blob: 6d0a1949ce1db429c16e9612e09fcd4c855d0dbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::{enums::FrequencyUpdateError, time_source::Sample},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
/// The time period over which a set of time samples are collected to update the frequency estimate.
const FREQUENCY_ESTIMATION_WINDOW: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_hours(24);
/// The minimum number of samples that must be received in a frequency estimation window for it to
/// be eligible for a frequency estimate.
/// The factor applied to the current period during the exponentially weighted moving average
/// calculation of frequency.
/// Failure modes that may occur while calling `EstimationWindow.add_sample()`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum AddSampleError {
/// Failure modes that may occur while calling `EstimationWindow.frequency()`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum GetFrequencyError {
impl Into<FrequencyUpdateError> for GetFrequencyError {
fn into(self) -> FrequencyUpdateError {
match self {
Self::InsufficientSamples => FrequencyUpdateError::InsufficientSamples,
Self::PotentialLeapSecond => FrequencyUpdateError::PotentialLeapSecond,
/// An accumulation of frequency data from a set of `Sample`s within a time window.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct EstimationWindow {
/// The UTC time of the first sample in the window.
initial_utc: zx::Time,
/// The monotonic time of the first sample in the window.
initial_monotonic: zx::Time,
/// The number of samples accepted into this window.
sample_count: u32,
/// The sum of (UTC - initial UTC), in nanoseconds, over all samples.
sum_utc: f64,
/// The sum of (monotonic - initial monotonic), in nanoseconds, over all samples.
sum_monotonic: f64,
/// The sum of (monotonic - initial monotonic)^2, in nanoseconds squared, over all samples.
sum_monotonic_squared: f64,
/// The sum of (UTC - initial UTC)*(monotonic - initial monotonic), in nanoseconds squared,
/// over all samples.
sum_utc_monotonic: f64,
impl EstimationWindow {
/// Construct a new `EstimationWindow` initialized to the supplied sample.
fn new(sample: &Sample) -> Self {
EstimationWindow {
initial_utc: sample.utc,
initial_monotonic: sample.monotonic,
sample_count: 1,
sum_utc: 0.0,
sum_monotonic: 0.0,
sum_monotonic_squared: 0.0,
sum_utc_monotonic: 0.0,
/// Attempts to add a new sample into this `EstimationWindow`. Returns an error if the sample
/// is outside the allowable window defined by the first sample.
fn add_sample(&mut self, sample: &Sample) -> Result<(), AddSampleError> {
if sample.utc < self.initial_utc {
return Err(AddSampleError::BeforeWindow);
} else if sample.utc > self.initial_utc + FREQUENCY_ESTIMATION_WINDOW {
return Err(AddSampleError::AfterWindow);
let utc = (sample.utc - self.initial_utc).into_nanos() as f64;
let monotonic = (sample.monotonic - self.initial_monotonic).into_nanos() as f64;
self.sample_count += 1;
self.sum_utc += utc;
self.sum_monotonic += monotonic;
self.sum_monotonic_squared += monotonic * monotonic;
self.sum_utc_monotonic += utc * monotonic;
/// Returns the average frequency over the time window, or an error if the window is not
/// eligible for some reason.
fn frequency(&self) -> Result<f64, GetFrequencyError> {
return Err(GetFrequencyError::InsufficientSamples);
} else if self.overlaps_leap_second() {
return Err(GetFrequencyError::PotentialLeapSecond);
let sample_count = self.sample_count as f64;
let denominator =
self.sum_monotonic_squared - self.sum_monotonic * self.sum_monotonic / sample_count;
let numerator = self.sum_utc_monotonic - self.sum_utc * self.sum_monotonic / sample_count;
Ok(numerator / denominator)
/// Returns true if this `EstimationWindow` overlaps the 24hour smearing window centered on a
/// potential leap second.
fn overlaps_leap_second(&self) -> bool {
// TODO(jsankey): Implement this method before we encounter a leap second. This will be
// Dec 2021 at the earliest.
/// Maintains an estimate of the frequency at which UTC time moves with respect to monotonic time
/// on this device.
/// Note that this is the inverse of the local oscillator frequency: Local oscillator frequency
/// expresses the length of a monotonic nanosecond with respect to an actual nanosecond in the
/// physical universe and we assume that over long periods and excluding leap seconds UTC accurately
/// tracks the physical universe.
/// The frequency estimate is implemented as an exponentially weighted moving average of window
/// frequency estimates, each calculated using least squares regression over a 24 hour window.
pub struct FrequencyEstimator {
/// The estimated frequency.
estimate: f64,
/// The number of time windows that have been included in this estimate of frequency.
window_count: u32,
/// The currently active `EstimationWindow`.
current_window: EstimationWindow,
impl FrequencyEstimator {
/// Construct a new FrequencyEstimator initialized with the supplied sample.
pub fn new(sample: &Sample) -> Self {
FrequencyEstimator {
estimate: 1.0,
window_count: 0,
current_window: EstimationWindow::new(sample),
/// Update the estimate to include the supplied sample. Very occasionally this will lead to a
/// change in the estimated frequency, in which case the new frequency and the total number of
/// windows used in producing this new frequency are returned.
pub fn update(&mut self, sample: &Sample) -> Result<Option<(f64, u32)>, FrequencyUpdateError> {
match self.current_window.add_sample(sample) {
Ok(()) => {
// This sample was accepted into the current window so didn't lead to a
// frequency change.
Err(AddSampleError::BeforeWindow) => {
// If the server had a large step back in time theoretically we might see a UTC
// before the window we were accumulating into, in that case just start over.
self.current_window = EstimationWindow::new(sample);
Err(AddSampleError::AfterWindow) => {
// This sample was after the current window. Start a new window and if the previous
// window was viable use its data.
let previous_window =
mem::replace(&mut self.current_window, EstimationWindow::new(sample));
match previous_window.frequency() {
Ok(window_estimate) => {
if self.window_count == 0 {
// If this is the first window use the estimated frequency directly...
self.estimate = window_estimate;
} else {
// ... otherwise combine it with the previous estimate.
self.estimate = window_estimate * FREQUENCY_ESTIMATION_SMOOTHING
+ self.estimate * (1f64 - FREQUENCY_ESTIMATION_SMOOTHING);
self.window_count += 1;
Ok(Some((self.estimate, self.window_count)))
Err(err) => Err(err.into()),
/// Update the estimate to include the supplied sample that is disjoint from previous samples.
/// This will discard any current estimation window so never leads to a new frequency estimate.
pub fn update_disjoint(&mut self, sample: &Sample) {
self.current_window = EstimationWindow::new(sample);
mod test {
use {super::*, chrono::DateTime, test_util::assert_near, zx::DurationNum};
const INITIAL_MONO: zx::Time = zx::Time::from_nanos(7_000_000_000);
const STD_DEV: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_millis(88);
// This time is nowhere near a leap second.
const TEST_UTC_STR: &str = "2021-03-25T13:22:52-08:00";
/// Creates a single sample with the supplied times and the standard standard deviation
/// Initial UTC is specified as an RFC3339 string.
fn create_sample(utc_string: &str, monotonic: zx::Time) -> Sample {
let chrono_utc = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(utc_string).expect("Invalid UTC string");
Sample::new(zx::Time::from_nanos(chrono_utc.timestamp_nanos()), monotonic, STD_DEV)
/// Create a vector of evenly spaced samples following the supplied reference sample with a
/// frequency specified as (utc ticks)/(monotonic ticks).
fn create_sample_set(
reference_sample: &Sample,
quantity: u32,
utc_spacing: zx::Duration,
frequency: f64,
) -> Vec<Sample> {
let monotonic_spacing =
zx::Duration::from_nanos((utc_spacing.into_nanos() as f64 / frequency) as i64);
let mut vec = Vec::<Sample>::new();
let mut utc = reference_sample.utc;
let mut monotonic = reference_sample.monotonic;
for _ in 0..quantity {
utc += utc_spacing;
monotonic += monotonic_spacing;
vec.push(Sample::new(utc, monotonic, STD_DEV));
/// Append new evenly spaced samples to the supplied vector with a frequency specified as
/// (utc ticks)/(monotonic ticks).
fn extend_sample_set(
samples: &mut Vec<Sample>,
quantity: u32,
utc_spacing: zx::Duration,
frequency: f64,
) {
let previous_sample = samples.last().expect("No existing samples to extend");
let mut new_samples = create_sample_set(previous_sample, quantity, utc_spacing, frequency);
samples.append(&mut new_samples);
fn assert_estimator_update(
estimator: &mut FrequencyEstimator,
sample: &Sample,
expected_frequency: f64,
expected_window_count: u32,
) {
let (frequency, window_count) = estimator
.expect("update returned an error")
.expect("update did not lead to an updated frequency");
assert_near!(frequency, expected_frequency, 0.0000001);
assert_eq!(window_count, expected_window_count);
fn estimation_window_valid() {
for freq in &[0.999, 1.0, 1.001] {
let initial_sample = create_sample(TEST_UTC_STR, INITIAL_MONO);
let mut window = EstimationWindow::new(&initial_sample);
for sample in create_sample_set(&initial_sample, 20, 1.hour(), *freq) {
assert_near!(window.frequency().unwrap(), *freq, 0.0000001);
fn estimation_window_outside_window() {
let initial = create_sample(TEST_UTC_STR, INITIAL_MONO);
let earlier = Sample::new(initial.utc - 1.hour(), initial.monotonic - 1.hour(), STD_DEV);
let later = Sample::new(initial.utc + 36.hours(), initial.monotonic + 36.hours(), STD_DEV);
let mut window = EstimationWindow::new(&initial);
assert_eq!(window.add_sample(&earlier), Err(AddSampleError::BeforeWindow));
assert_eq!(window.add_sample(&later), Err(AddSampleError::AfterWindow));
fn estimation_window_insufficient_samples() {
let initial_sample = create_sample(TEST_UTC_STR, INITIAL_MONO);
let mut window = EstimationWindow::new(&initial_sample);
for sample in create_sample_set(&initial_sample, 10, 1.hour(), 0.9876) {
assert_eq!(window.frequency(), Err(GetFrequencyError::InsufficientSamples));
fn frequency_estimator_valid() {
// Two days of data at an initial frequency.
let mut samples = vec![create_sample(TEST_UTC_STR, INITIAL_MONO)];
extend_sample_set(&mut samples, 47, 1.hour() + 1.second(), 0.999);
// Two more days of data at an different frequency (plus one extra sample so we can close
// the fourth day)
extend_sample_set(&mut samples, 49, 1.hour() + 1.second(), 0.998);
let mut estimator = FrequencyEstimator::new(&mut samples.remove(0));
// We should receive a frequency of exactly 0.099 after each of the first two days.
// In the second two days the frequency should converge towards the updated value.
for (day, expected_freq) in vec![(1, 0.999), (2, 0.999), (3, 0.99875), (4, 0.9985625)] {
for _ in 0..23 {
assert_eq!(estimator.update(&mut samples.remove(0)), Ok(None));
assert_estimator_update(&mut estimator, &mut samples.remove(0), expected_freq, day);
fn frequency_estimator_disjoint_update() {
let mut samples = vec![create_sample(TEST_UTC_STR, INITIAL_MONO)];
extend_sample_set(&mut samples, 11, 1.hour() + 1.second(), 1.1);
extend_sample_set(&mut samples, 25, 1.hour() + 1.second(), 0.999);
let mut estimator = FrequencyEstimator::new(&mut samples.remove(0));
// Feed the first 12 samples then mark the 13th as disjoint, causing the first samples to
// be ignored.
for _ in 0..11 {
assert_eq!(estimator.update(&mut samples.remove(0)), Ok(None));
estimator.update_disjoint(&mut samples.remove(0));
for _ in 0..23 {
assert_eq!(estimator.update(&mut samples.remove(0)), Ok(None));
assert_estimator_update(&mut estimator, &mut samples.remove(0), 0.999, 1);
fn frequency_estimator_insufficient_samples() {
let mut samples = vec![create_sample(TEST_UTC_STR, INITIAL_MONO)];
// Note the first day only has 6 samples so should be ignored.
extend_sample_set(&mut samples, 6, 4.hour() + 1.second(), 1.1);
extend_sample_set(&mut samples, 25, 1.hour() + 1.second(), 0.999);
let mut estimator = FrequencyEstimator::new(&mut samples.remove(0));
for _ in 0..5 {
assert_eq!(estimator.update(&mut samples.remove(0)), Ok(None));
estimator.update(&mut samples.remove(0)),
for _ in 0..23 {
assert_eq!(estimator.update(&mut samples.remove(0)), Ok(None));
assert_estimator_update(&mut estimator, &mut samples.remove(0), 0.999, 1);