blob: 38999e09ece1f573e0c566b27185d6d8b45d856c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains helper functions for process_gfx_trace.go for measuring latency and fps of scenic.
package main
import (
// Compute the FPS and latency within Scenic for |model|, also writing results to
// |testResultsFile| if provided.
func reportScenicFps(model benchmarking.Model, testSuite string, testResultsFile *benchmarking.TestResultsFile, allApps bool, appDebugNames []string) {
fps, fpsPerTimeWindow := calculateFps(model, "gfx", "FramePresented")
fmt.Printf("%.4g FPS\nFPS per one-second window: %v\n", fps, fpsPerTimeWindow)
reportFrameStats(model, testSuite, testResultsFile)
reportAverageEventTimes(model, testSuite, testResultsFile)
if allApps || (len(appDebugNames) > 0 && appDebugNames[0] != "") {
reportScenicPerSessionLatencies(model, testSuite, testResultsFile, allApps, appDebugNames)
type sessionKey struct {
debugName string
id float64
func getEventsPerSession(model benchmarking.Model, eventCat string, eventName string) map[sessionKey][]*benchmarking.Event {
events := model.FindEvents(
benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &eventCat, Name: &eventName})
eventsPerSession := make(map[sessionKey][]*benchmarking.Event)
for _, event := range events {
sessionName, ok := event.Args["session_debug_name"].(string)
sessionID := 0.0
if ok {
sessionID, _ = event.Args["session_id"].(float64)
session := sessionKey{sessionName, sessionID}
eventsPerSession[session] = append(eventsPerSession[session], event)
return eventsPerSession
// Compute average times for selected events.
func reportAverageEventTimes(model benchmarking.Model, testSuite string, testResultsFile *benchmarking.TestResultsFile) {
fmt.Printf("\n== Average times ==\n")
type AverageEvent struct {
IndentLevel int
Name string
Label string
// TODO(SCN-1268): The following events are based on the old/deleted
// PaperRenderer; now that we are transitioning to the new version (formerly
// known as PaperRenderer2) they need to be updated to reflect this.
// TODO(PT-102): Events that appear to happen simultaneously are lumped together in
// the same trace event as primary and secondary events. Because of this some
// of the following measurements show as taking 0.001 ms, when they should
// share their time with the respective paired event.
// Find a way to deal with this.
// List the events we want to include in output. Events are described with:
// Indentation level in output.
// Event name in trace.
// Event name in output (blank if same as event name in trace).
averageEvents := []AverageEvent{
{0, "RenderFrame", ""},
{1, "ApplyScheduledSessionUpdates", ""},
{2, "escher::CommandBuffer::Submit", "CommandBuffer::Submit"},
{1, "UpdateAndDeliverMetrics", ""},
{1, "EngineRenderer::RenderLayers", ""},
{0, "Scenic Compositor", "Escher GPU time/Scenic Compositor"},
{1, "SSDO acceleration depth pre-pass", ""},
{1, "SSDO acceleration lookup table generation", ""},
{1, "Depth pre-pass", ""},
{1, "Layout transition before SSDO sampling", ""},
{1, "SSDO sampling", ""},
{1, "Layout transition before SSDO filtering", ""},
{1, "SSDO filter pass 1", ""},
{1, "SSDO filter pass 2", ""},
{1, "Lighting pass", ""},
{1, "Transition to presentation layout", ""},
gfxStr := "gfx"
for _, e := range averageEvents {
events := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &gfxStr, Name: &e.Name})
durations := convertMicrosToMillis(extractDurations(events))
avgDuration := jsonFloat(benchmarking.AvgDuration(events) / OneMsecInUsecs)
if e.Label == "" {
e.Label = e.Name
fmt.Printf("%-50s %.4g ms\n", strings.Repeat(" ", e.IndentLevel)+e.Label,
if len(durations) == 0 {
durations = []float64{0}
Label: e.Label,
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Milliseconds,
Values: durations,
renderFrameStr := "RenderFrame"
scenicCompositorStr := "Scenic Compositor"
events := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &gfxStr, Name: &renderFrameStr})
events = append(events, model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &gfxStr, Name: &scenicCompositorStr})...)
fmt.Printf("%-50s %.4g ms\n", "unaccounted (mostly gfx driver)",
jsonFloat(averageGap(events, gfxStr, renderFrameStr, gfxStr, scenicCompositorStr)/OneMsecInUsecs))
// Calculate fps and latency for each session.
func reportScenicPerSessionLatencies(model benchmarking.Model, testSuite string, testResultsFile *benchmarking.TestResultsFile, allApps bool, debugNames []string) {
fmt.Printf("\n=== Scenic Per Session ===\n")
latenciesPerSession := calculatePerSessionLatency(model)
essentialLatencies := make(map[string]sessionLatencies)
for session, latencies := range latenciesPerSession {
if allApps {
metricName := session.debugName + "_" + strconv.Itoa(int(
essentialLatencies[metricName] = latencies
} else if listContainsElement(debugNames, session.debugName) {
metricName := session.debugName
essentialLatencies[metricName] = latencies
for metricName, latencies := range essentialLatencies {
averageLatency := computeAverage(latencies.requestedPresentationTimeToDisplay)
minLatency := computeMin(latencies.requestedPresentationTimeToDisplay)
maxLatency := computeMax(latencies.requestedPresentationTimeToDisplay)
avgScheduleToApply := computeAverage(latencies.scheduleUpdateToApplyUpdate)
minSchedToApply := computeMin(latencies.scheduleUpdateToApplyUpdate)
maxSchedToApply := computeMax(latencies.scheduleUpdateToApplyUpdate)
avgScheduleToDisplay := computeAverage(latencies.applyUpdateToDisplay)
minSchedToDisplay := computeMin(latencies.applyUpdateToDisplay)
maxSchedToDisplay := computeMax(latencies.applyUpdateToDisplay)
Latency between requested presentation time and display time:
Avg: %.4g ms
Min: %.4g ms
Max: %.4g ms
Time from ScheduleUpdate to ApplyUpdate:
Avg: %.4g ms
Min: %.4g ms
Max: %.4g ms
Time from ApplyUpdate to display:
Avg: %.4g ms
Min: %.4g ms
Max: %.4g ms
Label: metricName + "_requested_presentation_time_to_display_latency",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Milliseconds,
Values: latencies.requestedPresentationTimeToDisplay,
Label: metricName + "_schedule_update_to_apply_update_latency",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Milliseconds,
Values: latencies.scheduleUpdateToApplyUpdate,
Label: metricName + "_apply_update_to_display_latency",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Milliseconds,
Values: latencies.applyUpdateToDisplay,
type sessionLatencies struct {
requestedPresentationTimeToDisplay []float64
scheduleUpdateToApplyUpdate []float64
applyUpdateToDisplay []float64
// Calculate latency in scenic for all sessions in trace.
func calculatePerSessionLatency(model benchmarking.Model) map[sessionKey]sessionLatencies {
cat := "gfx"
scheduleEvents := getEventsPerSession(model, cat, "Session::ScheduleUpdate")
applyEvents := getEventsPerSession(model, cat, "Session::ApplyScheduledUpdates")
presentEventName := "DisplaySwapchain::DrawAndPresent() present"
presentEvents := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &cat, Name: &presentEventName})
startOfGpuWorkEventName := "Scenic Compositor"
startOfGpuWorkEvents := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &cat, Name: &startOfGpuWorkEventName})
endOfGpuWorkEventName := "escher::CommandBuffer::Retire::callback"
endOfGpuWorkEvents := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &cat, Name: &endOfGpuWorkEventName})
vsyncName := "VSYNC"
vsyncEvents := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &cat, Name: &vsyncName})
frameLength := vsyncEvents[1].Start - vsyncEvents[0].Start
frameLength = convertMicrosToMillis([]float64{frameLength})[0]
latencyPerSession := make(map[sessionKey]sessionLatencies)
for session, scheduleEventsOfSession := range scheduleEvents {
latencyPerSession[session] = calculateSessionLatency(scheduleEventsOfSession, applyEvents[session], presentEvents, startOfGpuWorkEvents, endOfGpuWorkEvents, vsyncEvents, frameLength)
return latencyPerSession
func calculateSessionLatency(scheduleEvents []*benchmarking.Event, applyEvents []*benchmarking.Event, presentEvents []*benchmarking.Event, startOfGpuWorkEvents []*benchmarking.Event, endOfGpuWorkEvents []*benchmarking.Event, vsyncEvents []*benchmarking.Event, frameLengthInMillis float64) sessionLatencies {
applyIndex := 0
presentIndex := 0
startGpuWorkIndex := 0
endGpuWorkIndex := 0
vsyncIndex := 0
presentToDisplayLatencies := make([]float64, 0, len(applyEvents))
schedToApplyLatencies := make([]float64, 0, len(applyEvents))
applyToDisplayLatencies := make([]float64, 0, len(applyEvents))
requestedTimeString := "requested time"
for _, event := range scheduleEvents {
// If requested presentation time is in the past then schedule for now.
requestedTime, ok := event.Args[requestedTimeString].(float64)
if !ok {
panic("No requested time argument found")
scheduleRequestTime := event.Start
expectedPresentationTime := math.Max(scheduleRequestTime, requestedTime/1000.0)
// Find end of first following ApplyScheduledUpdate with same requested presentation time.
for applyIndex < len(applyEvents) &&
(applyEvents[applyIndex].Start < scheduleRequestTime ||
applyEvents[applyIndex].Args[requestedTimeString].(float64) != requestedTime) {
if applyIndex >= len(applyEvents) {
applyTimeStart := applyEvents[applyIndex].Start
applyTimeEnd := applyTimeStart + applyEvents[applyIndex].Dur
// Find end of following GPU upload event.
for presentIndex < len(presentEvents) &&
presentEvents[presentIndex].Start < applyTimeEnd {
if presentIndex >= len(presentEvents) {
presentTimeEnd := presentEvents[presentIndex].Start + presentEvents[presentIndex].Dur
// Find next start-GPU-work event.
for startGpuWorkIndex < len(startOfGpuWorkEvents) &&
startOfGpuWorkEvents[startGpuWorkIndex].Start < presentTimeEnd {
if startGpuWorkIndex >= len(startOfGpuWorkEvents) {
startOfGpuTime := startOfGpuWorkEvents[startGpuWorkIndex].Start
// Find next GPU-work-done event.
for endGpuWorkIndex < len(endOfGpuWorkEvents) &&
endOfGpuWorkEvents[endGpuWorkIndex].Start < startOfGpuTime {
if endGpuWorkIndex >= len(endOfGpuWorkEvents) {
endOfGpuTime := endOfGpuWorkEvents[endGpuWorkIndex].Start
// Find next VSYNC after GPU finished.
for vsyncIndex < len(vsyncEvents) &&
vsyncEvents[vsyncIndex].Start < endOfGpuTime {
if vsyncIndex >= len(vsyncEvents) {
displayTime := vsyncEvents[vsyncIndex].Start
// Calculate results.
presentToDisplayLatency := displayTime - expectedPresentationTime
schedToApplyLatency := applyTimeEnd - scheduleRequestTime
applyToDisplayLatency := displayTime - applyTimeStart
presentToDisplayLatencies = append(presentToDisplayLatencies, presentToDisplayLatency)
schedToApplyLatencies = append(schedToApplyLatencies, schedToApplyLatency)
applyToDisplayLatencies = append(applyToDisplayLatencies, applyToDisplayLatency)
presentToDisplayLatencies = convertMicrosToMillis(presentToDisplayLatencies)
schedToApplyLatencies = convertMicrosToMillis(schedToApplyLatencies)
applyToDisplayLatencies = convertMicrosToMillis(applyToDisplayLatencies)
return sessionLatencies{
func reportFrameStats(model benchmarking.Model, testSuite string, testResultsFile *benchmarking.TestResultsFile) {
cat := "gfx"
renderStartedEventName := "Render start"
renderStartedEvents := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &cat, Name: &renderStartedEventName})
framePresentedEventName := "FramePresented"
framePresentedEvents := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &cat, Name: &framePresentedEventName})
frameDroppedEventName := "FrameDropped"
frameDroppedEvents := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &cat, Name: &frameDroppedEventName})
timestampedVsyncEventName := "Display::OnVsync"
timestampedVsyncEvents := model.FindEvents(benchmarking.EventsFilter{Cat: &cat, Name: &timestampedVsyncEventName})
framePresentedIndex := 0
missedPredictions := 0
const thresholdInNanos = 2000000.0
frameNumberString := "frame_number"
expectedPresentationTimeString := "Expected presentation time"
presentedTimeString := "presentation time"
timestampString := "Timestamp"
// Check that events are well formed.
if len(renderStartedEvents) == 0 {
panic("No render started events found")
_, ok := renderStartedEvents[0].Args[frameNumberString].(float64)
if !ok {
panic("No frame number argument found for render started event")
_, ok = renderStartedEvents[0].Args[expectedPresentationTimeString].(float64)
if !ok {
panic("No expected presentation time argument found")
if len(framePresentedEvents) == 0 {
panic("No frame presented events found")
_, ok = framePresentedEvents[0].Args[frameNumberString].(float64)
if !ok {
panic("No frame number argument found for frame presented event")
_, ok = framePresentedEvents[0].Args[presentedTimeString].(float64)
if !ok {
panic("No time presented argument found")
if len(timestampedVsyncEvents) == 0 {
panic("No timestamped vsync events found")
_, ok = timestampedVsyncEvents[0].Args[timestampString].(float64)
if !ok {
panic("No timestamp argument found")
for _, renderStartEvent := range renderStartedEvents {
frameNumber := renderStartEvent.Args[frameNumberString].(float64)
renderStartTime := renderStartEvent.Start
// Find the corresponding frame presented event.
for framePresentedIndex < len(framePresentedEvents) &&
framePresentedEvents[framePresentedIndex].Args[frameNumberString].(float64) < frameNumber {
// If no more presents, we're done.
if framePresentedIndex >= len(framePresentedEvents) {
// Check for delayed frames.
expectedTime := renderStartEvent.Args[expectedPresentationTimeString].(float64)
presentedTime := framePresentedEvents[framePresentedIndex].Args[presentedTimeString].(float64)
if presentedTime-expectedTime > thresholdInNanos {
// Find first vsync after render start.
vsyncIndex := 0
for vsyncIndex < len(timestampedVsyncEvents) && timestampedVsyncEvents[vsyncIndex].Start < renderStartTime {
// Find vsync actually presented on.
vsyncCount := 0
for vsyncIndex < len(timestampedVsyncEvents) && timestampedVsyncEvents[vsyncIndex].Args[timestampString].(float64) != presentedTime {
if vsyncIndex > len(timestampedVsyncEvents) {
missedPredictions += vsyncCount
framesDrawn := len(framePresentedEvents)
framesDropped := len(frameDroppedEvents)
vsyncCount := 0
firstRenderStartedTime := renderStartedEvents[0].Start
lastPresentedTime := framePresentedEvents[len(framePresentedEvents)-1].Start
if len(frameDroppedEvents) > 0 {
lastPresentedTime = math.Max(lastPresentedTime, frameDroppedEvents[len(frameDroppedEvents)-1].Start)
for _, vsync := range timestampedVsyncEvents {
if vsync.Start >= lastPresentedTime {
if vsync.Start > firstRenderStartedTime {
emptyVsyncs := vsyncCount - (framesDrawn + framesDropped)
framesDelayed := missedPredictions - framesDropped
Frames drawn: %d
Frames mispredicted: %d
Frames dropped: %d
Frames delayed: %d
Vsync intervals with no render started: %d
framesDrawn, missedPredictions, framesDropped, framesDelayed, emptyVsyncs)
Label: "scenic_total_frames_drawn",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Count,
Values: []float64{jsonFloat(float64(framesDrawn))},
Label: "scenic_total_mispredicted_frames",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Count,
Values: []float64{jsonFloat(float64(missedPredictions))},
Label: "scenic_total_frames_dropped",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Count,
Values: []float64{jsonFloat(float64(framesDropped))},
Label: "scenic_total_frames_delayed",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Count,
Values: []float64{jsonFloat(float64(framesDelayed))},
Label: "scenic_total_empty_vsync_intervals",
TestSuite: testSuite,
Unit: benchmarking.Count,
Values: []float64{jsonFloat(float64(emptyVsyncs))},