blob: a9e5ddd6120debdddda60b60bc1b8c9d7ac5e78b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.accessibility;
using koid = uint64;
// A semantics root is an interface implemented by an accessibility manager. It stores semantic
// information on a per-view basis as supplied by front-ends. Each frontend pushes its semantic tree
// to the manager, which stores this data. In future, the manager will also forward this data to
// relevant client services. It also acts as a place for the manager to call actions on front-ends.
// This is a stub implementation and is currently a work in progress.
protocol SemanticsRoot {
// Registers a frontend with a view id to the root. To correlate views with their associated
// clients, the semantic root uses view KOIDs as unique identifiers. All future updates that a
// frontend makes need to include the view id. The frontend is required to pass a
// SemanticsProvider interface on registration for the manager to call front-end accessibility
// actions. Providers need to re-register on connection error.
koid view_id,
SemanticsProvider provider);
// Commits changes to node tree associated with the view_id using
// UpdateSemanticNodes and DeleteSemanticNodes. This function must
// always be called at the end of a full update push to signal the end of an update.
// No-op if the client did not register that ID.
// This commit system is used to allow for atomic changes of the tree that
// exceed the FIDL transfer limit and allows both updates and deletes as part
// of one commit. We give front-ends the responsibility of splitting a full update
// into multiple update and delete calls that do not exceed FIDL transfer data limits.
Commit(koid view_id);
// Sends new/updated nodes to the root to add to the cache on the next commit.
// No-op if the client did not register that ID.
UpdateSemanticNodes(koid view_id, vector<Node> nodes);
// Tells the root to remove nodes with node_ids from the frontend referenced by
// view_id on the next commit. No-op if the client did not register that ID.
DeleteSemanticNodes(koid view_id, vector<int32> node_ids);
// A semantic provider is the client-side interface that the manager can use to
// ask clients to perform accessibility actions.
protocol SemanticsProvider {
// Asks the semantics provider to perform an accessibility action on the
// node with node id in the front-end.
PerformAccessibilityAction(int32 node_id, Action action);