blob: 7858c3c4a08730e4140998273576b1d5b24129e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
mod cobalt;
mod composite;
mod fake;
mod inspect;
pub use self::cobalt::CobaltDiagnostics;
pub use self::composite::CompositeDiagnostics;
pub use self::fake::FakeDiagnostics;
pub use self::inspect::{InspectDiagnostics, INSPECTOR};
use {
ClockCorrectionStrategy, ClockUpdateReason, InitialClockState, InitializeRtcOutcome, Role,
SampleValidationError, StartClockSource, TimeSourceError, Track, WriteRtcOutcome,
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
/// A special `Duration` that will match any value during an `eq_with_any` operation.
pub const ANY_DURATION: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_nanos(i64::MIN);
/// A special time that will match any value during an `eq_with_any` operation.
pub const ANY_TIME: zx::Time = zx::Time::from_nanos(i64::MIN);
/// An event that is potantialle worth recording in one or more diagnostics systems.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Event {
/// Timekeeper has completed initialization.
Initialized { clock_state: InitialClockState },
/// An attempt was made to initialize and read from the real time clock.
InitializeRtc { outcome: InitializeRtcOutcome, time: Option<zx::Time> },
/// A time source failed, relaunch will be attempted.
TimeSourceFailed { role: Role, error: TimeSourceError },
/// A time source changed its state.
TimeSourceStatus { role: Role, status: Status },
/// A sample received from a time source was rejected during validation.
SampleRejected { role: Role, error: SampleValidationError },
/// The state of a Kalman filter was updated.
KalmanFilterUpdated {
/// The `Track` of the estimate.
track: Track,
/// The monotonic time at which the state applies.
monotonic: zx::Time,
/// The estimated UTC corresponding to monotonic.
utc: zx::Time,
/// Square root of element [0,0] of the covariance matrix.
sqrt_covariance: zx::Duration,
/// A strategy has been determined to align the userspace clock with the estimated UTC.
/// This will be followed by zero or more `UpdateClock` events to implement the strategy.
ClockCorrection { track: Track, correction: zx::Duration, strategy: ClockCorrectionStrategy },
/// An attempt was made to write to the real time clock.
WriteRtc { outcome: WriteRtcOutcome },
/// The userspace clock has been started for the first time.
StartClock { track: Track, source: StartClockSource },
/// The userspace clock has been updated.
UpdateClock { track: Track, reason: ClockUpdateReason },
/// A standard interface for systems that record events for diagnostic purposes.
pub trait Diagnostics: Send + Sync {
/// Records the supplied event if relevant.
fn record(&self, event: Event);