blob: 51ed7549a42de702f12e463149b29162a41343d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.modular;
// Allows clients to subscribe to different Suggestion "channels" and iterate
// through the results. Supports both passive consumption of Suggestions based
// on contextual changes, as well as Suggestions derived from user-driven
// "Asks".
protocol SuggestionProvider {
// Creates a subscription to the "interruptions" category of Suggestions.
// Interruptions are delivered immediately once they become available, and are
// potentially unlimited in number.
// Closing the |listener| pipe terminates the subscription.
// Any user interactions received by the client should be forwarded to the
// SuggestionService by calling NotifyInteraction().
SubscribeToInterruptions(InterruptionListener listener);
// Creates a subscription to "Next" Suggestions, with changes sent to
// |listener|. A maximum of |count| suggestions will be returned. To
// change the count, call this method again with a new count.
// Closing the the |listener| pipe terminates the subscription.
SubscribeToNext(NextListener listener, int32 count);
// Must be called when the user initiates a query for suggestions, perhaps
// as an “Ask” or a scoped suggestion. Results are sent to |listener|. Changes
// to the query should be communicated by closing the previous |listener| and
// calling the method again with the new query.
// Closing the |listener| pipe signals to the SuggestionService that the query
// has been completed or canceled.
Query(QueryListener listener, UserInput query, int32 count);
// Notifies the suggestion engine that the user has interacted with the given
// Suggestion in the manner described in |interaction|.
NotifyInteraction(string suggestion_uuid, Interaction interaction);
// Creates a subscription to a "navigation" suggestion.
// Like an interruption, the navigation based suggestion will be provided as
// soon as it's available.
SubscribeToNavigation(NavigationListener listener);
// The navigation action requested to be performed
enum NavigationAction {
// Navigate to the overview or home screen
HOME = 1;
// Navigate to the cover story
// Launch the full settings
protocol NavigationListener {
// Notifies the user interface to perform the navigation requested
OnNavigation(NavigationAction action);
protocol InterruptionListener {
// Notifies the user interface to interrupt the user
OnInterrupt(Suggestion suggestion);
protocol NextListener {
// Notifies the user interface that the passive suggestion results have been
// updated. This is called every time the suggestion results change.
OnNextResults(vector<Suggestion> suggestions);
// Notifies the user interface when processing is occurring on the passive
// suggestions, which may result in additions or re-ranking. The UI may
// wish to show a spinner during this time.
OnProcessingChange(bool processing);
protocol QueryListener {
// Notifies the user interface that new suggestion results are available.
// This may be called multiple times if the suggestion results are updated.
OnQueryResults(vector<Suggestion> suggestions);
// Notifies the user interface that query processing is completed.
enum InteractionType {
// Set when a suggestion was accepted by the user. In the case of an
// interruption, it won't be placed in the next suggestions.
// Set when a suggestion was removed by the user. In the case of an
// interruption, it won't be placed in the next suggestions and in the case of
// a non-interruptive suggestion it will be removed from it.
// Set when a suggestion was hidden by the user. An interruption that is
// snoozed will be placed in next.
// Note: as of 08/03/2018 this interaction is only defined for interruptions.
// TODO(miguelfrde): define for regular suggestions.
// Set when a suggestion is hidden by the session shell with no user interaction.
// An interruption that is expired is placed in the next space.
// This has no effect on regular suggestions, only on interruptions.
struct Interaction {
InteractionType type;
// TODO(thatguy): Include parameters for each type of interaction where
// applicable. Consider making this a union in lieu of the struct/enum combo.
struct Suggestion {
// Uniquely and globally identifies this Suggestion.
string uuid;
// The probability that a given suggestion would be selected if it were the
// only suggestion shown to the user.
float32 confidence;
// Story id for a rich suggestion. Session shell may opt to start and compose the
// story's UI as the suggestion display, instead of making use of the properties
// in |display|.
string? preloaded_story_id;
// Display properties of the Suggestion
SuggestionDisplay display;
// *** Speech Section ***
// TODO(jwnichols): Move these into a separate speech service. It is
// convenient to have them here now, but this is not a good long term
// solution.
// Encodes the valid states of an Ask, including spoken phases. States include
// those used for interpreting speech to text as well as for when the system is
// querying handlers or generating audio output.
// All state transitions are valid.
// TODO(rosswang): These states might be pertinent to non-speech flows as well.
// TODO(rosswang): |IDLE| vs. |PROCESSING| is going to become the
// |OnProcessingChanged| state event on |SuggestionHandler| soon.
enum SpeechStatus {
// Exchange complete or not started
IDLE = 0;
// Query sent, awaiting results
// System speaking
// TODO(rosswang): This is very temporary. Probably next week, OnStatusChanged
// will be split between the |TranscriptionListener| lifecycle and
// |SuggestionListener|'s |onProcessingChanged|. |OnTextResponse will probably
// be part of the callback on |Query|.
protocol FeedbackListener {
// Called every time the internal |SpeechStatus| changes.
OnStatusChanged(SpeechStatus status);
// TODO(rosswang): OnAudioResponse method (or fold it into OnTextResponse),
// once it becomes trivial for SysUI to implement it. This would allow SysUI
// to make a determination as to whether playback is warranted. For now, let
// Suggestion Engine handle the playback. A possible next step could be to add
// OnAudioResponse with a method to start playback.
// Receives a text representation of the spoken response. This method is
// called at the beginning of the |RESPONDING| phase.
OnTextResponse(string response_text);