blob: 1ea4685c546b4c1d52cad14373cef06e25e7cea5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Declares a go library composed of copied and generated files.
# Parameters
# definitions(required) list of definitions to generate templates, in the form:
# {
# # JSON file applied to the template.
# src = "my_definition.json"
# # Path to template definition.
# template = "my_template.tmpl"
# # copy support files to destination.
# copy = [ "my_support_file.go" ]
# },
# name, deps, public_deps(optional) forwarded to go_library
template("generated_go") {
gen_files = []
gen_names = []
assert(defined(invoker.definitions), "missing template definitions")
foreach(f, invoker.definitions) {
assert(defined(f.template), "missing template path for generation")
assert(defined(f.src), "missing source JSON path for generation")
# Name of the source JSON file will be the name of the generated go file.
dst_name = get_path_info(f.src, "name")
# Define a target name for each definition, the generated library will
# depend on all the actions we declare.
name = string_replace("_${target_name}_$dst_name", "/", "_")
copy_deps = []
if (defined(f.copy)) {
foreach(c, f.copy) {
# Name of the source file to copy.
fname = get_path_info(c, "name")
# Name with extension of the source file.
file = get_path_info(c, "file")
# Declare a target name for the copy target, the compiled_action target
# will depend on all copied files.
copy_name = "${name}_$fname"
copy_deps += [ ":$copy_name" ]
# The copied file is part of the library, add it to the list of
# generated files.
gen_files += [ file ]
copy(copy_name) {
sources = [ c ]
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/$target_name/$file" ]
# The generated file uses the source JSON name.
gen_file = "$dst_name.go"
# The file will be generated in target_gen_dir.
gen_dst = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name/$gen_file"
# Keep all the generated files and their target labels, the generated
# library will depend on them.
gen_files += [ gen_file ]
gen_names += [ ":$name" ]
compiled_action(name) {
tool = "//src/connectivity/network/netstack/gentool"
sources = [
inputs = sources
outputs = [ gen_dst ]
args = [
rebase_path(f.template, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(gen_dst, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(f.src, root_build_dir),
public_deps = copy_deps
go_library(target_name) {
if (defined( {
name =
} else {
name = target_name
# Depend on all the compiled_actions above.
non_go_deps = gen_names
source_dir = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name"
# Specify each of the files composing the library.
sources = gen_files
public_non_go_deps = gen_names
if (defined(invoker.public_non_go_deps)) {
public_non_go_deps += invoker.public_non_go_deps