blob: 57ae1fe3f750c5920104978629bb8d00ef30bead [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fat
import (
func setup(t *testing.T, size string) (*testutil.FileFAT, *thinio.Conductor, *bootrecord.Bootrecord) {
fs := testutil.MkfsFAT(t, size, 2, 0, 4, 512)
d := fs.GetDevice()
// Read the bootrecord
br, err := bootrecord.New(d)
if err != nil {
return fs, d, br
func shutdown(fs *testutil.FileFAT, d *thinio.Conductor) {
// Tests the FAT can be read and written to (FAT32 only)
func TestFATReadWrite(t *testing.T) {
fs, d, br := setup(t, "1G")
defer shutdown(fs, d)
readonly := false
fat, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
// Check the root cluster
rootCluster := br.RootCluster()
if rootCluster != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Expected root cluster to be 2, but it was %d", rootCluster)
entry, err := fat.Get(rootCluster)
if err != nil {
} else if !fat.IsEOF(entry) {
t.Fatalf("Expected entry at root cluster to be EOF, but instead received %x", entry)
// Find the next root cluster
cluster, err := fat.Allocate()
if err != nil {
} else if cluster != rootCluster+1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected cluster after root to be free, but instead, free cluster found at %d", cluster)
// Set the free cluster to a "bad" value
if err := fat.Set(cluster, cluster); err != ErrInvalidCluster {
t.Fatal("Expected that setting cluster to itself would cause an error")
} else if err := fat.Set(cluster, 0); err != ErrInvalidCluster {
t.Fatal("Expected that setting cluster zero to any value would cause an error")
// "... it is feasible for 0x0FFFFFF7 to be an allocateable cluster number on FAT32 volumes. To
// avoid possible confusion by disk utilities, no FAT32 volume should ever be configured such
// that 0x0FFFFFF7 is an allocatable cluster number."
badCluster := uint32(0x0FFFFFF7)
if err := fat.Set(cluster, badCluster); err != ErrInvalidCluster {
t.Fatalf("Expected setting cluster %d would cause an error", badCluster)
// Set the free cluster to a value and set the following cluster to EOF
if err := fat.Set(cluster+1, cluster); err != nil {
} else if err := fat.Set(fat.EOFValue(), cluster+1); err != nil {
// Try reading a bad value.
if _, err := fat.Get(0); err != ErrInvalidCluster {
// Tests that improperly closing a filesystem without unloading the FAT causes it to become "dirty",
// which prevents it from being opened later.
func TestFatBadClose(t *testing.T) {
doTest := func(size string) {
fs, d, br := setup(t, size)
defer shutdown(fs, d)
// Make a new FAT.
readonly := false
_, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
// Close the device -- WITHOUT closing the FAT!
// Open the filesystem (again)
d = fs.GetDevice()
defer d.Close()
// Read the bootrecord (again)
br, err = bootrecord.New(d)
if err != nil {
// Make a new FAT (again)
readonly = false
_, err = Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != ErrDirtyFAT {
t.Fatal("Expected FAT to be dirty; not closed properly")
// Tests that a FAT filesystem cannot be loaded if the hard error bit is set.
func TestFATHardError(t *testing.T) {
doTest := func(size string) {
fs, d, br := setup(t, size)
defer shutdown(fs, d)
// Make a new FAT.
readonly := false
fat, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
// Set a hard error
if err := fat.SetHardError(); err != nil {
// Close the FAT.
if err := fat.Close(); err != nil {
// Re-open the FAT, show that we encounter a hard error.
if _, err := Open(d, br, readonly); err != ErrHardIO {
t.Fatal("Expected hard IO error when opening FAT marked with the hard error bit")
// Tests that improperly closing a filesystem without unloading the FAT doesn't cause errors if the
// filesystem was loaded as "read only".
func TestFatBadCloseReadonly(t *testing.T) {
doTest := func(size string) {
fs, d, br := setup(t, size)
defer shutdown(fs, d)
// Make a new readonly FAT.
readonly := true
_, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
// Close the device -- WITHOUT closing the FAT!
// Open the filesystem (again).
d = fs.GetDevice()
defer d.Close()
// Read the bootrecord (again)
br, err = bootrecord.New(d)
if err != nil {
// Make a new FAT (again)
readonly = false
fat, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
// Close the FAT correctly this time.
if err := fat.Close(); err != nil {
func checkedChainAllocate(t *testing.T, fat *FAT, size uint32) []uint32 {
// Make a chain of clusters.
clusterChain := make([]uint32, size)
for i := range clusterChain {
cluster, err := fat.Allocate()
if err != nil {
// These clusters will point to EOF when allocated.
clusterChain[i] = cluster
for i := range clusterChain {
if i != len(clusterChain)-1 {
// Point to the next cluster.
if err := fat.Set(clusterChain[i+1], clusterChain[i]); err != nil {
} else {
// Set the last cluster to EOF, not "free".
if err := fat.Set(fat.EOFValue(), clusterChain[i]); err != nil {
return clusterChain
func checkedChainVerify(t *testing.T, fat *FAT, clusterChain []uint32) {
for i := range clusterChain {
entry, err := fat.Get(clusterChain[i])
if err != nil {
if i < len(clusterChain)-1 {
if entry != clusterChain[i+1] {
t.Fatalf("Expected cluster at %d to point to %d, but pointed to %d",
clusterChain[i], clusterChain[i+1], entry)
} else {
if !fat.IsEOF(entry) {
t.Fatalf("Expected cluster at %d to be EOF, but was %d", clusterChain[i], entry)
// Test that the FAT can be closed and re-opened.
func TestFATWriteCloseReopenRead(t *testing.T) {
doTest := func(size string) {
fileSys, d, br := setup(t, size)
defer shutdown(fileSys, d)
// Make a new FAT.
readonly := false
fat, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
// Make a chain of clusters.
clusterChain := checkedChainAllocate(t, fat, 10)
// Close the FAT.
if err := fat.Close(); err != nil {
// Reopen the FAT. Check that the clusters still hold the values we expect them to.
readonly = true
fat, err = Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
checkedChainVerify(t, fat, clusterChain)
// Demonstrate that in readonly mode, we cannot modify the FAT.
if err := fat.Set(fat.EOFValue(), clusterChain[0]); err != fs.ErrReadOnly {
t.Fatal("Expected setting FAT to fail in readonly mode")
} else if _, err := fat.Allocate(); err != fs.ErrReadOnly {
t.Fatal("Expected allocating from FAT to fail in readonly mode")
} else if err := fat.SetHardError(); err != fs.ErrReadOnly {
t.Fatal("Expected setting hard error bit in FAT to fail in readonly mode")
if err := fat.Close(); err != nil {
// Tests that the FAT can deal with running out of space.
func TestOutOfStorage(t *testing.T) {
fs, d, br := setup(t, "10M")
defer shutdown(fs, d)
// Make a new FAT.
readonly := false
fat, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
for {
// Keep allocating until we run out of space
_, err := fat.Allocate()
if err == ErrNoSpace {
// Test finished succesfully; we ran out of space
} else if err != nil {
// Test that the freeCount and nextFree values are usable and can be updated.
func TestFATHints(t *testing.T) {
fs, d, br := setup(t, "10G")
defer shutdown(fs, d)
// Make a new FAT.
readonly := false
fat, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
freeCountBefore := fat.freeCount
nextFreeBefore := fat.nextFree
// Make a chain of clusters.
numClustersAllocated := uint32(10)
clusterChain := checkedChainAllocate(t, fat, numClustersAllocated)
// Verify the hints have updated.
if fat.freeCount != freeCountBefore-numClustersAllocated {
t.Fatalf("Expected free count to be %d, but it was %d", freeCountBefore-numClustersAllocated, fat.freeCount)
if fat.nextFree != nextFreeBefore+numClustersAllocated {
t.Fatalf("Expected next free to be %d, but it was %d", nextFreeBefore+numClustersAllocated, fat.nextFree)
// Free one of the clusters.
if err := fat.Set(fat.FreeValue(), clusterChain[0]); err != nil {
// Verify the free count has updated. The "nextFree" is a hint, and may or may not have changed.
if fat.freeCount != freeCountBefore-numClustersAllocated {
t.Fatalf("Expected free count to be %d, but it was %d", freeCountBefore-numClustersAllocated, fat.freeCount)
if err := fat.Close(); err != nil {
// Test that the FAT is inaccessible after being closed.
func TestFATUseAfterClose(t *testing.T) {
doTest := func(size string) {
fs, d, br := setup(t, size)
defer shutdown(fs, d)
// Make a new FAT.
readonly := false
fat, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
// Close the FAT.
if err := fat.Close(); err != nil {
// Demonstrate that functions which would access the FAT return errors.
if _, err := fat.Allocate(); err != ErrNotOpen {
t.Fatal("Should not be able to allocate in FAT after closing")
} else if _, err := fat.Get(5); err != ErrNotOpen {
t.Fatal("Should not be able to get from FAT after closing")
} else if err := fat.Set(5, 6); err != ErrNotOpen {
t.Fatal("Should not be able to set to FAT after closing")
} else if err := fat.Close(); err != ErrNotOpen {
t.Fatal("Should not be able double close FAT")
} else if err := fat.SetHardError(); err != ErrNotOpen {
t.Fatal("Should not be able to set error bits while FAT is closed")
// Test that FAT can function with a single writer and multiple readers.
func TestFATSingleWriterMultipleReaders(t *testing.T) {
doTest := func(size string) {
fs, d, br := setup(t, size)
defer shutdown(fs, d)
// Make a new FAT.
readonly := false
fat, err := Open(d, br, readonly)
if err != nil {
var fatLock sync.RWMutex
freeCountBefore := fat.freeCount
numAccesses := 1000
cluster, err := fat.Allocate()
if err != nil {
writer := func(c chan bool) {
// Alternate between allocating and freeing clusters.
doAllocate := false
var err error
for i := 0; i < numAccesses; i++ {
if doAllocate {
cluster, err = fat.Allocate()
} else {
err = fat.Set(fat.FreeValue(), cluster)
if err != nil {
} else if doAllocate && fat.freeCount != freeCountBefore-1 {
t.Fatal("Invalid free count; should have decreased")
} else if !doAllocate && fat.freeCount != freeCountBefore {
t.Fatal("Invalid free count; should have returned to original value")
doAllocate = !doAllocate
c <- true
reader := func(c chan bool) {
// Read clusters (which should be either allocated and set to EOF or free).
for i := 0; i < numAccesses; i++ {
sampledCluster := cluster
val, err := fat.Get(sampledCluster)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Invalid cluster: ", sampledCluster)
} else if val != fat.EOFValue() && val != fat.FreeValue() {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected value seen at cluster %d: %d", sampledCluster, val)
c <- true
finishChan := make(chan bool)
numWriters := 1
numReaders := 3
// Launch writers and readers
for i := 0; i < numWriters; i++ {
go writer(finishChan)
for i := 0; i < numReaders; i++ {
go reader(finishChan)
// Wait for writers and readers ot finish
for i := 0; i < numWriters+numReaders; i++ {
// Close the FAT.
if err := fat.Close(); err != nil {