blob: 62816bccee6c4431f7785f9e6fcfb576f7f4def8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "fragment-proxy.h"
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <memory>
#include <ddk/debug.h>
#include <ddk/trace/event.h>
namespace fragment {
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::Create(void* ctx, zx_device_t* parent, const char* name,
const char* args, zx_handle_t raw_rpc) {
zx::channel rpc(raw_rpc);
auto dev = std::make_unique<FragmentProxy>(parent, std::move(rpc));
auto status = dev->DdkAdd("fragment-proxy", DEVICE_ADD_NON_BINDABLE);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
// devmgr owns the memory now
__UNUSED auto ptr = dev.release();
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::DdkGetProtocol(uint32_t proto_id, void* out) {
auto* proto = static_cast<ddk::AnyProtocol*>(out);
proto->ctx = this;
switch (proto_id) {
proto->ops = &amlogic_canvas_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &buttons_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &clock_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &eth_board_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &gpio_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &i2c_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &codec_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &pdev_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &power_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &pwm_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &spi_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &sysmem_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &tee_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
proto->ops = &usb_mode_switch_protocol_ops_;
return ZX_OK;
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s unsupported protocol \'%u\'", __func__, proto_id);
void FragmentProxy::DdkUnbindNew(ddk::UnbindTxn txn) { txn.Reply(); }
void FragmentProxy::DdkRelease() { delete this; }
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::Rpc(const ProxyRequest* req, size_t req_length, ProxyResponse* resp,
size_t resp_length, const zx_handle_t* in_handles,
size_t in_handle_count, zx_handle_t* out_handles,
size_t out_handle_count, size_t* out_actual) {
uint32_t resp_size, handle_count;
zx_channel_call_args_t args = {
.wr_bytes = req,
.wr_handles = in_handles,
.rd_bytes = resp,
.rd_handles = out_handles,
.wr_num_bytes = static_cast<uint32_t>(req_length),
.wr_num_handles = static_cast<uint32_t>(in_handle_count),
.rd_num_bytes = static_cast<uint32_t>(resp_length),
.rd_num_handles = static_cast<uint32_t>(out_handle_count),
auto status =, zx::time::infinite(), &args, &resp_size, &handle_count);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
status = resp->status;
if (status == ZX_OK && resp_size < sizeof(*resp)) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "PlatformProxy::Rpc resp_size too short: %u", resp_size);
goto fail;
} else if (status == ZX_OK && handle_count != out_handle_count) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "PlatformProxy::Rpc handle count %u expected %zu", handle_count,
goto fail;
if (out_actual) {
*out_actual = resp_size;
if (status != ZX_OK) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handle_count; i++) {
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::AmlogicCanvasConfig(zx::vmo vmo, size_t offset,
const canvas_info_t* info, uint8_t* out_canvas_idx) {
AmlogicCanvasProxyRequest req = {};
AmlogicCanvasProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_AMLOGIC_CANVAS;
req.op = AmlogicCanvasOp::CONFIG;
req.offset = offset; = *info;
zx_handle_t handle = vmo.release();
auto status =
Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp), &handle, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out_canvas_idx = resp.canvas_idx;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::AmlogicCanvasFree(uint8_t canvas_idx) {
AmlogicCanvasProxyRequest req = {};
AmlogicCanvasProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_AMLOGIC_CANVAS;
req.op = AmlogicCanvasOp::FREE;
req.canvas_idx = canvas_idx;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ButtonsGetChannel(zx::channel chan) {
ButtonsProxyRequest req = {};
ButtonsProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_BUTTONS;
req.op = ButtonsOp::GET_NOTIFY_CHANNEL;
zx_handle_t handle = chan.release();
auto status =
Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp), &handle, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ClockEnable() {
ClockProxyRequest req = {};
ClockProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CLOCK;
req.op = ClockOp::ENABLE;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ClockDisable() {
ClockProxyRequest req = {};
ClockProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CLOCK;
req.op = ClockOp::DISABLE;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ClockIsEnabled(bool* out_enabled) {
ClockProxyRequest req = {};
ClockProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CLOCK;
req.op = ClockOp::IS_ENABLED;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status == ZX_OK) {
*out_enabled = resp.is_enabled;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ClockSetRate(uint64_t hz) {
ClockProxyRequest req = {};
ClockProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CLOCK;
req.op = ClockOp::SET_RATE;
req.rate = hz;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ClockQuerySupportedRate(uint64_t max_rate,
uint64_t* out_max_supported_rate) {
ClockProxyRequest req = {};
ClockProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CLOCK;
req.rate = max_rate;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status == ZX_OK) {
*out_max_supported_rate = resp.rate;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ClockGetRate(uint64_t* out_current_rate) {
ClockProxyRequest req = {};
ClockProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CLOCK;
req.op = ClockOp::GET_RATE;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status == ZX_OK) {
*out_current_rate = resp.rate;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ClockSetInput(uint32_t idx) {
ClockProxyRequest req = {};
ClockProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CLOCK;
req.op = ClockOp::SET_INPUT;
req.input_idx = idx;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ClockGetNumInputs(uint32_t* out_num_inputs) {
ClockProxyRequest req = {};
ClockProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CLOCK;
req.op = ClockOp::GET_NUM_INPUTS;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status == ZX_OK) {
*out_num_inputs = resp.num_inputs;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::ClockGetInput(uint32_t* out_current_input) {
ClockProxyRequest req = {};
ClockProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CLOCK;
req.op = ClockOp::GET_INPUT;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status == ZX_OK) {
*out_current_input = resp.current_input;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::EthBoardResetPhy() {
EthBoardProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_ETH_BOARD;
req.op = EthBoardOp::RESET_PHY;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp));
void FragmentProxy::CodecReset(codec_reset_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::RESET;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp));
callback(cookie, status);
void FragmentProxy::CodecGetInfo(codec_get_info_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecProxyRequest req = {};
CodecInfoProxyResponse resp = {};
info_t info = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::GET_INFO;
Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
info.unique_id = resp.unique_id;
info.manufacturer = resp.manufacturer;
info.product_name = resp.product_name;
callback(cookie, &info);
void FragmentProxy::CodecIsBridgeable(codec_is_bridgeable_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecProxyRequest req = {};
CodecIsBridgeableProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::IS_BRIDGEABLE;
Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
callback(cookie, resp.supports_bridged_mode);
void FragmentProxy::CodecSetBridgedMode(bool enable_bridged_mode,
codec_set_bridged_mode_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecSetBridgedProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::SET_BRIDGED_MODE;
req.enable_bridged_mode = enable_bridged_mode;
Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp));
void FragmentProxy::CodecGetDaiFormats(codec_get_dai_formats_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecProxyRequest req = {};
uint8_t resp_buffer[kProxyMaxTransferSize];
auto* resp = reinterpret_cast<ProxyResponse*>(resp_buffer);
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::GET_DAI_FORMATS;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), resp, kProxyMaxTransferSize);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
callback(cookie, status, nullptr, 0);
auto* p = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(resp + 1);
size_t n_formats = *reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(p);
p += sizeof(size_t);
auto* formats = reinterpret_cast<dai_supported_formats_t*>(p);
p += sizeof(dai_supported_formats_t) * n_formats;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_formats; ++i) {
formats[i].number_of_channels_list = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(p);
p += formats[i].number_of_channels_count * sizeof(uint32_t);
formats[i].sample_formats_list = reinterpret_cast<sample_format_t*>(p);
p += formats[i].sample_formats_count * sizeof(sample_format_t);
formats[i].justify_formats_list = reinterpret_cast<justify_format_t*>(p);
p += formats[i].justify_formats_count * sizeof(justify_format_t);
formats[i].frame_rates_list = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(p);
p += formats[i].frame_rates_count * sizeof(uint32_t);
formats[i].bits_per_channel_list = p;
p += formats[i].bits_per_channel_count * sizeof(uint8_t);
formats[i].bits_per_sample_list = p;
p += formats[i].bits_per_sample_count * sizeof(uint8_t);
callback(cookie, status, formats, n_formats);
void FragmentProxy::CodecSetDaiFormat(const dai_format_t* format,
codec_set_dai_format_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecDaiFormatProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::SET_DAI_FORMAT;
req.format = *format;
if (format->channels_to_use_count > kMaxChannels) {
callback(cookie, ZX_ERR_INTERNAL);
for (size_t i = 0; i < format->channels_to_use_count; ++i) {
req.channels_to_use[i] = format->channels_to_use_list[i];
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp));
callback(cookie, status);
void FragmentProxy::CodecGetGainFormat(codec_get_gain_format_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecProxyRequest req = {};
CodecGainFormatProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::GET_GAIN_FORMAT;
Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
callback(cookie, &resp.format);
void FragmentProxy::CodecGetGainState(codec_get_gain_state_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecProxyRequest req = {};
CodecGainStateProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::GET_GAIN_STATE;
Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
callback(cookie, &resp.state);
void FragmentProxy::CodecSetGainState(const gain_state_t* gain_state,
codec_set_gain_state_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecGainStateProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::SET_GAIN_STATE;
req.state = *gain_state;
Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp));
void FragmentProxy::CodecGetPlugState(codec_get_plug_state_callback callback, void* cookie) {
CodecProxyRequest req = {};
CodecPlugStateProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_CODEC;
req.op = CodecOp::GET_PLUG_STATE;
Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
callback(cookie, &resp.plug_state);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::GpioConfigIn(uint32_t flags) {
GpioProxyRequest req = {};
GpioProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_GPIO;
req.op = GpioOp::CONFIG_IN;
req.flags = flags;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::GpioConfigOut(uint8_t initial_value) {
GpioProxyRequest req = {};
GpioProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_GPIO;
req.op = GpioOp::CONFIG_OUT;
req.value = initial_value;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::GpioSetAltFunction(uint64_t function) {
GpioProxyRequest req = {};
GpioProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_GPIO;
req.op = GpioOp::SET_ALT_FUNCTION;
req.alt_function = function;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::GpioGetInterrupt(uint32_t flags, zx::interrupt* out_irq) {
GpioProxyRequest req = {};
GpioProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_GPIO;
req.op = GpioOp::GET_INTERRUPT;
req.flags = flags;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp), nullptr, 0,
out_irq->reset_and_get_address(), 1, nullptr);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::GpioSetPolarity(uint32_t polarity) {
GpioProxyRequest req = {};
GpioProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_GPIO;
req.op = GpioOp::SET_POLARITY;
req.polarity = polarity;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::GpioReleaseInterrupt() {
GpioProxyRequest req = {};
GpioProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_GPIO;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::GpioRead(uint8_t* out_value) {
GpioProxyRequest req = {};
GpioProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_GPIO;
req.op = GpioOp::READ;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out_value = resp.value;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::GpioWrite(uint8_t value) {
GpioProxyRequest req = {};
GpioProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_GPIO;
req.op = GpioOp::WRITE;
req.value = value;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
void FragmentProxy::I2cTransact(const i2c_op_t* op_list, size_t op_count,
i2c_transact_callback callback, void* cookie) {
size_t writes_length = 0;
size_t reads_length = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < op_count; ++i) {
if (op_list[i].is_read) {
reads_length += op_list[i].data_size;
} else {
writes_length += op_list[i].data_size;
if (!writes_length && !reads_length) {
callback(cookie, ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, nullptr, 0);
size_t req_length = sizeof(I2cProxyRequest) + op_count * sizeof(I2cProxyOp) + writes_length;
if (req_length >= kProxyMaxTransferSize) {
return callback(cookie, ZX_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, nullptr, 0);
TRACE_DURATION("i2c", "I2c FragmentProxy I2cTransact");
uint8_t req_buffer[kProxyMaxTransferSize];
auto req = reinterpret_cast<I2cProxyRequest*>(req_buffer);
req->header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_I2C;
req->op = I2cOp::TRANSACT;
req->op_count = op_count;
req->trace_id = TRACE_NONCE();
TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN("i2c", "I2c FragmentProxy I2cTransact Flow", req->trace_id);
auto rpc_ops = reinterpret_cast<I2cProxyOp*>(&req[1]);
ZX_ASSERT(op_count < I2C_MAX_RW_OPS);
for (size_t i = 0; i < op_count; ++i) {
rpc_ops[i].length = op_list[i].data_size;
rpc_ops[i].is_read = op_list[i].is_read;
rpc_ops[i].stop = op_list[i].stop;
uint8_t* p_writes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(rpc_ops) + op_count * sizeof(I2cProxyOp);
for (size_t i = 0; i < op_count; ++i) {
if (!op_list[i].is_read) {
memcpy(p_writes, op_list[i].data_buffer, op_list[i].data_size);
p_writes += op_list[i].data_size;
const size_t resp_length = sizeof(I2cProxyResponse) + reads_length;
if (resp_length >= kProxyMaxTransferSize) {
callback(cookie, ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, nullptr, 0);
uint8_t resp_buffer[kProxyMaxTransferSize];
auto* rsp = reinterpret_cast<I2cProxyResponse*>(resp_buffer);
size_t actual;
auto status = Rpc(&req->header, static_cast<uint32_t>(req_length), &rsp->header,
static_cast<uint32_t>(resp_length), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, &actual);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
callback(cookie, status, nullptr, 0);
// TODO(voydanoff) This proxying code actually implements i2c_transact synchronously
// due to the fact that it is unsafe to respond asynchronously on the devmgr rxrpc channel.
// In the future we may want to redo the plumbing to allow this to be truly asynchronous.
if (actual != resp_length) {
} else {
status = rsp->header.status;
i2c_op_t read_ops[I2C_MAX_RW_OPS];
size_t read_ops_cnt = 0;
uint8_t* p_reads = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(rsp + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < op_count; ++i) {
if (op_list[i].is_read) {
read_ops[read_ops_cnt] = op_list[i];
read_ops[read_ops_cnt].data_buffer = p_reads;
p_reads += op_list[i].data_size;
callback(cookie, status, read_ops, read_ops_cnt);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::I2cGetMaxTransferSize(size_t* out_size) {
I2cProxyRequest req = {};
I2cProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_I2C;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out_size = resp.size;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::I2cGetInterrupt(uint32_t flags, zx::interrupt* out_irq) {
I2cProxyRequest req = {};
I2cProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_I2C;
req.op = I2cOp::GET_INTERRUPT;
req.flags = flags;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp), nullptr, 0,
out_irq->reset_and_get_address(), 1, nullptr);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PDevGetMmio(uint32_t index, pdev_mmio_t* out_mmio) {
PdevProxyRequest req = {};
PdevProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PDEV;
req.op = PdevOp::GET_MMIO;
req.index = index;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp), nullptr, 0,
&out_mmio->vmo, 1, nullptr);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
out_mmio->offset = resp.offset;
out_mmio->size = resp.size;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PDevGetInterrupt(uint32_t index, uint32_t flags,
zx::interrupt* out_irq) {
PdevProxyRequest req = {};
PdevProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PDEV;
req.op = PdevOp::GET_INTERRUPT;
req.index = index;
req.flags = flags;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp), nullptr, 0,
out_irq->reset_and_get_address(), 1, nullptr);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PDevGetBti(uint32_t index, zx::bti* out_bti) {
PdevProxyRequest req = {};
PdevProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PDEV;
req.op = PdevOp::GET_BTI;
req.index = index;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp), nullptr, 0,
out_bti->reset_and_get_address(), 1, nullptr);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PDevGetSmc(uint32_t index, zx::resource* out_resource) {
PdevProxyRequest req = {};
PdevProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PDEV;
req.op = PdevOp::GET_SMC;
req.index = index;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp), nullptr, 0,
out_resource->reset_and_get_address(), 1, nullptr);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PDevGetDeviceInfo(pdev_device_info_t* out_info) {
PdevProxyRequest req = {};
PdevProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PDEV;
req.op = PdevOp::GET_DEVICE_INFO;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
memcpy(out_info, &resp.device_info, sizeof(*out_info));
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PDevGetBoardInfo(pdev_board_info_t* out_info) {
PdevProxyRequest req = {};
PdevProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PDEV;
req.op = PdevOp::GET_BOARD_INFO;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
memcpy(out_info, &resp.board_info, sizeof(*out_info));
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PDevDeviceAdd(uint32_t index, const device_add_args_t* args,
zx_device_t** device) {
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PDevGetProtocol(uint32_t proto_id, uint32_t index, void* out_protocol,
size_t protocol_size, size_t* protocol_actual) {
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PowerRegisterPowerDomain(uint32_t min_voltage, uint32_t max_voltage) {
PowerProxyRequest req = {};
PowerProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_POWER;
req.op = PowerOp::REGISTER;
req.min_voltage = min_voltage;
req.max_voltage = max_voltage;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PowerUnregisterPowerDomain() {
PowerProxyRequest req = {};
PowerProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_POWER;
req.op = PowerOp::UNREGISTER;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PowerGetPowerDomainStatus(power_domain_status_t* out_status) {
PowerProxyRequest req = {};
PowerProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_POWER;
req.op = PowerOp::GET_STATUS;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out_status = resp.status;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PowerGetSupportedVoltageRange(uint32_t* min_voltage,
uint32_t* max_voltage) {
PowerProxyRequest req = {};
PowerProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_POWER;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*min_voltage = resp.min_voltage;
*max_voltage = resp.max_voltage;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PowerRequestVoltage(uint32_t voltage, uint32_t* actual_voltage) {
PowerProxyRequest req = {};
PowerProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_POWER;
req.op = PowerOp::REQUEST_VOLTAGE;
req.set_voltage = voltage;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*actual_voltage = resp.actual_voltage;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PowerGetCurrentVoltage(uint32_t index, uint32_t* current_voltage) {
PowerProxyRequest req = {};
PowerProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_POWER;
req.op = PowerOp::GET_CURRENT_VOLTAGE;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*current_voltage = resp.current_voltage;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PowerWritePmicCtrlReg(uint32_t reg_addr, uint32_t value) {
PowerProxyRequest req = {};
PowerProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_POWER;
req.op = PowerOp::WRITE_PMIC_CTRL_REG;
req.reg_addr = reg_addr;
req.reg_value = value;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PowerReadPmicCtrlReg(uint32_t reg_addr, uint32_t* out_value) {
PowerProxyRequest req = {};
PowerProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_POWER;
req.op = PowerOp::READ_PMIC_CTRL_REG;
req.reg_addr = reg_addr;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out_value = resp.reg_value;
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PwmGetConfig(pwm_config_t* out_config) {
PwmProxyRequest req = {};
PwmProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PWM;
req.op = PwmOp::GET_CONFIG;
req.config.mode_config_size = out_config->mode_config_size;
auto status = Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
out_config->polarity = resp.config.polarity;
out_config->period_ns = resp.config.period_ns;
out_config->duty_cycle = resp.config.duty_cycle;
out_config->mode_config_size = resp.config.mode_config_size;
memcpy(out_config->mode_config_buffer, resp.mode_cfg, resp.config.mode_config_size);
return status;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PwmSetConfig(const pwm_config_t* config) {
PwmProxyRequest req = {};
PwmProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PWM;
req.op = PwmOp::SET_CONFIG;
req.config = *config;
memcpy(req.mode_cfg, config->mode_config_buffer, config->mode_config_size);
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PwmEnable() {
PwmProxyRequest req = {};
PwmProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PWM;
req.op = PwmOp::ENABLE;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::PwmDisable() {
PwmProxyRequest req = {};
PwmProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_PWM;
req.op = PwmOp::DISABLE;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp.header, sizeof(resp));
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::SpiTransmit(const uint8_t* txdata_list, size_t txdata_count) {
return SpiExchange(txdata_list, txdata_count, NULL, 0, NULL);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::SpiReceive(uint32_t size, uint8_t* out_rxdata_list, size_t rxdata_count,
size_t* out_rxdata_actual) {
return SpiExchange(NULL, 0, out_rxdata_list, size, out_rxdata_actual);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::SpiExchange(const uint8_t* txdata_list, size_t txdata_count,
uint8_t* out_rxdata_list, size_t rxdata_count,
size_t* out_rxdata_actual) {
uint8_t req_buffer[kProxyMaxTransferSize];
auto req = reinterpret_cast<SpiProxyRequest*>(req_buffer);
req->header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_SPI;
if (txdata_count && rxdata_count) {
req->op = SpiOp::EXCHANGE;
req->length = txdata_count;
} else if (txdata_count) {
req->op = SpiOp::TRANSMIT;
req->length = txdata_count;
} else {
req->op = SpiOp::RECEIVE;
req->length = rxdata_count;
size_t req_length = sizeof(SpiProxyRequest) + txdata_count;
if (req_length >= kProxyMaxTransferSize) {
const size_t resp_length = sizeof(SpiProxyResponse) + rxdata_count;
if (req_length >= kProxyMaxTransferSize) {
if (txdata_count) {
uint8_t* p_write = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&req[1]);
memcpy(p_write, txdata_list, txdata_count);
uint8_t resp_buffer[kProxyMaxTransferSize];
auto resp = reinterpret_cast<SpiProxyResponse*>(resp_buffer);
size_t actual;
auto status = Rpc(&req->header, static_cast<uint32_t>(req_length), &resp->header,
static_cast<uint32_t>(resp_length), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, &actual);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (actual != resp_length) {
if (rxdata_count) {
uint8_t* p_read = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&resp[1]);
memcpy(out_rxdata_list, p_read, rxdata_count);
*out_rxdata_actual = rxdata_count;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::SysmemConnect(zx::channel allocator2_request) {
SysmemProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_SYSMEM;
req.op = SysmemOp::CONNECT;
zx_handle_t handle = allocator2_request.release();
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp), &handle, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::SysmemRegisterHeap(uint64_t heap, zx::channel heap_connection) {
SysmemProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_SYSMEM;
req.op = SysmemOp::REGISTER_HEAP;
req.heap = heap;
zx_handle_t handle = heap_connection.release();
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp), &handle, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::SysmemRegisterSecureMem(zx::channel secure_mem_connection) {
SysmemProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_SYSMEM;
req.op = SysmemOp::REGISTER_SECURE_MEM;
zx_handle_t handle = secure_mem_connection.release();
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp), &handle, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::SysmemUnregisterSecureMem() {
SysmemProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_SYSMEM;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::TeeConnect(zx::channel tee_device_request,
zx::channel service_provider) {
TeeProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_TEE;
req.op = TeeOp::CONNECT;
zx_handle_t handles[2] = {tee_device_request.release(), service_provider.release()};
// service_provider is allowed to be ZX_HANDLE_INVALID
uint32_t handle_count = 1;
if (handles[1] != ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) {
handle_count += 1;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp), handles, handle_count, nullptr, 0,
zx_status_t FragmentProxy::UsbModeSwitchSetMode(usb_mode_t mode) {
UsbModeSwitchProxyRequest req = {};
ProxyResponse resp = {};
req.header.proto_id = ZX_PROTOCOL_USB_MODE_SWITCH;
req.op = UsbModeSwitchOp::SET_MODE;
req.mode = mode;
return Rpc(&req.header, sizeof(req), &resp, sizeof(resp));
const zx_driver_ops_t driver_ops = []() {
zx_driver_ops_t ops = {};
ops.version = DRIVER_OPS_VERSION;
ops.create = FragmentProxy::Create;
return ops;
} // namespace fragment
ZIRCON_DRIVER_BEGIN(fragment_proxy, fragment::driver_ops, "zircon", "0.1", 1)
// Unmatchable. This is loaded via the proxy driver mechanism instead of the binding process