blob: 3518e55c44e625afc92b14a0e54200ec706cbb8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "arch/x86/user_copy.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <lib/code_patching.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <arch/user_copy.h>
#include <arch/x86.h>
#include <arch/x86/feature.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
CODE_TEMPLATE(kStacInstruction, "stac")
CODE_TEMPLATE(kClacInstruction, "clac")
static const uint8_t kNopInstruction = 0x90;
extern "C" {
void fill_out_stac_instruction(const CodePatchInfo* patch) {
const size_t kSize = 3;
DEBUG_ASSERT(patch->dest_size == kSize);
DEBUG_ASSERT(kStacInstructionEnd - kStacInstruction == kSize);
if (g_x86_feature_has_smap) {
memcpy(patch->dest_addr, kStacInstruction, kSize);
} else {
memset(patch->dest_addr, kNopInstruction, kSize);
void fill_out_clac_instruction(const CodePatchInfo* patch) {
const size_t kSize = 3;
DEBUG_ASSERT(patch->dest_size == kSize);
DEBUG_ASSERT(kClacInstructionEnd - kClacInstruction == kSize);
if (g_x86_feature_has_smap) {
memcpy(patch->dest_addr, kClacInstruction, kSize);
} else {
memset(patch->dest_addr, kNopInstruction, kSize);
void x86_usercopy_select(const CodePatchInfo* patch) {
// The user copy patch area is 16-byte aligned; make sure the block is 16-bytes in size too, to
// ensure that the jump that exits it jumps to a 16-byte aligned address, per recommendations in
// the AMD Family 17h and the Intel Optimization guides.
const size_t kSize = 16;
DEBUG_ASSERT(patch->dest_size == kSize);
memset(patch->dest_addr, kNopInstruction, kSize);
if (x86_feature_test(X86_FEATURE_ERMS) ||
(x86_get_microarch_config()->x86_microarch == X86_MICROARCH_AMD_ZEN)) {
patch->dest_addr[0] = 0xf3; // rep movsb %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
patch->dest_addr[1] = 0xa4;
} else {
patch->dest_addr[0] = 0x48; // shrq $3, %rcx
patch->dest_addr[1] = 0xc1;
patch->dest_addr[2] = 0xe9;
patch->dest_addr[3] = 0x03;
patch->dest_addr[4] = 0xf3; // rep movsq %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
patch->dest_addr[5] = 0x48;
patch->dest_addr[6] = 0xa5;
patch->dest_addr[7] = 0x83; // andl $7, %edx
patch->dest_addr[8] = 0xe2;
patch->dest_addr[9] = 0x07;
patch->dest_addr[10] = 0x74; // je +04 -- jumps to aligned 16by after this fragment
patch->dest_addr[11] = 0x04;
patch->dest_addr[12] = 0x89; // movl %edx, %ecx
patch->dest_addr[13] = 0xd1;
patch->dest_addr[14] = 0xf3; // rep movsb %ds:(%rsi),%es:(%rdi)
patch->dest_addr[15] = 0xa4;
static inline bool ac_flag(void) { return x86_save_flags() & X86_FLAGS_AC; }
static bool can_access(const void* base, size_t len) {
LTRACEF("can_access: base %p, len %zu\n", base, len);
// We don't care about whether pages are actually mapped or what their
// permissions are, as long as they are in the user address space. We
// rely on a page fault occurring if an actual permissions error occurs.
DEBUG_ASSERT(x86_get_cr0() & X86_CR0_WP);
return is_user_address_range(reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(base), len);
static X64CopyToFromUserRet _arch_copy_from_user(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len,
uint64_t fault_return_mask) {
// If we have the SMAP feature, then AC should only be set when running
// _x86_copy_to_or_from_user. If we don't have the SMAP feature, then we don't care if AC is set
// or not.
DEBUG_ASSERT(!g_x86_feature_has_smap || !ac_flag());
if (!can_access(src, len))
return (X64CopyToFromUserRet){.status = ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, .pf_flags = 0, .pf_va = 0};
// Spectre V1 - force resolution of can_access() before attempting to copy from user memory.
// A poisoned conditional branch predictor can be used to force the kernel to read any kernel
// address (speculatively); dependent operations can leak the values read-in.
__asm__ __volatile__("lfence" ::: "memory");
thread_t* thr = get_current_thread();
X64CopyToFromUserRet ret =
_x86_copy_to_or_from_user(dst, src, len, &thr->arch.page_fault_resume, fault_return_mask);
DEBUG_ASSERT(!g_x86_feature_has_smap || !ac_flag());
return ret;
zx_status_t arch_copy_from_user(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len) {
return _arch_copy_from_user(dst, src, len, X86_USER_COPY_DO_FAULTS).status;
zx_status_t arch_copy_from_user_capture_faults(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len,
vaddr_t* pf_va, uint* pf_flags) {
X64CopyToFromUserRet ret = _arch_copy_from_user(dst, src, len, X86_USER_COPY_CAPTURE_FAULTS);
// If a fault didn't occur, and ret.status == ZX_OK, this will copy garbage data. It is the
// responsibility of the caller to check the status and ignore.
*pf_va = ret.pf_va;
*pf_flags = ret.pf_flags;
return ret.status;
static X64CopyToFromUserRet _arch_copy_to_user(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len,
uint64_t fault_return_mask) {
// If we have the SMAP feature, then AC should only be set when running
// _x86_copy_to_or_from_user. If we don't have the SMAP feature, then we don't care if AC is set
// or not.
DEBUG_ASSERT(!g_x86_feature_has_smap || !ac_flag());
if (!can_access(dst, len))
return (X64CopyToFromUserRet){.status = ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, .pf_flags = 0, .pf_va = 0};
thread_t* thr = get_current_thread();
X64CopyToFromUserRet ret =
_x86_copy_to_or_from_user(dst, src, len, &thr->arch.page_fault_resume, fault_return_mask);
DEBUG_ASSERT(!g_x86_feature_has_smap || !ac_flag());
return ret;
zx_status_t arch_copy_to_user(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len) {
return _arch_copy_to_user(dst, src, len, X86_USER_COPY_DO_FAULTS).status;
zx_status_t arch_copy_to_user_capture_faults(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len, vaddr_t* pf_va,
uint* pf_flags) {
X64CopyToFromUserRet ret = _arch_copy_to_user(dst, src, len, X86_USER_COPY_CAPTURE_FAULTS);
// If a fault didn't occur, and ret.status == ZX_OK, this will copy garbage data. It is the
// responsibility of the caller to check the status and ignore.
*pf_va = ret.pf_va;
*pf_flags = ret.pf_flags;
return ret.status;