blob: 3b8164ab64f41fc298f581863515107fc746d1e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.modular;
protocol ContextWriter {
// Creates and returns a ContextValueWriter for a future value of |type|,
// allowing the client to set and update the contents at a later time. The
// value is removed from the Context service when |value_writer| is closed or
// a connection error occurs.
CreateValue(request<ContextValueWriter> value_writer, ContextValueType type);
// This method is here to make transitioning from topic-based context
// publishing to CreateValue() easier and will be removed eventually.
// Internally, calls CreateValue() with type = ContextValueType.ENTITY,
// and sets metadata.entity.topic = topic, unless WriteEntityTopic() was
// called already on this instance with the same |topic| value. In that case,
// performs an upate instead of adding a new value.
// Leaving |value| null removes the topic value from the Context service.
// TODO(thatguy): Remove this method and replace its behavior with
// client-side library methods.
WriteEntityTopic(string topic, string? value);
protocol ContextValueWriter {
// Like ContextWriter.CreateValue(), but creates the new value as a child to
// this value.
// TODO(thatguy): What is the lifetime relationship between these two values?
// Ie, does removing the parent remove all its children?
CreateChildValue(request<ContextValueWriter> value_writer, ContextValueType type);
// Updates the content and/or metadata of this value. If either |content| or
// |metadata| are left null, the existing values will remain.
Set(string? content, ContextMetadata? metadata);