing entry into
// directory on disk. Also relocates the "last free" marker if necessary.
// Returns the index of the direntry allocated.
// Returns an error if the entry cannot be serialized, there isn't enough space to write the
// direntry/direntries to disk, or there is an error writing to storage.
func Allocate(n DirectoryNode, entry *direntry.Dirent) (direntryIndex int, err error) {
// Convert in-memory directory entry to on-disk format.
diskDirents, err := entry.Serialize(direntryCallbackGenerator(n))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Ensure the directory has enough space to hold the on-disk entries.
numNewEntries := len(diskDirents) / direntry.DirentrySize
direntryIndex = 0
startDirentryIndex := 0
numFree := 0
for {
if entry, numSlots, err := Read(n, direntryIndex); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if entry.IsLastFree() {
if numFree != 0 {
panic("Corrupt directory: 'LastFree' direntry was preceded by free entries")
// Write the new "LastFree" marker
if err := write(n, direntry.LastFreeDirent(), startDirentryIndex+numNewEntries); err != nil {
return 0, err
// Write our entry before the "LastFree" marker
return startDirentryIndex, write(n, diskDirents, startDirentryIndex)
} else if entry.IsFree() {
// Found a single free spot.
if numFree == numNewEntries {
// Found enough free spots to fill initial demand, without hitting final free spot.
return startDirentryIndex, write(n, diskDirents, startDirentryIndex)
} else {
// This spot is NOT free. Reset counter.
numFree = 0
direntryIndex += numSlots
startDirentryIndex = direntryIndex
// WriteDotAndDotDot updates the "." and ".." entries for a directory.
// Does not alter node size and does not write any free entries.
func WriteDotAndDotDot(n DirectoryNode, cluster, parentCluster uint32) error {
if n.IsRoot() {
panic("Root should not have . or .. entries")
if err := writeDot(n, cluster); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := writeDotDot(n, parentCluster); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// MakeEmpty writes the "last free" direntry to the node in a location indicating it is empty. It
// also updates the node's size to reflect that it is empty.
func MakeEmpty(n DirectoryNode) error {
lastFreeIndex := firstDirentIndex(n)
if err := write(n, direntry.LastFreeDirent(), lastFreeIndex); err != nil {
return err
n.SetSize(int64(lastFreeIndex+1) * direntry.DirentrySize)
return nil
// Update updates the direntry for the child node by updating its parent direntry.
// Cannot be used to alter a direntry name.
// Returns the old cluster which was replaced
func Update(parent DirectoryNode, cluster uint32, mTime time.Time, size uint32, direntryIndex int) (uint32, error) {
entry, numSlots, err := Read(parent, direntryIndex)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if entry.IsFree() {
panic("Attempting to update a free entry")
oldCluster := entry.Cluster
entry.Cluster = cluster
entry.WriteTime = mTime
if entry.GetType() == fs.FileTypeDirectory {
// On disk, FAT directories always store their size as "0"
entry.Size = 0
} else {
entry.Size = size
// If the name of the dirent has not changed, then the size of the dirent has not changed.
buf, err := entry.Serialize(nil)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if len(buf)/direntry.DirentrySize != numSlots {
panic("Unexpected dirent size")
return oldCluster, write(parent, buf, direntryIndex)
// Free frees the direntry at a provided index inside a directory node.
func Free(n DirectoryNode, index int) (*direntry.Dirent, error) {
entry, numSlots, err := Read(n, index)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if entry.IsFree() {
panic("Attempting to remove a dirent which is already free")
// Get the next direntry -- it might be "lastFree", and we might need to move it.
entryNext, _, err := Read(n, index+numSlots)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if entryNext.IsLastFree() {
// If the NEXT direntry was "last free", it isn't any longer.
// The entry at "index" should be new "last free" -- unless there are free entries before
// "index", in which case the first entry before "index" to be free is the new "last free".
lastFreeIndex := index
for lastFreeIndex > firstDirentIndex(n) {
entryPrev, _, err := Read(n, lastFreeIndex-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !entryPrev.IsFree() {
// Wipe out the direntry by writing the last free dirent. Additionally, explicitly fill the
// rest of the cluster with zeros, as defined by the FAT specification:
// "If [the last free marker is found], there are no allocated directory entries after
// this one... all of the DIR_Name[0] bytes in all the entries after this one are also
// set to 0"
clusterSize := int(n.Metadata().Br.ClusterSize())
off := lastFreeIndex * direntry.DirentrySize
clusterRemainder := clusterSize - (off+direntry.DirentrySize)%clusterSize
buf := append(direntry.LastFreeDirent(), make([]byte, clusterRemainder)...)
if _, err := n.writeAt(buf, int64(off)); err != nil {
return nil, err
n.SetSize(int64(lastFreeIndex+1) * direntry.DirentrySize)
} else {
// Wipe out the direntry. If multiple direntries were used, then wipe them out.
for i := index; i < index+numSlots; i++ {
if err = write(n, direntry.FreeDirent(), i); err != nil {
return nil, err
return entry, nil
// If "n" is a directory, what's the first non-reserved dirent index?
// If "n" is not a directory, this function panics.
func firstDirentIndex(n DirectoryNode) int {
if n.IsRoot() {
return 0
// One entry for "..", one for "."
return 2
// writeDot and writeDotDot are helpers to write the "." and ".." entries in a directory.
func writeDot(n DirectoryNode, cluster uint32) error {
if buf, err := direntry.New(".", cluster, fs.FileTypeDirectory).Serialize(nil); err != nil {
return err
} else if err = write(n, buf, 0); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func writeDotDot(n DirectoryNode, parentCluster uint32) error {
if buf, err := direntry.New("..", parentCluster, fs.FileTypeDirectory).Serialize(nil); err != nil {
return err
} else if err = write(n, buf, 1); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// write updates the direntry at index from buf, a buffer which has a size the must be a
// multiple of "direntry.DirentrySize".
func write(n DirectoryNode, buf []byte, index int) error {
if len(buf)%direntry.DirentrySize != 0 {
panic("Malformed direntry cannot be written")
} else if _, err := n.writeAt(buf, int64(index*direntry.DirentrySize)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// direntryCallbackGenerator returns the most commonly used callback for accessing direntries.
// It provides a callback which indexes directly into the contents of a directory node.
func direntryCallbackGenerator(n DirectoryNode) direntry.GetDirentryCallback {
return func(i int) ([]byte, error) {
buf := make([]byte, direntry.DirentrySize)
if _, err := n.readAt(buf, int64(i)*direntry.DirentrySize); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf, nil