blob: 380fecdf1537f2779b30f804a3ff062a43872d81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::bound::Bound;
use crate::datatypes::{HttpsSample, Poll};
use anyhow::format_err;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use fuchsia_async::{self as fasync, TimeoutExt};
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::{future::BoxFuture, lock::Mutex, FutureExt};
use httpdate_hyper::{HttpsDateError, HttpsDateErrorType, NetworkTimeClient};
use hyper::Uri;
use log::warn;
const HTTPS_TIMEOUT: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_seconds(10);
const NANOS_IN_SECONDS: i64 = 1_000_000_000;
/// The ratio between a standard deviation and a final bound size, expressed as a percentage.
/// This value is based on a small experiment to estimate the spread of errors across various
/// bound sizes.
// TODO(63370): consider round trip times when calculating standard deviation.
/// A guess as to how many times longer than a subsequent poll the first poll will take. This
/// encapsulates the additional time required during the first HTTPS request to setup a TLS
/// connection and is used to make a best guess for how long the second call will take.
const FIRST_RTT_TIME_FACTOR: i64 = 5;
/// An `HttpsDateClient` can make requests against a given uri to retrieve a UTC time.
pub trait HttpsDateClient {
/// Poll |uri| once to obtain the current UTC time. The time is quantized to a second due to
/// the format of the HTTP date header.
async fn request_utc(&mut self, uri: &Uri) -> Result<zx::Time, HttpsDateError>;
impl HttpsDateClient for NetworkTimeClient {
async fn request_utc(&mut self, uri: &Uri) -> Result<zx::Time, HttpsDateError> {
let utc =
.on_timeout(fasync::Time::after(HTTPS_TIMEOUT), || {
format_err!("Timed out after {:?} sec", HTTPS_TIMEOUT.into_seconds()),
/// An `HttpsSampler` produces `HttpsSample`s by polling an HTTP server, possibly by combining
/// the results of multiple polls.
pub trait HttpsSampler {
/// Produce a single `HttpsSample` by polling |num_polls| times. Returns an Ok result
/// containing a Future as soon as the first poll succeeds. The Future yields a sample. This
/// signature enables the caller to act on a success as soon as possible without waiting for
/// all polls to complete.
async fn produce_sample(
num_polls: usize,
measure_offset: bool,
) -> Result<BoxFuture<'_, HttpsSample>, HttpsDateError>;
/// The default implementation of `HttpsSampler` that uses an `HttpsDateClient` to poll a server.
pub struct HttpsSamplerImpl<C: HttpsDateClient> {
/// Client used to poll servers for time.
client: Mutex<C>,
/// URI called to obtain time.
uri: Uri,
/// Handle to the system UTC clock. To avoid circular dependencies, this clock should not
/// be used to generate any data reported to timekeeper, and should only be used for metrics
/// reported through other means.
system_clock_for_metrics_only: zx::Clock,
impl HttpsSamplerImpl<NetworkTimeClient> {
/// Create a new `HttpsSamplerImpl` that makes requests against `uri` to poll time.
pub fn new(uri: Uri) -> Self {
Self::new_with_client(uri, NetworkTimeClient::new())
impl<C: HttpsDateClient + Send> HttpsSamplerImpl<C> {
fn new_with_client(uri: Uri, client: C) -> Self {
Self {
client: Mutex::new(client),
system_clock_for_metrics_only: fuchsia_runtime::duplicate_utc_clock_handle(
.expect("UTC clock handle is invalid"),
impl<C: HttpsDateClient + Send> HttpsSampler for HttpsSamplerImpl<C> {
async fn produce_sample(
num_polls: usize,
measure_offset: bool,
) -> Result<BoxFuture<'_, HttpsSample>, HttpsDateError> {
// Don't measure offset on the initial poll, as setting up TLS connections causes this poll
// to take longer.
let (mut bound, first_poll) = self.poll_server(false).await?;
let mut polls = vec![first_poll];
let sample_fut = async move {
for poll_idx in 1..num_polls {
let ideal_next_poll_time =
ideal_next_poll_time(&bound, polls.iter().map(|poll| &poll.round_trip_time));
// For subsequent polls ignore errors. This allows producing a degraded sample
// instead of outright failing as long as one poll succeeds. In addition,
// we measure offset only on the second poll. As our algorithm attempts to schedule
// polls at certain times, measuring offsets for all polls biases the offset
// towards +/- .5 seconds.
if let Ok((new_bound, new_poll)) =
self.poll_server(measure_offset && poll_idx == 1).await
bound = match bound.combine(&new_bound) {
Some(combined) => combined,
None => {
// Bounds might fail to combine if e.g. the device went to sleep and
// monotonic time was not updated. We assume the most recent poll is
// most accurate and discard accumulated information.
// TODO(satsukiu): report this event to Cobalt
warn!("Unable to combine time bound, time may have moved.");
HttpsSample {
monotonic: bound.monotonic,
standard_deviation: bound.size() * STANDARD_DEVIATION_BOUND_PERCENTAGE / 100,
final_bound_size: bound.size(),
impl<C: HttpsDateClient + Send> HttpsSamplerImpl<C> {
/// Poll the server once to produce a fresh bound on the UTC time. Returns a bound and the
/// observed round trip time.
async fn poll_server(&self, measure_offset: bool) -> Result<(Bound, Poll), HttpsDateError> {
let monotonic_before = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let reported_utc = self.client.lock().await.request_utc(&self.uri).await?;
let monotonic_after = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let round_trip_time = monotonic_after - monotonic_before;
let monotonic_center = monotonic_before + round_trip_time / 2;
// We assume here that the time reported by an HTTP server is truncated down to the second.
// Thus the actual time on the server is in the range [reported_utc, reported_utc + 1).
// Network latency adds additional uncertainty and is accounted for by expanding the bound
// in either direction by half the observed round trip time.
let bound = Bound {
monotonic: monotonic_center,
utc_min: reported_utc - round_trip_time / 2,
utc_max: reported_utc + zx::Duration::from_seconds(1) + round_trip_time / 2,
let poll = Poll {
center_offset: if measure_offset {
- time_util::time_at_monotonic(
} else {
Ok((bound, poll))
/// Given a bound and observed round trip times, estimates the ideal monotonic time at which
/// to poll the server.
fn ideal_next_poll_time<'a, I>(bound: &Bound, mut observed_rtt: I) -> zx::Time
I: Iterator<Item = &'a zx::Duration> + ExactSizeIterator,
// Estimate the ideal monotonic time we'd like the server to check time.
// ideal_server_check_time is a monotonic time at which bound's projection is centered
// around a whole number of UTC seconds (utc_min = n - k, utc_max = n + k) where n is a
// whole number of seconds.
// Ignoring network latency, the bound produced by polling the server at
// ideal_server_check_time must be [n-1, n) or [n, n + 1). In either case combining with
// the original bound results in a bound half the size of the original.
let ideal_server_check_time =
bound.monotonic + zx::Duration::from_seconds(1) - time_subs(;
// Since there is actually network latency, try to guess what it'll be and start polling
// early so the server checks at the ideal time. The first poll takes longer than subsequent
// polls due to TLS handshaking, so we make a best effort to account for that when the first
// poll is the only one available. Otherwise, we discard the first poll rtt.
let rtt_guess = match observed_rtt.len() {
0 => return zx::Time::get_monotonic(),
_ => avg(observed_rtt.skip(1)),
let ideal_poll_start_time = ideal_server_check_time - rtt_guess / 2;
// Adjust the time in case it has already passed.
let now = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
if now < ideal_poll_start_time {
} else {
ideal_poll_start_time + zx::Duration::from_seconds(1) + seconds(now - ideal_poll_start_time)
/// Calculates the average of a set of small zx::Durations. May overflow for large durations.
fn avg<'a, I>(durations: I) -> zx::Duration
I: ExactSizeIterator + Iterator<Item = &'a zx::Duration>,
let count = durations.len() as i64;
zx::Duration::from_nanos(|d| d.into_nanos()).sum::<i64>() / count)
/// Returns the whole second component of a zx::Duration.
fn seconds(duration: zx::Duration) -> zx::Duration {
duration - subs(duration)
/// Returns the subsecond component of a zx::Duration.
fn subs(duration: zx::Duration) -> zx::Duration {
zx::Duration::from_nanos(duration.into_nanos() % NANOS_IN_SECONDS)
/// Returns the subsecond component of a zx::Time.
fn time_subs(time: zx::Time) -> zx::Duration {
zx::Duration::from_nanos(time.into_nanos() % NANOS_IN_SECONDS)
pub use fake::FakeSampler;
mod fake {
use super::*;
use futures::{channel::oneshot, future::pending, Future};
use std::{collections::VecDeque, iter::FromIterator};
/// An |HttpsSampler| which responds with premade responses and signals when the responses
/// have been given out.
pub struct FakeSampler {
/// Queue of responses.
enqueued_responses: Mutex<VecDeque<Result<HttpsSample, HttpsDateError>>>,
/// Channel used to signal exhaustion of the enqueued responses.
completion_notifier: Mutex<Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>>,
/// List of `produce_sample` request arguments received.
received_request_num_polls: Mutex<Vec<(usize, bool)>>,
impl HttpsSampler for FakeSampler {
async fn produce_sample(
num_polls: usize,
measure_offset: bool,
) -> Result<BoxFuture<'_, HttpsSample>, HttpsDateError> {
match self.enqueued_responses.lock().await.pop_front() {
Some(result) => {
self.received_request_num_polls.lock().await.push((num_polls, measure_offset));|sample| futures::future::ready(sample).boxed())
None => {
impl<T: AsRef<FakeSampler> + Send + Sync> HttpsSampler for T {
async fn produce_sample(
num_polls: usize,
measure_offset: bool,
) -> Result<BoxFuture<'_, HttpsSample>, HttpsDateError> {
self.as_ref().produce_sample(num_polls, measure_offset).await
impl FakeSampler {
/// Create a test client and a future that resolves when all the contents
/// of |responses| have been consumed.
pub fn with_responses(
responses: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<HttpsSample, HttpsDateError>>,
) -> (Self, impl Future) {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
let client = FakeSampler {
enqueued_responses: Mutex::new(VecDeque::from_iter(responses)),
completion_notifier: Mutex::new(Some(sender)),
received_request_num_polls: Mutex::new(vec![]),
(client, receiver)
/// Assert that calls to produce_sample were made with the expected num_polls arguments.
pub async fn assert_produce_sample_requests(&self, expected: &[(usize, bool)]) {
assert_eq!(self.received_request_num_polls.lock().await.as_slice(), expected);
mod test {
use super::*;
use futures::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::{collections::VecDeque, iter::FromIterator};
lazy_static! {
static ref TEST_URI: hyper::Uri = "https://localhost/".parse().unwrap();
const ONE_SECOND: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_seconds(1);
const RTT_TIMES_ZERO_LATENCY: [zx::Duration; 2] =
[zx::Duration::from_nanos(0), zx::Duration::from_nanos(0)];
const RTT_TIMES_100_MS_LATENCY: [zx::Duration; 4] = [
zx::Duration::from_millis(500), // ignored
const DURATION_50_MS: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_millis(50);
const TEST_UTC_OFFSET: zx::Duration = zx::Duration::from_hours(72);
/// An |HttpsDateClient| which responds with fake (quantized) UTC times at specified offsets
/// from the monotonic time.
struct TestClient {
enqueued_offsets: VecDeque<Result<zx::Duration, HttpsDateError>>,
impl HttpsDateClient for TestClient {
async fn request_utc(&mut self, _uri: &Uri) -> Result<zx::Time, HttpsDateError> {
let offset = self.enqueued_offsets.pop_front().unwrap()?;
let unquantized_time = zx::Time::get_monotonic() + offset;
Ok(unquantized_time - time_subs(unquantized_time))
impl TestClient {
/// Create a test client that calculates responses with the provided offsets.
fn with_offset_responses(
offsets: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<zx::Duration, HttpsDateError>>,
) -> Self {
TestClient { enqueued_offsets: VecDeque::from_iter(offsets) }
#[fuchsia::test(allow_stalls = false)]
async fn test_produce_sample_one_poll() {
let sampler = HttpsSamplerImpl::new_with_client(
let monotonic_before = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let sample = sampler.produce_sample(1, false).await.unwrap().await;
let monotonic_after = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
assert!(sample.utc >= monotonic_before + TEST_UTC_OFFSET - ONE_SECOND);
assert!(sample.utc <= monotonic_after + TEST_UTC_OFFSET + ONE_SECOND);
assert!(sample.monotonic >= monotonic_before);
assert!(sample.monotonic <= monotonic_after);
sample.final_bound_size * STANDARD_DEVIATION_BOUND_PERCENTAGE / 100
assert!(sample.final_bound_size <= monotonic_after - monotonic_before + ONE_SECOND);
assert_eq!(sample.polls.len(), 1);
assert!(sample.polls[0].round_trip_time <= monotonic_after - monotonic_before);
async fn test_produce_sample_multiple_polls() {
let sampler = HttpsSamplerImpl::new_with_client(
let monotonic_before = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let sample = sampler.produce_sample(3, false).await.unwrap().await;
let monotonic_after = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
assert!(sample.utc >= monotonic_before + TEST_UTC_OFFSET - ONE_SECOND);
assert!(sample.utc <= monotonic_after + TEST_UTC_OFFSET + ONE_SECOND);
assert!(sample.monotonic >= monotonic_before);
assert!(sample.monotonic <= monotonic_after);
sample.final_bound_size * STANDARD_DEVIATION_BOUND_PERCENTAGE / 100
assert!(sample.final_bound_size <= monotonic_after - monotonic_before + ONE_SECOND);
assert_eq!(sample.polls.len(), 3);
.all(|poll| poll.round_trip_time <= monotonic_after - monotonic_before));
assert!(sample.polls.iter().all(|poll| poll.center_offset.is_none()));
async fn test_produce_sample_offsets() {
// Create our own test clock that exactly matches the offsets reported by the test
// client. (Both report UTC time as (monotonic + offset))
// Since the 'source' reported by the test client and the test clock are
// synchronized we can assert that the reported samples are within some bound.
let test_clock = zx::Clock::create(zx::ClockOpts::empty(), None).unwrap();
.update(zx::ClockUpdate::new().value(zx::Time::get_monotonic() + TEST_UTC_OFFSET))
// The actual offset from monotonic can differ slightly as the exact monotonic time at
// which the update occurs affects the offset. We pull the exact offset from clock details.
let monotonic_ref = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let utc_offset = time_util::time_at_monotonic(&test_clock, monotonic_ref) - monotonic_ref;
let sampler = HttpsSamplerImpl {
uri: TEST_URI.clone(),
client: Mutex::new(TestClient::with_offset_responses(vec![
system_clock_for_metrics_only: test_clock,
let sample = sampler.produce_sample(3, true).await.unwrap().await;
// only the second poll has an offset.
let first_poll = sample.polls[0].clone();
let second_poll = sample.polls[1].clone();
let offset = second_poll.center_offset.unwrap();
assert!(offset >= zx::Duration::from_millis(-500) - second_poll.round_trip_time / 2);
assert!(offset <= zx::Duration::from_millis(500) + second_poll.round_trip_time / 2);
assert!(sample.polls.iter().skip(2).all(|poll| poll.center_offset.is_none()));
async fn test_produce_sample_fails_if_initial_poll_fails() {
let sampler = HttpsSamplerImpl::new_with_client(
match sampler.produce_sample(3, false).await {
Ok(_) => panic!("Expected error but received Ok"),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.error_type(), HttpsDateErrorType::NetworkError),
async fn test_produce_sample_succeeds_if_subsequent_poll_fails() {
let sampler = HttpsSamplerImpl::new_with_client(
let sample = sampler.produce_sample(3, false).await.unwrap().await;
assert_eq!(sample.polls.len(), 2);
async fn test_produce_sample_takes_later_poll_if_polls_disagree() {
let expected_offset = TEST_UTC_OFFSET + zx::Duration::from_hours(1);
let sampler = HttpsSamplerImpl::new_with_client(
let monotonic_before = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let sample = sampler.produce_sample(3, false).await.unwrap().await;
let monotonic_after = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
assert_eq!(sample.polls.len(), 1);
assert!(sample.utc >= monotonic_before + expected_offset - ONE_SECOND);
assert!(sample.utc <= monotonic_after + expected_offset + ONE_SECOND);
fn test_ideal_poll_time_in_future() {
let future_monotonic = zx::Time::get_monotonic() + zx::Duration::from_hours(100);
let bound_1 = Bound {
monotonic: future_monotonic,
utc_min: zx::Time::from_nanos(3_000_000_000),
utc_max: zx::Time::from_nanos(4_000_000_000),
ideal_next_poll_time(&bound_1, RTT_TIMES_ZERO_LATENCY.iter()),
future_monotonic + zx::Duration::from_millis(500),
ideal_next_poll_time(&bound_1, RTT_TIMES_100_MS_LATENCY.iter()),
future_monotonic + zx::Duration::from_millis(500) - DURATION_50_MS,
let bound_2 = Bound {
monotonic: future_monotonic,
utc_min: zx::Time::from_nanos(3_600_000_000),
utc_max: zx::Time::from_nanos(3_800_000_000),
ideal_next_poll_time(&bound_2, RTT_TIMES_ZERO_LATENCY.iter()),
future_monotonic + zx::Duration::from_millis(300),
ideal_next_poll_time(&bound_2, RTT_TIMES_100_MS_LATENCY.iter()),
future_monotonic + zx::Duration::from_millis(300) - DURATION_50_MS,
let bound_3 = Bound {
monotonic: future_monotonic,
utc_min: zx::Time::from_nanos(0_500_000_000),
utc_max: zx::Time::from_nanos(2_500_000_000),
ideal_next_poll_time(&bound_3, RTT_TIMES_ZERO_LATENCY.iter()),
future_monotonic + zx::Duration::from_millis(500),
ideal_next_poll_time(&bound_3, RTT_TIMES_100_MS_LATENCY.iter()),
future_monotonic + zx::Duration::from_millis(500) - DURATION_50_MS,
fn test_ideal_poll_time_in_past() {
let monotonic_now = zx::Time::get_monotonic();
let past_monotonic = zx::Time::from_nanos(0);
let bound = Bound {
monotonic: past_monotonic,
utc_min: zx::Time::from_nanos(3_000_000_000),
utc_max: zx::Time::from_nanos(4_000_000_000),
// The returned time should be in the future, but the subsecond component should match
// the otherwise ideal time in the past.
assert!(ideal_next_poll_time(&bound, RTT_TIMES_ZERO_LATENCY.iter()) > monotonic_now);
time_subs(ideal_next_poll_time(&bound, RTT_TIMES_ZERO_LATENCY.iter())),
time_subs(past_monotonic + zx::Duration::from_millis(500)),
#[fuchsia::test(allow_stalls = false)]
async fn test_fake_sampler() {
let expected_responses = vec![
Ok(HttpsSample {
utc: zx::Time::from_nanos(999),
monotonic: zx::Time::from_nanos(888_888_888),
standard_deviation: zx::Duration::from_nanos(22),
final_bound_size: zx::Duration::from_nanos(44),
polls: vec![Poll {
round_trip_time: zx::Duration::from_nanos(55),
center_offset: Some(zx::Duration::from_nanos(100)),
let (fake_sampler, complete_fut) = FakeSampler::with_responses(
.map(|response| response.map_err(HttpsDateError::new))
for expected in expected_responses {
.produce_sample(1, false)
.and_then(|sample_fut| async move { Ok(sample_fut.await) })
.map_err(|e| e.error_type())
// After exhausting canned responses, the sampler should stall.
assert!(fake_sampler.produce_sample(1, false).now_or_never().is_none());
// Completion is signalled via the future provided at construction.