blob: d3816b47d9e6851302f320e65b12b9d118073871 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import itertools
import json
import os
import re
import sys
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
SCRIPTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR)
FUCHSIA_ROOT = os.path.dirname(SCRIPTS_DIR)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(FUCHSIA_ROOT, 'build', 'images'))
import elfinfo
# The maximum number of size percentage points a binary is allowed to drop.
# A greater amount will raise a flag.
# The maximum number of size percentage points a binary is allowed to gain.
# A greater amount will raise a flag.
class TypeBody(object):
def __init__(self, name, is_manifest): = name
self.is_manifest = is_manifest
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
def __eq__(self, other):
return ==
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return 'T[%s]' %
def load_data(self, build_dir, origin):
if self.is_manifest:
path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'obj', 'build', 'unification',
'%s-%s.unification.manifest' % (origin,
with open(path, 'r') as manifest_file:
contents = dict(map(lambda line: line.strip().split('=', 1),
contents = dict([(k, os.path.join(build_dir, v))
for k, v in contents.iteritems()])
return Manifest(origin, self, contents)
elif == 'fuzzers':
path = os.path.join(build_dir, '%s_zircon_fuzzers.json' % origin)
with open(path, 'r') as manifest_file:
contents = json.load(manifest_file)
fuzzers = list(set([i.replace('-fuzzer.asan-ubsan', '')
.replace('-fuzzer.asan', '')
.replace('-fuzzer.ubsan', '')
for i in contents]))
return Manifest(origin, self, fuzzers)
elif == 'host_tests':
path = os.path.join(build_dir,
'%s_zircon_host_tests.json' % origin)
with open(path, 'r') as manifest_file:
contents = json.load(manifest_file)
return Manifest(origin, self, contents)
raise Exception('Unhandled type: ' + self)
def to_json(self):
class Type(object):
AUX = TypeBody('aux', True)
FUZZERS = TypeBody('fuzzers', False)
HOST_TESTS = TypeBody('host_tests', False)
IMAGE = TypeBody('image', True)
TESTS = TypeBody('tests', True)
def all(cls): return [cls.AUX, cls.FUZZERS, cls.HOST_TESTS, cls.IMAGE, cls.TESTS]
def manifests(cls): return [t for t in cls.all() if t.is_manifest]
class Origin(object):
LEGACY = 'legacy'
MIGRATED = 'migrated'
def all(cls): return [cls.LEGACY, cls.MIGRATED]
class Manifest(object):
'''Lists the contents of a manifest file'''
def __init__(self, origin, type, contents):
self.origin = origin
self.type = type
self.contents = contents
def __repr__(self):
return 'M[%s-%s]' % (self.origin, self.type)
class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, object):
if (isinstance(object, FileDataSet) or
isinstance(object, FileData) or
isinstance(object, TypeBody)):
return object.to_json()
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, object)
class FileData(object):
'''Represents a file referred to in a manifest.'''
def __init__(self, path, size=None, libs=None):
self.path = path
self.size = size if size else os.path.getsize(path)
if libs != None:
self.libs = set(libs)
info = elfinfo.get_elf_info(path)
self.libs = info.needed if info else set()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.path == other.path
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return len(hash(self.path))
def __repr__(self):
return 'F[' + self.path + ']'
def to_json(self):
return {
'path': self.path,
'size': self.size,
'libs': sorted(self.libs),
def from_json(cls, input):
return FileData(input['path'], input['size'], input['libs'])
class FileDataSet(object):
'''Represents a set of files.'''
def __init__(self):
# map { name --> FileData }
self.files = {}
def add(self, name, file):
if name == 'lib/':
# libdriver is a complicated hydra whose many heads we don't need to
# worry about here.
if name in self.files and file != self.files[name]:
print('Error: different file under path ' + name + ':')
print(' - ' + str(file))
print(' - ' + str(self.files[name]))
self.files[name] = file
def filenames(self):
return set(self.files.keys())
def get_file(self, name):
return self.files[name]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.files)
def to_json(self):
return self.files
def from_json(cls, input):
result = FileDataSet()
for name, data in input.iteritems():
result.add(name, FileData.from_json(data))
return result
class Summary(object):
'''Data for a particular state of the build.'''
def __init__(self):
# map { type --> FileDataSet | list }
self.objects = {}
def add_objects(self, type, objects):
if isinstance(objects, dict):
dataset = self.objects.setdefault(type, FileDataSet())
for name, path in objects.iteritems():
dataset.add(name, FileData(path))
elif isinstance(objects, list):
dataset = self.objects.setdefault(type, [])
self.objects[type] = sorted(set(dataset + objects))
def get_objects(self, type):
return self.objects[type]
def __repr__(self):
items = ['%s=%s' % (t, len(o)) for (t, o) in self.objects.iteritems()]
return 'S[' + ', '.join(items) + ']'
def to_json(self, output):
data = dict([(str(k), v) for k, v in self.objects.iteritems()])
json.dump(data, output, cls=CustomJSONEncoder, indent=2,
sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': '))
def from_json(cls, input):
result = Summary()
data = json.load(input)
for type in Type.manifests():
result.objects[type] = FileDataSet.from_json(data[str(type)])
result.objects[Type.HOST_TESTS] = data[str(Type.HOST_TESTS)]
result.objects[Type.FUZZERS] = data[str(Type.FUZZERS)]
return result
def generate_summary(manifests):
'''Generates a summary based on the manifests found in the build.'''
result = Summary()
for type in Type.all():
for manifest in filter(lambda m: m.type == type, manifests):
result.add_objects(type, manifest.contents)
return result
def report(manifest, is_error, message):
type = 'Error' if is_error else 'Warning'
print('%s%s%s' % (type.ljust(10), str(manifest).ljust(12), message))
def print_size(value):
for unit in ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G']:
if abs(value) < 1024.0:
return '%3.1f%s' % (value, unit)
value /= 1024.0
return '%.1f%s' % (value, 'T')
def compare_summaries(reference, current):
'''Compares summaries for two states of the build.'''
has_errors = False
has_warnings = False
all_fuzzers_present = True # Should be a list of changed fuzzers, really
# Fuzzers
reference_fuzzers = set(reference.get_objects(Type.FUZZERS))
current_fuzzers = set(current.get_objects(Type.FUZZERS))
if reference_fuzzers != current_fuzzers:
all_fuzzers_present = False
has_errors = True
for fuzzer in reference_fuzzers - current_fuzzers:
report(Type.FUZZERS, True, 'fuzzer removed: ' + fuzzer)
for fuzzer in current_fuzzers - reference_fuzzers:
report(Type.FUZZERS, True, 'fuzzer added: ' + fuzzer)
for type in Type.manifests():
reference_objects = reference.get_objects(type)
current_objects = current.get_objects(type)
reference_names = reference_objects.filenames()
current_names = current_objects.filenames()
# Missing and new files.
if reference_names != current_names:
for element in reference_names - current_names:
if (re.match('^bin/.+-fuzzer\..{1,7}san$', element) or
re.match('^meta/.+-fuzzer\..{1,7}san\.cmx$', element)):
is_error = False
has_warnings = True
is_error = True
has_errors = True
report(type, is_error, 'element removed: ' + element)
for element in current_names - reference_names:
has_errors = True
report(type, True, 'element added: ' + element)
# Size changes.
for name in reference_names & current_names:
reference_size = reference_objects.get_file(name).size
current_size = current_objects.get_file(name).size
if current_size == reference_size:
is_diff_positive = current_size > reference_size
diff_percentage = 100 * (current_size - reference_size) / reference_size
if (diff_percentage < -MAX_SIZE_DECREASE or
diff_percentage > MAX_SIZE_INCREASE):
has_errors = True
is_error = True
has_warnings = True
is_error = False
report(type, is_error, 'size change for ' + name + ': ' +
('+' if is_diff_positive else '-') +
str(abs(diff_percentage)) + '% (' +
print_size(current_size) + ')')
# Linking changes.
for name in reference_names & current_names:
reference_libs = reference_objects.get_file(name).libs
current_libs = current_objects.get_file(name).libs
if current_libs == reference_libs:
for lib in reference_libs - current_libs:
has_errors = True
report(type, True, 'shared library removed from ' + name +
': ' + lib)
for lib in current_libs - reference_libs:
if (lib == '' or
lib == '' or
lib == '' or
lib == ''):
is_error = False
has_warnings = True
is_error = True
has_errors = True
report(type, is_error, 'shared library added to ' + name +
': ' + lib)
# Host tests.
reference_host_tests = set(reference.get_objects(Type.HOST_TESTS))
current_host_tests = set(current.get_objects(Type.HOST_TESTS))
if reference_host_tests != current_host_tests:
has_errors = True
for element in reference_host_tests - current_host_tests:
report(Type.HOST_TESTS, True, 'test removed: ' + element)
for element in current_host_tests - reference_host_tests:
report(Type.HOST_TESTS, True, 'test added: ' + element)
if has_errors:
print('Error: summaries do not match!')
return False
if not has_warnings:
return True
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Performs verifications after moving an element from '
'ZN to GN.')
help='path to the GN build dir',
default=os.path.join(FUCHSIA_ROOT, 'out', 'default'))
help='path to the summary file to generate')
help='path to the summary file to compare against')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.summary and not args.reference:
print('At least one of --summary or --reference needs to be set.')
return 1
# Load up manifests from the current build.
manifests = []
for origin in Origin.all():
for type in Type.all():
manifests.append(type.load_data(args.build_dir, origin))
# Generate a summary for the current build.
summary = generate_summary(manifests)
# If applicable, save the current build's summary.
if args.summary:
dirname = os.path.dirname(args.summary)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
with open(args.summary, 'w') as output_file:
# If applicable, compare the current summary to a previously-saved one.
if args.reference:
with open(args.reference, 'r') as input_file:
reference = Summary.from_json(input_file)
if not compare_summaries(reference, summary):
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':